

 What’s The Difference Between EM Near FieldAnd Far Field?


Author: Lou Frenzel

作者:Lou Frenzel

Radio waves should really be called electromagnetic or EM wavessimply because they consist of a magnetic field and an electricfield. A signal from a transmitter applied to an antenna generatesthe fields. The antenna is the transducer and interface to freespace.


As it turns out, an electromagnetic field’s characteristicschange depending on the distance from the antenna. This varyingfield is typically divided into two segments—the near field and thefar field. A good knowledge of their differences goes a long waytoward understanding radio-wave propagation.


Electromagnetic Waves


Figure 1 shows how a classic half-wave dipole antenna createsthe electric and magnetic fields. The transmitted signal is amodulated sine-wave voltage alternating in polarity, producing anelectric (E) field between the antenna elements that switchespolarity each half cycle. Current in the antenna elements producesa magnetic (H) field that changes orientation each half cycle. Thefields are at right angles to one another.



1. The electromagnetic field around a half wave dipole consistsof an electric (E) field (a) and a magnetic (H) field (b). Thefields are spherical and cut across one another at rightangles.

1. 围绕着半波偶极子的电磁场包括一个电场(a)和一个磁场(b)。电磁场均为球形且互成直角

The fields around the antenna are spherical or curved,especially near the antenna. As these fields travel out from theantenna, rounding becomes less pronounced, turning more planar incharacter. The receiving antenna usually perceives a planarwave.


Though the fields exist around the antenna, they propagate awayfrom the antenna perpendicular to the two fields (Fig. 2). At somepoint beyond the antenna, the fields detach themselves into packetsof energy and propagate independently. In fact, they support andregenerate one another along the way. This “independent” wave isthe actual radio wave.



2. At a distance from the antenna, the E and H fields areessentially planar and intersect at right angles. Note thedirection of propagation, which is perpendicular to both fields. At(a) the direction of propagation is perpendicular to the fieldlines shown either into or out of the page. In (b) the magneticfield lines are coming out of the page. You can picture them aslines with arrow points shown as dots.


The Near Field


There’s seemingly no formal definition for the near field—itdepends on the type of application and the antenna. The most agreedupon definition submits that the near field is less than onewavelength (λ) from the antenna. Wavelength in meters is givenby:


λ = 300/fMHz

λ = 300/fMHz

One readily acknowledged distance from the antenna of the nearfield is calculated as:


λ/2π = 0.159λ

λ/2π = 0.159λ

Figure 3 shows the radiated sinusoidal wave as well as the nearand far fields. The near field is generally said to be divided intotwo areas, the reactive and the radiative. In the reactive area,the E and H fields are the strongest and can be measuredseparately. One field or the other will likely dominate, dependingon antenna type. A loop antenna, for example, is dominated by themagnetic (H) field. The loop antenna appears to be the primary as atransformer because of the large magnetic field it generates.



3. Boundaries of the near and far fields are shown with respectto wavelengths at the operating frequency. The antenna is assumedto be at the left and beginning of the wave.


In the radiative area, the fields begin to radiate. Itrepresents the beginning of the far field. In the near field, thestrength of the fields varies inversely with the cube of thedistance from the antenna (1/r3).

辐射区内,电磁场开始辐射,标志着远场的开始。场的强度和天线的距离成反比(1/ r3)。

The transition zone in Figure 3 refers to the somewhat undefinedarea between the near and far fields. (Some models don’t define atransition zone.) In this figure, the far field begins at adistance of 2λ and beyond.


The Far Field


Much like the near field, definitions vary on the beginning ofthe far field. Some say 2λ, while others insist that it is 3λ or10λ from the antenna. Another definition indicates that it startsat 5λ/2π, while still another says that it depends on the largestdimension of the antenna D or 50D2/λ.

和近场类似,远场的起始也没有统一的定义。有认为是2 λ,有坚持说是距离天线3 λ或10λ以外。还有一种说法是5λ/2π,另有人认为应该根据天线的最大尺寸D,距离为 50D2/λ。

Then there are those who claim that this fuzzy boundary betweennear and far fields begins at 2D2/λ. Others will say that the farfield begins where the near field leaves off, or as indicatedearlier, λ/2π.


The far field is the real radio wave. It propagates throughspace at a speed of just about 300 million meters per second, whichis the speed of light or nearly 186,400 miles per second. The E andH fields support and regenerate one another as their strengthdecreases inversely as the square of the distance (1/r2). Maxwelldescribed this phenomenon in his infamous equations.


