

to、go to (the)
to熟悉、习惯、明白清楚be familiar to; be used/accustomed to; be (in) visible/clear/obvious known to
The speaker referred to a subject not familiar to me.演讲者所谈的问题我并不熟悉。
They haven't got used to living abroad. 他还没有习惯于在国外居住。
We should make it clear to the public that there have been great changes in China since the reform.改革以来,中国发生了很大的变化这一点我们应该向人们讲清楚
to到,向、往(地点或方向,没有到达)the way to 去...的路上Are you going to the station? 你是去火车站吗?
到,达(某处)Her hair fell to her waist.   她的头发一直垂到腰部
直到...为止 We'll fight to the end.我们将战斗到底。   To this day I still remember Professor Wang' s advice我到今天还记得王教授的话
两个地理位置的相互关系时,to表示在某一地域之外且不接壤Japan lies to the east of China.       日本位于中国的东面
给 Please add a piece of candy to coffee. 请给咖啡加块糖
对                 Are you alive to what is going on?     你注意到发生什么事了吗?alive to对…有觉察,对…有感觉
差(指时间) at ten to seven 7点差10分  at a quarter to twelve 12点差1刻
go on strike 罢工          get to到达
go to bed/ sleep上床睡觉         lead to导致;导向
go to church做礼拜         talk to与...谈话
go to college上大学         near to靠近
go to court起诉         come to共计;达到
go to hospital去住院         have to不得不
go to prison去坐牢.        reply to ... 的回复
go to school去上学        ought to应该
go to sea当海员        point to指着...
go to the bed 去床边        refer to提到涉及;有关
go to the church (因事)去教堂        shout to对....大声喊叫
go to the cinema 去看电影        speak to对某人说
go to the court (因事)去法庭        stick to坚持;固守
go to the hospital (因事)去医院        write to sb.给...写信;写信给…
go to the prison (因事)去监狱        agree to do sth. 认可;同意做某事
go to the school(因事)去学校       belong to属于
go to the sea去海边       listen to听
go to the/a college去一所学校(办事)       thanks to幸亏,由于
similar to与...相似
compare to与...相比
attitude to对...的态度
the next to下一个
say hello to 向...问好
look forward to doing盼望,期待着
be/ get used to doing习惯于
pay attention to注意到
make a difference to对..产生 影响
answer to, key to, solution to ... 的答案
make a contribution to doing为...做出贡
to one's surprise/joy使某人吃惊奇/高兴
to the point切题, 中肯,切中要害
to this day直到今天
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go on to do sth;go on doing sth和go on with sth用法辨析...
be to do、be about to、be going to有什么区别?
go on to do sth/go on doing sth
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