



    第一部分  听力试题  20%



(   )1. A. Yes, Id love to .          B. Thats  OK.        C. Yes, I do.

(   )2. A. Fifty sweaters.           B. Very much .        C. Fifty yuan.

(   )3. A. I found it just now.        B. Yes, I did.         C. In the bushes.

(   )4. A. It was May 22nd.          B. Very well         C. Its May 22nd.

(   )5. A. 9  p.m .                 B. 10 a.m.           C. 6 p.m.



(   )1. A. Go to lunch.  B. Go to school.  C. Go to work. D. Go for a walk.

(   )2. A. Its a sad story.                B. Its a terrible story.

C. It isnt interesting at all.         D. Its the most interesting story she has read.

(   )3. A. Green.    B. Black     C. Black and green.    D. Red.

(   )4. A. They are doing some reading .     B. They are doing some washing.

C. They are doing some homework.    D. They are cleaning the reading room.

(   )5. A. She lost her way.          B. She lost her purse.

C. She lost her watch.       D. She lost her bag.


二、听力填空:(根据所听内容,填入正确单词) 10%

Jim has a dog       Xiaobai. Jim is very bush with his          , but he           spends a lot of time with Xiaobai. Jim         how to look after a dog             .He feeds it three              a dog. He sometimes              out for a                  with it. Xiaobai is like              brother. Jim          the dog very much.

    第二部分  笔试试题  80%



1.         __________ () are not always bad for our health.

2.         My sister enjoys walking along the __________  (海滩) when she is on holiday.

3.         My hobby is _________(聊天) with my friends on floor cushions at the seaside.

4.         Thank you for your __________ (邀请). It’s my pleasure.

5.         “To be __________(有帮助的)” means “to be glad to help others.”

6.         The basketball is very __________(精彩). Everyone gets (变得)________ (激动的).

7.         It’s nice to keep our clothes in the __________(衣柜).

8.         There are two hundred ___________(书架) in our school library.

9.         __________(百万)of people die() of flu every year in developing countries.(发展中国家)

10.     To our surprise, she came first in the English __________(考试).



(    ) 1.My cousin has a small garden         many beautiful flowers.

        A. of              B. with            C. about           D. in

(    ) 2.This is an old house and there are only some pieces of         furniture(家俱) in it.

        A. wood            B. woods           C. wooden          D. woodenly

(    ) 3.My flat in Shanghai is different         yours in Beijing in some ways.

        A. on              B. from            C. for             D. in

(    ) 4.Would you please give me         drink? I'm thirsty. Anything will do.

        A. many            B. any             C. some            D. other

(    ) 5.Last summer, people planted __________ trees to make our city greener and more beautiful.

        A. five millions    B. five millions of      C. five million     D. five million of

(    ) 6.The         room is a room where you can eat meals.

        A. sitting room    B. living room      C. dinning room    D. bedroom

(    ) 7.Friday is the         day of a week.

        A. sixth           B. last            C. fifth          D. first

(    ) 8.The river is        .

        A.150-metre long   B.150 metres long   C. long 150 metres    D. long 150-metre

(    ) 9.There is an air conditioner          the window in the room.

        A. in              B. at              C. above           D. between

(    ) 10.---Hello. Who __________? ---__________ Kitty speaking.

        A. are you; I am   B. is that; This is       C. are you; This is   D. is this; It’s

(    ) 11.Please listen to the teacher carefully. Don’t __________ the window.

        A. look to           B. look at            C. look into         D. look out of

(    )12.The Greens often relax (休憩) in the __________ and watch exciting films.

        A. bedroom        B. kitchen            C. sitting room       D. bathroom

(    )13.San has his __________ cows and sheep (牛羊). He is the __________ of a farm.

        A. owns; own      B. own; owner        C. owner; own     D. own; own

(    ) 14.I like traveling. Kunming is a good place __________ in summer or winter.

        A. traveling        B. travel            C. to travel         D. travels

(    ) 15.When did you __________?    Three hours ago.

        A. get to           B. arrive            C. reach         D. arrive in

(    ) 16.Your idea __________ great.

        A. sound           B. sounds            C. listens         D. hears

(    ) 17.You have finished your homework. __________ do you have to do today?

        A. What thing      B. What other things     C. What else      D. both B and C

(    ) 18.Kitty’s house has a small study __________ a balcony.

