

b 开头短语;词串400
(be) kind to sb/sth对....友好
(be) left over剩下;留下
(be) lost in沉浸于;专注于     be/get lost迷路
(be) lucky to do sth做某事很幸运
back and forth前后来回地,来来回回,往返
back away逐渐后退
back of在..的后面,在..背后
back to back背靠背
back up支持,援助,倒退,后退,倒回去
ban on禁止,禁令
based on以..为基础
bdar out证实,证明
be able to do sth能做某事
be about to即将(做),刚要,正要,马上要
be absorbed in…富裕,..丰富
be accustomed to习惯于
be acquainted with喀什认识,开始了解
be active in (doing) sth在(做)某事方面活跃
be adequate for适合
be afraid of (doing) sth害怕/担心(做)某事
be afraid of (sth)害怕
be afraid to do sth不敢做某事
be alien to.. 与..相异, 与...不同
be alike to与..相同,与..相似
be all ears全神贯注地倾听着
be alone单独一人
be amenable to顺从,遵守
be angry about 为...生气
be angry about/at/over sth因为某事生气
be angry at sth.为某事生气
be angry with (sb)对…愤怒;对某人生气
be anxious about 为...担忧
be anxious for    渴望
be appropriate for适合
be ashamed of 为...感到羞愧
be at the end到尽头,达限度
be attached to附属于,喜爱,爱慕
be attentive to对..关怀
be available for有效
be aware of知道,意识到,认识到
be bad at doing sth不擅长做某事
be bad at     不善于...
be bad for对....有害处
be bare of …没有....
be beneficial to有益于, 有利于
be best at最擅长
be better at更擅长
be better off更富裕
be better off doing最好 做某事
be blind to     对...视而不见
be booked up预订满
be bored with 对..感到厌倦
be born in 出生于..
be bound for    前往
be bound to一定会..,必然..
be bound to do肯定会,必然会
be bound up with…和..紧密相连,有密切关系,热心于,忙于
be broke破产
be burned to a crisp烧脆
be busy doing sth忙于做某事
be busy with sth忙于某事
be capable of有能力做,有做出某事的倾向,能够,可以
be careful (not) to do sth当心(不要)做某事
be careful about/of/ with当心..
be careful of小心,留心
be careful with    小心
be careless about/with对..心大意
be carried away激动;人迷;忘形
be caught up in对…对…特别感兴趣
be cautious of小心, 谨慎
be celebrated for 以...出名
be certain about/of sth对某事有把握
be certain of 确信,对...有把握,肯定
be certain to do sth肯定做某事,一定做…
be characterized by ....以...为特征
be clever at  擅长...
be close to doing sth几乎就要做某事
be close to     靠近,接近
be coated with涂着,覆盖着
be committed to献身于,致力于
be comparable to ..与...相称; 可相提并论
be compatible with…与..兼容,与..可共存
be competent for能胜任
be composed of something由...组成
be concerned in   与...有关
be concerned with   关于,与...有关,担心, 关心;参与,挂念,从事于
be conscious of意识到
be content with    以...为满 足
be convenient for 对...方便,在...附近
be credited with 对..有功
be crowded with充满, 挤满
be cruel to    对...残酷,对..无情
be curious about 对...好奇
be cut out for适合于,适合担任
be detrimental to..对..有害
be different from 与...不同
be disappointed at 对...失望
be disappointed in 对(某人)感到失望
be disappointed with 对(某人)失望
be distinguished for ...因..著称
be dotted with星罗棋布于, 点缀着
be eager for     渴望
be effective in …在..上有效
be eligible for有资格
be endowed with被赋予
be engaged in      从事于,忙于
be enthusiastic about…对....热衷
be equal to      等于,能胜任
be essential to .对...至关重要
be excited about    对...感到兴奋
be exempt from免除,赦免义务等
be experienced in 在...方面有经验
be expert at  在...方面是内行
be expert in      在...方面是行家
be exposed to暴露于…;受...威胁
be faced with面临
be familiar to  为(某人)所熟悉
be familiar with    熟悉,精通
be famous for因为…而著名
be far from 离...远,远远不
be fatal to…对..致命
be fed up吃得过饱,对…极厌倦
be fed up with ….对...厌倦
be filled with充满/装满....
be fit for        合适,适合
be fond of喜欢
be fortunate in   在...方面幸运
be free from 免于,不受影响,没有,免受,摆脱
be free of    没有
be friendly to sb对…某人友好/友善
be friendly with sb和某人友好相处
be full of充满/装满.;满是...的:(有)大量的;(有)丰富的
be glad about       对...感到高兴
be going to ( do)将要做
be good at ...       擅长于.....
be good for       对...有益(方便)
be good with…   善于应付...的;对-有办法
be good/bad for对..有益/有害
be grateful for   感谢
be happy about       为...感到高兴
be hard on..对..苛刻
be harmful to   对...有危害
be honest in      在...方面诚实
be hostile to ... 对..有敌意
be ignorant of..对...无知, 不懂..
