


“I don’t like my parents. They always tell me I should do this, and shouldn’t do that. It often makes me ____1____,” said Zhang Li, a middle school student.

Do you have the same problem _____2____ Zhang Li? Why are some parents so strict?

On the one hand, parents worry about things from the time you were born and they do a lot for you. They worry about your choice of friends, the food you eat and your study at school. ____3___ these things are part of your life. Don’t blame them. They want you ____4____ up healthily and happily.

On ___5____ hand, you ____6____ introduce your friends to your parents. Let them ____7___ you are making good friends. ____8___ them if you come back home ____9___ than usual. Don’t always argue with them. Talk about your ideas with them. You’ll understand them when you become a ____10___ in the future.

(   ) 1. A. excited        B. pleased            C. unhappy               D. lonely

(   ) 2. A. about          B. as                     C. with                       D. to

(   ) 3. A. Both            B. Whole              C. All                          D. Every

(   ) 4. A. grow            B. wake                C. to wake                 D. to grow

(   ) 5. A. another       B. the other          C. other                     D. others

(   ) 6. A. couldn’t       B. should             C. would                     D. needn’t 

(   ) 7. A. know           B. to know            C. show                      D. to show

(   ) 8. A. Say             B. Remember       C. Call                        D. Talk

(   ) 9. A. early           B. late                  C. lately                       D. later

(   ) 10. A. parent       B. baby                C. student                   D. teacher



2Helping other people helps me realize how meaningful the life is. Nowadays, I walk a dog for an old man. I thought the dog was his pet, ___1_____ in fact the dog is his best friend. The man feels ____2____ because his wife died and now the dog is his only companion(伴侣). He is in poor health and sometimes he is ____3___ weak to take the dog out every day. Now he becomes happy because someone gives his dog some exercise.

I have helped ____4___ man these days. He has a small garden, but he is in a wheelchair(轮椅) so he can’t ___5____ in his garden. I sometimes plant flowers for him. It is worth it, because when he sees flowers grow in spring, he will ____6___ all his problems and then give me a big smile. My club also helps the local orphanage(孤儿院). The orphanage takes care of the children who have no _____7____. They don’t have enough money __8___ new toys. So we buy footballs, dolls and teddy bears with the money we raised. These children’s lives are hard, and I hope that our presents will make their lives better.

I think we can find ways to make people in trouble ___9____ better lives. We don’t need to go far to look for someone who needs ___10___ and we don’t need to think about big things. We can try our best to help people around us and improve their lives.

(   ) 1. A. and             B. so                     C. but                  D. or

(   ) 2. A. lonely          B. alone               C. afraid               D. happy

(   ) 3. A. so                B. very                 C. quite                D. too

(   ) 4. A. other           B. another            C. others              D. the others

(   ) 5. A. study           B. run                   C. work                 D. grow

(   ) 6. A. forget          B. remember        C. share               D. have

(   ) 7. A. sisters         B. brothers           C. friends             D. parents

(   ) 8. A. to                B. with                   C. for                   D. at

(   ) 9. A. to have       B. to having          C. having              D. have

(   ) 10. A. help          B. activities           C. food                 D. work


Monty Robert’s father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty often went from one farm to  ___1___  with his father. Sometimes they didn’t have enough money to   2   food, but Monty still kept hoping to own a   3   farm.

When he was in school, his teacher asked him to write a paper   4   what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. He wrote a seven-page paper   5   his dream of having a horse farm one day. He   6   drew a picture of a horse farm in the paper.

The next day he handed   7   in to his teacher. Two days later, he got his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F” with some words “See me after class.”   8   the boy did and asked his teacher, “Why did I get an F?” The teacher said, “This dream will not   9    for a young boy like you.   10   a horse farm needs a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “If you write this paper again with a   11   dream, I will give you a good grade.”

After school he thought about it   12  . At last, he decided to hand in the same paper, making   13   changes at all. He wrote, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my   14    .”

Many years later, Monty had his own 200 acres horse farm. His dream came true.

So don’t let   15   take away your dreams. Follow your dreams, no matter what they are.

