


2022.11.05 湖北





From the Qin Great Wall (the First Emperor of Qin tried to connect the city walls of the Warring States Period into a continuous wall) to the 20th century, the Great Wall was never strategically defeated by the invaders militarily. However, this does not mean that the wall has been airtight for 2300 years.


As there are vast grasslands in Mongolia and Siberia today, most of these 'barbarians' have ridden on horseback in the past several thousand years; Most of them are hunters/gatherers/herders, so they usually have better cavalry.


Chinese civilization is based on agriculture. There are not many horses on the traditional Chinese land, so the main defensive units of the Chinese are infantry. The Chinese, with a few exceptions, are usually not good at training large numbers of high-quality cavalry to fight against the barbarians in the north.


Since there are no natural boundaries such as mountains, rivers and so on, the vast land needs to be protected, and the Central Plains is easily controlled by the 'barbarians' in the north. Because of their quick action, they can easily attack any place in the northern plains of China without warning or response time.


Worse than the large-scale organized attacks (such as the looting of China's feudal capital around 800 BC) is the small local attacks that the 'barbarians' tribes could not prevent. These small-scale attacks are difficult to counter. Once it happened, the Central Plains Dynasty had no choice but to tear up the peace agreement with the 'barbarian leader' and risk an all-out war, or let its citizens become mermaids, which made it difficult to uphold justice for the loss of their subjects' lives/property.


Setting up a defensive wall has two effects. First of all, small-scale attacks make the aggressors very dangerous. It is not because the city wall itself can prevent 'barbarians' from rampaging in the city wall. It is precisely after the plundering in the city wall that the Chinese garrison has the means to gather troops and block the gate, making it difficult for them to return to the prairie safely.


Second, even if a large army (mainly composed of cavalry) tries to enter the city wall, the offensive forces need to reserve enough troops to fight with the defenders on the way back from the city wall, leaving only a few people to encircle the city. Therefore, when the national strength of the Central Plains was weak, the northern nomads might launch attacks around the cities. The people of the Central Plains were sure that these 'barbarians' would eventually leave, and they were safe inside the city walls.


China was completely conquered by the 'barbarians in the north' twice in history, so it left a 'false' impression that the Great Wall was invalid.


The first time was when the Mongols defeated the Song Dynasty (1279 AD). Most people, even the Chinese themselves, do not remember the northernmost position of the Song Dynasty. Even at the peak of their national strength, they never reached the Great Wall. Without the protection of the city walls, the Song Dynasty was always in a weak position, although it had a standing army of one million people. It is considered to be one of the weakest dynasties in Chinese history, although it was the most advanced civilization of mankind at that time.


The second conquest of the Central Plains was in 1644 when the Qing army entered the pass. Although the Ming Dynasty hardly had enough strength to deal with the Manchu, the Great Wall itself would not fall strategically until Wu Sangui, one of the most important garrison generals, heard that the Ming Dynasty emperor he served was actually killed by rebels.


In short, the Great Wall is very effective because:


-It limits the attack points to (relatively speaking) several gates, rather than any arbitrary place on the northern border of China;


-It gave the garrison in the Central Plains, mainly infantry, a chance to fight against nomadic invaders, mainly cavalry;


-In fact, it eliminated small-scale attacks within the city wall, because the Chinese garrison could block the city gate and deal with the invaders on China's own territory;


-The city wall is not airtight. This may be a major misunderstanding that the Great Wall is invalid. The wall itself cannot prevent large-scale incursions. However, even if there is a huge army, the invading troops either need to save troops to keep the gate open or need to keep enough strength to fight back. Therefore, the Great Wall makes it relatively difficult to encircle cities within the wall.



Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall of China is not only a defensive structure against invaders, but also an obstacle to trade with northern tribes in order to attack them in the future.


The construction of the Great Wall started at the same time after Zhao conquered Linhu/Zhongshan, Yan conquered Donghu, and Qin conquered Yiqi/Hetao.


The Han Dynasty conquered the South Gobi Desert from the Huns, the Sui Dynasty defeated the West Turks, and the Ming Dynasty defeated the Tartars and Karka Mongols, continuing to extend the Great Wall to the 5000 km long miracle we see today.


If you notice the timeline, most of the Great Wall was built after the decisive victory over the northern nomadic tribes, not before.


The vast northern grasslands lack scarce iron, salt and herbal resources, which are all necessities of war. All potential war materiel flowing to the northern tribes depended on trade, barter or smuggling. In the eyes of businessmen in the Central Plains, there is no international barrier to trade: where there is arbitrage, there is profit. Therefore, the northern tribes obtained a large number of metal weapons and potential wartime supplies through trade/barter/smuggling flows. When there are enough weapons and material reserves, the northern tribes will launch attacks or large-scale wars on the central plain.


In order to reduce the resistance when fighting with the northern tribes, the Central Plains emperor needs to restrict or prohibit the northern tribes from mastering such strategic resources. The Great Wall is an ideal place to prevent war supplies from flowing to the north, so as to prepare for the attack.



Historically, the city wall was used to stop the invaders. The Great Wall protects China from grassland nomads. Then there was Hadrian's wall in Rome, which was used to fight against troublesome northern tribes; Israel's separation wall along the West Bank and Gaza; Berlin Wall: obstacles along the demilitarized zone,; Belfast's 'Peace Wall'; Finally, Trump's wall.


From the overall effect of thousands of years, the Great Wall is effective. If the city wall is useless, many kings will not build it, and the first emperor will not spend so much resources to connect it, after all, the cost is astronomical.


For a long time, the Great Wall was very effective as a strategy, which could win space and time for smaller troops to ensure a long front. The wall did prevent or prevent many invasions.


Helping reduce the size of troops: How many troops are needed to defend and maintain this long and dangerous border? The Great Wall reduced troops, logistics and costs, enabling the emperor to use it for other strategic purposes. Due to the long time and poor permeability, the Central Plains army did not know the time and place of the attack, nor how to respond to the correct location or prevent the enemy from escaping. The large area of land south of the Great Wall would be detrimental to agricultural or economic development. With the Great Wall, only a few people are needed to act as sentries and react first, and reinforcements can be quickly summoned.


Communication: The city wall is connected, and each pillar can transmit information from far places through fire, smoke or horse express. In this way, the troops can learn about the situation reports inside and outside the Great Wall. The Great Wall combines powerful command and control with military intelligence.


Logistics: With the separation wall, logistics materials can be transported along the wall to provide supplies for the troops, which means that they have the advantage to maintain a long-term battle different from the past.


Since the enemy is mainly the cavalry of ethnic minorities, they have little mechanical means to build bridges, because they have little experience in conducting siege warfare on the defensive fortifications in the open grasslands. The enemy cannot know exactly how many troops are in front of or behind the wall.


Reduce the enemy's advantage: The cavalry will lose the advantage because the city wall is built in a position unfavorable to the cavalry or attack. The advanced high power projectiles on the wall will increase the combat advantage and have a longer range. Therefore, even if the number of aggressors is large, they will not have an advantage.


Cost: The cost of building the fence has taken hundreds of years, as well as a lot of labor and costs. It is estimated that the Great Wall cost nearly 4 billion bricks. If it is laid end-to-end, it can circle the earth 36 times, with an estimated cost of 13 billion to 85 billion. Countless people will die as a result? But compared with the benefits of thousands of years, this is not worth mentioning.


The Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese civilization that is far more profound than the Tomb of the First Emperor of Qin. It is still the most symbolic and powerful. It clearly reminds the Chinese people that they can complete arduous projects by uniting. The Great Wall is the most symbolic and powerful national symbol.


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