

At Job Interview 工作面试实用英语

大家都知道第一印象很重要。老外人虽然很讲效益,但和人第一次见面时,往往会先问一些无关紧要的问题。这叫做“Breaking the ice"establish a rapport )。工作面试时也一样。一见面:

The interviewer might ask you something like:

"How are you today?"

"Did you have any trouble finding this place?"

"How did you get here?"

你不要为"interviewer" 那么友好的问话和语调感到吃惊。The interviewer wants to put you at ease (help you relax).

So you just answer the question without going into too much detail.

The most important part

面试时,最重要的部分是谈你的"experience and qualifications". 所以当interviewer和你寒暄时,你可不要扯远了。
Qualifications include your education from High School on and any special training you may have done in the past.   

Experience is any work that you have done that is directly or indirectly related to the job you are applying for.
Talk about your education

因为你要谈的教育发生在过去,所以记住了要use past tenses.   

For example:
"I attended the University of New York from 1992 to 1996."

"I graduated with a degree in social science"

如果你目前还是个学生,那么应该使用present tenses:

For example:   

"I am currently studying at the University of New York and will graduate with a degree in computer science in this fall."

or "I am studying English at City College of New York."  

当谈你受的教育时,可别忘了提起你参加过的培训,得到过的证书和选过的一些和这份工作有关的课程。譬如computer training, correspondence courses, CCNP Certificate等等。


Talk about your working Experience and Qualifications


谈时要注意时态。提到目前还在做的工作的时,要用present perfect or present perfect continuous,这样对方才能知道你如今还在为这家公司服务。   

For example:

"Learn-American-English have employed me for the last 2 years as a bookkeeper."

or "I have been creating customer accounts for 6 months."

当提起过去的工作经历时,要使用past tenses 这样对方就能领会你已经离开那家公司。

For example:

"I was employed by Learn-American-English from 1996 to 1999 as a bookkeeper."

or "I worked as a receptionist at the learn-American-English while I was living in New York."

Talking about qualifications


虽然过去的工作和如今申请的工作不一样, 但如果你能显示自己的"adapting skills", 那么通常情况下你也会有很大的机会得到这份工作。

Following is a wonderful example of adapting skills to fit the job desired:  

A Chinese new immigrant from Beijing who had worked as the manager of an important theater in Beijing. Unfortunately, he had to start from the beginning in New York and therefore wanted to get a job as a rodent exterminator (someone who kills rats!). When asked what kind of experience he had, he replied that, as the manager of the theater, he had had to make sure that the theater was always rodent free and was therefore capable of doing the job well!

注意:通常情况下interviewerinterview中很注重观察的是你的能力和你的“willingness to learn”.

Use the Right Word to Express (Verb)


下面例出的是一串侧重描述怎样完成任务和工作的动词。 正确地运用这些动词,能使你在工作面试中给对方留下一个好的印象。
acted / accomplished / adapted / administered /advanced / advised / allocated / analyzed / applied / approved / arbitrated / arranged / assisted / attained / blended / brought / built / carried out / catalogued / changed / classified / collaborated / compared / completed / computed / conceived / conducted / constructed / consulted / contracted / controlled / cooperated / coordinated / corrected / counseled / created / dealt / decided / decreased / defined / delegated / derived / designated / detected / developed / devised / directed / discovered / distributed / documented / doubled / edited / encouraged / engineered / enlarged / escalated / established / estimated / evaluated / examined / expanded / experienced / explored / facilitated / finalized / formulated / founded / functioned / governed / grouped / guided / handled / harmonized / harnessed / headed / identified / implemented / improved increased / indexed / initiated / inspected / installed / instituted / interpreted / introduced / invented / investigated / justified / led / localized / located / made / managed / maintained / mechanized /merged / moderated / motivated / negotiated / opened / operated / organized / originated / overcame / perceived / performed / pioneered / planned / prepared / presented / presided / processed / programmed / promoted /provided / purchased / raised / recommended / recorded / recruited / rectified / redesigned / repaired / replaced / restored / reversed / reviewed / revised / saved / screened / selected / serviced / sorted / sparked / specified / started / stimulated / strengthened / summarized / supervised /supported / systematized / tested / trained / transacted / transcribed / transformed / tripled / upgraded / validated / varied / verified / vitalized / won / wrote ;