(   ) 1. A. another                     B. the others                C. other               D. the other

(   ) 2. A. look for                      B. pay for                    C. wait for             D. ask for

(   ) 3. A. horse                         B. chicken                   C. pig                    D. flower

(   ) 4. A. in                               B. at                            C. about                D. off

(   ) 5. A. talking about              B. talking with              C. talking to          D. talking over

(   ) 6. A. ever                           B. even                       C. never                D. over

(   ) 7. A. them                          B. farm                        C. it                       D. picture

(   ) 8. A. Or                             B. So                           C. But                    D. And

(   ) 9. A. come back                B. come from               C. come true          D. come down

(   )10. A. Owning                    B. Drawing                   C. Asking               D. Writing

(   )11. A. difficult                     B. high                         C. bad                   D. simple

(   )12. A. easily                       B. hard                        C. heavily              D. hardly

(   )13. A. any                          B. some                       C. all                      D. no

(   )14. A. horse                       B. land                         C. dream               D. paper

(   )15. A. anyone                     B. everyone                C. someone           D. none

Once there lived in our town a poor family. They were so poor that there was almost nothing in the house but a pot under a ___1____ table. In it there was a little rice ____2____from their neighbour for the coming New Year. On New Year's Eve, the wife had already fallen asleep, but the husband was ____3____ in bed, worrying about their life. Suddenly he heard someone breaking into the room.

"It must be a thief," he thought, "but it doesn't matter. The thief can_____4____ nothing. " He didn't shout or move. But he kept watching over the thief.

The thief came into the house and was only in­terested in the rice under the table.

"But ____5_____ can I take it away?" the thief thought hard. Then he had an idea. He ____6____ his coat, put it on the ground between the bed and the table and turned around to take the pot.

Now the husband knew what the thief would do. He picked up the coat quickly and ____7_____ him­self with it ____8____ the thief turned back.

The thief took the pot, and put the rice onto the coat. Then he began to feel it. But he was_____9_____ to find that his coat had gone.

"Hey,”he shouted out. The voice woke up the wife. She asked her husband, " Did you hear any sound? Maybe there is a thief in the room. "

"Shut up!" replied her husband, "____10______to sleep. There is no thief in the room. "

"That's impossible," the thief shouted loudly, "If there isn't a thief, then where is my coat?"

(   ) 1. A. good             B. bad           C. nice              D. broken

(   ) 2. A. borrowed      B. asked        C. lent               D. taken

(   ) 3. A. thinking        B. lying           C. talking          D. looking

(   ) 4. A. lose              B. bring          C. carry            D. steal

(   ) 5. A. what             B. why            C. how              D. when

(   ) 6. A. took off         B. put on        C. brought       D. used

(   ) 7. A. hung             B. enjoyed     C. covered       D. provided

(   ) 8. A. before           B. after          C. until             D. because

(   ) 9. A. afraid            B. surprised   C. pleased       D. excited

(   )10. A. Get out        B. Get up       C. Go down      D. Go back


Many people like to keep dogs as their pets. But do you know dogs were wild animals long ago?

Humans in Europe trained the ____1____ wild dogs about 10,000 years ago. These first “dogs” were not like the dogs now. They may be small wolves. These dogs often came near humans to ____2____ some food. People adopted some of the young dogs and these dogs ___3____ with them.

Humans believed the ____4____ were a help to them ___5____ many ways. They helped humans to hunt. They could smell and _____6___ dangers ____7___ people could. On cold nights, they often slept with people to help people keep ___8___. So people believed it was useful to raise the dogs.

Now, there are many different kinds of dogs ____9____ they may be quite different __10____ each other. Dog trainers think there are more than 400 different kinds in the world. The number keeps increasing with new kinds.

(   ) 1. A. first           B. late                 C. last                 D. whole 

(   ) 2. A. cook         B. make              C. look for           D. bring

(   ) 3. A. bark at      B. grew up          C. look at            D. set up

(   ) 4. A. cats          B. mice               C. wolves             D. dogs 

(   ) 5. A. in              B. on                  C. with                 D. for

(   ) 6. A. listen        B. hear               C. listened           D. heard

(   ) 7. A. before      B. after               C. and                 D. when

(   ) 8. A. cool          B. cold                C. warm              D. tidy

(   ) 9. A. or             B. and                 C. but                 D. also

(   ) 10. A. as           B. like                 C. to                    D. from

You don’t have to give thousands of dollars to help someone. Linda, a girl from Tianjin, makes a difference just by giving her ____1____. Linda was seriously ill when she was a baby. It is ____2____ for her to move. She has to walk around with a walker. _____3___, the 11-year-old girl doesn’t lose hope. She uses her ____4____ to help others. She succeeded doing that.

Last summer, Linda ____5___ three days a week for seven weeks at Grand Rapid Comprehensive Therapy Centre. She was one of the youngest volunteers for “Therapy and Fun”, a ___6____ for children who have special needs. Linda’s job was to help those children and provide them ____7____ advice and encouragement. Linda says that she’s glad she can ___8__ her knowledge with others, and that working at the Center teaches her ____9___, too. “I feel my life is getting better because I can help others in ____10____ way.” She said. Mr Guo, Linda’s fourth-grade teacher, said, “Linda has the help of other students around her, but she shows them that she’s there to help them as well.”


