

2019AMC10 B卷 真题及答案

Problem 1

Alicia had two containers. The first was 

 full of water and the second was empty. She poured all the water from the first container into the second container, at which point the second container was 
 full of water. What is the ratio of the volume of the first container to the volume of the second container?


Problem 2

Consider the statement, “If 

 is not prime, then 
 is prime.” Which of the following values of 
 is a counterexample to this statement.


Problem 3

In a high school with 

 of the seniors play a musical instrument, while 
 of the non-seniors do not play a musical instrument. In all, 
 of the students do not play a musical instrument. How many non-seniors play a musical instrument?


Problem 4

All lines with equation 

 such that 
 form an arithmetic progression pass through a common point. What are the coordinates of that point?


Problem 5


 lies in the first quadrant. Points 
, and 
 are reflected across the line 
 to points 
, and 
,respectively. Assume that none of the vertices of the triangle lie on the line 
. Which of the following statements is notalways true?
 lies in the first quadrant.
 have the same area.
 The slope of line 
 The slopes of lines 
 are the same.
 are perpendicular to each other.

Problem 6

There is a real 

 such that 
. What is the sum of the digits of 

Problem 7

Each piece of candy in a store costs a whole number of cents. Casper has exactly enough money to buy either 12 pieces of red candy, 14 pieces of green candy, 15 pieces of blue candy, or 

 pieces of purple candy. A piece of purple candy costs 20 cents. What is the smallest possible value of 


Problem 8

The figure below shows a square and four equilateral triangles, with each triangle having a side lying on a side of the square, such that each triangle has side length 2 and the third vertices of the triangles meet at the center of the square. The region inside the square but outside the triangles is shaded. What is the area of the shaded region?

[Asymptote diagram needed]

Problem 9

The function 

 is defined by
for all real numbers 
, where 
 denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to the real number 
. What is the range of 


Problem 10

In a given plane, points 

 units apart. How many points 
 are there in the plane such that the perimeter of 
 units and the area of 
 square units?


Problem 11

Two jars each contain the same number of marbles, and every marble is either blue or green. In Jar 1 the ratio of blue to green marbles is 9:1, and the ratio of blue to green marbles in Jar 2 is 8:1. There are 95 green marbles in all. How many more blue marbles are in Jar 1 than in Jar 2?


Problem 12

What is the greatest possible sum of the digits in the base-seven representation of a positive integer less than 



Problem 13

What is the sum of all real numbers 

 for which the median of the numbers 
 is equal to the mean of those five numbers?

Problem 14

The base-ten representation for 

, where 
, and 
 denote digits that are not given. What is 

Problem 15

Two right triangles, 

, have areas of 1 and 2, respectively. One side length of one triangle is congruent to a different side length in the other, and another side length of the first triangle is congruent to yet another side length in the other. What is the product of the third side lengths of 

A) 28/3    B) 10    C) 32/3    D)34/3    E) 12

Problem 16


 with a right angle at 
 lies in the interior of 
 and point 
 lies in the interior of 
 so that 
and the ratio 
 What is the ratio 

Problem 17

A red ball and a green ball are randomly and independently tossed into bins numbered with positive integers so that for each ball, the probability that it is tossed into bin 

 What is the probability that the red ball is tossed into a higher-numbered bin than the green ball?

Problem 18

Henry decides one morning to do a workout, and he walks 

 of the way from his home to his gym. The gym is 
 kilometers away from Henry’s home. At that point, he changes his mind and walks 
 of the way from where he is back toward home. When he reaches that point, he changes his mind again and walks 
 of the distance from there back toward the gym. If Henry keeps changing his mind when he has walked 
 of the distance toward either the gym or home from the point where he last changed his mind, he will get very close to walking back and forth between a point 
 kilometers from home and a point 
 kilometers from home. What is 


Problem 19


 be the set of all positive integer divisors of 
 How many numbers are the product of two distinct elements of 


Problem 20

As shown in the figure, line segment 

 is trisected by points 
 so that 
 Three semicircles of radius 
 have their diameters on 
 and are tangent to line 
 respectively. A circle of radius 
 has its center on 
 The area of the region inside the circle but outside the three semicircles, shaded in the figure, can be expressed in the form
 are positive integers and 
 are relatively prime. What is 

Problem 21

Debra flips a fair coin repeatedly, keeping track of how many heads and how many tails she has seen in total, until she gets either two heads in a row or two tails in a row, at which point she stops flipping. What is the probability that she gets two heads in a row but she sees a second tail before she sees a second head?


Problem 22

Raashan, Sylvia, and Ted play the following game. Each starts with 

. A bell rings every 
 seconds, at which time each of the players who currently have money simultaneously chooses one of the other two players independently and at random and gives 
 to that player. What is the probability that after the bell has rung 
 times, each player will have 
? (For example, Raashan and Ted may each decide to give 
 to Sylvia, and Sylvia may decide to give her her dollar to Ted, at which point Raashan will have 
, Sylvia will have 
, and Ted will have 
, and that is the end of the first round of play. In the second round Rashaan has no money to give, but Sylvia and Ted might choose each other to give their 
 to, and the holdings will be the same at the end of the second round.)


Problem 23


 lie on circle 
 in the plane. Suppose that the tangent lines to 
 intersect at a point on the 
-axis. What is the area of 


Problem 24

Define a sequence recursively by 

for all nonnegative integers 
 be the least positive integer such that
In which of the following intervals does 


Problem 25

How many sequences of 

s and 
s of length 
 are there that begin with a 
, end with a 
, contain no two consecutive 
s, and contain no three consecutive 


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