

But a fun job that you can look forward to going to every day, that's a job everyone wants. The "funnest" job may not necessarily equate to the most satisfying — a recent survey by CareerBliss found that Disney theme park workers rank lower than members of the Army when it comes job satisfaction.


But if you're looking for fun and a chance to make some good money — both of which we hope will lead to job satisfaction — here are 10 jobs worth considering. Our list isn't based on a survey, but on unscientific criteria that includes job satisfaction, having fun at work, independence and a good work environment.


Ferrari driving instructor


Annual salary: $120,000


Yes, it's a niche, but that's why it pays so well and is so much fun. Anthony Lazzaro, a former NASCAR driver who still races professionally, earns $500 to $1,000 a day as a Ferrari instructor, he told WalletPop in an e-mail. Even at the low end, that adds up to $120,000 for 12 months of work.

      没错,这个很小众,也正因如此才会有不错的薪水,而且非常有趣。Anthony Lazzaro曾是美国国家赛车联合会的车手,现在还参加职业比赛。他在给WalletPop的邮件中说,当法拉利驾驶教练可以每天挣500至1000美金,即使不是好年景,12个月的工资加起来也到12万美金。

The classes can cost $9,000 or so, and if you can't afford that and still want to see and hear what it's like to be in a Ferrari at 150 mph, a YouTube video gives an idea. The classes, whether through him or someone else, are not for the meek.




Annual salary: $100,000


What could be more fun than floating in space? According to NASA, salaries for civilian astronaut candidates are based on the federal government's general schedule pay scale for grades GS-12 through GS-13. Each person's grade is determined by academic achievements and experience. Currently, a GS-12 starts at $65,140 per year and a GS-13 can earn up to $100,701 per year. Military astronauts remain in an active duty status for pay, benefits, leave, and other similar military matters.


Any adult who is in excellent physical condition and meets the basic qualifications can be selected to enter astronaut training. But for mission specialists and pilot astronauts, the minimum requirements include a bachelor's degree in engineering, science or math, followed by three years of related experience and preferably an advanced degree. Pilot astronauts must have at least 1,000 hours of experience in jet aircraft, and they need better vision than mission specialists.

      每一个身体健康且符合基本要求的成年人都能参选进入宇航员培训。但对于任务专家(执行美国宇航局飞行任务的特定宇航员的职位)和飞行员宇航员的最低要求为:拥有工程、科学或数学的学士学位,最好有本科以上学历,三年相关工作经验。飞行员宇航员必须有至少1千小时的喷气式飞机工作经验,对视力的要求也比任务专家要高。(宇航员培训中心的学员共分成四类:第一类是飞行员宇航员(Pilot Astronauts),结业后分发为太空任务的驾驶或指挥官;第二类叫任务专家(Mission Specialist Astronauts),他们在指挥官的领导之下,协调舱内作业,或从事科学实验,或到舱外作太空漫步)

It's a tough field to get into. There are more than 4,000 applicants for about 20 openings every two years. But go ahead, fill out an application.




Annual salary: $93,000 per year


You don't have to buy a vineyard to be a vintner or winemaker. Many wineries hire someone to run the winemaking business and oversee production, the staff and the budget.


According to JobMonkey.com, the general requirements include a bachelor's degree in oenology (the study of making wine) or another related degree, at least five years experience in winemaking, a strong knowledge of the pertinent grape varietals, and strong technical winemaking skills. It may take awhile to get such a fun job, but taking good wine home to taste aft
er work sounds like a pretty nice job perk.




Annual salary: $90,000


This job might be too much fun if you love chocolate. As anyone who has worked at an ice cream store can tell you, you get tired of ice cream after working with it for eight hours a day. The same might be true for chocolate, but it's a chance we're willing to take.


A top chocolatier — who makes or sells chocolate — can earn $90,000 to $100,000 per year at Godiva. The average annual salary for all chocolatiers is $21,000, so you'll have to be at the top of the profession to earn the big bucks. But if you've worked as a marketing or product development manager, you could still find jobs at chocolate companies and make $100,000 or more per year, and probably still get some free premium chocolate to take home. Or eat at your desk. Your choice.




Annual salary: $81,000


Being an airline pilot can be a stressful job, but it must be a fun one. Why? They get to fly a plane. Duh. Who wouldn't want to fly a plane, travel the world for free and make good money while doing something few people can do? The average pay is $81,000, according to Indeed.com.

      民航飞行员的工作可能比较有压力,但肯定是有趣的一种。为什么呢?他们驾驶飞机。这不是废话么。谁不想开着飞机,满世界免费旅行,拿着不错的薪水,从事着少数人才能干的工作呢? 根据Indeed网站,飞行员的平均工资是8万1千美金。



Annual salary: $49,000


Entertaining people — by making them laugh or be amazed — pays well for magician Mitch Williams, who told WalletPop that he earns $400 to $3,000 per job, depending on the type of program he's doing, location, date and other factors. The median salary for a magician is $49,000 per year, according to a career website.

      娱乐大众——逗大家笑或者让人感到惊奇——报酬也不错。魔术师Mitch Williams告诉WalletPop,每个演出他挣4百至3千美金,取决于表演的种类,地点,日期等因素。根据职业网站,魔术师的平均年薪是4万9千美元。

"I get to create my own shows, and perform them for a variety of different groups," Williams said in an e-mail. "It's such a blast seeing and hearing people respond to what I do. I'm an international award winner, and I'm known as an expert at sleight of hand and an authority on approaching magic as an actual art form. So the magic I do is somewhat unique and fairly impressive (even if I do say so myself.) It's a thrill to be able to get people caught up in the experience of wonder. And of course the real magic is that experience that we create together; performer and audience."


Park ranger


Annual salary: $47,000


Most government workers are happy with their jobs, according to a recent survey, mostly because they feel the work they do is important. A park ranger's work is important, and the work environment should only add to having fun on the job. Because most park ranger jobs are federal jobs, they're paid on a pay scale. Non-supervisory park rangers earn $47,448 per year, and supervisors earn $57,408 or more.


Video game designer


Annual salary: $46,000


Playing video games is fun, but creating them from your imagination could be much more fun. A degree in graphic design will help you get the job. Pay averages $46,000 a year for someone with less than three years of experience, going up to $70,000 a year with more than six years of experience.




Annual salary: $25,000


We know that's not a lot a money, but working around flowers all day — the smell, the beauty — at least sounds like a fun job. And the pay can go higher than the $25,000 median — to about $45,000 with 10 to 19 years of experience.


Standup comedian


Annual salary: $10,000 to millions


It's a tough gig to break into, but making people laugh can be fun and profitable. Dan Nainan earned $15,000 for a show, and made $22,000 as an actor for a day's work filming an Apple commercial.

      这是个很难打入的演出市场,但让观众开怀大笑既有趣又收入可观。Dan Nainan 一场秀能挣1万5千美金,在Apple商业的每日电影中担任演员挣2万2千美元。

"I get to travel around the world on someone else's dime — I've performed in Dubai, Netherlands, Tokyo, Aruba, Mexico, just to name a few — and I have an upcoming tour of the UK [November], Thailand in December and Trinidad in March," he said in an e-mail to WalletPop. "Since I fly almost 200,000 miles a year, I get upgraded to first class on every flight, and have a free lounge membership. My life is like that of George Clooney in "Up in the Air", just without the sex LOL."


If you're really good as a standup comedian, it can lead to making millions of dollars, which sounds pretty fun.


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