




Life is destined to be shared. You are looking for someone to share with you, your lover and your friends. You may have struggled to attract and retain women in the past. You might even wonder how I talk to women? Many of the men I spoke to complained that women only saw them as friends, or even that women didn't want them to be around. Finding a girlfriend is really difficult now. Never mind, let me give you some suggestions below. We will show you how to meet girls, talk to girls, get girls out, and grow from dating to lovers.

许多不同类型的男人都在设法找到女朋友并留住她们。 但是,如果您关注那些在女人方面取得成功的人,您会注意到她们有一些共同点。

Many different types of men are trying to find girlfriends and retain them. However, if you focus on those who are successful with women, you will notice that they have something in common.

1. 成为领导者

(1)这其实并不像听起来那么难。 您无需成为橄榄球队的前锋或财富500强公司的首席执行官就可以成为领导者。您需要做的就是展现领导才能。如果您打算约会,请不要先问她想做什么。你要有一个计划。比如尽可能从她家接她,选择你们要观看的电影等。

1. Become a leader

(1)This is actually not as difficult as it sounds. You don't need to be the forward of a football team or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to be a leader. All you need to do is show leadership. If you're planning a date, don't ask her what she wants to do first. You have to have a plan. For example, pick her up from her house as much as possible, choose the movie you want to watch, and so on.



(2) Take control of yourself

Keeping your head cool is a great way to show that you are a reliable and not stubborn person. Don't let any external factors affect your mood or behavior. If you are angry, you are out of control. Exercise, thinking, and self-discipline are great ways to control your emotions. If she thinks nothing can affect you, then she knows you have great strength and confidence.



2. have female friends

Women need to feel safe around men. If they see other girls can feel safe and happy around you, they will feel subconsciously as well. If other girls flock around, it will make them wonder why.

3. 使她感觉良好


3. Make her feel good

(1)You need to be able to cause her to have a positive emotional response through certain behaviors. For example, make her laugh and talk about things 8 interest her or inspire her. There are many ways to make a woman feel good, and if she starts to notice that she feels good when she is around you, she will increasingly want to be around you.


您已经有一个目标:找个女朋友。 将此应用到生活的其他领域。 找出您想要的东西,并朝着它采取积极步骤,女生会注意到这一点。想想周围的有权势,有吸引力的人:顶级演员,首席执行官,消防员。 它们具有大多这些特征。

(2)have goals

You already have one goal: find a girlfriend. Apply this to other areas of life. Find out what you want and take positive steps towards it, girls will notice it. Think about powerful, attractive people around: top actors, CEOs, firefighters. They have most of these characteristics.


Well, here you may have your own ideas. You must be a person with clear goals, strict discipline, strong demand, and enthusiasm. Although this suggestion can make you more attractive to girls, it doesn't necessarily bring them closer to you. But whether it's genetics or sociology, as a result of this, your chances of finding your favorite girl will greatly increase.



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