        A. of             B. with              C. has            D. about

(   ) 19.There ________ a basketball match in our school next Sunday.

A. will have       B. will be            C. is going to have    D. is

(   ) 20.Fish sleep _________ their eyes __________.

        A. with, opened      B. without, close      C. without, open         D. with, open



1.         Why ____ your friend ______(come) to school late this morning? He _____(not catch) the bus.

2.         Mr. Wang often _________(help) me _________(learn) English before he moved to Beijing.

3.         _____ Li Lei ______(get) up early or late? He ______. He has a good lifestyle.

4.         What _____ you often ______ (do) at the weekend? I often _________(chat) with my friends.

5.         _________your friend always _________(enjoy) himself on Sundays?

6.         Would you like _______(have) dinner with us?

7.         Listen! Who ______ (sing) in the next room? Li Ming. He often ________(sing) in the room.

8.         When_______ you_________ (learn) to skate?  About half a year ago.

9.         Look! There is a little girl __________(sing) under the tree.

10.     Mr. Liu doesn’t know how __________(play) tennis.

11.     He wont to school without __________( have ) breakfast.

12.     He told me __________ ( not follow ) him.

13.     She was very happy when she __________( hear ) the whisper.

14.     They __________ ( plan ) to take another route when they saw the robbers.

15.     Don’t forger __________( bring ) your homework to school tomorrow.

16.     The computer __________( not work ) now.

17.     The problem is very easy. They can work it out __________( easy ).

18.     You should listen to your teacher __________( careful ) in class.

19.     Thank you for __________( invite ) us to your party.

20.     Snakes __________ ( not have ) ears.



I have a good and happy family. We have altogether (一共) five persons, my father, my mother, my two sisters and me.

My father is a merchant. He sells computers. He is very busy and is seldom at home except on Sundays and holidays. My mother is very busy too. She has to look after the house and take care of all of us.

The evenings at home are the happiest moments (时刻) in our family. After supper, we children all sit around a table to listen to our father telling us stories or telling some funny things he meets in the daytime.

After that, my father will begin to enjoy some music, leaving us children to do our homework by ourselves.


1.     What does "merchant" mean in Chinese?     __________________________________

2.     How many people are there in my family?       __________________________________

3.     Do I have any brothers?                  __________________________________

4.     Turn the sentence underlined into Chinese.   __________________________________

5.     What does father often tell us?             __________________________________



1. He studies in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.(改为否定句)

He                   in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.

2. He lives above Sandy.(同义句)        Sandy lives                    .

3. Millie was the best in the Chinese exam.(同义句) Millie               in the Chinese exam.

4. Every day he lies there.(用now改写)   He                    there now.

5. Which film do you like best?(同义句)   Which is your                    ?

6. My brother and I live in the same room.     I          a bedroom          my brother.



1.         There are some good news in today’s newspaper.                 ___________

2.         It’s difficult to me to finish reading the story book in two days.      ___________

3.         Would you please to share your pizza with your sister?            ___________

4.         He is working on his computer happy.                         ___________

5.         I afraid Millie is still in bed at home now.                       ___________

6.         He often takes me to there gives me a lot to eat.                  ___________

7.         The children often arrive in school on time.                      ___________

8.         The teacher always asks the students not go to bed too late.         ___________

9.         Can I take a message to you?                                  ___________

10.     He works far from his home, so he goes to work ride a bike.         ___________



A: Hello! 4035698.

B: Hello! May I s________ t________ Daniel, please?

A: I'm a________ he isn't here right now. This is Simon speaking. W______ calling?

B: Hello, Simon. This is Amy.

A: Amy, Simon is in his uncle's home. Can I t______ a m_______?

B: Yes, p_______ . He borrowed my d________ yesterday. Please ask him to b________ it to school tomorrow morning.

A: Ask him to bring your dictionary to school tomorrow. OK. Got it. I'll tell him about it when he comes back.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Not at a________ . Goodbye.

B: Goodbye.




Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Dont forget this!”

One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it.

About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.” said the old man.

“I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you dont have to buy another one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where Im going? I cant remember my station!” the old man said sadly.


(    ) 1.The old man in the story was very            .

    A. kind      B. poor     C. forgetful    D. sad

(    ) 2.Where is the ticket?             

