

Preferred Pairs m-sequences generation for Gold Codes

Preferred Pair m-Sequences for Gold Codes:

Spreading sequences in a spread spectrum systems can be generated with help of diversified codes like m-sequences,Gold Codes,Kasami Codes, Walsh Codes etc.

Compared to m-sequences (maximum length PN Sequences), Gold codes have worst auto-correlation properties but they have better cross-correlation properties.

The sequences associated with Gold Codes are produced by binary addition (modulo-2) of cyclic shifted versions of two m-sequence of length N=2n?1. If two m-sequences of cyclic shift t1 and t2 are used in Gold code generation, then the generated gold code will be unique for each combination of t1 and t2. This means that a plenty of gold codes are generated with just two m-sequences which implies larger number of users can be accommodated in a given spread spectrum system.

When the two m-sequences are picked randomly for Gold code generation, then the cross-correlation property of the generated Gold code might not be as good as expected. Gold codes are generated using “Preferred” pairs of sequences that will guarantee good cross-correlation (as well as auto-correlation) properties of the generated Gold code.A method for selecting the preferred pairs for Gold Code generation was given by Gold [1] and is detailed here.

Generating Preferred Pairs of m-sequences:

1) Take a m-sequence (d) for given length N (N=2n?1) ,where n is the number of registers in the LFSR).

2) Decimate the m-sequence by a decimation factor of q. This is our second sequence. d=d[q]

3) If the value of q is chosen according to the following three conditions, then the two m-sequences d and d will be preferred pairs.

A) n is odd or mod(n,4)=2

B) q is odd and either q=2k+1 or q=22k?2k+1 for an integer k.

C) The greatest common divisor of n and k satisfies the following conditions:
gcd(n,k)=1, when n is odd
gcd(n,k)=2, when mod(n,4)=2


Lets consider generation a preferred pairs of m-sequence of length N=63 (n=6). Since mod(n=6,4)=2, the first condition is satisfied. Taking q=5 and k=2 satisfies condition 2 and 3. So we will use a decimation factor of q=5 in our simulation for preferred pairs generation.

Cross-Correlation :

The cross-correlation property of the preferred pairs for Gold code generation are three valued and the values are,


where t(n) is given by

t(n)={2(n+1)/2+1 if n is odd2(n+2)/2+1 if n is even

For our example, the theoretical cross-correlation values for the preferred pairs of m-sequences are [?0.2698,?0.0159,0.2381].

Matlab Code:

File 1: preferredPairs.m

Check this book for full Matlab code.
Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab – by Mathuranathan Viswanathan

File2: genPNSequence.m

Check this book for full Matlab code.
Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab – by Mathuranathan Viswanathan

File3 : genDecimatedPNSequence.m

Check this book for full Matlab code.
Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab – by Mathuranathan Viswanathan


The theoretical and simulated cross-correlation values for the generated preferred pairs (with N=63 and q=5) matches perfectly (which can be seen from data cursors on the second plot).

Go here for : Hardware implementation of Gold code generator

Preferred Pairs m Sequences
Cross Correlation of Preferred Pairs m sequences


[1]Gold, R. (1967), Optimal binary sequences for spread spectrum multiplexing (Corresp.), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 13 (4), pp. 619–621.

See also:

[1] Generation of Gold Codes and their cross-correlation
[2] Hardware implementation of Gold code generator
[3] Maximum Length Sequences ( m-sequences)
[4] Walsh Hadamard Code – Matlab Simulation
[5] Codes used in CDMA
[6] Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communications

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