

初三总复习之中考英语复习专题 完形填空(1)

初三总复习之中考英语复习专题 完形填空(1





Mr. Hodge was a     1     farmer. He had hundreds of chickens , and sold eggs and the meat and got a lot of       2   them , but he lived in a very    3      part of the country , and he found    4      his hens (母鸡) laid     5     in the summer . So he decided to put air-conditionings (空调)into his chicken-house     6     they would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money . The owner of the company which     7     the air-conditioning came to see him , and when he saw Mr . Hodge’s house , he thought that he might be able to persuade (说服)him to buy some air-conditionings    8      .

“Your wife would be much happier and more comfortable then,” he said to Mr. Hodge . But Mr . Hodge was      9    . “My wife doesn’t     10     ,” he said .


    1Achicken         Bchicken’s            Cchickens’     Dchicken of       

    2Ainteresting from        Binteresting for     Cmoney for       Dmoney from

    3Ahot             Bcold             Cwarm          Dcool

    4Awhether         Bwhich              Cif              Dthat

    5Ahardly any eggs  Begg hard          Cany eggs hardly DMore eggs

    6Asuch that       Bthat               Cbecause        Dso that

    7Abuy            Bsold             Crepair            Dfound

    8Aof it too         Bfor it too         Calso with it       Dfor which

    9Anot very interested                   Bnot interested at all

 Cvery interested                          Dvery happy

    10Alay eggs       Bfeel hot            Clike cool        Dbear children


: From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying , but in the evenings and weekends they are free and ___1____ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others ___2__ sports. This is decided by their own ____3_____.

There are many different ways to spend our__4___ time.

Almost everyone has some kind of __5___: it may be something from collecting stamps to __6__ model planes. Some hobbies are very__7____ , but others don’t cost anything at all. Some collections(收藏)are worth ___8_____ of money, others are valuable (有价值的)only to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several ___9__ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的)fifty-cent piece which ___10__ him $250! He was very happy abut this collection and thought the price was all right . On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder _11___ they are worth any money . However,___12____ my brother they are quite valuable.___13_____ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

That’s what a hobby means, I think. It is something we __14___ to do in our free time just for the _15_ of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.


(  )1.A love               B. work             C. enjoy           D. play

(  )2.A. look like        B. take care of           C. think about    D. take part in

(  )3.A. lives          B. interests         C. jobs            D. things

(  )4.A. working        B. free              C. own                    D. whole

(  )5.A. hobby          B. thing             C. job             D. way

(  )6.A. make           B. making           C. makes            D. made

(  )7.A. interesting      B. exciting           C. cheap                   D. expensive

(  ).8.A. a little         B. a few                   C. a lot            D. a number

(  )9.A. thousand       B. thousands        C. thousands of    D. thousand of

(  )10.A. paid         B. cost              C. took           D. spent

(  )11.A. that          B. if                C. what              D. why

(  )12.A. to            B. on               C. with                    D. in

(  )13.A. Everything    B. Anything         C. Nothing        D. Something        

(  )14.A. have            B. need           C. refuse        D. like   

(  )15.A. money        B. work           C. fun             D. time


: Man has invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellites studies the   1____ of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they can  2  oil or gold.

The second kind of satellites is used to   3___ships and planes. A ship or a plane can send a message to the satellite and can find out  4____ it is.

The third kind of satellites studies the weather , These satellites  5____ clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparation when very  6 __weather is coming. They  7____ of the earth from thousands of miles above it and send the photos to weather stations on the ground.  8 ___ kind is used for communication .Telephone calls 9 ___countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at one time .The call is to be the satellite, then the  10  sends it to a station in the country is being phoned ,These satellites also carry pictures ;they can send about eight prgramms at a time.


