

海嘉学术 | 国际知名阅读专家把脉阅读教育 Dr. Jan Richardson Visits BI...

暮秋时分,明黄的落叶,铺满了校园的小路。在这个落英缤纷的季节里,海嘉校园迎来了远道而来的国际领先阅读教育专家——Jan Richardson博士。作为海嘉的特邀阅读培训师,她将持续为海嘉教师的阅读课堂做出示范指导和培训,进一步提升学校阅读教学质量。



Dr. Jan Richardson 博士

作为国际知名教育顾问、阅读教育专家,阅读能力恢复专家,和资深教师培训师。Jan Richardson 博士曾在美国及其他国家为老师们做各类教学演示。Jan Richardson 博士曾在一线教学25年,并著有大量阅读相关的著作,其中尤以《The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading》(引导阅读的下一步)最为著名,该书自出版以来广受业内好评,并荣获2018年专业发展学习杂志“教师最佳选择奖”。该书从识字起步,系统地阐述了阅读的完整系统,并针对不同阅读水平,给予教师的各类引导规范和参考,指导阅读的有序进行。


《The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading》

本周,Jan Richardson 博士专程来到海嘉,走进小学部,以交流研讨会、示范课堂等多种形式,为小学部的师生、家长带来专业性的阅读指导理念和策略指南。同时,我们也通过采访带您一同了解更多阅读的奥秘:

Dr. Jan Richardson 博士与学生交流


Jan Richardson 博士:


Dr. Jan Richardson 博士走进教室,开展阅读示范课


Jan Richardson 博士:




Jan Richardson博士:


Richardson博士本周的交流活动,一定会给广大师生、家长带来阅读方面的思考,为更多教育工作者带来更加深刻的教育思考。后续Jan Richardson博士也将为海嘉深入开展更多的阅读培训,进一步提高海嘉的阅读水平!

如果您也对阅读感兴趣,欢迎您前来参与本周四面向家长举办的教育早茶会,届时,Jan Richardson博士将与您一同交流如何帮助孩子提高阅读能力。



Date:10月25日 (本周四)


Location: 小低礼堂4楼


Dr. Jan Richardson Visits BIBA!

Jan Richardson, Ph.D., is a leading expert in guided reading, a former K-12 teacher, reading specialist, Reading Recovery teacher leader and staff developer. She currently is an educational consultant, providing presentations and classroom demonstrations across the US and Internationally. Dr. Richardson’s best-selling Next Step Collection includes The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading; Literacy Footprints: A Complete System for Supporting Guided Reading; The Guided Reading Teacher’s Companion: Prompts, Discussion Starters, and Teaching Points; Next Step Guided Reading in Action video suite; and Next Step Guided Reading Assessment.

This week, BIBA graciously hosts Dr. Richardson as she provides professional development and assistance for teachers explicitly teaching reading, within the current workshop model used in Elementary School. Working with KG – G5, Dr. Richardson is also leading specialized classes for students and teachers, model lessons and sessions, providing recommendations for ESL Learners, strategies and question and answer workshops related to Guided Reading.

Dr. Richardson is also running a parent training workshop, Thursday 25th October, 8.30am – 10.30am, LES 4th Floor Auditorium. All parents are welcome to attend! As a classroom teacher for 25 years, obtaining a Masters specifically in Reading, as you can appreciate Dr. Richardson is Wonder Woman when it comes to Reading and Writing! Her latest publish “The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading” has won First Place in the; Learning Magazine Teachers’ Choice Awards for Professional Development 2018.

With the shared passion of realising how important it is to integrate reading, writing and word setting, we sat down with the spirited and passionate Jan Richardson, who not only visits BIBA for the first time but visits Beijing, China for the first time! We asked some questions in relation to Guided Reading;

How do you get children to fall in love with reading?

'That’s easy, there’s two things. Children must love their book and children must be interested in that book. With these two points, they’re super engaged. When teachers are introducing or reading a new book in the classroom, it has to be a book that is of the students’ or class’s level. With this level being appropriate for the children, they are immediately engaged, thus provoking an interest or love in reading that book!'

How do you teach different level student ability, in the same class?

'Part of this school, and I would say in every good literacy classroom, there is a whole group lesson. In the whole group lesson, I am teaching a standard or a curriculum to the whole group. But we know from research that only about 40% of the children actually benefit from the whole group lesson. Some children already know it, so they don’t need to learn it, and other children are simply not ready to learn it. So Guided Readingis the answer. That is how you meet the needs of every child in your group, because what we know is that by giving children books that are too hard for them, they are not going to get any better. They are going to put their head down on a desk and they wont be engaged. Therefore, this dis-approach is differentiated to target the specific needs of the various levels of reader’s proficiency in their classroom.'

What advice do you give to teachers, when teaching students to read?

'What is essential in teaching children to read, and this would be true in any language, is the teacher has to understand the literacy processing system. Which means, it is not a simple learning the letters and sounds, in sounding out the words. Fun fact - I can read Chinese PinYin pretty well, even though I have only been here for five days, but I have no idea what I am actually reading. So, just sounding out the word, even learning a word and what it is, doesn’t mean I have comprehension of the meaning of the word I am saying. The processing system has to include understanding the letters and sounds or in Chinese, understanding what the characters are, but also how does the structure work.

The structure of the language, for example when teaching in English, has a certain structure, just like there is a different structure when you’re teaching in maybe – Spanish. That is part of the processing system, the letters and sounds, the structure of the language and also the construction of meaning. The goal of every guided reading lesson, is always understanding comprehension and meaning. Any part of that triad, could be weak in a struggling reader. For example, students might have great decoding skills, but when I ask them to write those words, they don’t have the proficiency. So it's reading, comprehension, structure, visuals, letters and sounds and the writing, all together.

So when you teach reading and writing together, you’re digging a ditch between what the child can read and what the child can write. And by digging that ditch, you are actually strengthening both processing systems, as they are reciprocal processes.'

BIBA is thrilled to have Jan with us here this week, continuing to strengthen our student’s potential providing specialized assistance and training for our incredible teachers!

Parents please remember: Dr. Richardson is running a parent training workshop and you are all invited!

Parent Training Workshop

Date:Thursday 25th October

Time:8.30am – 10.30am

Location:LES 4th Floor Auditorium.

Scan this QR code to register

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