

All at once there came a tap at my door

Allat once there came a tap at my door, as I thought; and I said 'Comein,' just as Mr. Poe jordan11 shoes didwhen that unpleasant raven paid him a call. No one came, so I went tosee who it was. Not a sign of a human soul in the long hall, onlylittle Jessie, the poodle, asleep on her mat. Down I sat; but in aminute the tap came again; this time so loud authenticjordan shoesthat I knew it was at the window, and went to open it, thinking thatone of my doves wanted to come in perhaps. Up went the sash, and inbounced something so big and so bright that it dazzled and scared me.

'Don'tbe frightened, ma'am; it's only me,' said a hoarse voice. So Icollected my wits, rubbed my eyes, and looked at my visitor. It wasthejordansshoes gold eagle off the City Hall! I don't expect to be believed; but Iwish you'd been here to see, for I give you my word, it was a sightto behold. How he ever got in at such a small window I can't tell;but there he was, strutting majestically up and down the room, hisgolden plumage rustling, and his keen eyes flashing as he walked. Ireally buyjordan shoesdidn't know what to do. I couldn't imagine what he came for; I had mydoubts about the propriety of offering him a chair; and he was somuch bigger than I expected that I was afraid he might fly away withme, as the roc did with Sindbad: so I did nothing but sidle to thedoor, ready to whisk out, if my strange guest appeared to bepeckishlyjordanshoesinclined. My respectful silence seemed to suit him; for, after aturn or two, he paused, nodded gravely, and said affably,'Good-evening, ma'am. I stepped over to bring you old Ben's respects,and to see how you were getting on.'

'I'mvery much obliged, sir. May I inquire whocheapjordan shoes Mr. Old-Ben is? I'm afraid I haven't the honour of his acquaintance.'

'Yes,you have; it's Ben Franklin, of City-Hall yard. You know him; and hewished me to thank you for your interest incustomjordan shoes him.'

'Dearme! how very odd! Will you sit down, sir?'

'Neversit! I'll perch here;' and the great fowl took his accustomedattitude just in front of the fire, looking so very splendid that Iair jordanshoes couldn'tkeep my eyes off of him.

'Ah!you often do that. Never mind; I rather like it,' said the eagle,graciously, as he turned his brilliant eye upon me. I was ratherabashed; but being very curious, I ventured to ask a few questions,as he seemed in a friendly mood.

'Beinga woman, sir, I'm jordan1 naturallyof an inquiring turn; and I must confess that I have a strong desireto know how it happens that you take your walks abroad, when you aresupposed to be permanently engaged at home?'

Heshrugged his shoulders, and actually winked at me, as he replied,'That's all people know of what goes on under, or rather over, theirnoses. Blessuggsale you, ma'am! I leave my roost every night, and enjoy myself in allsorts of larks. Excuse the expression; but, being ornithological, itis more proper for me than for some people who use it.'

'Whata gay old bird!' thought I, feeling quite at home after that. 'Pleasetell me what you do, when the shades of evening prevail, and you goout for ajordan1 shoes frolic?'

'Iam a gentleman; therefore I behave myself,' returned the eagle; witha stately air. 'I must confess, I smoke a great deal: but that's notmy fault, it's the fault of the chimneys.

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