(  )1.  A, physics        B, chemistry         C, geography        D,  biology

(  )2.  A, find           B, buy              C, choose           D,  send

(  )3.  A, make          B, guide            C, carry             D,  repair

(  )4.  A, what          B, who              C, how heavy        D. where

(  )5.  A, watch         B, drive             C, stop              D, push

(  )6.  A, fine           B, cool              C, bad              D, sunny

(  )7.  A, take care      B, draw pictures       C, have a look       D, take pictures

(  )8.  A, Another       B, The other          C, The last          D, One

(  )9.  A, between       B, at                C, in               D,  of

(  )10.  A, man         B satellite            C, telephone         D, caller


: We know mosquitoes very well. Mosquitoes fly_____1___ .they can be found__2___ all over the world ,and there are more than 2,500kinds of them. ___3__likes the mosquito .But the mosquito may___4___  that she loves you .She? Yes , she. It’s__5___  that the male mosquito doesn’t bite and only the female mosquito bites because she needs blood to_6__eggs. She is always__7___ things or people she wants to bite .If she likes what she finds ,she bites .But if doesn’t like your blood ,she will__8_____ to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you ,just remember you are __9____.You’re different from the others !

If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body_10____ letting you know .She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything__11____ .After she bites ,you will have an itch() on your body because she puts something from her_12____ together with your blood .By the time the itch begins she has ___13__.

And then what happens? Well, after her delicious_14____ ,the mosquito feels tired .She just wants to find a place to have a good rest .There ,on a leaf or a wall, she _15____to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs.


(  )1.A.somewhere     B. anywhere       C. everywhere      D. wherever  

(  ) 2A..almost        B. hardly          C.  most          D. mostly     

(  )3.A.Everyone      B. Anyone         C. Someone        D. No one   

(  ) 4.A.think         B. decide          C.  say            D. feel        

(  ) 5.A.true          B. real            C.  right           D. wrong   

(  )6.A,eat           B. lay             C.  lie             D. carry   

(  )7.A.biting        B. finding          C.  wanting         D. looking for 

(  )8.A.fly           B. go              C. turn              D. get  

(  )9.A.found        B. chosen           C. wanted           D. decided  

(  )10.A. to          B. not to           C. with              D. without   

(  )11.A.different     B. same            C. else              D. serious        

(  )12.A.stomach     B. blood            C.  body           D. mouth 

(  ) 13.A. died       B. bitten            C. flown away        D. laid eggs   

(  ) 14 .A. food      B. dinner            C. lunch            D. supper

(  )15.A.likes        B. has              C. begins           D. needs


: A hot dog is one of the most popular American foods. It was named after frankfurter, a German food.

You may hear“ hot dog”__1____ in other ways .People sometimes say “hot dog” to express_2____ .For example ,a friend may ask__3____ you would like to go to the cinema .You might say ,“Great !I would love to go .”Or ,you could say,“__4____ !I would love to go .”

People_5___ use the expression to describe someone who is a“ show-off”,who tries to show everyone else how_6____ he is. You often hear such_7_____ called a hot dog .He may be a baseball player ,for example ,who__8____ the ball with one hand ,making a(n)____9_____catch seem more difficult. You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch ,he bows (鞠躬)to the crowd, hoping to win their__10___.


(  )1.A.eaten         B. used          C. cooked            D. picked  

(  )2.A.strength       B. practice       C. pleasure           D. reply 

(  )3. A. if           B. how          C. when              D. where

(  )4.A. Hot dog      B. Don’t worry    C. Never mind         D. Excuse me   

(  )5. A. ever         B. also          C. still                D. yet   

(  )6.A.hopeful       B. careful        C. kind               D. great   

(  )7.A.a dog         B. a hand        C. a person            D. an action  

(  )8. A. catches      B. plays          C. passes              D. throws  

(  )9.A. hard         B. funny         C. exciting            D. easy   

(  )10.A.thanks       B. cheers        C. medals             D. matches


I walked along the sea for about an hour until I began to feel hungry .It was seven .By that time ,I was not far from a favourite restaurant of mine .I often went there to eat two or three times a week .I knew the owner well.

I went into the restaurant .It was already crowded ,and I ordered my meal .While I was waiting ,I looked_1____ to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant .Then I saw a man sitting at a corner table near the door keeping looking in my direction(方向) as if he knew me .I certainly didn’t know him , for I never forgot a__2___ .The man had a newspaper_3_____ in front of him .But I could see that he was keeping an___4_____ on me .When the waiter brought my soup ,the man was puzzled__5_____ by the familiar way that the waiter and I called each other .He became even more puzzled as _6____went on .He could see that I was well__7____ in the restaurant .At last he got up and went into the kitchen .After a few minutes he came out again,___8____for his meal and left .

