

Some tips about how to start

Hi all, 

Welcome to Duke! 

I am sure that you are excited about the study at Duke! As you may know, we have a relatively large research group. Hence, we have setup some mechanisms that can run the group efficiently. The follows are some tips that you may want to know: 

1.      We require every team member who is actively doing research to deposit his or her weekly report on every Friday evening. I usually start to compile our group’s weekly report on every Saturday noon unless I am travelling. The group weekly report will be sent to every team member so that you will know the progress of other team members too. Weekly report includes two parts: What you accomplished this week and what you plan to do next week. It usually includes only research related activities but not course studying etc. Your first weekly report is expected to be deposited on Sep. 1, 2017.

2.     It is ok to report that you were fully occupied by course study and had no time to read papers or work on your project for some weeks. However, if this happens frequently, then it may imply that your course workload is beyond what you can handle. In such a case, we need to somehow adjust it.

3.      We assign works based on 

1) the needs of research projects/grants; 

2) the backgrounds of the students; 

3) the interests of the students. 

We try to match the project with your interest but we may not have the luxury to perfectly align them.

4.      Everybody in the group has their own project and the expected progress due to reporting pressure. Please understand if someone could not finish his/her work on time, I may have to rebalance the work to others sometime. Don’t feel frustrated if that happened to you and we can find other works that fit you better.

5.      Please keep in mind that different works have different priorities. Get works done based on their priorities (deadlines) rather than the difficulties.

6.      Our group survives on grants (proposals) and papers (publications) and Ph.D. students need publications to graduate. However, for master students, your GPA is very important for applying for graduate schools or jobs. Please keep this in mind.

 7.      I try to maintain a weekly 1-1 meeting with all the students whenever I am on campus. Having regular skype meetings during my travels can be hard (especially for international travels). Please do NOT rely on the weekly 1-1 meeting: whenever you need to talk to, drop by my office, find me on Skype or WeChat, or simply send me an email (if I do not reply on time, send it again). 

Look forward to a great success for you at Duke! 



作者 | 陈怡然
介绍 | 杜克大学电子与计算机工程系副教授,杜克进化智能研究中心主任,存储、类脑计算与深度学习专家。

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