

陶朱公Jr: 《不落俗套的成功》(unconventional success)读书笔记
按照《我的投资流水账2014》中的计划,最近在看2本书,一本是Hagstrom的《巴菲特之道》,另一本是David F. Swensen的《不落俗套的成功》(unconventional success: a fundamental approach to personal investment)。《巴菲特之道》极力颂扬集中投资、择股、择时之利,有一种人定胜天的豪迈,我仿佛看到一个悟道者以居高临下之式对迷茫的信徒布道。《不落俗套的成功》则宣扬一种无为而治、不战而胜的理念,有阅尽投资界繁华,返璞归真的意味。想来是因为作者不同的缘由吧,前者是财经记者,后者是学者,在知名学府传道授业解惑,管理着数百亿美元的资产。 
投资要“不走寻常路”。The frequently trod path often leads to disappointment. Taking a well-considered unconventional route provides greater opportunity for success.
investment success requires far more than taking the other side of the market’s trade of the day.
对个投资者而言,正确的投资策略是投资一家“恰当多元化、股票为主、被动管理的非营利机构”。a well- diversified, equity-oriented, passively managed portfolio, using not-for-profit investment managers to implement the plan.
资产配置的三原则是:股票为主、充分多元化、避税(可以推广到降低成本)。long-term investors build portfolios with a pronounced equity bias; careful investors fashion portfolios with substantial diversification; sensible investors create portfolios with concern for tax considerations.
股票为主是为了创造收益,多元化是为了减轻风险,避税是为了提高收益。The wealth-creating equity bias, the risk-reducing portfolio diversification, and the return-enhancing tax sensitivity combine to undergird the asset-allocation structure of effective investment portfolios.
相比较债券、现金等资产,股票在长期内能够提供更好的投资收益,因此,个人投资者在组建投资组合时,应以“股票为主”。Ibbotson Associates对1926-2003年投资历史研究表明,美国股票的收益率是10.4%,美国政府债券(government bond)的收益率是5.4%,美国短期国债(treasury bill)收益率(相当于货币市场收益率)是3.7%。西格尔在stocks for the long run一书中的研究表明,在1802-2001年间,美国股票的收益率为8.3%,美国政府长期债券的收益率为4.9%。
尽管不主张择时,但作者认为个人投资者应该时不时地进行“再平衡”。放任自流是一种“择时”。The most frequent variant of market timing comes not in the form of explicit bets for and against asset classes, but in the form of passive drift away from target allocations.
再平衡很重要。Only by regularly rebalancing portfolios to long-term targets, do investors realize the results that correspond to the policy asset-allocation decision.
投资目标对投资结果最重要。The articulation of portfolio targets constitutes the most powerful determinant of investment outcomes. ┄┄ thoughtful policy targets, carefully implemented and standfastly maintained, create the foundation for investment success. 从该书第二章的内容来看,似乎作者认为投资应以占胜通货膨胀为目标。
第二章 核心资产类别
资产类别                                       目标比例
本国股票(指美国)                         30%
其他发达国家股票                            15%
新兴市场股票                                    5%
房地产                                              20%
美国债券                                          15%
美国盯住通胀债券                           15%
       核心资产既是收益最主要的来源,也能起到多样化的作用。核心资产的收益主要来自市场,而非主动管理。Core asset classes share a number of critical characteristics. First, core asset classes contribute basic, valuable, differential characterics to an investment portfolio. Second, core holdings rely fundamentally on market-generated returns, not on active management of portfolios. Third, core asset classes derive from borad, deep, investable markets.
