



(  )50. We should keep on _____ English every day.
.A. to practise to speak .B. to practise speaking
.C. practising to speak .D. practising speaking
(  )51. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and_____ around, but     she _____ nothing.
A. looked; saw B. saw; saw .C. watched; looked .D. looked; find
(  )52. Would you please ____ it in English?
A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk.
(  )53. I have ______ for my pen everywhere, but I just can’t _____ it.
.A. found, find B. found, look .C. looked, find D. looked, look
(  )54. After a short break he went on _____.
.A. to speak B. speak .C. speaking D. spoken
(  )55. -Do you like milk or coffee? -I prefer milk ___ coffee..
A. with B. to .C. than D. of
(  )56.—Will you please_______us a story,Miss Gao?
—OK.Shall I_______it in English or in Chinese?
A.tell;speak B.talk;speak C.tell;say D.talk;say
(  )57.He eats______food,so he is________fat.
A.much too;too much B.much too;too many
C.too much;much too D.too much;many too
(   )58.—I’m sorry I left my exercise book at home.—Don’t ___________it to     school tomorrow,please.
A.forgot;to take B.left;to bring C.forgot;to bring D.left;to take
(  )59.Remember with others.
A.not to be angry B.don’t be angry C.don’t angry
(  )60. My CD doesn’t work well.I’ll go and this evening.
A.have them repaired B.to repair C.have it repaired D.have it repair
(  )61.—It is very kind of you to help me with my English. —_________.
A.That’s right   B.Thank you  C.With pleasure    D.Don’t say so
(  )62. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please __________?
  A.turn it on B.turn it down C.turn it up D.turn it off
(  )63. We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining _________.
  A.badly B.strongly C.hardly D.heavily
(  )64. —You haven’t been to Macao,have you?—_____.How I wish to go there!
  A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I haven’t C.No,I have D.No,I haven’t
(  )65—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?—I’m afraid ___ day is possible.
  A.either B.neither C.some D.any
(  ) 66. The Chinese ping-pong players will join in the match. Let’s _____ them   success.
A. wish B. to wish C. hope D. to hope
(  )67. He came to China ____ 1998.
A. from   B. since   C. at    D. in
(  )68. — ____did you buy the new bag?
—Last Monday.
A. Where  B. How    C. When   D. Who
(  )69. Mr. Yang is too ____ to go on walking.
A. strong   B. tall   C. kind   D. tired
(  )70. ____ trees are cut down every year.
A. Thousand  B. Thousands of  C. Thousands  D. Thousand of
(  )71. He’s lived here ____ 1980.
A. after   B. in    C. from    D. since
(  )72. —Can you understand me ?
—Sorry, I can ____ understand you.
A. hardly   B. almost   C. nearly   D. ever
(  )73. —  ____ does it take me to go from my school to your school ?
—About five minutes.
A. How many   B. How far   C. How much   D. How long
(  )74. —Hello. May I speak to Jim,  please ?
— ____ ,  please ?
A. Who are you  B. How is he   C. Who is that  D. What are you
(  )75. She asked me if I knew whose pen____.
A. is it    B. it was   C. it is    D. was it
(  )76. It’s cold outside. You’d better ____your coat.
A. put on   B. put away   C. put back   D. put up
(  )77. —I have finished my homework.
—When ___ you ___ it ?
A. have; finished     B. do; finish C. did; finish     D. will; finish
(  )78. —Can I ___ your bike ?
             —With pleasure. But you mustn’t        it to others.
A. lend;borrow   B. borrow;lend  C. carry;lend  D. borrow;keep
(  )79.  ___ of them has an English dictionary.
A. Every    B. Each   C. Both    D. All
(  )80. It ___ me about ten minutes to go to school by bike every day.
A. pays    B. spends   C. costs    D. takes
(  )81. Don’t tell anybody about it. Keep it ___ you and me.
A. among    B. between   C. in    D. with
(  )82. I’d like to ____ the word in French.
A. say    B. speak    C. tell    D. talk
(  )83. A strong wind will arrive in Harbin. It will  ___ much rain.
A. bring    B. take    C. carry    D. get
(  )84. It’s ___ a beautiful stamp.
A. quite    B. too    C. very    D. so
(  )85. He doesn’t know ___ English because he has studied it for only __________ weeks.
A. much; a few  B. little; few  C. few; little  D. a few; a little
(  )86. It’s about ___ walk from my home.
A. ten minute  B. ten minutes  C. ten minute’s  D. ten-minutes
(  )87. —Is this your sock ?
—Yes,  it is. But where is ___?
A. the others  B. the other one  C. others   D. other one
(  )88. The radio is too noisy. Would you please ___ a little?
A. turn it off  B. turn it down  C. stop it from D. pick it up
(  )89. The woman had to do the farm work herself,  ___?
A. did she   B. didn’t she C. had she  D. wasn’t she
(  )90. He has ___ for about twelve years.
A. bought the house    B. left here C. lived here    D. gone there
(  )91. I’d like some water, but he wants ___.
A. two bottle orange    B. two bottles of orange
C. two bottle oranges    D. two bottles of oranges
(  )92. Mike is learning ___ a computer.
A. how can he use     B. how to use
C. how he use     D. how to using
(  )93. You are just ___ for the game. Please come and join us.
A. in time   B. on time   C. at times   D. at the time
(  )94. Who will teach ___ English next term?
A. ourselves  B. us   C. our   D. ours
(  )95. Everything is ___ lighter on the moon than on the earth.
A. so    B. more   C. much   D. very
(  )96. —  ___ do you go to see your parents?
—Once a week.
A. How often   B. How long  C. How soon  D. When
(  )97. --Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?
--- ______. I think I’ll just have a glass of water.
A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either
(  )98. I’ve never seen ______ match before.
A. such an exciting B. so an exciting C. such an excited D. so an excited
(  )99. We usually _____ hello to each other.
A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say
(  )100. She did the exercise again. She forgot _____ it.
A. to do B. doing C. do D. did
答案51-55 ABCCB 56-60 CCCAC 61-65 CDDDB
66-70 ADCDB 71-75 DADCB 76-80 ACBBD 81-85 BAAAA 86-90 BBBBC 91-96 BBABCA
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