




“I want to be the best!”……“I want to be No.1!”, this idea often appears  in our mind, and I am no exception. When I came to Today Academy at 2013, I am determined to be the NO. one in our class, and become the member of the Tiens  Group. But none of these goals had been accomplished by now. And I believe that this situation had happened on everyone before. So this got me wondering, why there is so many people who wanted to become eminent, yet there’s only few succeed.


This question is important for all of us. Because we all want to become the most eminent people in new education field, or even more, we want to become the best in the global education field. So, I found the answer of this question during this semester. And today, I want to share them with you. During the next ten minute or so, I would tell you how to become eminent.


I believe that everyone would want to be eminent, so how to achieve that? In fact, we often had a few misconceptions about achieving our dreams, and these misconceptions are the reason why we always failed.


The first problem that we always have is that many people wanted to become eminent, but they never think about how to achieve those dreams, so the dreams become fantasy. Because these people only want to enjoy the glory of becoming a champion, but they don’t want to take actions. So their fantasy would be broken when it’s time to take actions. These people would actually dawdle along all their days under the banner of dream. So…what is dawdle along? Dawdle along means to live for the moment, day by day, only to be happy. They won’t consider how to achieve their dreams at all.


My elder cousin is such a person. His goal was to be admitted to Qinghua or Beida. To achieve this goal, hard working is an indispensable quality, stay up all night to learn is even within reason. But my elder cousin is a slacker, so he gave up his school work and stay inside his room for whole day to play game. At last, my elder brother didn’t even pass the college entrance examination, so he can only be enlisted in the army. After that, he rans the shop of the family with his dad, and became a normal person in a normal society.


So what is real dream? Real dream is that you know how to achieve it and willing to work for it. There’s a movie star in Hollywood that we should all learn from him, and he is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger grew up in Austria when he was young, but he is determined to become the president of The United States. And he is very careful on planing his goal. He knew that if he wants to become the president, he must becomes the governor of a state first. And if he wants to become the governor of a state he must has enough economic support. The best way to get the support is to marry with a rich young lady who is the member of a big family. The fastest way to marry with a girl like this, is to become a movie star. The way to become the movie star is to be in good shape. And the way to be in good shape is to become a bodybuilding champion. So when Schwarzenegger pulled the dumb bell each time, he knew that he is one step forward to The President of United States.  


I am also a dreamer before, so I want to use my own story to tell you the painful lesson that I learned from muddling along. During the period, I only cared about the happiness and excitement that every moment given me. So I decided to play computer games in school, and I thought my clever way of committing the crime will certainly not be found out. But this was not the case, teachers surely didn’t found out, but my roommate brought my secret to light. Being accused by classmates on class meeting was such embarrassed that I wished I could find a crack to crawl into it. But this is not over, after vote had finished, they officially announced that I am exiled. This process went on for two whole months, the loneliness that can’t contacted with friends for half a semester is horrible. Not only did this happened, my parents immediately expelled me from my family,  and no longer gave me any economic support. Although I used to be such kind person, I made a change. I am more clear about how to achieve my goal. And the speed of my progress is pretty fast, I had become pretty good in our class, instead of being the last.


Next, lets talk about the second problem that often occurred. There’s a lot of people who wanted to become eminent, but they think the way to become eminent is to work hard and harder and harder. And this concept is actually wrong. Because the diligence under the wrong direction is nothing. Just like a fly, it flies diligently everyday, flies on the window to take a look, flies on human to search food. But what’s the value? Nothing! The people I’ve talked about were just like those flies, working hard but no effect.


For example, if our destination is to walk from Yunnan to Beijing, those who believe hardworking is everything will think that they will arrive at the destination just as they don’t stop walking. But as last, they might walk to Shenzhen or Guangzhou.


So…what is the best way to become an eminent person? We used to think that it is very complicated. But in fact, the method is very easy. Today, I want to walk with you through these methods by analyzing the champions in sports, because sports is the best way to embody these methods. Although our territory is not the same with them, but they are worthy for us to learn. 


The first way to become a champion is knowing the right way to train. Even if you practice twelve hours a day, but if the method is wrong, all worth nothing. Lets take a look at some champions of rock climbing in the world. Before racing, they don’t know anything about the racing track. So, in order to practice every ability, like abdominal muscle; arm muscle; finger force and balance etc. The rock climber is very clear about the different kinds of movemenst and the amount they should do. In this way, they can win in the international race.


The second way to become a champion is practicing very hard after you know the correct method. There’s a famous quote by one of the greatest boxer of MMA which says like this “Blood, sweat and respect. The first two are what you required, the last one is what you earned.” What we can see from this sentence is that champion’s success is in return by drops of sweat. We just have to see those champions in boxing. Now everyone knows that boxing has a high requirement about the fighters' muscle, because they just master straight punch; hook and uppercut to succeed. And these fighters never trained less than eight hours. Because if they stop training, their muscles and physical fitness will decline. So they will keep practicing super hard.


If you think carefully, you’ll find out that our school is actually helping us to become the champion.


Our school has a very clear and specific plan, in order to let us grow. From learning language which we are doing right now, to the Questions and themes learning in QingYiShuYuan, then to the profound Chinese ancient classical culture, we all have very specific plans. And our school provides us the correct method to learn. Principal Zhang gives us the most efficient way to learn, for every ability that we need to improve. For example, we have a very accurate and efficient way to learn foreign language, and these method allows us to use four months to break through a completely new language and have the ability to communicate with each other in daily life. 


So if our school already provided us a clear dream and the right method, we just need to be more diligent and hard working. So it will be easy for us to become a champion. Because of that, I hope everyone here appreciated the opportunity that we have, and become more and more eminent. 


Thank you!




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