

Script To Monitor Memory Usage By Database Sessions
Script To Monitor Memory Usage By Database Sessions

Product Name, Product Version

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition, 7.x.x to 10g
Platform Platform Independent
Date Created 28-MAY-2003
Execution Environment:     SQL*PlusAccess Privileges:     Requires SELECT privilege on V$SESSTAT, V$SESSION, V$BGPROCESS, V$PROCESS and V$INSTANCEUsage:     $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @MEMORYInstructions:     Press <ENTER> whenever you want to refresh information.     You can change the ordered column and the statistics shown by choosing from the menu.
PROOFREAD THIS SCRIPT BEFORE USING IT! Due to differences in the way text editors, e-mail packages, and operating systems handle text formatting (spaces, tabs, and carriage returns), this script may not be in an executable statewhen you first receive it. Check over the script to ensure that errors ofthis type are corrected. The script will produce output files named MEMORY_YYYYMMDD_HH24MISS.lst.These files can be viewed in a text editor or uploaded for support analysis.
Copy the contents of the script below and paste it to a text file named MEMORY.sql.Call MEMORY.sql from SQL*Plus, connected as any DBA user.Spool files named MEMORY_YYYYMMDD_HH24MISS.lst will be generated in the current directory.Every time you refresh screen, a new spool file is created, with a snapshot of the statistics shown.These snapshot files may be uploaded to Oracle Support Services for future reference, if needed.
"Oracle Reference" - Online Documentation
 REM =============================================================================REM ************ SCRIPT TO MONITOR MEMORY USAGE BY DATABASE SESSIONS ************REM =============================================================================REM Created: 21/march/2003REM Last update: 28/may/2003REMREM NAMEREM ====REM MEMORY.sqlREMREM AUTHORREM ======REM Mauricio BuissaREMREM DISCLAIMERREM ==========REM This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is NOT supported byREM Oracle World Wide Technical Support. The script has been tested and appearsREM to work as intended. However, you should always test any script beforeREM relying on it.REMREM PURPOSEREM =======REM Retrieves PGA and UGA statistics for users and background processes sessions.REMREM EXECUTION ENVIRONMENTREM =====================REM SQL*PlusREMREM ACCESS PRIVILEGESREM =================REM Select on V$SESSTAT, V$SESSION, V$BGPROCESS, V$PROCESS and V$INSTANCE.REMREM USAGEREM =====REM $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @MEMORYREMREM INSTRUCTIONSREM ============REM Call MEMORY.sql from SQL*Plus, connected as any DBA user.REM Press <ENTER> whenever you want to refresh information.REM You can change the ordered column and the statistics shown by choosing from the menu.REM Spool files named MEMORY_YYYYMMDD_HH24MISS.lst will be generated in the current directory.REM Every time you refresh screen, a new spool file is created, with a snapshot of the statistics shown.REM These snapshot files may be uploaded to Oracle Support Services for future reference, if needed.REMREM REFERENCESREM ==========REM "Oracle Reference" - Online DocumentationREMREM SAMPLE OUTPUTREM =============REM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROGRAM GLOBAL AREA statistics :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::REMREM SESSION                                            PID/THREAD       CURRENT SIZE       MAXIMUM SIZEREM -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------ ------------------REM     9 - SYS: myworkstation                               2258           10.59 MB           10.59 MBREM     3 - LGWR: testserver                                 2246            5.71 MB            5.71 MBREM     2 - DBW0: testserver                                 2244            2.67 MB            2.67 MBREM ...REMREM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: USER GLOBAL AREA statistics ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::REMREM SESSION                                            PID/THREAD       CURRENT SIZE       MAXIMUM SIZEREM -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------ ------------------REM     9 - SYS: myworkstation                               2258            0.29 MB            0.30 MBREM     5 - SMON: testserver                                 2250            0.06 MB            0.06 MBREM     4 - CKPT: testserver                                 2248            0.05 MB            0.05 MBREM ...REMREM SCRIPT BODYREM ===========REM Starting script executionCLE SCRPROMPT .PROMPT .              ======== SCRIPT TO MONITOR MEMORY USAGE BY DATABASE SESSIONS ========PROMPT .REM Setting environment variablesSET LINESIZE       200SET PAGESIZE       500SET FEEDBACK       OFFSET VERIFY         OFFSET SERVEROUTPUT   ONSET TRIMSPOOL      ONCOL "SESSION"      FORMAT A50COL "PID/THREAD"   FORMAT A10COL "      CURRENT SIZE" FORMAT A18COL "      MAXIMUM SIZE" FORMAT A18REM Setting user variables valuesSET    TERMOUT OFFDEFINE sort_order = 3DEFINE show_pga   = 'ON'DEFINE show_uga   = 'ON'COL    sort_column NEW_VALUE sort_orderCOL    pga_column  NEW_VALUE show_pgaCOL    uga_column  NEW_VALUE show_ugaCOL    snap_column NEW_VALUE snap_timeSELECT nvl(:sort_choice, 3) "SORT_COLUMN"FROM   dual/SELECT nvl(:pga_choice, 'ON') "PGA_COLUMN"FROM   dual/SELECT nvl(:uga_choice, 'ON') "UGA_COLUMN"FROM   dual/SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD_HH24MISS') "SNAP_COLUMN"FROM   dual/REM Creating new snapshot spool fileSPOOL MEMORY_&snap_timeREM Showing PGA statistics for each session and background processSET      TERMOUT &show_pgaPROMPTPROMPT   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROGRAM GLOBAL AREA statistics :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SELECT   to_char(ssn.sid, '9999') || ' - ' || nvl(ssn.username, nvl(bgp.name, 'background')) ||                  nvl(lower(ssn.machine), ins.host_name) "SESSION",             to_char(prc.spid, '999999999') "PID/THREAD",             to_char((se1.value/1024)/1024, '999G999G990D00') || ' MB' "      CURRENT SIZE",             to_char((se2.value/1024)/1024, '999G999G990D00') || ' MB' "      MAXIMUM SIZE"    FROM     v$sesstat se1, v$sesstat se2, v$session ssn, v$bgprocess bgp, v$process prc,          v$instance ins,  v$statname stat1, v$statname stat2 WHERE    se1.statistic# = stat1.statistic# and stat1.name = 'session pga memory' AND      se2.statistic#  = stat2.statistic# and stat2.name = 'session pga memory max' AND      se1.sid        = ssn.sid AND      se2.sid        = ssn.sid AND      ssn.paddr      = bgp.paddr (+) AND      ssn.paddr      = prc.addr  (+)ORDER BY &sort_order DESC/REM Showing UGA statistics for each session and background processSET      TERMOUT &show_ugaPROMPTPROMPT   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: USER GLOBAL AREA statistics ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SELECT   to_char(ssn.sid, '9999') || ' - ' || nvl(ssn.username, nvl(bgp.name, 'background')) ||                  nvl(lower(ssn.machine), ins.host_name) "SESSION",             to_char(prc.spid, '999999999') "PID/THREAD",             to_char((se1.value/1024)/1024, '999G999G990D00') || ' MB' "      CURRENT SIZE",             to_char((se2.value/1024)/1024, '999G999G990D00') || ' MB' "      MAXIMUM SIZE"    FROM     v$sesstat se1, v$sesstat se2, v$session ssn, v$bgprocess bgp, v$process prc,          v$instance ins,  v$statname stat1, v$statname stat2 WHERE    se1.statistic# = stat1.statistic# and stat1.name = 'session uga memory' AND      se2.statistic#  = stat2.statistic# and stat2.name = 'session uga memory max' AND      se1.sid        = ssn.sid AND      se2.sid        = ssn.sid AND      ssn.paddr      = bgp.paddr (+) AND      ssn.paddr      = prc.addr  (+)ORDER BY &sort_order DESC/REM Showing sort informationSET TERMOUT ONPROMPTBEGIN    IF (&sort_order = 1) THEN        dbms_output.put_line('Ordered by SESSION');    ELSIF (&sort_order = 2) THEN        dbms_output.put_line('Ordered by PID/THREAD');    ELSIF (&sort_order = 3) THEN        dbms_output.put_line('Ordered by CURRENT SIZE');    ELSIF (&sort_order = 4) THEN        dbms_output.put_line('Ordered by MAXIMUM SIZE');    END IF;END;/REM Closing current snapshot spool fileSPOOL OFFREM Showing the menu and getting sort order and information viewing choicePROMPTPROMPT Choose the column you want to sort:        == OR ==        You can choose which information to see:  PROMPT ... 1. Order by SESSION                                    ... 5. PGA and UGA statistics (default)PROMPT ... 2. Order by PID/THREAD                                 ... 6. PGA statistics onlyPROMPT ... 3. Order by CURRENT SIZE (default)                     ... 7. UGA statistics onlyPROMPT ... 4. Order by MAXIMUM SIZEPROMPTACCEPT choice NUMBER PROMPT 'Enter the number of your choice or press <ENTER> to refresh information: 'VAR    sort_choice NUMBERVAR    pga_choice  CHAR(3)VAR    uga_choice  CHAR(3)BEGIN    IF (&choice = 1 OR &choice = 2 OR &choice = 3 OR &choice = 4) THEN        :sort_choice := &choice;        :pga_choice  := '&show_pga';        :uga_choice  := '&show_uga';    ELSIF (&choice = 5) THEN        :sort_choice := &sort_order;        :pga_choice  := 'ON';        :uga_choice  := 'ON';    ELSIF (&choice = 6) THEN        :sort_choice := &sort_order;        :pga_choice  := 'ON';        :uga_choice  := 'OFF';    ELSIF (&choice = 7) THEN        :sort_choice := &sort_order;        :pga_choice  := 'OFF';        :uga_choice  := 'ON';    ELSE        :sort_choice := &sort_order;        :pga_choice  := '&show_pga';        :uga_choice  := '&show_uga';    END IF;END;/REM Finishing script executionPROMPT Type "@MEMORY" and press <ENTER>SET FEEDBACK     ONSET VERIFY       ONSET SERVEROUTPUT OFFSET TRIMSPOOL    OFFREM =============REM END OF SCRIPTREM =============

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