A. The old man forgot go buy it.

B. The old man could not remember where it was.

C. The old man showed it to the conductor.

D. The old mans wife took the ticket away.

(    ) 3.The old man bought the ticket           he got on the train.

    A. after       B. before       C. as        D. when

(    ) 4.The conductor           the old man.

    A. didnt believe  B. laughed at   C. believed    D. felt sorry for

(    ) 5.The old man was sad because             

A. he had to buy another ticket.

B. he lost all the things his wife gave him.

C. he did not know where he was.

D. He did not know where he should get off.



Jimmy likes playing in a small river near his house. But then his father goes to work in a big city and Jimmy goes there with his family.

Their new house has a garden, but the garden is very small. Jimmy is not very happy.

“Is there a river here?” he asks his mother on the first morning. “No” his mother says, “There isnt. But there is a big park near here, Jimmy, and there is a pool in it. Were going there this afternoon.” Then Jimmy is happy.

Jimmy and his mother go to the park in the afternoon. Jimmy wants to walk near the pool, but he sees a sign there. His mother reads it to him: “WARNING(警告):This pool is dangerous, 367 people have fallen (掉进) into it.” Jimmy looks into the pool carefully. Then he says, “I can’t see them”.



(    ) 6. There is a small river near Jimmy’s new house.

(    ) 7.There is a big park in the city.

(    ) 8.Jimmy goes to the park with his father.

(    ) 9.The pool in the park is dangerous.

(    )10.The warning asks people to be careful(小心的) near the pool.



1.       他是第五个到达山顶的人。He is _______ _______ to get to the _______ _______ the hill.

2.       我班至少有15位学生步行上学。_______ _______ fifteen students _______ to school in my class.

3.       我们必须保持教室干净整齐。We must _______ the classroom _______ and _______.

4.       那首音乐听起来很美妙。That piece of  music _______ _______.

5.       她不喜欢和她妹妹分享同一个卧间。She ______ ______ to ______ the bedroom _____ her sister.

6.       这条河大约三百米长。This river is _______ _______ _______ _______.

7.       三楼没有其它别的房间了。There are _______ _______ _______ on the _______ _______.

8.       他们住在市中心的一条繁忙的街道上。

They live _______ a _______ _______ in the _______ of the city.

9.       他最喜欢的地方是阳台。他常在那儿看书。

His _______ _______ is the _______. He often _______ _______ there.

10.   我想要两个有阳台的卧室和一间有淋浴器的浴室。

I’d like two _______ _______ _______ and a bathroom _______ a _______.


1.         This dictionary is ________ (48) dollars.

2.         Andy will read ________ (14) comic books this term.

3.         In our school there are ____ (2,569) students.

4.         We'll learn ________ (3,368) English words during the next two years.

5.         Our city is about ________(8,704) metres away from Beijing.

6.         In our school library there are ________ (20,466) books.

7.         On the hill there are about ____ (15,020) trees.

8.         This factory makes ________ (206,519) machines this year.

9.         In this country there are __(5,349,683) people.

10.     This year ________ (304,512,013) children will begin to go to school.




1、    Would you like to go shopping with us?     ( A )

2、    How much is this sweater?               ( C )

3、    Where did you find the cat?               ( C )

4、    What was the date yesterday?              ( A )

5、    What time do you usually go to bed?        ( A )


1. A: Whats the time now?

  B: Its half past seven. Its time for you to go to school now.

  Q: What is the boy going to do?                      ( B )

2. A: What are you reading?

 B: Im reading a story. Oh, I have never read such an interesting story before.

  Q: What does the woman think of the story?            ( D )

3. A: Is this bag yours, Wei Fang?

B: No, my bag is black. It must be Lins. She likes green best.

Q: What colour is Lins bag?                          ( A )

4. A: Where are the girls?

  B: Theyre doing some cleaning in the reading room.

  Q: What are the girls doing?                         ( D )

5. A: Could you help me, please?

  B: What happened to you, young lady?

  A: I lost my purse.

  B: You should look after your things.

  Q: What did the lady lose?                           ( B )



Jim has a dog  named  xiaobai. Jim is very bush with his  lessons   ,but he  still     spends a lot of time with Xiaobai. Jim  knows     how to look after a dog  well  .He feeds it three   times  a dog. He sometimes  goes  out for a   walk  with it. Xiaobai is like  Jims       brother. Jim    likes     the dog very much.


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