

Silver Prepares For Next Leg Higher
January 30, 2020

Following up on some of our recent metals research, we wanted to alert our friends and followers to the incredible opportunity that still exists in Silver.  We’ve highlighted two of our more recent articles for reference and review, below.  Silver continues to be one of the most incredible opportunities for 2020 and Silver Miners (SIL) could explode to the upside as the price of Silver rallies to close the gap between the Gold to Silver ratio.

Our researchers believe Silver is currently undervalued, compared to Gold, by at least 240%.  Historically, the Gold to Silver ratio averages a 10+ year rotational range of between 63 to 67.  This means that through both peaks and troughs, ranging from the high 80s to mid-90s to the low 30s to mid-40s, on average the middle price range level for this ratio is near 65.  Currently, this Gold to Silver ratio is 88.4.

Gold is currently trading at $1590 – justbelow the recent peak near $1613.  Webelieve that Gold will continue to rally higher, breaking the $1613 level, andcontinue higher targeting the $1750 level over the next few months.  Eventually, within 2020, we believe Gold willcontinue to rally higher breaking the $2100 price level.

This continued upside price action in Gold,while Silver has really yet to see any massive upside price movement, continuesto create a massive price disparity between Gold and Silver – which ishighlighted in the Gold to Silver ratio. As Gold rallies, Silver must begin to move dramatically higher in orderto close this price disparity between the value of Gold to Silver.  Historically, we believe the rally in Silverwill force the Gold to Silver Ratio to fall to near the 65 level.  This would represent a massive 70% to 120%+rally in the price of silver – targeting $24.50 to 32.50.

Gold and Silver Ratio Weekly Chart

If the Gold to Silver Ratio falls below the 65 level and targets lower ratios, as has happened in the past, then Silver may rally as high as $45 to $55 per ounce while Gold stays below $1800.  If Gold does rally above $2000, as we expect, the true potential for Silver experiencing a major price reversion event could be as high as $60+ per ounce.

Please take a minute to read some of ourprevious research posts regarding the metals markets here:



Daily Price Of Silver Chart

This Daily Silver chart highlights what we believe will be the next move higher in Silver.  The next upside price advance should target the $21 to $23 level as Silver attempts to revalue compared to the price of Gold.  Near this $23 level, Silver should stall briefly before attempting to move much higher.  The reality is that once this revaluation event begins to take place in Silver, we believe it will prompt an extended price rally that could last well into 2023-2024.

Price of Silver Weekly Chart

This Weekly Silver chart highlights our research team’s expectations related to Silver over the next 6+ months.  At first, we believe the $21 to $23 level will become the target.  Then, a short period of price rotation will find support near $21 before another upside price leg pushes silver above $24.  Remember, if Gold continues to rally higher, these expectations could extend 5% to 10% in size and scale.

Silver Miners Sector ETF – Weekly Chart

Another key component of this move is the opportunity in Silver Miners.  This SIL Weekly chart highlights the real potential for a 20% to 30% upside price rally related to the expected price revaluation/reversion event we have been describing for Silver.  Miners are an excellent correlative component for skilled traders expecting a move like this in the metals market.

Learn how we can help you find and execute better trades and turn the extreme volatility into solid profits.  Read our research and see what our research team has been predicting over the past few months.  We dedicate our efforts to helping you find great trades and helping you protect your assets.

Join my ETF Trade Alert Newsletter – Wealth Building Newsletter if you like what you read here and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own.

Chris Vermeulen

NOTICE: Our free research does not constitute a trade recommendation or solicitation for our readers to take any action regarding this research.  It is provided for educational purposes only.  Our research team produces these research articles to share information with our followers/readers in an effort to try to keep you well informed.  Visit our web site to learn how to take advantage of our members-only research and trading signals.

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