

    The first little pig has a kindergarten. This kindergarten is for animals only. In this kindergarten, there are a lot of animals.There are little dogs, little foxes, little tigers, little wolves, little elephants, little cats, little pigs, little sheep, little chicken, little deer, little rabbits, little lions, little bears, little duck and little monkeys. They are all very happy to play and study in the kindergarten. They study hard. Their teachers like them very much. 特别是the three new teachers love them very much. They love their teachers very much too.


  One day, the first little pig is working in his office. 突然,Wang Dawei comes into his office, 气喘吁吁地说,“园长,不好了。Our kindergarten出事了。” The first little pig说,“Please sit down and tell me到底出了什么事儿。” Wang Dawei说,“园长,please come with me. Our kindergarten发生了暴力事件,a little wolf and a little fox被打伤了。”听到这话,the first little pig赶紧stand up, 他说,“Let's go. ”说完,he and Wang Dawei go to the classroom right away. 当他们go into the classroom,他们看到a lot of little animals正围着a little wolf and a little fox大声叫喊着,“You bad wolf, we don't like you. You bad fox, we don't like you.” 可怜的little wolf and little fox 躺在地板上cry, the little wolf's ear被打伤了,blood不停地come out. The little fox's tail也被打伤了,流了好多blood. The first little pig立刻拿出his mobile, and call 120. After only seven minutes, 一辆ambulance comes into the kindergarten.The first little pig and Wang Dawei一个抱着little fox, 一个抱着little wolf, quickly把他们放进了ambulance.
 The first little pig对跟着出来看热闹的little animals说,“Please go back to your classroom,继续上课。” 说完,他就get into the ambulance, and the ambulance马上呼啸着go to the second little pig's hospital for animals. The little wolf and the little fox in the ambulance 还不停地cry. Thefirst little pig安慰他们说,“Don't cry. We will be in the hospital in five minutes. The doctors很快就会把你们的伤治好。”果然,the ambulance很快就到了hospital, the little wolf and the little fox被两个护士用担架抬进了急诊室。The first little pig对the second little pig 说,“This little wolf's ear伤得很重,you must抓紧治疗,要不然他可能会变成聋子,那事情就严重了。This little fox is from the UK.His father 特地把他送到China and come to my kindergarten. 现在他被打伤了,这影响多不好啊。麻烦您尽快把他们治好,OK? Thank you. Now I must go back to the kindergarten right away. I must尽快查清这次暴力事件的原因,Bye.”

  有一天,第一只小猪正在办公室里工作。突然,王大伟跑进了他的办公室,气喘吁吁地说,“园长,不好了。我们的幼儿园出事了。”第一只小猪说,坐下来告诉我到底出了什么事儿。王大伟说,“园长,请跟我来。幼儿园发生了暴力事件,小狼和小狐狸被打伤了。”听到这话,第一只小猪赶紧站起来,他说,走。说完,他和王大伟就立刻到了教室。当他们走进教室的时候,他们看到很多小动物正围着小狼和小狐狸大声叫喊着,“你这只坏狼,我们不喜欢你,你这坏狐狸,我们不喜欢你。”可怜的小狼和小狐狸躺在地板上哭,小狼的耳朵被打伤了,血不停地流出来。小狐狸的尾巴也被打伤了,流了好多血。第一只小猪立刻拿出他的手机打了120. 七分钟之后,一辆救护车开进了幼儿园。

  说完,the first little pig goes out. He calls a taxi, and goes back to the kindergarten. The first little pig goes into the classroom and asks, "Why do you如此狠心地殴打the little wolf?" A little rabbit stands up and says,"Because we hear the little wolf's father is Big Wolf. 他曾经want to eat the three little pigs. He is a bad wolf, his son must be a bad wolf too. That is why we want to 狠狠地揍他一顿." The other little animals马上跟着说,“Yes, yes.” The first little pig又问,“那么,why do you 如此狠心地殴打the
little fox?”A little bear stands up, 回答说,“Because we hear the little fox's father is a thief in the UK. 他曾经偷了the second little pig's mobile. He is a bad fox, his son must be a bad fox too. That is why we want to 狠狠地揍他一顿。” The other little animals马上跟着说,“Yes, yes.”

  说完,第一只小猪就回去了。他叫了一辆出租车回到了幼儿园。第一只小猪回到了教室,问,“你们为什么如此狠心地殴打小狼?”小兔子站起来说,“因为我们听说小狼的爸爸是大灰狼。他曾经想要吃三只小猪。他是一只坏狼,他的儿子一定也是坏狼。所以我们想要狠狠地揍她一顿。”其它的动物也跟着说,"就是,就是。" 第一只小猪又问,“那么,你们为何如此狠心地殴打小狐狸?”小熊站起来回答说,“因为我们听说小狐狸的爸爸在英国是贼。他曾经偷了第二只小猪的手机。他是一只坏狐狸,他的儿子一定也是坏狐狸。所以我们想要狠狠地揍他一顿。”

  The first little pig is very angry. 他说,“你们这是瞎胡闹。谁告诉你们if the father is a thief, his son must be a thief? 谁告诉你们if the father is bad, his son must be bad?” 看到园长发这么大的火,all the little animals都惊呆了,谁也不敢吱声了。The first little pig接着说,“You must remember, you yourself are good or bad,并不取决于your father or mother. If your father is a good doctor, 你不一定become a good doctor. If you don't study hard and work hard, how can you become a good doctor?If your mother is an excellent
teacher, 你不一定become an excellent teacher. If you don't study hard and work hard, how can you become an excellent teacher? If your father is a thief, 你不一定become a thief. If you study hard and work hard, and注意加强道德品格修养,你照样可以become a good doctor, or a good teacher, or a good police officer, or a good manager. Remember, you yourself将来是否能成功,是否能对我们的国家做出贡献,并不取决于你们是否有一个a good father or good mother, 而完全取决于你们是否study hard, and work hard and注意加强道德品行修养。Understand? ”


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?外教读睡前故事? Three Little Pigs 三只小猪
(英)第二十七课 第一只小猪给伦敦小朋友讲故事
【剧本】Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig(三只小狼和一头大坏猪)
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