


用心 爱心 专心 2 27. Can you solve such problems ______ raised by the audience?

A. what were B. as were C. that were D. which were

28. The reason ______ he didn’t come was ______ he was injured.

A. that, because B. why, that C. why, because D. that, that

29. He must be from Africa, ______ can be seen from his skin.

A. that B. as C. it D. what

30. His father died last year, ______ made it impossible for him to go abroad.

A. when B. which C. as D. that

31. ______ is natural, he married Mary.

A. It B. What C. Which D. As

32. The buses, ______ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.

A. most of them B. most of which C. which most D. that most

33. The person ______ talking to the shop assistant is an engineer.

A. who is B. what is C. whom is D. who you are

34. Mayor will make an inspection of our school on Monday, ______ you can tell him how hard the situation we are in.

A. where B. which C. when D. that

35. She heard a terrible noise, ______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. as B. which C. this D. that

36. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ______ she could turn for help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

37. This is one of the means ______ the electric energy is conducted from one place to another.

A. by which B. by that C. through which D. through that

38. The people ______ in the paper did not like it, but other readers liked it very much.

A. who was written B. who were written

C. who were written about D. whom were written about

39. The last river ______ they crossed is two miles wide.

A. where B. which C. that D. in which

40. The Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful parks ______ built in the Qing Dynasty.

A. which were B. where was C. that were D. which was

41. The factory ______ I am going to is the place ______ my mother used to work many years ago.

A. where, where B. where, which C. which, where D. that, which

42. Don’t trust such men ______ over praise you to your face.

A. as B. that C. who D. which

43. The professor has two sons, ______ are teaching in the same university.

A. neither of them B. either of them

C. both of them D. both of whom

44. Don’t do such things ______ you are not sure about.

A. that B. which C. as D. what

45. Robert is good at language, ______ we all know.

A. because B. for C. as D. since

46. Abraham Lincoln is a man ______ I have the greatest respect.

A. who B. to whom C. whom D. for whom

47. She wrote a letter to her father, ______ she made her secret known.

A. which B. that C. in which D. where

48. Oxygen is a kind of gas, ______ we couldn’t live.

A. without it B. without that C. without which D. if not

49. Matter is anything ______

A. that take up space and have weight B. which take up space and have weight

C. that takes up space and has weight D. those take up space and have weight

50. She showed me the dictionary ______ she paid a lot of money.

A. by which B. to which C. for which D. on which

参考答案: 1—5 CAACC 6—10 CDDBA 11—15 DDCAC 16—20 CDCCA 21—25 BBBDC

26—30 ABBBB 31—35 DBACB 36—40 DAACC 41—45 CADCC 46—50 DCCCC

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