When I had finished ,I called the owner of the restaurant over and asked him__9_____ the man had wanted .The owner told me he was a detective .“Really ?”I was___10__ .“He was certainly___11____ in me ,but why ?”I asked .“He followed you here because he thought you were a man he was looking__12______ ,”the owner said .“When he came into the kitchen ,he showed me a__13_____ of the man he wanted .He certainly looked like you! Of course ,since we ___14_____you here ,I told him that he had made a mistake” It’s __15_____I came to a restaurant where I am known ,or I might have been arrested(被捕)!


(  )1.A.for           B. at            C. around               D. like

(  )2.A.name         B. face          C. person                D. friend

(  )3.A.open          B. closed        C. opened               D. close

(  )4.A.orange        B. arm           C.  apple               D. eye   

(  )5.A.badly           B. fast            C. quickly             D. clearly

(  )6A..program         B. story           C. time                D. news

(  )7.A.taken           B. made           C. known              D. brought

(  )8.A.paid            B. took            C. spent               D. cost

(  )9.A.that            B. what            C. when               D. which

(  )10.A.worried        B. surprised        C. surprising            D. sad

(  )11.A.interested       B. interesting       C. worried             D. sure

(  )12.A.up            B. like             C. at                  D. for

(  )13.A.book          B. photo            C. paper              D. magazine

(  )14.A.know          B. see              C. hear               D. look at

(  )15.A.bad           B. good             C lucky              D. best


:It is reported that over 300 million people in China are suffering from near-sightedness. As more children  have got __1______trouble ,their parents hope to cure the disease by medicine, equipment or by correcting the way children__2____ and sit .But in fact the__3___ given to one’s eyes should start with the___4_____ on one’s feet .Three___5_____ on how to protect are as follows: Firstly ,don’t fasten your shoes too tightly .Try wearing loose shoes and __6___or walking bare-footed at home. When traveling ,try wearing cloth shoes so as to make blood circulation(血液循环)___7____.

Secondly walking on tiptoes will help ____8_____one’s eyesight and prevent near-sightedness. Figures tell that___9___ ballet(芭蕾舞) performers are near-sighted .

Thirdly ,rope skipping (跳绳)__10_____does good to one’s eyesight. When skipping the rope ,one __11______react(反应)quickly, which excites the _12_____as well as the eyes .Besides _13____exercises ,it is good to pull one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times is __14_____to be an effective(有效)____15____ to reduce the pressure(压力) on one’s eyes soon.


(  )1.A.Life         B. school       C. head           D. eye 

(  )2. A. play        B.  move      C. study           D. read   

(  )3.A.money       B. care         C. books          D. glasses

(  )4.A. exercise     B.  shoe        C. football        D.   stockings  

(  )5.A.pictures      B. sentences     C. methods        D. facts 

(  )6. A. clothes      B. socks        C. trousers         D. shirts

(  )7.A.faster        B. cleaner       C.  harder         D. easier  

(  )8.A. open        B. improve      C.  lose           D. cut     

(  )9.A.some        B.  many       C.  few           D. none   

(  )10.A. hardly      B. also          C. still            D. never     

(  )11.A. has to      B. can           C. is going to       D. stops to  

(  )12.A. body       B. brain         C.  legs           D. heart   

(  )13A..hand        B. foot          C. head            D. ear  

(  )14.A. made       B. played        C. liked           D. found    

(  )15.A.idea         B. sport         C. game          D. way


: Mr Yorkwell was blind when he was seven .He had seen many doctors but none of them could do __1_____for him .He could never see the world___2___ .Now he has a seeing –eye dog . A seeing-eye dog can help a blind man ___3____along the streets .He is called a seeing –dog_4__ he is the eye of a blind man .

One day ,however ,the bus was full of people___5___ Mr. Yorkwell got on the bus with his seeing-eye dog .There was__6___ for Mr Yorkwell at all .He __7___among so many people before a few bus –stops passed. Then ,one man got up and__8____ his seat and got off the bus. The dog took little__9____ there .The dog began to push the people on____10__ with his nose .He pushed and pushed until the people around moved away and there was enough place for 11_______people . MrYorkwell sat down and the dog got up on the seat___12__MrYorkwell’s.He lay down and put his head on the blind man’s leg .He __13____to be satisfied with what he had done and soon he__14_____ .People around were not angry with him but had __15______at this.


