

Will the television and computer take place of cinema?
Candidate 1 : I don't think the television and computer will take the place of cinema. Since the first was invented in France in 1895, it has been a great piece of art. Meanwhile, the construction of cinemas has been another new kind of art. From that moment on, there were so many kinds of beautiful cinemas booming all over the world, which made great contributions on the development of art.

Besides, because of the invention of film, people all over the world find a new way to relax themselves and cheer themselves up. When people are free, they go to the cinema where they like to have a good time. At the same time, going to the cinema in groups can help promote the friendship among audiences.

As far as I'm concerned, cinema can't be replaced by the television and computer. Cinema will be one part of the modern life forever.
Candidate 2 : With the development of our modern society, many hi-tech inventions are playing a more important role in our daily lives. We use the microphone to talk with others more quickly and easily, and the computer to help us to do some complex tasks, or anything else. Thanks to them, our lives are becoming more efficient and meaningful.

Sometimes we just lose ourselves in the busy world and miss the original taste of our real lives. We even have no time to stay with our family. Or when our parents ask us to go to enjoy a film with them but we refuse just because television and computer can be more convenient. So the typical question for us is: do you think the television and computer will take the place of cinema?

In my opinion, the television and computer won't take the place of cinema. On one hand, films in the television and computer originate from those in the cinema. For human beings, although we are much wiser than our ancestors, we won't forget their contributions to our society. And even try our best to learn a great deal from their experience. That is, films in the cinema are the "ancestors" of those in the TV and computer. On the other hand, not everyone affords TVs and computers, so some people will choose to go to the cinema for economical entertainment. Besides, the atmosphere in the cinema is more romantic for economical entertainment. Besides, the atmosphere in the cinema is more romantic and attractive. They pursue the audio-visual enjoyment, which the TVs and computers for seeing films, they always spend some time in cinema with a great satisfaction in the original taste of our real lives.

All in all, cinema is still playing its special role in our society and it won't be replaced. I believe that not only I but also many others will enjoy the joy the cinema brings to us.
Candidate 1在开头点明自己认为电脑和电视不会取代影院。然后分别从三个方面分析。影院的建立是一种艺术,也会促进艺术的发展,人们去影院看电影是一种娱乐休闲的方式。另外,大家一起去看电影还会增进彼此的友谊;Candidate 2的回答比较有深度。开头引用几个问句自然引入话题,然后从三个方面分析,电影作为我们祖先留下来的遗产,自然不会轻易被历史淘汰;人们不能负担得起大屏幕数码电视或电脑;人们喜欢电影院的氛围。

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