

join in参加;加入
jot down 匆匆记下
jump into 跳进....
jump out of 从..往外跳
jump over  翻过....
jump to conclusions 草率下结论
jump up and down跳来跳去
junk food 垃圾食品
just a minute/moment/second等一下,稍等片刻
just about几乎:差不多
just about to do sth正要做某事;正准备做某事
just as 正当..时
just as... As就同..一样
just as/like 就像,正如
just before 刚好
just for sth 只是为了..
just now现在;刚才       just then那时;正在那时
just to do sth只为了做某事
just/wait a minute等一下
keep .. out (of)遮挡;使..不进入
keep ..down控制,抑制
keep a diary坚持写日记
keep an eye on留神,密切注意,照看,照顾
keep at坚持做;坚持,坚持做下去
keep away from远离
keep doing sth.继续做某事,抑制做某事
keep early hours早睡早起
keep faith手心,终于信仰
keep fit保持健康
keep friends with与..保持友好
keep from隐瞒
keep going尽力维持下去;坚持(活)下去
keep helthy/fit保持健康
keep house 管理家务
keep in mind记住
keep in touch with sb与某人保持联系
keep on保持,继续不断,接着,继续
keep on (doing sth)持续(做某事)
keep one's balance保持身体平衡
keep one's eyes open流心看着,保持警惕
keep one's mind on专心致力于
keep one's word守信
keep out 不让..进入,挡住
keep pace with…赶上..,与..并驾齐驱
keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事
keep sb/ sth from (doing) sth阻止某人/某物(做)某事
keep sth awayaway远离..
keep the house 守在家里
keep to 遵守;坚持
keep to oneself保密,不与人交往,离群索居,不管别人的事;不交际;对…秘而不宣,不把…讲出来
keep track of跟上……的进展;保持与……的联系;看清,听清;掌握……的最新消息;记录,计算
keep up保持:继续,坚持
keep up with 跟上,向…看齐
keep(sb/sth) doing sth(使某人/某物)持续做某事
key to (doing) sth …是做某事的关键
kill time消磨时间
kind of有点儿;有几分;kinds of各种各样
knock down撞倒;击倒,拆除
knock into .撞.....
knock it off住口, 停止
knock out击倒,击昏,昏迷, 使精疲力竭,使停止运作
knocked at/on敲(门/窗)
knocked sth on sth把某物撞倒在某物上
knocky over打翻;撞倒
know about了解
know of知道:听说
lag behind落后;拖欠
land on登上..
last but not least最后但同样重要的
last night昨晚
last Saturday.上周六
later on        后来,以后;随后;过后
laugh at嘲笑;取笑
lay aside把…搁置在一边,储蓄
lay down躺下来; 制定;放弃,投降
lay off              休息,(临时)解雇
lay out布置,安排,设计,制定,详细安排; 展示
lay the table摆好餐具
lead sb to do sth致使某人做某事
lead the way领路; 引领潮流
lead to导致,通往
learn (sth) from从..中学习
learn about / of得知..
learn from从....学习
learn of听到,获悉
learn..by heart记熟;把..背下来
least of all最不重要;尤其不
leave ...alone别管....
leave / let sb alone不打扰某人:不管某人
leave / let sth alone不要动某物
leave a message             留口信
leave alone不干涉
leave behind把..丢在身后; 留下,忘带
leave for出发
leave me alone离我远点,别管我;走开;别理我
leave off (使)停止                      leave on by oneself把某人单独留下
leave out遗漏,略去,冷落,排除
leave sb/sth doing sth让..一直做/持续...
lend (sb) a hand帮助(某人)
lend sb sth/lend sth to sb借给某人某物
less (..) than少于:不超过
less and less 越来越少/小
let alone不干涉,更不用说
let down使失望;辜负,方希,降低,使失望
let go of释放,放开,放手
let me see 让我想一想/让我看一看
let off饶恕;放过
let out发出(声音等)
let sb/sth do sth让/允许..做..
let's do sth咱们做某事吧
lie down躺下
lie in躺在, 在于,位于
lift up举起, 提起
light up        照亮;喜形于色,发光; 焕发神采
likes and dislikes 好恶
line up排成行/队,排成一行
listen to music 听音乐
listen to the CDs 听CD 碟
listen to the radio 听收音机
live a happy life过着幸福的生活
live by靠...过括
live on 以..为生;靠..生活;继续存在
live through经..而幸存;度过
live together在一起生活
live up to达到
living room起居室:客厅
lomit to限制,限定
long (for sb) to dosth渴望(某人)做某事
long (long) ago很久以前
long before==long time ago很早以前
long for渴望...
look after =take care of照管,照看,照料,注意,关心
look ahead向前看;展望未来
look around /round四下环顾;四处看看
look at                  看着…,看,有意识的看
look at the big picture看全局,从大局考虑
look back回头看;会议;回顾
look black怒视
look down on/看不起,轻蔑upon轻视:看不起;
look down upon瞧不起;轻视
look for 寻找
look forward to (doing) sth盼望/期待(做)某事;
look into观察:调查;往…里看;仔细考虑
look like 看上去像
look out (for) 当心、留神,注意,提防,向外看
look out of朝...外面看(look out小心的意思)
look over 检查;查看,仔细检查;翻阅
look through浏览,仔细查看,温习
look up寻找,查找,抬头看,向上看, (在词典、计算机等中)查阅
look up to钦佩;尊敬,仰慕,崇拜
lose control of/over对..失去控制;无法控制住..