(   ) 1. A. money           B. house             C. time              D. life

(   ) 2. A. difficult          B. easy                C. quick            D. interesting

(   ) 3. A. Actually         B. However          C. Sometimes   D. Usually

(   ) 4. A. hands            B. arms               C. experience   D. walker

(   ) 5. A. worked          B. sat                  C. played          D. listened

(   ) 6. A. story             B. play                 C. film               D. program

(   ) 7. A. for                B. in                     C. with               D. to

(   ) 8. A. give              B. share               C. teach            D. learn

(   ) 9. A. a little           B. a few                C. a bit              D. a lot

(   ) 10. A. different     B. many                C. my                 D. same



    I am sitting in an empty football field after my last high school football game that finished a few hours ago . I’m the mid-field player on my team . But in fact that’s not     1     now . I was the mid-field player because , as I said , this was my     2     game . That’s a good way to end a high school football career(生涯), especially if you win , but even though you don’t , it’    3     to leave at a high point .

    I was eight when I first started playing football . My dad     4     football , and he used to practice with me at home —passing , catching , running . We used to practice almost every evening     5     it got too dark . He tried to teach me everything he knew about the     6      .  “Just remember : don’t ever     7     .” “Stay in the game . Don’t lose your concentration(专注).”“ Go out there and give 110 percent(百分之……)every time .” Well , that was a long time ago , but I still hear his words     8     in my ears .

    I had a lot on my mind     9     the game today . I don’t like things to end , I guess , and this was the last game . I was talking to myself and warning myself about what to do and not to do , I didn’t sleep at all     10     , and when the sun came up this morning , I reached the point where     11     just wanted it all to be over , finished , done . But then when the game started , my mind became     12     . I just lived in this game , this moment . I didn’t hear the crowd , I didn’t feel the cold or the pain , I never felt tired . I just kept my eyes on the     13     , and it was just me and the ball and , inside , a soft , white light     14     me the way to the goal . It was a beautiful , empty feeling .

    It’s all over now , and it’s really getting cold here . It’s starting to snow . The sun’s almost gone , and I can     15     see the goal . Now it’s dark and I’m sitting here all alone . Well , I guess it’s time to say good-bye and move on .

(   )1. A. true                     B. wrong          C. strange              D. clear

(   )2. A. first                     B. last              C. worst                  D . favourite

(   )3. A. good                   B. bad              C. lucky                  D. painful

(   )4. A. needed               B. hated          C. missed                D. loved

(   )5. A. until                    B. when           C. unless                D. although

(   )6. A. football               B. game          C. goal                    D. score

(   )7. A. grow up              B. catch up     C. give up               D. hurry up

(   )8. A. ringing                B. saying        C. falling                 D. coming

(   )9. A. from                   B. before          C. through             D. after

(   )10 . A. tonight             B. yesterday    C. today                D. last night

(   )11. A. we                    B. they             C. I                         D. he

(   )12. A. empty               B. full               C. rough                D. awake

(   )13. A. way                   B. field            C. ball                    D. match

(   )14. A. sending            B. teaching     C. pointing             D. showing

(   )15. A. already            B. hardly         C. never                 D. clearly



When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike? Who played football and flew kites with you in the park? Who helped you    1   your first difficult maths problem? Who taught you the difference between    2  ? Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for him. This Sunday, June 18, is   3   Day. So why not do something   4   to thank your dad? The idea of Father’s Day came from a(n)  5   lady called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted a special day to honour(纪念)her father. He raised six children by himself   6__   his wife died during the birth of their   7   child. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honour great and loving dads. Her father was born   8  , so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration on his birthday in 1910. In 1924, US president Calvin Coolidge   9   the idea of a national Father’s Day. Finally, in 1966, the third Sunday in June was   10   Father’s Day. When the day comes, you can express your love and thanks in many ways you like.

(   ) 1. A. with                      B. to                               C. for                             D. by

(   ) 2. A. old and young      B. big and small             C. right and wrong        D. long and short

(   ) 3. A. Mother’s               B. Father’s                    C. Children’s                  D. Women’s

(   ) 4. A. easy                     B. special                      C. strange                      D. hard

(   ) 5. A. British                  B. Japanese                   C. Chinese                    D. American

(   ) 6. A. when                   B. until                            C. after                          D. before

(   ) 7. A. third                    B. fourth                         C. fifth                            D. sixth

(   ) 8. A. liked                    B. on May 19                  C. on June 19               D. in July

(   ) 9. A. liked                    B. disliked                      C. needed                     D. wanted

(   ) 10. A. called                B. calling                        C. made                        D. making



China is a great country with over 5,000 years of history. There are many places of     1    which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. Some of them are fantastic lakes, beautiful mountains and long rivers.

