


2017长沙小升初一模  英语

时量:30分钟       满分:50



(   ) 1.Look out ! The bus is coming.

A. Look at              B.Look for            C. Be careful              D. Look



【解析】look表示“看”,构成的常用短语有:lookat+宾语表示“看…”;lookfor 表示“寻找”;lookout 表示“当心,小心”,与其意义相同的短语是becareful


(   ) 2. Tom goes to school on foot everyday.

A. gets                   B.walks               C. runs                 D. comes



【解析】on foot表示“步行”,选项中只有walks是符合题意的。


 (   ) 3.What time do you get up?

A.How                  B. What               C. When                     D. Why





(   ) 4. What’s five plus six?

              A.like                   B. and                  C. with                 D. on





(   ) 5. Li Ming will have a party thisevening.

A. tonight            B. now                 C. tomorrow        D.yesterday






(   )1 . – Can you swim, Danny ?    - ___________________.

A. Yes , I do                                      B.Yes , Ican’t

C.No , I think so                             D.No , I can’t



【解析】题中一般疑问句用情态动词can表示“能力”来问,所以应该选择can来回答,其正确的搭配为Yes, Ican.或者No, Ican’t.所以选择D


(   )2. She wants to buy something _______herfamily ___________ Christmas.

A. for     to                                       B.to       on

C. to       for                                     D. for     for



【解析】buysomething for somebody表示“给某人买某物”,for Christmasfor表目的“为了圣诞节”。


(   )3. That man _________ blue clothes is mybrother.

A.in                      B.on                    C. wear                D. with

【答案】A D




(   ) 4. We have fun in  ___________ English.

A. learn               B.learning          C. to learn           D.learns



【解析】havefun in doing something表示“做某事很有乐趣”。


(   )5. Jenny sometimes _____________ her bike.

A. rides                B. drives                     C. takes                D.walks



【解析】ridethe bike表示“骑自行车”。


(   )6. It’s cold outside. Jenny, here’s yourhat, _________,please.

A. put on it                           B. put it on

C. put it up                                D.put up it



【解析】根据语境。天冷需要穿衣服,应为put on。“动词+介词”组成的短语,其宾语的位置为:若宾语是名词,则可放在介词前或介词后均可,若宾语为代词,则需放在介词前,构成:“动词+代词+介词”。


(   )7.Let ‘s ___________ the lost book.

A. to go to school                            B. go and to find

C. to go and to find                        D.go and find



【解析】let+动词原形,又因为and 连接两个相同的成分,所以and前后用法保持一致,所以选D


(   )8. He _________ them English.

A.teachs                     B. teaches           C.teach               D. teaching



【解析】题目是一般现在时,主语是三单形式he,又因为teach是以ch结尾,所以加esteaches。不能选D,因为现在进行时的构成为“主语+be +动词ing”,选项中缺少be动词,所以排除。


(   ) 9. Merry Christmas !  - __________________

A. Yes, I’m happy.                            B. Don’t say that.

C. Sure.                                            D. The same to you.



【解析】在节庆日子里得到了祝福,应该回复“Thesame to you.”给予对方祝福。


(   )10. __________ windy day ! I can’t go tothe park today.

A. What               B. What a            C.How a               D. How






1. The children arecleaning in the room. (对画线部分提问)

【答案】Whatare the children doing in the room?




2. There is somemilk in the glass. ( 改为一般疑问句)

【答案】Isthere any milk in the glass?




3. Do it likethat.(改为否定句)

【答案】Don’tdo it like that.




4. What’s yoursister’s age? ( 改为同义句)

【答案】How oldis your sister?


【解析】根据题意得知,询问年龄。询问年龄有两个句型结构:(1What’s+某人的+age?;2How old+be+主语?题目中出现的是句式结构(1),将此句改为句式结构(2)即可。


5. I want to havea glass of milk. ( 改为同义句)

【答案】I wantto drink a glass of milk.I’d like a glass of milk.


【解析】have除了有“拥有”的意思,还可以表示“吃,喝”,此处用drink替换have即可;或者用I’d like…句型均可。



One morning. Mr. and Mrs.Green go shopping in their _______1______. In the shop they see many______2_____. Mrs. Green likes them very much. She ________3___ a shirt fortheir son, a skirt for their daughter _____4_______ a sweater for Mr. Green. _____5__buysherself a blouse, too. _______6___ about one o’clock they go home. But theylose their way. Mr. Green __7__over to an old man and asks,  “__8______am I? Please tell me.” The old manlooks__9__him and the car, ”You are in your car ,sir!” He___10____ .

(   )1. A. plane                B. car                   C.bike                 D. bus




(   )2. A. food                  B.shoes               C. hats                 D.clothes




(   )3.A. buys                   B. sells                 C. makes              D. borrows




(   )4. A. so                      B. or                    C.but                   D. and




(   ) 5. A.They                  B.He                    C.She                   D.Her



【解析】本句中,主语就是一个人Mrs.Green,最后她给自己买,所以是shebuys herself

(   )6. A.In                       B.For                    C.At                            D.On



【解析】时间介词有三个at, on,in。表示时间点的介词应该为at

(   )7. A.swims                B.drives               C.flies                  D.leaves




(   )8. A.Where                B.What                C.How                  D.Who




(   )9. A.after                  B.at                      C.like                   D.for



【解析】look表示“看”,构成的常用短语有:lookafter表示“照顾”,look at表示“看…”,looklike表示“长得像”,lookfor 表示“寻找”。

(   )10. A.sings                B.listens               C.reads                D.says



【解析】“you arein your car ,sir”这是路人说话的内容,所以是say



It is time to go home now. (1)I am in a bus on a rainy day, and(2)a man with a dog gets on the bus. (4)It is a big dog and its feet are dirty, I don’twant the dog to sit near me. But the man says to the conductor, “Oh, I pay formy dog’s ticket. Can he sit here like the other people?” The conductor looks atthe dog and says, “Yes sir. But(5)like the otherpeople, he must not put his feet on the chair.

(   )1. I amgoing home ________ now.

       A. byjeep                                        B. by bus

C. by car                                                 D. by bike



【解析】I am ina bus.已经说明了主人公回家的交通方式。

(   )2. What doI see?

A.Adog                                            B. A conductor

C. A bus                                           D. A man with adog



【解析】A manwith a dog gets on the bus.原文信息搜索。

(   )3. Why dothe man and the dog get on the bus?

            A. It is arainy day.                          B.No one is on the bus.

           C. The dog can sit.                          D. The man is a conductor.




(   )4. I don’twant the dog to sit near me. Because ________

       A. thedog is big.                             B. the dog is not clean.

       C. thedog isn’t mine.                      D. the doghas no ticket.



【解析】It is abig dog and its feet are dirty , I don’t want the dog to sit near me .这句话可得知主人公不想要坐在dog旁边的原因。

(   )5. Theconductor ‘s words mean (意思是)___________

       A. thedog can sit here.

B.the dog must like a man.

              C. the dog must not sit on the chair.

D. the dog’s feet are like the other people.



【解析】Yes sir.But like the other people ,he must not put his feet on the chair.这句话推理出售票员提出希望dog像人类一样不将脏脚放在椅子上坐着,由于dog是做不到的,因此判断出售票员禁止dog坐在座位上。

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