be ill with        患..病
be impartial to ..对..保持公正
be important to 对...重要
be impressed by…因..印象深刻
be in control of控制…;管理..
be in fashion(人,物)合于时尚
be in love (with)(与..)相爱;喜爱
be inclined to ..有..倾向; 容易做
be intended for打算为...所用
be interested in   对...感兴趣
be involved in涉及, 卷入
be keen on热爱
be kind (of sb) (to do sth)表示感谢(某人)做某事
be kind of有点,有些
be kind to sb对某人友好
be kinds of各种各样的
be known as 以..而出名:被称作,被认为
be known for ..以...闻名;为人知晓
be known to 为..熟知
be late for      迟到
be likely to有可能
be likely to do sth有可能做某事
be located in位于
be mad about         对...入迷
be mad at   对...发怒
be made from/of 由……制成
be made in 在……地方制造
be made of由…制成的
be made up of…由..构成
be messed up搞砸了
be more interested in..对..更感兴趣
be native to原产 于
be necessary for 对...有必要
be nervous about      为...感到不安
be nervous of 害怕
be noted for ..因为.出.名
be occupied with忙于
be of medium /average build 中等身材
be on the advance物价)在上涨中
be open to     对...开放,易受到
be opposed to  反对,不赞成
be opposite to   在...对面,和...相反
be particular about   对...讲究
be patient with     对(某人)有耐心
be pleased with (sb.)对某人感到满意
be pleased with/about对…感到满意
be polite to    对...有礼貌.
be popular with    受...欢迎
be proud of 以...为自豪/骄傲
be quick at 在....方 面敏捷
be quiet安静
be ready for     为..准备好
be ready to 准备做某事
be regarded as ..被认为是...
be related to   与...有关(是亲戚)
be relevant to与..相关
be resistant to ..能抵抗..
be respectful to 尊敬
be responsible for对...有责任;负责任
be rich in      富于,在...方面富有
be ripped off被敲竹杠
be rooted in根源于,扎根于
be rude to    对...无礼
be sad about           为...而难过
be safe from  没有...的危险
be satisfied with对…感到满意
be sensitive to..对..敏感
be separated from …从...分离出来
be short for …是...的简称
be short of不足, 缺乏
be sick of   对...厌倦                   be sickill in hospital生病住院
be similar to与...相像的、类似的
be skilful at 在...方面熟练
be skilful in     擅长于
be slow at  在...方面迟钝
be sorry for     因…抱歉
be strict with对 ....严格要求
be subject to受支配,从属于,遭受
be successful in在...方面成功
be suitable for   对...合适(适宜)
be superior to ..比..优越
be supposed to应该, 应当
be sure about确信;对...有把握
be sure of   肯定,确定,有把握
be surprised at 对...感到惊奇/诧异
be suspicious of... 怀疑....
be swamped with忙于
be synonymous with…与..同义
be taken back吃惊
be terrified of非常还怕,极度恐惧,恐惧
be thankful for  因...而感激
be thirsty for渴望;渴求
be tied up绑好, 系紧;依赖,依附
be tired from因...而疲劳
be tired of 对…讨厌厌烦
be to blame该受责备,应该负责
be true to       忠实于,信守
be typical of... 是...的特点
be use to doing习惯于做某事
be used to do被用来做
be used to doing习惯于做
be used to       习惯于
be useful to     对...有用
be vital to... 对...至关重要
be weak in        在...方面不行
be well-known for以…出名
be with somebody赞成某人
be worst at最不会做
be worthy of  只得,值得,配得上
be wrapped in被包围..里
be absent from缺席
be satisfied with sth. 对某事感到满意
be worried about     为...担忧
be/ get caught in处于困境;遭遇
bear away多的,赢得奖品
bear in mind记住
bear on对..施加影响,有关
bear sth. In mind记住某事
bear with宽容,耐心等待
bear/keep ... in mind将...记在心中;记住
beat down压价,砍价;(太阳)暴晒,强烈照射;(雨)滂沱而下,倾盆而下;使某人颓丧、沮丧
beat off击退,打退进攻
beat up and down来回奔走
because of因为;由于
before long=soon不久 (以后);很快;
begin doing / to do sth开始做某事
begin with以..开始,开始于
believe in sb/sth相信,信仰,主张,信赖,信任某人/相信某事物的存在
believe it or not信不信由你
