



Supervisory framework for measuring and controlling large exposures


I. Introduction


A. Rationale and objectives of a large exposures framework


1. One of the key lessons from the financial crisis was that banks did not always consistently measure, aggregate and control exposures to single counterparties or to groups of connected counterparties across their books and operations. Throughout history there have been instances of banks failing due to concentrated exposures to individual counterparties (eg Johnson Matthey Bankers in the United Kingdom in 1984, the Korean banking crisis in the late 1990s). Large exposures regulation has been developed as a tool for limiting the maximum loss a bank could face in the event of a sudden counterparty failure to a level that does not endanger the bank’s solvency.

1.金融危机的一个重要教训是,银行并不总是一致地计量、汇总和控制对单个交易对手或有关联的一组交易对手方银行账簿和交易账簿的风险暴露。历史就有一些银行因为风险暴露集中于个别交易对手而倒闭(比如1984年英国的Johnson Matthey银行,20世纪90年代末的韩国银行业危机)。大额风险暴露监管已经发展为一种工具,可以用来限制银行在交易对手突然破产时可能面临的最大损失,确保这一水平不会危及银行的清偿能力。

2. The need for banks to measure and limit the size of large exposures in relation to their capital has long been recognised by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the Committee). In particular, in 1991, the Committee reviewed supervisory practices and issued supervisory guidance on large exposures. In a similar vein, the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (Core Principle 19) require that local laws and bank regulations set prudent limits on large exposures to a single borrower or a closely related group of borrowers. But neither the 1991 guidance nor the Core Principles set out how banks should measure and aggregate their exposures to a single counterparty, nor do they explain which factors should be taken into account when considering whether separate legal entities form a group of connected counterparties. This has resulted in a considerable variation of practice across the globe. A stocktake of Committee member countries’ regulations of large exposures showed considerable homogeneity in general (consistent with Core Principle 19) but revealed material differences in important aspects such as: scope of application; the value of large exposure limits; the definition of capital on which limits were based; methods for calculating exposure values; treatment of credit risk mitigation techniques; and whether certain types of exposures were subject to more lenient treatments.


3. A large exposures framework complements the Committee’s risk-based capital standard because the latter is not designed specifically to protect banks from large losses resulting from the sudden default of a single counterparty. In particular, the minimum capital requirements (Pillar 1) of the Basel risk-based capital framework implicitly assume that a bank holds infinitely granular portfolios, ie no form of concentration risk is considered in calculating capital requirements. Contrary to this assumption, idiosyncratic risk due to large exposures to individual counterparties may be present in banks’ portfolios. Although a supervisory review process (Pillar 2) concentration risk adjustment could be made to mitigate this risk, these adjustments are neither harmonised across jurisdictions, nor designed to protect a bank against very large losses from a single counterparty default. For this reason, the Committee has concluded that the existing risk-based capital framework is not sufficient to fully mitigate the microprudential risk from exposures that are large compared to a bank’s capital resources. That framework needs to be supplemented with a simple large exposures framework that protects banks from traumatic losses caused by the sudden default of an individual counterparty or group of connected counterparties. To serve as a backstop to risk-based capital requirements, the large exposures framework should be designed so that the maximum possible loss a bank could incur if a single counterparty or group of connected counterparties were to suddenly fail would not endanger the bank’s survival as a going concern.


4. The treatment of large exposures could also contribute to the stability of the financial system in a number of other ways, a consideration that the Committee believes should be reflected in the design of the large exposures framework.

4. 委员会认为,对大额风险暴露的处理也可能在许多其他方面促进金融系统的稳定,这应反映在大额风险暴露框架的设计中。

5. A separate key lesson from the crisis is that material losses in one systemically important financial institution (SIFI) can trigger concerns about the solvency of other SIFIs, with potentially catastrophic consequences for global financial stability. There are at least two important channels for this contagion. First, investors may be concerned that other SIFIs might have exposures similar to those of the failing institution. For example, in 2008, in response to the announcement of material losses on exposures to some asset-backed securities (ABS) and collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) incurred by a number of large banks, investors withdrew funds from other banks believed to have similar exposures, threatening their liquidity and solvency. Second, and more directly, investors may be concerned that other SIFIs have direct large exposures to the failing SIFI, in the form of either loans or credit guarantees. For example, one of the key concerns regarding AIG in September 2008 was that a number of SIFIs were believed to have bought large amounts of credit protection from AIG. The Committee is of the view that the large exposures framework is a useful tool to mitigate the risk of contagion between global systemically important banks, thus supporting global financial stability. Consequently, a relatively tighter limit on exposures between G-SIBs is included in the framework.


6. This framework is also seen as a useful tool to contribute to strengthening the oversight and regulation of the shadow banking system in relation to large exposures.4 In particular, this is the case for the proposals for the treatment of exposures to funds, securitisation structures and collective investment undertakings (CIU). The framework thus includes a requirement for banks to apply a look-through approach (LTA) when appropriate, and to assess possible additional risks that do not relate to the structure’s underlying assets, but rather to the structure’s specific features and to any third parties linked to the structure. Once these risks are identified, a new exposure must be recognised, where appropriate, which is subject to the large exposure limit.


