




let's go~~

1.非常  very

= extremely, exceedingly, intensely

2.重要的  important 

= vital, essential,significant, be of importance, key, crucial, critical,substantial,indispensable, imperative

3.猜想  guess 

= hypothesis, assumption

4. A比B更重要  A is more important than B 

= A carries more weight than B

5. 很多的  many, much

 = innumerable, countless, a large number of, endless, unlimited, immeasurable, incalculable, numberless, numerous, an army of, a multitude of

6. 表明,揭示  Show

= indicate, reveal, reflect, demonstrate, imply, suggest, illustrate, manifest, depict, present, represent, describe

7. 在我看来  in my opinion 

= as far as I’m concerned, from my perspective, in my view, in my belief, as far as I can see

8. 认为  think 

= believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced

9. 比...好  be better than 

= be superior to

10. 清晰的,明显的  clear 

= obvious, apparent, evident, self-evident, manifest, crystal-clear

11. 危害,损害  harm 

= endanger, damage, threaten, impair, undermine, jeopardize

12. 不好的,负面的,有害的  bad 

= harmful, negative, undesirable, adverse, baneful evil, unfavorable, dreadful, adverse, detrimental, disastrous

13. 好的  good 

= positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior

14. 有用的  useful 

= beneficial, valuable, constructive, rewarding, profitable, rewarding, advantageous

15. 优点  advantage 

= positive aspect, benefit, strength, merit, virtue, benefit, upside

16. 缺点  disadvantage 

= weakness, drawback, negative aspect, defect, fault , demerit, shortcoming, downside

17. 优点和缺点  advantage and disadvantage 

= merits and demerits, virtues and defects, strong and weak points, strength and weakness, cons and prons

18. 研究  study 

= survey , investigation

19. 大多数的,大部分的  most of 

= the majority of people

20. 来源于  come from 

= stem, derive, arise, originate from

21. 因为,由于  because of 

= largely attributable to, due to, owing to, thanks to, result from

22. 导致  lead to 

= account for, contribute to, bring about, result in, conduce to, induce, generate

23. 面临  face 

= confront

24. 一般而言  Generally speaking 

= It goes without saying that

25. 问题  question 

= issue

26.   未来future 

= prospect

27. 成功,成就  success 

= achievement

28. 贫穷的  poor 

= needy

29. 对...感到惊讶  be surprised at 

= be amazed at

30. 确定  be sure to 

= be bound to

31. 确保  assure 

= ensure, guarantee, pledge

32. 解释  explain 

= account for

33. 不成功的,失败的  unsuccessfully 

= in vain

34. 享受  enjoy 

= be crazy about

35. 使迷惑  puzzle 

= bewilder, perplex, baffle

36. 必须的,必要的  necessary 

= indispensable, be of necessity, inevitable, essential

37. 不必要的  unnecessary 

= hardly necessary, hardly inevitable, avoidable

38. 图片  picture 

= cartoon

39. 造成  cause 

= give rise to

40. 影响(v.)impact 

= affect, have an effect on

41. 影响(n.)  impact 

= consequence, effect, influence

42. 观点  opinion 

= perspective

43. 此外  besides 

= additionally

44. 能够  be able to 

= be capable of

45. 名人  famous people 

= celebrity

46. 不同意某事  disagree sth 

= frown on sth

47. 措施  measure 

= countermeasure

48. 暗示  imply 

= reflect, convey, deliver

49. 基本的  primary 

= radical , fundamental

50. 因此  so 

= consequently , accordingly, therefore, thus, hence, as a consequence, as a result

51. 选择  choose 

= make an alternative to

52. 做某事是可能的  It is possible that… 

= It is feasible that

53. 公众意识  people’s awareness 

= public awareness

54. 持有...观点  hold the opinion 

= cling to, reckon, harbor the idea

55. 我们应该做...  We should do sth. 

= It is high time for us to do sth., It is imperative for us to do sth.

56. 使...深入思考  Makes sb. to think deeply 

= bring about profound consideration

57. 专注于...   pay attention to 

= attach importance to, lay emphasis on, give a top priority to, set one’s mind on sth, concentrate on, be absorbed in, be engrossed in, be lost in, be occupied in, be attentive on

58. 获得  get 

= obtain, acquire, derive from

59. 解决  solve 

= settle, resolve, deal with, cope with, handle, address, tackle

60. 著名的  famous 

= distinguished, prestigious

61. 充足的  enough 

= sufficient, adequate, abundant, ample

62. 不足的  not enough 

= inadequate, scarce, insufficient, be in short supply, lack of something, be short

63. 出色的  good, great 

= remarkable, marvelous, impressive

64. 严重的bad 

= serious, severe, grave

65. 建立  build 

= construct, set up, put up, found, establish

66. 迟早,最终  finally 

= eventually, sooner or later, at length, ultimately

67. 遭受,遭遇  suffer 

= be subjected to, encounter

68. 合作  cooperate 

= join forces, work side by side, make joint efforts

69. 易于,倾向于  be likely to 

= be prone to, be liable to, tend to, incline to

70. 意识到realize 

= be aware of, be conscious of, recognize

71. 决心做  decide to do 

= be determined to do, make up one’s mind to do

72. 巨大的  huge 

= tremendous, immense, gigantic, giant,


73. 人们  people, persons 

= individuals, characters, folks

74. 一些  some 

= a slice of, quiet a few, several

75. 事情  thing 

= affair, business , matter

76. 越来越多的(地)  more and more 

= increasing(ly), growing

P.S.没有growingly这种形式,所以当修饰名词时用increasing, growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.

77. 某人对某事感兴趣   sb. be interested in 

= sb take interest in , sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb

78. 记住  remember 

= bear in mind that

79. 例如  for example, for instance 

= to name only a few, as an example

80. 问题  problem 

= disadvantages

81. 给予  give 

= offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

82. 培养  develop 

= cultivate, foster

83. 保护  protect 

= conserve, preserve

84. 要求  request 

= demand, needs, requisition

85. 消除  clear 

= eliminate,  remove, clear up, take away, smooth away

86. 增长至:   grow to 

= rise to,increase to,go up to, climb to, ascend to,jump to, shoot to

87. 降低至:   fall to 

= dip to, decline to, decrease to, drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to

88. 保持稳定  remain stable 

= do not change, remain still, remain steady, be stable, maintain the same level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep at the same level, stabilize, even out

89. 宣称  claim 

= assert, declare, allege

90. 原因  reason 

= factor, cause

91. 发展  development 

= advance, progress

92. 占  take up 

= comprise, , account for, constitute, consist of, make up,occupy, compose

93. 与…相比  compared with 

= compared to, in comparison with, in comparison to, by comparison with, by comparison to

94. 对比而言  by contrast 

= in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely

95. 大约  about 

= approximately, almost, around, nearly, roughly

96. 波动  fluctuate 

= go ups and downs, display a fluctuation, demonstrate a fluctuation

97. 事实上  in fact 

= practically, in practice, essentially, in essence, in reality,in effect, as a matter of fact, it is a fact that

98. 换言之  in other words 

= namely, that is to say, to put it like this, to put it differently, to put it from another way, to put it from another angle

99. 传统的  traditional 

= unfashionable, old-fashioned, outdated, outmoded

100. 困难的  difficult 

= harsh, demanding, tough, challenging








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