lose interest/hope失去兴趣/希望
lose one's sway迷路;迷失方向
lose oneself in         专心于;全神贯注于
lose track of不清楚,跟不上…的进展;不再掌握…的最新情况
lost one's balance失去平衡
love doing / to do sth 喜欢/热爱做某事
lttle by ittle逐渐地;一点点地
made a mistake犯错误
mail/post a letter寄信
major in主修,专攻
make (one's) bed铺床
make ...up编造
make a cake做蛋糕
make a call打电话
make a choice作选择
make a contribution to为…做贡献
make a deal with与…做买卖,和…妥协
make a decision做出一个决定
make a difference影响,有作用,有关系
make a display of把…炫耀一下
make a face      做鬼脸,做哭脸
make a go off使成功; 相处得好
make a living 谋生、度日
make a mistakes 犯错误
make a noise吵闹
make a plan制定计划
make a sentence 造句
make a telephone call打电话
make a wish许愿
make an appointment with ..预约..
make an attempt to do企图, 尝试
make an effort做出努力
make an exception例外, 破例
make believe假装,装作
make certain确保,(把…)弄确定,弄清楚
make ends meet收支相抵;勉强维持生计
make fiends(with)与(..)交朋友
make fun of取笑,嘲笑,嘲弄
make it约定,成功
make money赚钱
make no difficulties不留难,没有困难
make one's escape逃离
make one's own decision自己做决定
make one's way前进, 开辟道路,进步;成功生存下来
make one's way to设法,想方设法进入,往...(艰难的)走去前往,费力地前进
make oneself at home放松, 别客气
make out理解,分辨,看清楚
make progress取得进步
make room for为…腾地方
make sb feel at home使某人感到宾至如归
make sense有道理, 说得通
make sure 确保;查明,务必
make the bed铺床,整理床
make the best of充分利用
make the most of最大限度利用
make through使通过,使度过
make up构成; 编造
make up组成,构成,捏造,编造,化妆,补充
make up of       由..组成;构成
make up one's mind 下决心
make up one's mind to do sth决定/决心做某事
make up one's mind/make one's mind up作出决定;下定决心
make use of利用
manage to do尽力做
map out详细计划
may as well还是..的好
mean (sb / sth) doing sth意味着做某事
mean (sb/ sth) to do sth打算/有意做某事
mean business是当真的,严肃的
mean sth to sb …对某人意义重大
meet one's needss达到某人需要
meet with 会见;会晤;遭受;遭遇;获得,遇见,碰到
melt away融化, 熔化;逐渐消失
melt down融化, 溶化
mention sth (to sb)向(某人)提及某事
merge into合并, 结合
mess up弄砸
mess up弄脏:搞乱
mess with胡乱摆弄, 干扰
method of / for . .. ..的方法
middle school中学
millions of数百万的;大量的
mind (sb) doing sth介意(某人)做某事
mind one's own business不管闲事
miss doing sth错过做/未完成某事,怀念做某事
miss the chance错过机会
miss the early train赶不上早班火车
mistake...for..  错把...当成,把…误认为
mix up搅匀,混淆,搞混
model on/after模仿
model plane飞机模型
more or less大约, 或多或少
move along往前走, 继续进行
multiply by乘以
nail down搞定; 确定时间或地点
name after给…取名,命名,以…的名字命名
name after ... 以..命名
narrow down缩小范围
negotiate with …与...谈判
never mind不要紧;没关系
next time下次
next to=beside在...隔壁、紧接着,相邻,次于,下一个=beside
ngt necessarily 不一定
nice going做得好
no comment无可奉告
no doubt无疑地,必定,很可能
no fewer than 不少于
no longer/more=not..any longer/more不再
no matter无论:不管
no problem 没问题
no sooner ... than ... 一..马上就....
no way不可能, 决不
no way out无路可走
no wonder难怪
no/not later than不晚于;不迟于
not as/so..as ..不像..一样
not at all根本不;一点也不;不客气
not nearly远不是, 差远了
not only... but also 不仅....而且
not till/until 直到....才
not to mention更不用说,不用提
nothing more than只是
nothing much没什么事
now and then不时;偶尔
now that既然, 由于
nowhere near差得很远
object to反对,不赞成
occur to被想到,被想起
of course当然,自然
off balance不平稳的,摇摆的
off limits to禁止
on (the/an) average按平均值,通常
on a bike(=by bike)骑车
on a large scale大规模地
on account of因为, 由于
on account of因为,由于
on and off 连续,不断
on average平均; 通常
on balance总的说来
on behalf of..代表..
on board在/上船/火车/飞机上
on business (因公)出差,因事
on condition that如果…,在…条件下
on credit赊(购)
on day(过去或将来的)某一天
on display展出,陈列
on duty值日,值班;究竟,到底?
