


天气 高考英语考纲词汇组块记忆 Did anyone notice his abnormal behaviour?

广东省大埔县虎山中学 饶超然 有没有人注意到他反常的行为,

2. physically abnormal 身体异常 mentally

本文以牛津词典为蓝本对高考词汇进行abnormal 精神失常

组块,组成常用词组并配以简短例句,经常He seems to be physically abnormal.他似乎

诵读必有效果。 身体上有点异常。

说明: It was said that he was mentally abnormal 1、本文共收约3500个单词。 and was set free according to the law. 据说

2、带*号的单词为八级要求掌握的词汇。 他精神失常,并且依照法律被释放了。

A aboard [ ə'bɔ:d ] prep在船(或飞机、火车

* abandon [ ə'bændən ] v遗弃;放弃 或其他交通工具)上,在…上

1. be forced to abandon被迫放弃 1. aboard the ship/plane/train/bus 在船上/

The government was forced to abandon 飞机上/在火车上/在汽车上

the project altogether. 政府被迫全面放弃这They were all aboard the ship last night.

个项目。 天夜里他们都在船上。

2. decide to abandon决定放弃 2. All aboard! 请上船[飞机、车]

They decided to abandon their plan. 他们* abolish [ ə'bɔliʃ ] v废除

决定放弃计划。 1. abolish sth altogether彻底废除

3. be found abandoned 被发现遗弃 Some MPs want to abolish the tax

The car was found abandoned in a nearby altogether. 一些国会议员想完全废除这项征

town. 那辆轿车被发现丢弃在附近的一个小税。

镇上。 2. seek to abolish sth试图废除

ability [ ə'biliti ] n能力;才能 They are seeking to abolish the slavery. 1. mathematical ability数学能力,reading 他们正在试图废除奴隶制度。

ability 阅读能力 3. decide to abolish sth 决定废除

He has extraordinary mathematical ability. The government decided to abolish the law.

他有非凡的数学能力。 政府决定废除这部法律。

2. have the ability to do sth 有做某事的能* abortion [ ə'bɔ:ʃən ] n流产

1. illegal abortion非法堕胎

Hes only a child and hasnt the ability to 2. have an abortion做人工流产

pay. 他只是个孩子,没有支付能力。 When she got pregnant at 16, she decided to

3. demonstrate (show) ability to do sth 显露have an abortion. 16岁时怀孕,决定做

能力;显现能力 人工流产。

He demonstrated the outstanding ability to 3. carry out/ perform an abortion on sb.

deal with people even when he was a child. 某人做流产手术

他小时候就显示出杰出的与人打交道的He carried out an abortion on a

能力。 fifteen-year-old girl. 他为一个15岁的女孩

able [ 'eibl ] a能;有能力的; 做了人工流产。

be able to do sth 能够做某事 关于 about [ ə'baut ] ad & prep

He is well able to take care of himself. 1. a book/fim about sth 很会照顾自己。 My father is writing a book about the World

* abnormal [ æb'nɔ:məl ] a反常的 War ?. 我父亲在写一本关于第二次世界

1. abnormal behaviour/weather反常的行为/大战的书


2. be about to do 刚要,正要 The match came to an abrupt end on the

The performance is about to begin. 演出就13th hole. 比赛在第13洞时突然中止了。

要开始了。 * absence [ 'æbsəns ] n缺席;不在场

above [ ə'bʌv ] prep, a & ad……上面; 1. long absence长期缺席

……之上; 在上面 His long absence raised fears about his 1. above sth 在某物上面 safety. 他长期不在,大家十分担心他的安

2000 feet above sea level 海拔2000 全。

2. temporary absence暂时缺席

He lived in a flat above the shop.他住在 He didnt give any reason for his temporary 那商店上面的一套房间里。 absence. 他没有说明暂时缺席的理由。

2. the room above 上面的房间 3. during/in sb’s absence = while sb is not

They live in the room above. 他们住在there 某人不在某处时

上面的房间。 My father did all the cooking in my

3(the problem mentioned above 上面提到mother’s absence. 以前妈妈不在家,都是爸

的问题 爸做饭。

We must find some ways to solve the 4. absence from work 缺勤

problem mentioned above. 我们必须找Employees' absence from work made the

到一些方法来解决上面提到的问题。 boss angry. 职员们的缺勤令老板大为恼火。

abroad [ ə'brɔ:d ] a & ad在国外;到海外 5. absence from school缺课

1. go abroad 出国 Nobody noticed his absence from school.

we usually go abroad for a week in May. 没人注意到他没来上学。

我们通常5月出国一周。 6. leave of absence请假

2(live abroad住在国外 He asked for leave of absence from the

All my near relations live abroad. 我所army. 他向部队请准休假。

有的近亲都住在国外。 7. in the absence of 在缺乏…的情况下

3. study abroad 在国外学习 In the absence of evidence, the police had

My brother is studying abroad at present. to set him free. 由于缺乏证据,警方不得

我兄弟目前在国外学习。 不把他释放了。

4(at home and abroad在国内外 absent [ 'æbsənt ] a不在的,缺席的

We are faced with the fierce competition 1(to be absent from work缺勤

from companies at home and abroad. He was absent from work for two weeks.


