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关键字:隔世情缘 Kate and Leopold 剧本

隔世情缘 Kate and Leopold 剧本--




Time, it has been proposed, is the fourth dimension.

And yet, for mortal man,

Time has no dimension at all.

We're like horses with blinders,

seeing only what lies before us.

Forever guessing the future...

and fabricating the past.


Quite right, Your Grace.

How, you ask, can we lift these shackles...

And livenot in the moment

but in the glorious expanse of time's continuum?

Listen and I shall tell you.

The secret lies in the enduring power of our achievements...

our creations!

As the pyramids testify to the Egyptians,...

so my glorious erection shall represent...

our culture in perpetuity.

Behold rising before you,...

the greatest erection on the continent.

The greatest erection of the age!

The greatest erection on the planet!

Hold this.

For the Herald, Your Grace.

I understand you're making an important announcement tonight.

Good afternoon, ladies. Excuse me, please.

And the Perrier Jouet should be chilled

You understand?


Leopold! Where have you been?


Otis, I demand explication!

It's half past five!

He's not even dressed!

He'll be read, my Lord. I assure you.

I don't wait him ready.

I want him resplendent!

Ah, Miss Blaine.

You dance like a... herd of cattle.

You are a rare woman...

who lights up a room simply by leaving it.

Might you be rich, Miss Blaine?

You see, while I am the third Duke, the little secret...

of those of us in the royal court, aside from our general uselessness,...

is our massive indebtedness.

It's always been your misfortune, Leopold...

that you so thoroughly amuse yourself with the sound of your voice.

In a life as stagnant as mine,...

that I can amuse myself at all is an evolutionary marvel.

Please don't touch that.

The device you were jabbering about.

To take priests to the bell tower.

To take anyone, Uncle, to the floor they so desire.

Buildings continue to climb.

soon they'll outstrip the stamina of our legs.

You speak of progress and invention.

Yet what I offer you downstairs is reality.

Take a wife. Marry.


Marriage is the promise of eternal love.

I cannot promise eternally what I have never felt momentarily.

Born into privilege, yet perversely ashamed of it.

That is your tragedy.

My God!

If my brother could only see you, he'd be heartbroken.

You are no Duke!

Of course not.

The monarchy is dead. We are relics. That is reality.

The new Royals are men of accomplishment.

Men like Roebling, with his bridge, Edison with his lamp,...

Diesel, Bell, Westinghouse

Those men made themselves from nothing!

You, on the other hand, were born with everything...

and from it, fashioned nothing.

As of tonight, I wash my hands of you.

Take a good look at your dance card, Leopold.

A wealthy bride is your only surety.

Your Grace,...

May I present Miss Tree, of the Trees of schenectady.

Miss Tree?

It's an honor to make your royal acquaintance,

Your Highness.

shall we?

Many dreams, all useless.

Who are you?

No... No...

No, I don't want to harm you.

stop! Please!

Pardon me...

Go... Go...

stop! Please!

Oh my God...


Let go! It's okay!

You don't understand! Let go!

I don't want to hurt you! Let go!

What the?


Oh my God...!

We must remember, Bart, that sometimes...

It's okay to color outside the lines.


My Palm Pilot, you still have it.

Kate, it's one in the morning.

And clearly you're awake, so what is the infraction?

I don't know where your Palm Pilot is,...

and I can't do this right now.

I'm expecting a call.

Oh, Bart. sorry, baby.

she is not a happy person.

God dammit!

You know what?

Kate, please. I've got somebody here.

I know. I saw her.

No, you didn't. Yes, I did.

It's a "him", if that's any consolation.

so now that you know I'm not getting laid, go to bed.

Do not hang up on me, stuart.

Don't do that.


I beg of you, something big is happening.

something that validates my entire life

validates your entire life.

What could that possibly be?

Are you sitting down? Yes.

No, you're not. Yes, I am.

You're not.


I found it.

What did you find?

The portal.

A crack in the fabric of time.

Over the East River. Just where I said it would be.

A portal. A portal into April 28th, 1876.

I jumped... off the Brooklyn Bridge...

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