

Good spread, this

'Goodspread, this; Laurence does things in style. First-rate coffee, butairjordan 10 x nowine, and that's a mistake,' said Stuffy, who still deserved hisname, and was a stout youth with a heavy eye and bilious complexion.

'Badfor boys, he says. Jove! wish he could see us at some of our wines.Don't we just "splice the main brace" as Emil says,'answered Dolly, the dandy, carefully spreading a napkin over theglossy expanse airmax shoes ofshirt-front whereon a diamond stud shone like a lone star. Hisstutter was nearly outgrown; but he, as well as George, spoke in thetone of condescension, which, with the blase airs they assumed, madea very funny contrast to their youthful faces and foolish remarks.Good-hearted little fellows both, but top-heavy with the pride ofbeing Sophskidsair jordans and the freedom that college life gave them.

'LittleJo is getting to be a deuced pretty girl, isn't she?' said George,with a long sigh of satisfaction as his first mouthfulkidsjordans of ice went slowly down his throat.

'H'm--well,fairish. The Princess is rather more to my taste. I like 'em blondeand queenly and elegant, don't you know.'

'Yes,Jo is too lively; might as well dance with a grasshopper. I've triedher, and she's one too many for me. Miss Perry is a nice, easy-goingkidsjordan shoes girl.Got her for the german.'

'You'llnever be a dancing man. Too lazy. Now I'll undertake to steer anygirl and dance down any fellow you please. Dancing's my forte.' AndDolly glanced from his trim feet to his flashing gem with the defiantair of a young turkey-cock airjordan shoes onparade.

'MissGrey is looking for you. Wants more grub. Just see if Miss Nelson'splate is empty, there's a good fellow. Can't eat ice in a hurry.' AndGeorge remained in his safe corner, while Dolly struggled through thecrowd to do his duty, coming back in auggsale fume, with a splash of salad dressing on his coat-cuff.

'Confoundthese country chaps! they go blundering round like so many dor-bugs,and make a deuce of a mess. Better stick to books and not try to besociety men. Can't do it. Beastly stain. Give it a rub, and let mebolt a mouthful, I'm starved. Never saw girlskidsjordans shoes eat such a lot. It proves that they ought not to study so much. Neverliked co-ed,' growled Dolly, much ruffled in spirit.

'Sothey do. 'Tisn't ladylike. Ought to be satisfied with an ice and abit of cake, and eat it prettily. Don't like to see a girl feed. Wehard-working men needkidsjordan shoe it, and, by Jove, I mean to get some more of that meringue if it'snot all gone. Here, waiter! bring along that dish over there, and belively,' commanded Stuffy, poking a young man in a rather shabbydress-suit, who was passing with a tray of glasses.

Hisorder was obeyed promptly; but George's appetitejordanshoes for kids was taken away the next moment by Dolly's exclaiming, as he looked upfrom his damaged coat, with a scandalized face: 'You've put your footin it now, old boy! that's Morton, Mr Bhaer's crack man. Knowseverything, no end of a "dig", and bound to carry off allthe honours. Youkidsjordan sneakers won't hear the last of it in a hurry.'

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