Maxwell’s Equations


In the late 1870s, before the invention of radio, Scottishphysicist James Clerk Maxwell predicted the arrival ofelectromagnetic waves. Using the laws known at the time fromAmpere, Faraday, Ohm, and others, he came up with a set ofequations that illustrates how one type of field generates theother, and as they propagate, the two coexist in a supportingrelationship. In the late 1880s, German physicist Heinrich Hertzproved Maxwell’s theory.


Maxwell developed four basic equations that show therelationship of the electric and magnetic fields as they vary withtime. Basically, the electric field changing over time appears toproduce charges in motion or current flow that sets up a magneticfield. Other equations say that as the magnetic field varies it canset up an electric field. The waves propagate through space bythemselves after leaving the antenna. Those equations aren’t shownhere, but you may recall that they involve partial differentialequations.




The far field propagates through space, and its strength isdefined by the Friis formula:


Pr = PtGrGtλ2/16π2r2

Pr = PtGrGtλ2/16π2r2

where Pr = power received; Pt = power transmitted; Gr = receiveantenna gain (power ratio); Gt = transmit antenna gain (powerratio); and r = range or distance from antenna. The formula isvalid for free space, line of sight, with no obstructions.

公式中,Pr =接收功率;Pt =发射功率;Gr = 接收天线增益(功率比);Gt=发射天线增益(功率比);r=到天线的距离。公式在视线所及的无障碍开阔空间中适用。

Two important facts arise in this discussion. The received powervaries inversely with the square of the range r. It also varieswith the square of the wavelength, meaning that longer waves atlower frequencies travel farther. For example, a 900-MHz signalwill travel farther than a 2.4-GHz signal for similar power andantenna gains. This expression can be used to analyze all modernwireless applications in terms of approximating signalstrength.


To accurately observe signal propagation, one must plot theantenna’s radiation pattern in the far field. In the reactive zoneof the near field, the receiving antenna may interact with thetransmitting antenna via capacitive or inductive coupling and thusgive false results. On the other hand, it’s been shown that aradiation pattern in the near field can be accurately plotted ifspecial measurement equipment is available.


The near field has also proved useful in communications. Thismode is used for applications such as radio-frequencyidentification (RFID) and near-field communications (NFC).


RFID is the electronic equivalent of bar coding. A thin tagcontaining a chip that integrates memory and specific electroniccode is attached to the item to be identified, tracked, orotherwise processed. The tag, which also includes a passivetransceiver, is passed near a “reader” transceiver that emits astrong RF signal picked up by the tag. Both reader and tag antennasare usually loops serving as the primary and secondary of atransformer.


The signal picked up by the tag is rectified and filtered intodc, which provides power to the tag memory and transmitter. Thetransmitter then sends the code to the reader for identificationand further processing. Active tags using a battery sometimesextend the read range beyond the near field. RFID tags come indifferent frequency ranges, such as 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, and 900MHz.


At 900 MHz, the wavelength is:


λ = 300/fMHz

λ = 300/fMHz

λ = 300/900 = 0.333 meter or 33.33 cm

λ = 300/900 = 0.333 米或 33.33 cm

Subsequently, the near field is calculated as:


λ/2π = 0.159λ = 0.159(0.333) = 0.053 meter (about 2 inches)

λ/2π = 0.159λ = 0.159(0.333) = 0.053 米 (约2英寸)

Read ranges usually extend somewhat beyond this point.Therefore, it may actually spill into the far field at thisfrequency.


NFC also employs a memory and special coding similar to that ofa credit card. An internal transceiver, usually battery powered,can transmit the code to a reader. It also uses the near field asthe read range, and it’s typically only inches. The NFC frequencyis 13.56 MHz, representing a wavelength of:


λ = 300/fMHz

λ = 300/fMHz

300/13.56 = 22.1 meters or 72.6 feet

300/13.56 = 22.1 米或 72.6 英尺

The near field is within:


λ/2π = 0.159λ = 0.148(72.6) = 11.5 feet

λ/2π = 0.159λ = 0.148(72.6) = 11.5 英尺

Because less power is used, the actual read range is rarelygreater than a foot.


NFC is expected to be the technology to implement the “digitalwallet.” With this application, consumers make payments usingNFC-enabled smart phones rather than a credit card.




1. Cheung, W. S. and Levien, F. H., Microwaves Made Simple,Principles and Applications, Artech House Inc., 1985.

Cheung, W. S. 和Levien, F. H.,微波测量原理和应用,Artech出版社,1985

2. Occupational Safety & Health Administration,Electromagnetic Radiation: Field Memo, 1990.


3. Straw, R. D. (Editor), The ARRL Antenna Book, American RadioRelay League, 1997-8.

Straw R. D. (编辑),天线手册,美国无线电传播联盟,1997-8

4. Volakis, J.L., Antenna Engineering Handbook, 4th edition,McGraw-Hill, 2007.


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