7. As part of the Committee’s broader efforts to avoid adding unnecessary complexity in the Basel standards, the framework follows, where practicable, existing standards in the Basel framework and departs from them only if this is necessary for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the large exposures framework. Accordingly, this document includes a number of references to the Basel riskbased capital framework.


B. Other types of concentration risk


8. The Committee recognises that the risk from large exposures to single counterparties or groups of connected counterparties is not the only type of concentration risk that could undermine a bank’s resilience. Other types include both sectoral and geographical concentrations of asset exposures; reliance on concentrated funding sources; and also a significant net short position in securities, because the bank may incur severe losses if the price of these securities increases. The Committee has decided to focus this framework on losses incurred due to default of a single counterparty or a group of connected counterparties and not to take into account any other type of concentration risk.


9. Similarly, intragroup exposures have not been included in the scope of this framework, although they could be considered as another source of concentration risk that might potentially endanger banks’ survival.


II. Overall design of a prudential framework for large exposures


A. Scope and level of application


10. The large exposures framework is constructed to serve as a backstop and complement to the risk-based capital standards. As a consequence, it must apply at the same level as the risk-based capital requirements are required to be applied following paragraphs 21 and 22 of the Basel II text, ie at every tier within a banking group.


11. The large exposures framework is applicable to all internationally active banks. As with all other standards issued by the Committee, member jurisdictions have the option to set more stringent standards. They also have the option to extend the application to a wider range of banks, with the possibility – if they deem it necessary – to develop a different approach for banks that usually fall outside the scope of the Basel framework.


12. The application of the large exposures framework at the consolidated level implies that a bank must consider all exposures to third parties across the relevant regulatory consolidation group and compare the aggregate of those exposures with the group’s eligible capital base.


B. Scope of counterparties and exemptions


13. A bank must consider exposures to any counterparty. The only counterparties that are exempted from the framework are sovereigns as defined in paragraph 61. Section IV sets out the types of counterparties that are exempted from the large exposure limit or for which another specific treatment is necessary.


C. Definition of a large exposure and regulatory reporting


14. The sum of all exposure values of a bank to a counterparty or to a group of connected counterparties, as defined in Section II part E below, must be defined as a large exposure if it is equal to or above 10% of the bank’s eligible capital base. The exposure values must be measured as specified in Sections III and IV.


15. Banks must report to the supervisor the exposure values before and after application of the credit risk mitigation techniques. Banks must report to the supervisor:

  • all exposures with values measured as specified in Sections III and IV equal to or above 10% of the bank’s eligible capital (ie meeting the definition of a large exposure);

  • all other exposures with values measured as specified in Sections III and IV without the effect of credit risk mitigation being taken into account equal to or above 10% of the bank’s eligible capital;

  • all the exempted exposures with values equal to or above 10% of the bank’s eligible capital;

  • their largest 20 exposures to counterparties measured as specified in Sections III and IV and included in the scope of application, irrespective of the values of these exposures relative to the bank’s eligible capital base.


  • 按照第三节和第四节的规定计算后,等于或超过该银行合格资本的10%(即满足大额风险暴露定义)的所有风险暴露;

  • 按照第三节和第四节的规定计算,不考虑风险缓释作用时等于或超过该银行合格资本的10%的所有风险暴露;

  • 所有等于或超过该银行合格资本的10%的被豁免之风险暴露;

  • 根据第三节和第四节的规定,在适用范围内前20大交易对手风险暴露,无论这些风险暴露占银行的合格资本多大比例。

D. Minimum requirement – the large exposure limit


16. The sum of all the exposure values of a bank to a single counterparty or to a group of connected counterparties must not be higher than 25% of the bank’s available eligible capital base at all times. However, as explained in Section V, this figure is set at 15% for a G-SIB’s exposures to another G-SIB.

16.银行对单一交易对手或一组关联交易对手的所有暴露价值的总和,不得高于该银行所有可用的合格资本的25%。然而,正如第五节所解释的,在限制 G-SIB对另一个G-SIB的风险暴露时,该限值被设定为15%。

17. The exposures must be measured as specified in Sections III and IV. The eligible capital base is the effective amount of Tier 1 capital fulfilling the criteria defined in Part 1 of the Basel III framework.


18. Breaches of the limit, which must remain the exception, must be communicated immediately to the supervisor and must be rapidly rectified.


E. Definition of connected counterparties


19. In some cases, a bank may have exposures to a group of counterparties with specific relationships or dependencies such that, were one of the counterparties to fail, all of the counterparties would very likely fail. A group of this sort, referred to in this framework as a group of connected counterparties, must be treated as a single counterparty. In this case, the sum of the bank’s exposures to all the individual entities included within a group of connected counterparties is subject to the large exposure limit and to the regulatory reporting requirements as specified above.


20. Two or more natural or legal persons shall be deemed a group of connected counterparties if at least one of the following criteria is satisfied.

(a) Control relationship: one of the counterparties, directly or indirectly, has control over the other(s).