争。 2. to be absent from school 缺课

* abrupt [ ə'brʌpt ] a突然的 That is why he was absent from school.

1. abrupt departure 就是为什么他缺席的原因。

I don't know the cause of his abrupt * absolute [ 'æbsəlju:t ] a绝对

departure. 我不知道他突然离去的原因。 1. absolute trust 绝对信任

2. abrupt arrival突然到来 I have absolute trust in you. 我绝对信任

All of us were surprised at his abrupt 你。

arrival. 我们都对他的突然到来感到惊讶。 2. absolute freedom 绝对自由

3. abrupt change 突然改变 China does not have absolute freedom of

Later there was an abrupt change of speech. 中国没有绝对的言论自由。

3. absolute majority绝对多数 weather. 后来,天气突然改变。

4. come to an abrupt end 突然停止 A candidate who wins an absolute majority


of the votes will be elected. 获得绝对大多啊~

数票的候选人视为当选。 4. absurd idea 荒谬的观点

4. an absolute beginner 不折不扣的新手 There was an absurd idea that the earth was

I am an absolute beginner in Chinese. 在中flat and motionless. 去曾经有一种荒谬的

文方面,我是一个地地道道的新手。 观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。

5. an absolute fool 十足的傻瓜 5. look /sound absurd看起来/听起来荒唐

You are an absolute fool. 你是个十足的傻 That uniform makes them look absurd.

瓜。 种制服使他们看起来很滑稽。

absorb [ əb'zɔ:b ] v 吸收 6. find sth absurd

1. absorb water/drug/oxygen/heat/harmful She found the whole concept quite absurd. gases吸收水分/药物/氧气/热量/有害气体 她觉得整个观念颇为滑稽可笑。

Plants absorb water from the soil. 植物从 7. It is absurd of sb to do sth 某人做某事很

土壤中吸收水分。 荒唐

This allows the body to absorb the drug It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing. well. 这有利于机体更好地吸收药物。 你居然建议这样的事,太可笑了。

Our bodies absorb oxygen. 我们的身体吸* abundant [ ə'bʌndənt ] a丰富的;充裕的;

收氧气。 盛产

These walls absorb heat during the day, and abundant in 富于...; ...很丰富

release it during the night. 这些墙壁白天 an area abundant in red roses 盛产红玫瑰的

吸收热气,晚上就释放出来。 地区

They absorb harmful gases and release This is an area abundant in red roses. 这是

oxygen so that you can have clean air. 他们吸一个盛产红玫瑰的地区。

收有害气体,并释放氧气,这样您可以有干 a country abundant in natural resources自然

净的空气。 资源丰富的国家

abstract [ 'æbstrækt] a & n抽象的;摘要 China is a country abundant in natural

1. abstract concepts/ideas 抽象概念 resources. 中国是一个自然资源丰富的国

Truth and beauty are abstract concepts. 家。

与美是抽象概念。 * abuse [ ə'bju:z] v滥用;虐待

2. abstract theory 抽象的理论 1. abuse power

Such abstract theory is Greek to me. 如此 Don't abuse your power. 不要滥用你的权

抽象的理论我是一窍不通。 力。

3. abstract art抽象艺术 2. abuse position 滥用职务

He is not interested in abstract art. 他对抽Some government officials abuse their 象艺术不感兴趣。 positions and make public money their own. * absurd [ əb'sə:d ] a 荒谬的;荒唐的 一些政府官员滥用职务,公为己有。

1. absurd behavior荒谬的行为 3. abuse drugs

Some of my colleagues were surprised at Many people who seriously abuse drugs his absurd behavior. 我的一些同事对他那often also have mental illness for a variety 荒谬的行为感到吃惊。 of reasons. 许多严重滥用药物的人,也会

2. absurd question 荒谬的问题 有各式各样的心理疾患。

This is certainly an absurd question. 这无4. abuse sb mentally/physically从精神上/

疑是个荒谬的问题。 体上虐待某人

3. absurd suggestion All the children had been physically and What an absurd suggestion! 多荒谬的建议emotionally abused. 所有这些儿童的身心



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