

Mamma looked impatient at the delay

Mammalooked impatient at the delay, and having re-entered in her mostelegant manner, satairjordans 2010 down, and passed her plate for fresh trout and muffins.

'Nofish or hot bread for you, my dear. Eat your good oatmeal porridgeand milk; that is the proper food for children.'

'Can'tsupra shoes Ihave some tea?' cried mamma, in despair, for without it she feltquite lost.

'Certainlynot. I never was allowed tea when a little girl, and couldn't thinkof giving it to you,' said Kitty, filling a large cup for herself,and sipping the forbidden draught with a relish.

Poormammaairjordan shoes for cheap quite groaned at this hard fate, but meekly obeyed, and ate thedetested porridge, understanding Kitty's dislike to it at last.

Harry,sitting in his father's chair, read the paper, and ate everything hecould lay his hands on, with a funny assumption of his father'smorningairjordan shoes manner. Aunt Betsey looked on much amused, and now and then nodded tothe children as if she thought things were going nicely.

Breakfastwas half over when papa came in, and was about to take Harry's placewhen his son said, trying vainly to lookairjordans shoes website grave as he showed the watch,--

'Whatdid I tell you, sir? You are late again, sir. No breakfast, sir. I'msorry, but this habit must be broken up. Not a word; it's your ownfault, and you must bear the penalty.'

'Come,now, that's hardairjordan shoes cheap on a fellow! I'm awful hungry. Can't I have just a bite ofsomething?' asked papa, quite taken aback at this stern decree.

'Isaid not a morsel, and I shall keep my word. Go to your morningduties and let this be a lesson to you.'

Papacast a look at Aunt Betsey, that wasairjordans 1 retro both comic and pathetic, and departed without a word; but he felt asudden sympathy with his son, who had often been sent fasting fromthe table for some small offence.

Nowit was that he appreciated aunty's kind heart, and felt quite fond ofher, for in a few minutes she came to him, as he raked the gravelwalk (Harry's duty every day), and airjordans shoes for sale slippinga nice, warm, well-buttered muffin into his hand, said, in hermotherly way,--

'Mydear, do try and please your father. He is right about late rising,but I can't bear to see you starve.'

'Betsey,you are an angel!' and turning his back to the house, papa boltedtheairjordans 4 retro muffin with grateful rapidity, inquiring with a laugh, 'Do you thinkthose rogues will keep it up in this vigorous style all day?'

'Itrust so; it isn't a bit overdone. Hope you like it!' and Aunt Betseywalked away, looking as if she enjoyed it extremely.

'Nowput on your hat and draw baby up and down the avenue for half anhour. Don't go on airjordans 3 retro thegrass, or you will wet your feet; and don't play with baby, I wanther to go to sleep; and don't talk to papa, or he will neglect hiswork,' said Kitty, as they rose from table.

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Very well, we will
Come girls
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