(b) Economic interdependence: if one of the counterparties were to experience financial problems, in particular funding or repayment difficulties, the other(s), as a result, would also be likely to encounter funding or repayment difficulties.




21. Banks must assess the relationship amongst counterparties with reference to (a) and (b) above in order to establish the existence of a group of connected counterparties.


22. In assessing whether there is a control relationship between counterparties, banks must automatically consider that criterion (a) is satisfied if one entity owns more than 50% of the voting rights of the other entity.


23. In addition, banks must assess connectedness between counterparties based on control using the following criteria:

  • Voting agreements (eg control of a majority of voting rights pursuant to an agreement with other shareholders);

  • Significant influence on the appointment or dismissal of an entity’s administrative, management or supervisory body, such as the right to appoint or remove a majority of members in those bodies, or the fact that a majority of members have been appointed solely as a result of the exercise of an individual entity’s voting rights;

  • Significant influence on senior management, eg an entity has the power, pursuant to a contract or otherwise, to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of another entity (eg through consent rights over key decisions).


  • 投票协议(如根据与其他股东达成的协议而产生的对多数表决权的控制);

  • 对一个实体的行政、管理或监督机构的任免权产生的重大影响,如有权任命或免职相关机构中的主要成员,或仅仅单个实体的表决权的行使就可以确定其中主要成员的任命;

  • 对高级管理层的重大影响,例如,依据合同或其他方式,一个实体有权对另一个实体的管理或政策施加控制影响(例如,通过对关键决策的同意权)。

24. Banks are also expected to refer to criteria specified in appropriate internationally recognised accounting standards for further qualitative guidance when determining control.

24. 在确定是否存在控制时,银行还将可以参考国际公认会计准则中的标准作为进一步定性的指导。

25. Where control has been established based on any of these criteria, a bank may still demonstrate to its supervisor in exceptional cases, eg due to the existence of specific circumstances and corporate governance safeguards, that such control does not necessarily result in the entities concerned constituting a group of connected counterparties.


26. In establishing connectedness based on economic interdependence, banks must consider, at a minimum, the following qualitative criteria:

  • Where 50% or more of one counterparty's gross receipts or gross expenditures (on an annual basis) is derived from transactions with the other counterparty (eg the owner of a residential/commercial property and the tenant who pays a significant part of the rent);

  • Where one counterparty has fully or partly guaranteed the exposure of the other counterparty, or is liable by other means, and the exposure is so significant that the guarantor is likely to default if a claim occurs;

  • Where a significant part of one counterparty’s production/output is sold to another counterparty, which cannot easily be replaced by other customers;

  • When the expected source of funds to repay each loan one counterparty makes to another is the same and the counterparty does not have another source of income from which the loan may be fully repaid;

  • Where it is likely that the financial problems of one counterparty would cause difficulties for the other counterparties in terms of full and timely repayment of liabilities;

  • Where the insolvency or default of one counterparty is likely to be associated with the insolvency or default of the other(s);

  • When two or more counterparties rely on the same source for the majority of their funding and, in the event of the common provider’s default, an alternative provider cannot be found -in this case, the funding problems of one counterparty are likely to spread to another due to a oneway or two-way dependence on the same main funding source.


  • 一个交易对手的总收入或总开支(按年计算)的50%或以上源于与另一交易对手的交易(如:拥有住宅/商业地产的所有者,和支付相当一部分租金的租户);

  • 一个交易对手对另一方的风险暴露进行完全或部分担保,或以其他方式承担该责任时,并且风险暴露的规模达到可能导致保证人履行担保义务时,自身发生违约;

  • 一个交易对手大部分的制造/产出是销售给另一个对手方,且难以找到替代的购买方;

  • 一个交易对手与另一个交易对手偿还贷款的主要来源相同,且双方均没有其他收入来源可以足额归还贷款;

  • 一个交易对手的财务问题可能会使其他交易对手的足额和及时偿还债务发生困难;

  • 一个交易对手的破产或违约可能会导致与另一(多)个交易对手的破产或违约;

  • 两个或两个以上的交易对手主要依赖共同的、难以替代的融资来源获得大部分资金,当共同的资金提供方违约时,无法找到替代的资金提供方——在这种情况下,一个交易对手的融资问题很可能扩展到另一个交易对手,因为他们都对同一融资来源存在单向或双向的依赖。

27. There may, however, be circumstances where some of these criteria do not automatically imply an economic dependence that results in two or more counterparties being connected. Provided that the bank can demonstrate to its supervisor that a counterparty which is economically closely related to another counterparty may overcome financial difficulties, or even the second counterparty’s default, by finding alternative business partners or funding sources within an appropriate time period, the bank does not need to combine these counterparties to form a group of connected counterparties.


28. There are cases where a thorough investigation of economic interdependencies will not be proportionate to the size of the exposures. Therefore, banks are expected to identify possible connected counterparties on the basis of economic interdependence in all cases where the sum of all exposures to one individual counterparty exceeds 5% of the eligible capital base.

























(二)全面风险管理架构——COSO ERM架构、BASEL架构、DXW全面风险管理架构























































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