

Canadian businesses under pressure look to next week’s budget for relief

Watching a range of issues — from inflation to retail sales to CPI

February 19, 2018

OTTAWA  — The fiscal focus in Canada has quickly turned from the federal government’s economic update last week — which changed little — to what will actually be in the federal budget next week.

In both cases, what might happen south of the border in the coming year or two will be a factor.

“You’ve got stuff like tax reform in the U.S., carbon tax, (increases in) minimum wages (and) you’ve got NAFTA uncertainty. There are a range of things that are weighing on business sentiment,” said Jean-François Perrault, chief economist at Scotiabank.

For the federal budget, Canadians will be eyeing breaks to taxpayers and struggling companies.

“And I think one of the things that the business community (in Canada) would be looking to is a sense from the government that they are mindful of all the pressures that are on the business side,” Perrault said. “So, what we’d really like to see in the budget is some indication, some reflection of the fact, that the government understands this and is ready to move.”

For those who closely followed the previous fiscal update in October, there was not much new to see in Friday’s update — a traditional semi-annual document that leans heavily on forecasts from the country’s top private-sector economists. The big picture will come Feb. 27, when the annual spending document is released in the House of Commons.

In normal times, the federal budget is a must-read — and that goes for this year’s document.

“It would be very prudent for the government to wait until we see if, in fact, there is evidence that what’s happening down south in the U.S. is having a detrimental effect on Canadian business,” said Perrault.

What’s Normal, Anyway?

There’s an ongoing debate — reaching back as far as the 2008-09 downturn — about where the so-called “neutral interest rate” should now be to keep the economy “growing at its potential and inflation staying on target,” Bank of Canada deputy governor Lawrence Schembri said in a speech last Thursday in Winnipeg.

That neutral rate “serves as a benchmark for us to gauge the degree of monetary stimulus in place and provides a medium- to long-run anchor for the policy rate,” Schembri said, and which is “consistent with the economy growing at its potential and inflation staying on target.”

The Bank of Canada’s current estimate of the neutral rate is between 2.5 and 3.5 per cent, down from the three-to-four-per-cent range of only a few years ago. That’s still a far cry from the current benchmark lending rate of 1.25 per cent, but also well off the near-zero levels in wake of the global recession. So, what now? Perhaps more co-ordination like that of the last recession “when both aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus were used, (which) highlighted the benefits of simultaneous policy action.”

Under the Bridge

Reversal of factory fortunes: Sales by Canadian manufacturers declined by 0.3 per cent to $55.5 billion in December, coming after an upwardly revised 3.8-per-cent increase in November — marking a five-month string of increases. According to Friday’s report from Statistics Canada, much of the drop was due to weaker sales in the petroleum and coal products industry and the food manufacturing industry.

Of the 21 industries tracked by the federal data agency, 11 of the sectors — about 57 per cent of manufacturing outlets — lost ground. Sales of non-durable goods declined 1.3 per cent, but durable goods rose 0.7 per cent. Overall, December sales were down in seven provinces during December, with New Brunswick and Quebec being the hardest hit. They reported the largest declines, which were partly offset by higher sales in Ontario and Alberta.

“The surge in November, related to a rebound in automotive shipments after the October shutdowns, was not expected to continue through the yearend,” said Michael Dolega, senior economist at TD Economics. Still, “rising protectionist sentiment, including the resurgence of ‘Buy American’ pose a downside risk for the sector, with the ongoing NAFTA negotiations hanging like a storm cloud over the outlook.”

Housing market cooling: Sales in Canada’s two traditionally hottest housing markets cooled significantly in January as tighter lending rules from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions kicked in at the start of 2018. Overall, existing home sales fell 14.5 per cent in January after ending last year with five consecutive monthly increases.

Toronto sales plunged 26.6 per cent in January and Vancouver transactions pulled back 10.5 per cent.

Calgary and Edmonton home sales were still down last month from December, “but, most metrics still point to a soft and relatively stable market to start the year, ignoring the OSFI-related swing,” said Robert Kavcic, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets.

“One has to be cautious reading too much into the January results, as the big sales decline largely reverses the run of activity pulled forward into late-2017, ahead of the new OSFI rules,” Kavcic added. “We’d maintain that most of the national housing market is well balanced, with local markets responding appropriately to varying fundamentals and policy shocks.”

Coming this Week

Thursday: Statistics Canada releases its December numbers on retail sales. It’s a sector that is key to gauging consumer demand and inflation patterns, and one the Bank of Canada closely monitors for trends that impact the direction of interest rates — the main policy mandate of the central bank. Retail sales were up 0.2 per cent in November, the third consecutive monthly gain, led by purchases at gasoline stations, electronics outlets and appliance stores.

Friday: The cost of buying items across all sectors, including food and gasoline, will feed into Statistics Canada’s Consumer Price Index for January. CPI was running at 2.1 per cent in November and 1.9 per cent in December. The Bank of Canada’s comfort zone for inflation is between one and three per cent, with two per cent being its ideal target to keep price fluctuations at a not-too-hot, not-too-cold level to help maintain stable economic growth.

Down the Calendar

The Bank of Canada will be crunching economic numbers and gauging movements in other sectors ahead of its March 7 meeting. However, it’s unlikely Governor Stephen Poloz and his policy team will see any pressing need to add another quarter-point increase to the bank’s trendsetting lending rate, now at 1.25 per cent, where it has been since Jan. 17.

The next rate decision comes on April 18 and will include the bank’s Monetary Policy Report, a quarterly economic outlook and analysis of domestic and international issues. The growing consensus among private-sector economists is for Poloz to resume pushing up the key borrowing level by another quarter point at this meeting, followed by at least one more hike this year.

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