



Understand the causes of debt below to make sure that it doesn’t take over your life in the future.


1.Reduced Income: Often your expenses exceed your income. If you delay in taking care of handling your life with a lower income then you are sure to start to take on debt. Make sure that you understand your changed income and create a budget and a plan as soon as possible.

1. 收入减少:你的支出经常超过收入。如果你收入变少,而你没能及时去调整平时花费以适应变少的收入,那么你大有可能身陷债务。你要了解你收入的变化,从而尽快制定与之相符的预算和花钱计划。

2.Divorce: More than half of American marriages end up in divorce and with it comes strain on personal finances. The laws in America govern what should be done with a couple’s money during a divorce settlement. When one party demands too much, the other will be forced to go into debt to pay for attorneys as well as what their partner deems necessary as part of the settlement.

2. 离婚:超过一半的美国家庭最后离婚,随之而来的是个人经济上的压力。美国法律在夫妇离婚时规定了怎么分配家庭财产。当一方想得到太多财产时,为付律师费和法庭判定要付给他们的伴侣的钱,这另一方肯定会陷入欠债的境地。

3.Poor Money Management: Most of the time, poor budgeting invokes debt. You must have a monthly budget. Without a proper budget, you will not be able to track your expenses. If you write down your spending for an entire month you can see exactly where you money ends up. This is the best way to learn where you can cut some unnecessary expenses and help yourself avoid debt.


4.Underemployment: People often feel that underemployment is temporary, but it can have a lasting effect on your life, especially if you have to go into debt to make ends meet. If you are underemployed, calculate your expenses and start looking for a second job. This might eliminate your chances of falling in debt.

4. 未能充分就业:人们通常都认为做一份要求远低于自己能力的工作只是暂时性的,但是这有可能会对你的生活有持续性的影响,特别是当你努力使收支平衡而陷入债务时。

5.Gambling: Is one of the most beloved forms of entertainment for Americans. However in reality, it is just a guaranteed exchange of money from you to “the house”. As loans are easily available today, one becomes easily addicted to the idea of “winning big” and striking it rich. In fact, gambling can easily lead to you effortlessly mortgaging your future to “the house” as you try to win back what you have lost.

5. 赌博:它是美国最受钟爱的娱乐形式之一。然而事实上,它只是一种钱从你手里流到赌博场的过程。贷款在今天很容易借到,人们就轻易地陷进赌博中去,并希望能大赢一把,一夜骤富。而事实是,在赌博时,你为了能赢回已i经赔掉的钱而继续赌,结果输得更多,从而让你的未来背负上了债务。

6.Medical Expenses: Lapsed policies and expensive medical treatments make this one of the easiest ways to fall into debt. Everything to do in the medical realm costs money and usually a lot of it. On top of that doctors and hospitals are becoming more and more impatient with people that don’t pay their bills on time. Because of this they tend to turn in patients that don’t have the money to collection agencies. When you don’t have the money to pay for your doctor visit it can be easy to put the bill on a credit card or even to take a loan out to avoid collections.

6. 医疗费用:政策失误和昂贵的医疗使得医疗费用最容易使人们负债。只要牵涉到医疗,就要花钱,并且通常都很多。另外,医生和医院对不能按时交医疗费的人越来越没耐心。他们会把暂时交不起钱的病人放在一边,由收账代理商来向病人收取费用。当你没钱支付医生的诊疗费时,为了避免收账代理商来要钱,你就很容易透支信用卡来交这些费用,甚至会借贷款来交费。

7.Little Savings: If you want to avoid unwanted debt, try to be prepared for unexpected expenditures by saving some money. If you have decent savings in place you can use it for emergencies like severe illness, a job-loss or divorce without increasing your debt. Believe me, no one ever regrets saving money for emergencies.

7. 积蓄微薄:如果你不想身陷讨厌的债务,要试着去存钱以备意外情况所需。如果你有可观的积蓄,那么你可以在紧急情况如生病严重、失业或者离婚时使用这些钱而不会增加债务。相信我吧,没人会为紧急状况存钱而后悔的。

The above mentioned causes of debt are very common for Americans and can be easy to fall into. However, if you develop good money management and budgeting skills, you can avoid them. Another thing to remember is that it is important to spend within your means, which will further prevent the reduction of your wealth. By taking prudent steps toward financial responsibility you will can greatly reduce the probability of sinking into and accruing more and more debt.


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