belong to(在所有权关系方面属于,附属
benefit from受益,获益
beside the point离题 ,不中肯,不相干的
best of all最好,首先
between you and me[口语]你我私下说说
between..and.. 在..和..之间
beyond control无法控制
beyond question毫无疑问,确定无疑
beyond the reach of超出能力之外
black and blue被打得遍体鳞伤
black out用墨涂掉,封锁新闻
blame for/on责备,因…而受到责备
blank out大脑空白;作废,取消
blend in with与....协调和谐
blow down刮倒
blow off垂钓,将热水等放出
blow one's top美)气急败坏,发脾气
blow out熄灭, 爆裂,吹灭,吹熄灯火等
blow over经过,(云等)吹散
blow up给..吹气,给轮胎等打气,爆炸
boast of/about 吹牛,自夸,夸耀
body language体态语;肢体语言
boil down to归结为
border on接界,接近,毗邻,非常像
born of起源,出生于
borrow ..from 从..借
both... And两个都;既...又…,不但..而且
boys will be bovs本性难移
break apart分裂, 解体
break away (from) 离开…;脱离.. ,挣脱(束缚),突然离开,逃跑,脱身
break down 打破,分解; 坏了,抛锚,中止,(汽车、机器等)出故障;分解、瓦解,(组织、计划等彻底毁坏)
break faith背信,背弃信仰
break in闯入,强行进入(in为副词,不接宾语)
break into强行闯入;突然..起来.,打断,训练
break off中断,中止,折断,断绝,突然停止
break one's word食言
break out战争等突然爆发,逃出
break the ice打破僵局
break the law违法
break the world record打破世界纪录
break through突破,冲垮,突围,获得突破性进展
break ties with ..与…断绝关系
break up(使)破碎; (关系)破裂,分解
breeze throughh轻松地做
bring ..(ack) to life使..苏醒;使..复活
bring about引起;造成,带来,导致,引起,使船掉过头来
bring along 带来
bring back把...带回来;使回忆起;使恢复
bring down使下降,打垮
bring forth引起, 带来,使产生
bring forward提出建议等,拿出,显示
bring in引入,把…带进来,一斤,挣得(收入),生产,收货庄稼
bring into action使行动起来
bring into effect实行,实现,实施,使生效
bring off完成
bring on导致,引起,使出现, 使发生
bring out把..拿出来;使表现出,公布,使…显示出来,揭示; 印刷;培育,发展
bring through救活病人
bring to使恢复知觉
bring to an end使终止
bring to light使显现
bring togethe使..团结起来
bring up抚养;养育,使长成,提出,呕吐,教育,提出拱讨论
bring up the rear走在最后面
bring..to life使..复活
bring..to light使..显露
broke a promise 违背诺言
broken English蹩脚的英语;不标准的英语
bu and by不久以后,将来
build on建立在..之上;以..为基础,逐步建立,增强
build on sand根基不稳, 不牢靠
build up梳理,逐步建立,增大,积累,堵塞,梳理
bump into偶然撞 上,偶然遇到
burn down夷为平地,(使)烧成平地;烧毁
burn off烧掉;消耗(能量)
burn out精疲 力竭;烧坏,烧尽,烧光筋疲力尽
burn up炉火等烧旺起来
burst into laughter突然笑起来
burst out laughing突然笑起来
burst out+v-ing爆发,突然发作
bus driver公共汽车司机
business is business公事公办
but for倘没有,要不是
buy off贿赂
buy some food买一些食物
by accident偶然;意外地
by air/bike/bus/boat/car/land/plane/ship/spaceship乘某种交通工具 sea海路、 train火车、taxi出租车、ship飞船/轮船、spaceship宇宙飞船、land陆地  end by最后(以…结局)
by all means绝对, 当然,一定,务必;尽一切办法 know by靠…认识
by and by不久以后,迟早learn by heart记住,背下来
by and large总的来说,大体上 mean by说…的意思是
by any means无论如何,用尽一切方法stand by支持
by chance碰巧;意外地,偶然abide by遵守
by comparison比较起来
by contrast相反地
by day日间;在白天
by error错误地
by far=by now到如今到目前为止;更;尤其;比较级时用作强调)显然…得多,大大地;得多,最最;
by force凭借暴力,强迫地
by hand亲手、用手工,手工地
by heart 用心、记住,背诵
by inches一点点, 逐渐地
by leaps and bounds突飞猛进地,迅速地
by little一点一点地,逐渐地
by me/Mr. Li由我/李先生
by means of用 ,依靠
by mistake错误地,无意中(做错了某件事);无意地;错误地
by name         按照名字
by no means决不 ,绝不并没有
by oneself单独,独自,自行,独立
by ordinary(air) mail寄(平/航空)信(/邮件)
by reason of由于 ;因为
by sight凭外貌
by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船
by the day按日
by the end ofof后必须加的是时间,by是完成时态)不迟于.../到...末为止;到……底为止
by the way顺便说说,顺便问一下;在途中
by the window在窗边、靠窗户旁
by turns轮流地
by virtue of因为, 由于;凭借
by way of通过..方法/形式;经过,经由
by/in virtue of依靠.(的力量);由于
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