



Why Do Men Lie to Women : Lie No. 1


Question: What are you thinking?


Answer: Nothing.


Question: Seriously, what are you thinking?


LIE: Hmmm, I am thinking about you!!


This is a very common lie that men say to women. Recent survey has proved it that there are in fact times when men think about nothing. It is because such a phenomenon does not occur for women, that when a man actually says "nothing" we don't believe him. That is why they make something up, it will be more believable right?


Even if the man is thinking something, and says "nothing", my suggestion to all women is to drop it for the moment. Men have a tendency to keep things only in their mind until it is a little bit sorted. So, if you keep patience in the start and show them support, by just giving them a sweet smile and saying, "Okay", they might come and discuss it with you, honestly, when they are ready


Why Do Men Lie to Women : Lie No. 2


Question (on the phone): What are you doing?


Answer: Ummm, nothing just hanging out with friends.


Now, in case he is lying in this case, there is barely any way to know that unless you are spying on him. Either ways, if you really want him to tell you exactly where he is and what he is doing, you are probably asking too much from him. Let's face it, men are the protectors, they are built to be protective and not the most accountable. More so, dealing with a relationship, more specifically, dealing with women, is quite stressing for most men. Hence, if they just want to let loose and do "nothing" with their friends, let them. If you give him space when he needs it, he may even start opening up to you.


Why Do Men Lie to Women : Lie No. 3


Lie: I'll call you!


Now, this one is not always a lie. However, if they don't call you back for 3 days, it is possible that he is playing the 3 day charm on you, to get you longing for his call. In case he doesn't call you for more than 4 or 5 days, he is probably just not that into you. Now, you would ask, "then why did he have to say that he will call me?". Well, the answer to that is that most men are accustomed to end the conversation in that manner. More so, he probably didn't want to hurt your feelings or seem rude. Hence, he said the most "safe" line in the guy's vocabulary. So, lighten up. If you still like him enough, take the initiative and call him. You are a strong, independent women!


Why Do Men Lie to Women?


The basic question is still unanswered. Men lie to women for a few specific reasons. Let's understand them.


To get away with stuff: This is the reason why most women lie as well, right? It is often just easier to give a very simple and easy answer, as compared to saying the truth. Often, in saying the truth, confrontation is a given. As such, lying seems like a safer option.


Fiction is more believable: This is very common as well. Women have a tendency to refuse to believe something that is just too "easy" to be true. Poor men, where do they go at such a time. If they say the truth, they will be constantly questioned. So, they make up a more complex lie, and the women tend to fall for it!


For kicks: Yes, many men can afford to saying the truth. Like, "We got bored working, so we went to the bar after office hours, hence I got late!". But no, men being boys, end up having no fun in saying that. Many men in such a situation, would enjoy making up and elaborate and detailed lies for their special someones. After all, all they pent up creativity has to be expressed somewhere, right?


Half Truth: Often the man is not exactly lying, but he is not completely honest either. He will say the acceptable part of the truth and very conveniently "forget" about the unacceptable part of it. Like he may say that he took a friend out for shopping, but he may just omit the part where his "friend" is actually his ex-girlfriend. Let's face it, if you are his girlfriend or wife, you would at least frown at the concept. So, to keep you happy, he would simply not mention.


To avoid work: These are the lies that men say to get away from chores or other errands. Like, if you need to have him pick up the laundry on the way back from office, he might "suddenly" have a very important meeting spring up. Or if he forgot to do it, he would make up a story saying that he remembered, but thought you would have already done it, instead. Silly, I know, but that is the way a man's mind works, at times.


To make you feel better: Now, if you have cooked the worst meal ever, you would not want him to tell you that in the face right? More so, men have been trained to tell the woman the the food is good, come what may, if they care about her. So, in such a case his lie to you would be something like "The food was amazing". I wouldn't mind this lie, would you?


To hide the truth: These are the lies that you need to be wary of. Yes, all the lies that men say are not white lies. Some are the ones that they say to hide something from you.


Don't you think that these aren't that bad, after all? I mean, it's high time we open our minds a little bit to the male psyche and see the honesty in all the lies.


Why Do Men Lie about Stupid Things?


Yes, men lie about the silliest things. But, they do it because they are simply scared of your reaction. Yes, we women tend to get all interrogative if something seems a little bit dicey. What do you do to avoid that? Well, you need to build trust in the relationship. Let him, know that there is nothing that he can do that will make you hate him, if he tells you about it honestly. Preach by practice. Tell him everything, even things he may not like. Tell him that you love him and that you trust him with your honesty. It works, when done genuinely.


Why Do Men Lie and Cheat?


Cheating and lying can be a bad combination. Why do men cheat on women? For several reasons. All you have to remember, is that it is not always the man's fault. If you keep a constant distance from him, or if you never trust him, then you are driving him into indiscretion. So, if his behavior makes you suspicious, it is best if you sit down and sort it out with him. Either ways, cheating, in my opinion, is unacceptable, the rest is your decision!


However, many men simply cheat and lie because they can. In such a case, the ball is in your court. You can forgive him and carry on with your life, or you could not forgive him and get revenge, or you could end the relationship and move on with life. Either ways, the best way to know why a person does what he does is by asking him outright. Do not jump to conclusions and judgments, it will more often than not, turn out to be wrong.


Women are blessed with intuition and a whole load of intellect. Use what your "momma gave ya" and have fun with some of the lies that the men say!!


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