



壹心理翻译社 ◎ 荣誉出品
原作 | Vanessa LoBue PhD
翻译 | Jenny_Z
校编 | Phoebe_菲贝,张真Derek


How children learn is something that we are all interested in, some of us from a scientific perspective, others from a policy perspective, and most of us from the perspective of a parent.


Watching my son figure out something new—like how to fit wooden blocks into a shape sorter or how to make his music box play—is both fascinating and exciting for both the mom and the researcher in me. At the ripe old age of two, every day offers him a new discovery, and I am more than happy to sit back and watch as he learns from the world around him.


Some researchers have likened infants to "baby scientists"—experimenting with their environments on their own to learn new things. Like scientists, children do learn new things by experimenting with the world, but the truth is, very few actual scientists work alone. In fact, scientists often accomplish the most when they work in groups or in pairs, and it turns out that the same can be true for young children.


Consistent with this idea, a very famous psychologist from the early 1900's named Lev Vygotsky proposed something quite revolutionary for his time.

前苏联著名发展心理学家利维·维谷斯基(Lev Vygotsky)在20世纪初提出了一个在当时极具革命性的概念。

He suggested that children might accomplish the most when they work with someone smarter than them. He described the zone of proximal development, which is what a child can achieve with the help of an adult, often their moms.

当孩子和比他们聪明的人一起时,孩子能获得更大的成就。这就是教育心理学人尽皆知的“最近发展区(zone of proximal development)”概念 —— “比现在的我做得更好一点点”,就是“最近发展”,而孩子可以在成年人的帮助(多数时候是母亲的帮助下)实现这份“最近发展”。

Within the zone, parents can scaffold behaviors for their children by providing instruction and guidance, much like the scaffolding on buildings provides those structures with support so that they can grow to reach their greatest height.

在这个发展区里,父母为孩子的行为提供了如同脚手架作用的指引和指导, 而孩子就可以在这种帮助下达到他们所能到达的最高处。

Luckily, scaffolding isn't something that most parents have to work too hard at—they do it naturally just by talking to or playing with their kids.


In fact, you can probably see examples of scaffolding any time you watch a mom talk to her baby. Babies love to see their moms smile at them, so a simple smile can act as a positive reinforcement or scaffold, encouraging the baby to repeat whatever it was that made her grin in the first place. Thus, by providing a loving smile, laugh, or pat on the back, moms can inadvertently help their babies learn.


For example, researchers interested in how moms shape their babies' language learning trained moms to reinforce their 8-month-olds whenever they babbled by simply smiling and moving closer to them. After just a short session in the lab, the babies who's mothers reinforced their babbling babbled more, and they babbled better (using sounds that more closely align with English sounds) than babies who were not reinforced.


Further, when mothers responded to their babies' babbles by repeating similar sounds, babies modified their babbles to match the sounds that their mothers made, also resulting in more mature babbling. I see the very same thing happening every day in my own home: My son says a word, I smile and repeat it, he then repeats the word again to me, only this time better and more clear than the first time.


Importantly, parents can also scaffold behaviors during playtime that might help their children learn new and important problem-solving skills. For example, researchers who studied how parents might help their 2-year-olds during problem solving tasks presented parent-child pairs with a set of blocks and asked them to build a tower by stacking the blocks according to their sizes. During the interactions, parents were really good at knowing when to give their children hints and instructions in order to boost the child's ability to successfully create a tower. In fact, moms were especially good at both leading their children through the task while at the same time, allowing the child to spend some time off task exploring freely.

更重要的是,家长在陪孩子玩的过程中可以帮他们学习新东西以及解决问题的重要技巧。例如:有人研究父母是怎么帮助两岁大的孩子解决困难的,他们让孩子和家长一起搭建积木。过程中就发现父母都非常清楚的知道什么时候该给孩子提示了,好让他们能完成积木塔的搭建。 特别想说的是妈妈们,她们在知道如何帮孩子完成任务的同时,还能给孩子最够的时间去自由的探索和发挥。 


Based on this work, it appears that parents are already pretty good at guiding children's learning during play without going out of their way or doing anything special. But, if you're feeling like you want to do a little more, there is also research demonstrating additional learning benefits when children are engaged in guided play, or play that involves the guidance of a parent.


Parents don't have to do much here either, as asking simple questions during playtime can often promote learning.


For example, research has shown that children learn more about engineering when parents asked simple open-ended questions about skyscrapers while children tried to build one with blocks.


Similar research suggests that children learn more about the function of a new toy if parents ask the child to provide explanations for how it might work. The key here is to provide hints and ask questions to encourage children to explore, without providing too much direct instruction.


Indeed, children learn more by exploring themselves than by watching an adult do something for them, and they explore more if parents don't provide explicit instructions about how to use a new toy.


The point of all of this is that children learn by playing, and most importantly, although they can learn by playing on their own, they can often learn more when playing with someone who's smarter than them, someone like mom or dad.


This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be thinking about teaching your child during playtime; again, you will likely scaffold behaviors for your child without even thinking about it.


But by providing helpful hints and asking simple questions, parents can give children the support they need to reach their full potential: Much like the scaffolding on a building, playing with parents gives children just enough support to help them stand on their own.


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