(  )1.A.nothing        B. anything       C. things            D.  one thing  

(  )2. A. again         B. once           C. always          D. still  

(  )3.A.  run         B. jump           C. play             D. walk      

(  )4.A.why           B. when          C. because          D. what 

(  )5. A. when         B. while          C.  as              D. since   

(  )6.A. no seats       B. no seat          C. not sit           D. sitting 

(  )7.A.stood          B. was stood       C. stands            D. had stood    

(  )8.A. took          B. stared          C. lost               D. left   

(  )9. A. house         B. seat            C. room            D.   / 

(  )10.A.every sides    B. each side        C. both sides         D. the side   

(  )11.A.one          B. two             C. many            D. all  

(  )12.A.under         B. above           C. beside           D. behind 

(  )13.A.seemed       B. said             C. smelt            D. saw    

(  )14.A. was slept     B. fall asleep        C. was in slept       D. fell asleep

(  )15.A.to speak      B. to smile          C. to worry          D. to learn


: Everybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong. This is _1__ happened to Harry. One morning, he got up very  2  because his clock stopped. He  3  to shave(刮脸)quickly and cut himself. When he got dressed, he got blood(血)all over his 4  , so he had to find another one. The only other shirt that was clean 5   ironing(熨). While he was ironing it, there was a knock at the door. It was the man to collect money for water. After he paid the water 6_____  and showed the man out, he found the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt. So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all. By this time it was very late, so he 7   he couldn’t go to work by bus. He 8   for a taxi to take him to work, the taxi arrived and Harry 9    in.    

In another part of the town, a man had killed a woman 10  a knife and was seen ____11_______ away in a taxi. When Harry’s taxi stopped outside his office, a policeman 12_____   to be standing there. He saw the blood on Harry’s shirt, and took him to the police station. He was 13   till 3 o’clock p.m. 14   the police found out that he was not the man they wanted. When he finally arrived at the office at about 4 p.m., his boss took a look at him and told him to find ___15______ job.


(  )1.A.that      B. what        C. it            D. how

(  )2. A. early     B. late           C. worriedly       D. fast

(  )3. A. tried     B. hoped          C. wished        D. wanted

(  )4. A. coat     B. sweater        C. jacket          D. shirt

(  )5. A. need     B. needed              C. needing      D. to need

(  )6. A. money     B. change             C. bill            D. pay

(  )7. A. wondered       B. thought        C. believed        D. decided

(  )8. A. looked     B. wished         C. waited          D. telephoned

(  )9. A. got       B. sat            C. came            D. entered

(  )10. A. by      B. with          C. in              D. through

(  )11.A.to run    B. running     C. run           D. ran

(  )12.A.seemed    B. said           C. happened             D. appeared

(  )13.A. stopped  B. caught       C. left            D. kept

(  )14.A. before    B. after          C. since            D. while

(  )15..A.  else   B. the other    C. another        D. other 


1.A.(名词作定语)2.C(从sold eggs and the meat 可知得了许多钱,for表示原因)3.A(从下文买空调可知Mr Hodge住的地方很热)4.D(后面的句子意思是完整的,所以选that5.A(根据下文买空调是为了让母鸡下蛋,所以Mr Hodge发现夏天母鸡几乎不下蛋)6.D 7.B 8.Bbuy sth.  for…意思是为9.B(从全文可知Mr Hodge只顾赚钱,所以对空调推销商的话不感兴趣)10.A(这是一个幽默故事此处填A才点明了文章的幽默之处)


:1.Cenjoy oneself习惯用语)2.Dtake part in意思是参加)3.B4.Bfree time意思是业余时间)5.A6.Bfrom …to…是介词,后+doing7.D(从but others don’t cost anything at all可知有些爱好需花很多钱)8.Ca lot of 是固定短语)9.Aseveral thousand意思是几千)10.B(根据sth cost sb sth可知)11.BI wonder if…意思是我不知道是否值钱)12.Ato sb是对某人来说)13.C14.D15.Cthe fun of的乐趣)