Use the Right Word to Express (adjective)


accurate / active / adaptable / adept ­/


competent / conscientious / creative

dependable / determined / diplomatic / discreet

efficient / energetic / enterprising / enthusiastic / experienced

fair / firm




logical / loyal

mature / methodical / motivated

objective / outgoing

personable / pleasant / positive /practical / productive

reliable / resourceful

self disciplined / sense of humor / sensitive / sincere / successful

tactful / trustworthy  



About personal questions
Please tell me about yourself.

How would you describe yourself?
Who or what had the greatest influence on your life?

What are some of the greatest personal challenges you have faced during your lifetime?

About your skills and abilities

Why should our organization hire you?

What skills and abilities do you possess that will help make you successful in today's job market?

Please describe a frustrating experience from school or work, and tell me how you dealt with it.

How do you interact with people around you?

Who was the most difficult person you have ever dealt with, and how did you respond?

What are your major strengths and weaknesses?  

What personal factors do you consider most important when evaluating yourself?

Tell me about your communication skills, your personal skills relevant to work experiences, and your problem-solving abilities.

How well do you work with others?

What skills and abilities do you bring to this job?

Please list three personal attributes that you would like to improve, and tell me any efforts you've made to make improvements in these areas.

What do you see as your greatest challenge when starting a new career?

How would your friends describe you? ?

In what areas are you working to improve?

About your career goals

What are your goals and aspirations for the next three years? five years? ten years?

What are your short and long-term goals?

How are you preparing to achieve them?

Why do you think you would be good at this profession (sales, retailing, marketing, etc.)?  

Please describe your ideal job.

Why are you interested in this industry/ profession/ occupation?

What work would you like to do that really interests you?

In what environment do you want to work?

What geographical location interests you most when working?

Please tell me about your plans for the future.   

What is your timetable for achievement of your current career goals?  

Why do you want to work for XYZ company?
In this organization, where do you see yourself in five years?   

Please tell me five things about yourself that would make you an asset to any organization that hired you.

About your academic programs and achievements

Why did you choose this major field of study? ­

Why did you choose this college or university?

What were your favorite college courses, those you liked most? Least? Why?

What is your grade point average (GPA)?

How satisfied are you with your accomplishments in this academic program?

What are your academic strengths?

What courses gave you the most difficulty?  

If you could, what changes would you make in your school's academic program?

About your working experience

What prior work experiences have you had?

What were your accomplishments in these prior work experiences?  

What were your most significant achievements?  

What would your last two employers say about you as an employee, either good or bad?

What projects were accomplished during your time on the job?

How were these accomplished?   

What can you tell me that you enjoyed most about your previous job experiences? Least?

Can you tell me about your toughest job assignment?

Please tell me about a conflict situation and how you resolved it.

Please elaborate on one of the work experiences listed on your resume.

Please tell me about the duties/requirements of your last job.

What did you see as your major strengths and/or weaknesses on this job?

About your accomplishments and achievements
In addition to your educational and professional experiences, what else would you like us to know about you in order to make an appropriate decision?

What are your greatest achievements at this point in your life?

About relocation and travel
Are you willing to relocate?  

Do you mind traveling? "   

About your knowledge of this company

What do you know about our company?

Why did you select XYZ company?

What are your expectations of the XYZ company?

Why do you want to work in the position you are seeking?

Who else are you interviewing in your job search?

Why did you choose to interview with our company?

About salary and benefits

What starting salary do you expect as an employee?

What company benefits are most important to you?

How do you feel about an income made up totally of commissions?

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