

1.大家都想知道昨天夜里他发生了什么事。误: Everyone wants to know what was happened about him last night.正: Everyone wants to know what happened to him last night.解析:其一,happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态形式;其二,表示“某人发生某事”,用“happen to sb.”。2.汤姆宁可待在家里也不愿和我们一起去看电影。误: Tom preferred staying at home rather than going to the cinema with us.正: Tom preferred to stay at home rather than go to the cinema with us解析:prefer to... rather than...译为“宁可……也不愿……”后接动词原形,而prefer... to...中的“to”是介词,这两个词后面都接名词或动名词。如:Tom preferrd staying at home to going to the cinema with us.3.在我们班有五分之三的学生是女孩。误: In our class three fifth of the students are girls.正: In our class three fifths of the students are girls.解析:英语分数的表达法是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于一时,分母的序数词后要加“s”。如:三分之一 one third,三分之二 two thirds。4.经常听见露茜在隔壁唱歌。误:Lucy is often heard sing in the next room.正:Lucy is often heard to sing in the next room.解析:see, hear, watch, feel等感官动词和let, make, have等使役动词后面接不定式作宾补时,主动语态中要省略“to”,而被动语态里则不能省略。又如:The boy is often made to clean the classroom.5.当我们到火车站时,火车已开走半小时了。误: When we got to the station, the train had left for half an hour.正: When we got to the station, the train had been away for half an hour.解析:在英语中,短暂性动词和延续性动词可以用于完成时,但不能与表一段时间的状语连用。若后面需接一段时间,就要把该动词变成相应的延续性动词或短语。如:begin — be on, borrow — keep, buy — have, join — be in(be a...), leave — be away, come — be  stay, die — be dead, get to know — know。6.不要紧,你只是有点感冒。误:Never mind, you’ve just caught a bit cold.正:Never mind, you’ve just caught a bit of cold.解析:a bit后面接形容词,而a bit of后面接名词或代词。本句词组catch a cold中的“cold”是名词,所以用“a bit of”。7.我不想让妈妈知道李萍今晚是否来看我。误: I won’t let mother know if Li Ping comes to see me this evening.正: I  won’t let mother know if Li Ping will come to see me this evening.解析:“李萍今晚来看我”是一个由if引导的宾语从句,并且是将来时,故用will come。只有当if作“如果”讲,且主句是将来时、或含情态动词、或是祈使句其三者之一时,才用所谓“主将从现”的形式。如:1) Shell invite me to have dinner with her if she is free this Sunday.2) You must stop if the light turns red.3) Tell John about it if he comes back.8.杰克问我小强住几楼。误:Jack asks me which floor does Xiaoqiang live.正:Jack asks me which floor Xiaoqiang lives on.解析:其一,“小强住几楼”是宾语从句,译成英语时要用“陈述句语序”。其二,“住”live是不及物动词,“住几楼”应是“live on the ... floor”。疑问代词which实际上是on的宾语。所以,此句中词尾的介词on不能丢。再如:1) Whom are you waiting for2) What is Tonny listening to3) I really don’t know what to write about.9.明天我要找人修一下自行车。误:I will have my bike to repair tomorrow.正:I will have my bike repaired tomorrow.解析:“找某人做某事”应该是“have sth. done”。 又如:I will have my hair cut tomorrow.明天我要理理发。“cut”在这里是过去分词。10.他有足够多的时间完成这项工作。误: He has much time enough to finish the work.正: He has enough time to finish the work.解析:enough修饰名词时,要放在该名词前面,如果修饰形容词或副词,则放在该形容词或副词的后面。如:There’s enough food in the fridge.John runs fast enough to catch up with the others.11.在十九世纪六十年代,数百名欧洲人来到了这个城市。误:In 1860s, hundreds of Europeans came to this city.正:In the 1860s, hundreds of Europeans came to this city.解析:表示“在……世纪……年代”时,年份后面不但加“s”,而且前面还要有“the”。如果表示“在哪年”,就只需用“in+年份”,如:in 1860。12.我不在时帮我照顾小孩,你真是太好了。误:It’s very nice for you to take care of my baby while I was away.正:It’s very nice of you to take care of my baby while I was away.解析:在描述人的品质、性格时用of。如:He is a man of few words.他是个寡言少语的人。Its very kind of you to give me so much help!给我这么多帮助,你真是太好了!在“Its +形容词+for sb.+不定式短语+其他”的句子中,“for”译为“对……来说”。如: Its very important for us to learn English well.这里的“for”不能换成“to”。
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