:1.C.(从下文的They are used to make maps可知用来研究geography2.A(找到石油和黄金)3.B(用来导航)4.D(查出船和飞机的位置)5.A(观察云)6.C(指天气变坏时)7.D(从下文send the photos to weather station可知是拍照)8.C9.A(国家之间的电话)10.B (从全文可知是卫星发送)


:1.C(蚊子无处不在,故选everywhere)2.A(此处是几乎遍及全世界的意思,应用almost)3.D(没有人会喜欢蚊子,故答案为D)4.B(蚊子是否咬你是由它决定的,故选B)5.AIt’s true that…这是事实)6.B(蚊子需要吸血来下蛋)7.Dlook for表示寻找的具体动作)8.C(结合句意并用排除法可知答案)9.B(此句意为你是被选中的)10.D(蚊子咬人常常不为人所知,without引导的介词短语可表达此意)11.A12.D(从上下文可知东西来自蚊子的嘴巴)13.C(fly away表示飞走了)14.B(把蚊子的攻击比作正餐,故选dinner)15.Cbegin to do开始做某事)


:1.B(根据后文的use此处应用used,是过去分词作hot dog的后置定语,意为被使用”)2.C(根据后文的I would love to go,此处应选pleasure表示愉快”)3.A(if=weather“是否引导宾语从句)4A.(根据上文中的hot dog5.B(此处含义应是同样,还,也,故选also)6.D(根据上文中的show off一词可以推断他是要向别人炫耀自己有多么了不起)7.C(根据上文中he可知是一个人)8.A(catch the ball意为接球)9.D(根据后文中的difficult,此处为使得本来很容易接的球似乎更困难)10. B(win one’s cheers.意为赢得某人的喝彩)


:1.C(look around环顾四周)2.B(本句意思为我的记忆力很好,见了面就不会忘的)3.A(那人面前摊开着一份报纸)4.D(keep an eye on me瞅着我)5.D(从上下文棵知他被迷惑)6.C(as time went on随着时间的过去)7.C(well known in the restaurant在这家饭店很熟悉) 8paid for his meal付了帐) 9.B(问店主那个人想要什么)10.B.be surprised惊奇)11.Abe interested in感兴趣)12.D(因为他原以为你是他要找的人)13.Ba photo of the man he wanted 他想要找的人的一张照片)14.A(注意since在这里的用法)15.C(我来到一家熟悉的餐馆很幸运)


:1.D(根据全文谈有关近视的问题,故选eye)2.D(读书和坐的姿势对视力影响较大)3.Bthe care to one’s eye意思是对眼睛的关心4.A(根据下文的besides foot exercises应填exercises5Cmethods意思是方法)6.B 7.D(穿布鞋使血液畅通,不受阻。所以使血液循环更容易)8.Bimprove提高,改善)9.Cfew意思是几乎没有,很少。而none太绝对)10.B 11.Ahas to不得不)12.B(跳绳时反应要快,这与大脑有关,故选brain13.B 14.Dbe found to do意思是被发现15.D(拉耳朵是防近视的有效的方法,故选way


1.B(注意前面的关键词none)2.A(注意上文的blind3.D(导盲犬引导盲人走路)4.Cbecause引导原因状语从句)5.Awhen引导时间状语从句)6.B(注意句意及谓语动词was7.D(从句意可知狗在找到座位之前站着,这里表示的时间概念是过去的过去)8.D(leave his seat 离开了座位)9.Croom在此意为空间,地方)10.B(注意句意及答案本身)11.B(有足够的地方供两人坐)12.C(beside MrYorkwell’sYorkwell先生的座位旁)13.A(他似乎对他所做的事情感到满意)14.D(入睡,此处用过去时)15.B(周围的人不但没有生气,反而都笑了)


:1.B(what引导表语从句,what happen to sb意思是某人所发生的.)2.B(从下文his clock stopped ,try to shave quickly可知他起床晚了)3.A(try to do quickly 意思是尽量快做…)4.D(从后文的The only other shirt可知)5.B(应用过去时)6.Cpay sb bill付帐)7.B  8.C(从后文的the taxi arrived可知是他在等车,而wait for意思是等9.Aget in 相当于get into the taxi10.B 11.Abe seen to run被看到逃跑了)12.Chappen to do碰巧13.Dbe kept这里指他被警察扣留)14.A(在警察查出他不是他们要找的人之前一直被扣留)15.C


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