on earth在世界上,究竟,到底
on fire着火,起火
on foot走路,步行,在进行中
on line在线;在网上
on no account决不
on one's own独立, 靠自己
on one's way to在…的路上
on purpose故意地
on sale销售,出售
on schedule准时
on short notice很短时间内; 没有预先告知
on show展出;在上演(放映)
on the basis of根据,在..的基础上
on the basis of …以..为基础
on the condition that ..在..条件下
on the contrary相反地
on the contrary正相反
on the Internet在网上
on the journey旅途中
on the left/right左/右边
on the other hand另一方面
on the phone在通话
on the radio在收音机里
on the right track走上轨道;想得对,做得对
on the spot在现场; 立即
on the swim team参加游泳队
on the tip of one's tongue在嘴边但说不出来
on the weekend    (在)周末
on the whole总体来说
on time准时,按时
on top of在...顶上
on top of that除那之外,更重要的是
on TV在电视里
on weekends (在)周末
on(a) vacation 度假
on(the)one hand一方面
on/over the radio 通过收音机
on/upon one's honor以名誉担保
once again再一次
once more再一次
once upon a time从前;很久以前
one after another一个接一个地,依次地
one another互相;彼此
only time will tell只有时间可以证实
operate on开始,动手术
or else否则,要不然
originate in/from起源,发生,首创
other than…除了..之外
out of breath喘不过气气来
out of control不受控制:失去控制
out of danger脱离危险
out of 离开;从…里面(走出);从…的状态中
out of date过时的,不用的,过期的;失效的;陈腐的;缺乏新信息的
out of debt不欠债
out of favour失宠,不受欢迎
out of order发生 故障
out of place不合适的, 不恰当的
out of question 毫无疑问,没问题
out of step with跟不上
out of stock缺货,无存货
out of touch失去联系
out offocus焦点没有对准,模糊
over and above ....除...之外
over and over again反复:多次重复
over there在那边
owe to应把…归功于
owing to因为, 由于
paint a picture 涂画
parking lot停车场
participate in参加, 参与
participate in参加,参与
pass away去世
pass down传下来
pass on传授,传递
pass on/ down流传
pass out昏过去
pave the way for ..为..铺平道路, 使..更容易
pave the way(for)铺平道路
pay attention to注意
pay attention to对..注意,留心
pay back还情,回报
pay out还情(债),取得成功
pay phone付费电话
peel off去皮
pencil box铅笔盒;文具盒
per capita人均
per cent百分之…
persist in坚持不懈,执意,持续
persuade of(使)相信
pick out选出,拣出
pick up捡起, 拾起;学会,积累, 堆放,堆积,聚集,开始大声说话; 尖声唱;吹奏乐器
pick up捡起,(车)中途搭(人)
piece together拼合,拼凑
plant trees 种树
play a joke on sb开某人的玩笑
play a part in在...上发挥作用
play basketball 打篮球
play cards 打牌
play football踢足球
play games 玩游戏
play it by ear随机行事; 见机行事
play table tennis 打乒乓球
play tennis 打网球
play the devil with弄糟…,使失败
play the guitar 弹吉他
play the piano          弹钢琴
play with玩耍.....
plunge into投入;跳进;调人,投身于
plunge into跳入,跳进,猛冲,使突然陷入,纵身投入
point out指出
point out指出
police station警察局
pop up突然出现
pose a threat on 造 成威胁
post office 邮局
potato chips炸土豆片:炸薯条
prefer to更喜欢,宁愿
prepare for…为..做好准备
preside at/over主持
preside over 掌管,指挥
prevail over取胜,占优势,盛行
prevent ...from doing something阻止..做某事
prevent from预防,防止
prior toprior to
profit by/from得到,获益
prohibit from禁止,阻止
pros and cons利弊
provide .. With..给...提供....
provide sb. With sth.提供,供给
provide sth. For sb.提供,供给
pull off拖(帽、衣等)
pull on穿(帽、鞋等)
pull oneself together重新振作
pull out离开; 撤出.
pull over停车
pull through坚持挺过, 熬过
pull together齐心协力;通力合作
put ..in force实施..,使..生效
put across/over解释清楚,说明
put an end to停止,终止
put aside储存,保留
put away丢弃; 放好
put away 放好,把…放好
put down记下,放下,镇压,评定
put forth提出
put forward倡议, 建议
put forward提出
put into把…放进
put into effect/practice使生效, 使执行
put off延迟; 脱掉;使厌恶;阻止
put off扑灭,伸出,推迟,拖延;使反感;敷衍,搪塞;让某人等;使失去兴趣;使分心,搅扰;让某人下车
put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演,(体重)增加
put on weight发福;增加体重
put one's foot down坚定立场
put one's heart into全神贯注
put out熄灭; 使失望
put out of action使失去效用
put the tree into the hole 把树放进洞里
put up 张帖,挂起,搭建,举起,建造,提供食宿
put up with忍受,承受
put...aside储存, 保留,搁置
quarrel about/over争吵,口角        quarrel with sb.和某人吵架
quite a bit (of)不少..;大量的..
quite a few相当多,有相当数目;不少;
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