Many    2   , such as Moun Tai, Mount Emei, Mount Hua are very famous. People go to Mount Tai to see the sunrise.    3    the rivers the Yangtze River is the longest one and the second one is the Yellow River. They are birthplaces of Chinese cultures.

Have you    4    the love story about Xu Xian and White Snake? It's said the story    5    place on West Lake. West Lake is the most fantastic place that I have ever visited. It lies in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains. Many tourist attractions are well worth

   6   , such as Su Causeway, Broken Bridge and Leifeng Pagoda. The scenery is ___7_____ attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it.

West Lake has become famous for its special scenery    8    many beautiful poems. These poems were written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo. Besides, the surrounding area of West Lake is the    9    of famous Dragon Well Tea.

Have you ever    10    West Lake? If not, look for a chance to go to the fantastic place!

1. A. interesting

B. interest

C. interested

D. interests

2.A. lakes

B. rivers 

C. mountains

D. visitors

3.A. Between

B. Beside 

C. Among

D. with

4.A. heard

B. heard of 

C. hear from

D. heard about

5.A. took

B. taken  

C. has taken

D. was taken

6.A. visiting

B. to visit 

C. being visited

D. visited

7.A. such 

B. too 

C. enough

D. so

8.A. as well 

B. but  

C. also

D. as well as

9.A. house 

B. home  

C. family

D. room

10.A. been 

B. gone to 

C. been to

D. been in



Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people   1   so much time shopping at malls that they are called “mall rats”. Mall rats shop until they visit hundreds of stores.

People like malls for    2    reasons. They feel happy because malls have police stations, parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls   3   beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.

The first indoor mall in the United States   4   in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. People love doing all their    5    in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are like town centers and people come there    6    many things. When they shop, of course, they also eat in food courts and they can have food    7     all over the world. They see films at theatres. Some people even get     8    daily exercise by doing the new sport of “mall walking”.   9   go to malls to meet friends.

In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even go to the church. In other words, people can almost do  10   in malls. Now people can even live in their favourite shopping center.

(   )1. A. spend                    B. take                    C. cost                         D. use

(   )2. A. much                     B. many                   C. a lot                        D. a little

(   )3. A. find                        B. make                  C. have                        D. move

(   )4. A. was sold                B. was built             C. was invented           D. was trained

(   )5. A. fishing                    B. swimming           C. surfing                     D. shopping

(   )6. A. to do                     B. to count              C. to paint                    D. to record

(   )7. A. at                          B. from                    C. in                             D. with

(   )8. A. theirs                     B. our                     C. your                         D. their

(   )9. A. Another                 B. The other            C. Others                    D. Other

(   )10. A. everything            B. something          C. nothing                    D. things




1) 1~5 C B (the same ...as...为固定搭配)C D B (on the other hand,意思为“另一方面”,

与前面的on the one hand" 一方面”互为呼应) 6~10 B A (let 后面跟动词原形) C D (than



2) 1~5 C (根据上下文的语境,只能用but表示转折)A(feel lonely表示“感到孤独”)

D(too ...to...表示“太……而不能……”,为固定词组)B (后面的man为单数名词,

不能用other,others, the others等,只能用another,another表示“另一个”后跟单数名词)

C (如果选D,则要加 vegetables/flowers等词作宾语)6~10 A D C D (make sb do sth,make



3) 1~5 A B A C A  6~10 B C (hand in 表示“上交……”,这里答案it表示上文中提到的

"a paper",这里的paper作为可数名词表示“论文,文章,报告”,不是“纸”,作为“纸”

为不可数名词。)B C A 11~15 D B (hard表示“努力地”,hardly表示“几乎不”,两个词形

很相似,意思却差了十万八千里,无任何关系。)D C A


4) 1~5 D A B (lying in bed“躺在床上”,跟前面的fall asleep对应) D C  6~10 A C A B D


5) 1~5 A C B D A  6~10 B A (before people could表示“在人类之前”,狗的嗅觉和听

    觉比人要强啊!)C B D


6) 1~5 C A B C A  6~10 D C (provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb为某人提供某物)  B D C

7)  1~5 A B A D A  6~10 B C A B D  11~15 C A C D B 

8) 1~5 A C B B D  6~10 C D C A C (六月的第三个星期天被定为“父亲节”,而不是被称为


9)1~5 B (places of interest意思为“名胜”,固定词组。)C C(among表示“(在三者以上)

之间,between表示"在两者之间" )B A  6~10 A(be worth doing表示“值得做……”,为固定

词组) D(so...that...固定搭配) D(as well as表示“和”,as well 表示“也”。) B(home

在这里表示“产地”) C (has been to 表示“去过某地”)


(10) 1~5 A B C B D  6~10 A B D C A

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