       投资收益主要来自股票(即前3类),债券则主要起到多样化的作用。Sensible investors pursue diversification as a policy to reduce risk, not as a tactic to chase performance. 作者所指的作为核心资产类别的债券并不包括公司债券,因为债券的作用是降低风险,而非获取收益,而企业债券具有和股票一样有风险,却提供更低的收益。政府债券尽管收益较低,但风险亦较低。
房地产则既有股权、又有债券的属性。房地产投资是指commercial office properties, apartment complexes, industrial warehouse facilities, and retail establishment. 房地产的债券属性来自于租金收入,股权属性来自于出租率的提高。Fixed-income attributes stem from the contractual obligations of tenants to make regular payments as specified in the lease contract between tenant and landlord. Properties encumbered by long-term lease obligations exhibit predominantly bond-like qualities. Equity attributes stem from the residual value associated with leases expected to be executed for currently vacant space or for anticipated future vacancies. Properties without tenants or with tenants on short lease exhibit predominantely equity-like qualities.
       Bloomberg对 1987-2003的研究表明,标普500的收益率是13.5%,美国中期债券的收益率是8.7%,房地产证券的收益率是12.0%。
第三章 构建投资组合 投资组合的构建既是一个科学,又是一门艺术,也就是说,既有一些规律需要遵守,又要因人而异。 作为科学,任何类别的资产在整合组合中的占比不应低于5-10%,以彰显其重要性,但又不应高于25-30%,以避免显得过于重要。The necessity that each asset class matter dictates a minimum of 5 or 10 percent allocation. The requirement that no asset class matter too much dictates a maximum of 25 or 30 percent allocation。 作为艺术,构建投资组合时要考虑的因素包括:个人偏好、个人境状和投资能力。一个符合个人偏好的投资组合更能经受得住市场的起起伏伏。作为个人资产的一部分,投资组合应与个人的总体资产、负债情况相得益彰。对个人投资技巧实事求是的评估有助于投资者采取一种回归根本、去芜存精的策略。Mindfulness of personal preferences, personal circumstances, and personal skills leads to better decisions regarding allocation of financial assets. Adjustment of portfolios for personal preferences leads to greater likelihood of maintaining asset-class exposures through thick and thin. Consideration of personal circumstances produces financial asset exposures that complement an investor’s overall asset and liability. Realistic assessment of personal investment skills generally causes investors to take a basic, no-frill approach to portfolio construction. A customer-tailored portfolio promises great customer satisfaction than the one-size-fits-all alternative. 作者在书中数次强调,投资技艺是一种非常稀有的东西。Special investment skill constitutes an extremely rare commodity. 作者引用罗伯特·希勒的话说,“人类有一种无所不在的过度自信”,导致投资者“观点过于偏激,或者急于下结论”。“a pervasive human tendency towards overconfidence” causes investors “to express overly strong opinions or rush to summary judgments”. 在构建投资组合时,还要考虑时间因素。通常来讲,时间越长,持有风险资产应该越多。The period that investors intend to hold portfolios and the horizon over which they judge investment results play a critical role in determining the degree of risk appropriate for a portfolio and in assessing the likelihood of successful implementation of investment strategies.  第四章 非核心资产非核心资产包括以下8类:国内公司债券高收益债券免税债券资产支持证券(ABS)外国债券对冲基金杠杆收购风险投资基金。 之所以将它们归为非核心,是因为它们不满足以下三个条件:①为组合带来基本的、有价值的、差异性的特征,②主要依靠市场,而非主动管理,来产生收益;③存在一个广泛、有深度的可投资市场。 这些资产虽然在市场上非常吸引眼球,但仔细的研究表明,它们并不能为投资人带来超额收益,尤其是在剔除管理费用和经过风险调整后,从长期、市场总体情况来看,更是如此,尽管不乏异常成功的个案。就像作者举的ebay的例子,Benchmark Capital在1998年初始投资670万美元,到2003年底,已增值2000倍。 1、国内公司债券。它对投资者的不利之处在于信用风险、流动性不及国债、回购条款。股票组合可以“失之东榆,收之桑榆”,债券组合则无此特征。The key to this apparent contradiction lies in the superior ability of a portfolio of equities to absorb the impact of single security-induced adversity. Because individual stocks contain the potential to double, triple, quadruple, or more, a portfolio of equities holds any number of positions that could more than offset one particular loser. In contrast, high-quality bonds provide little opportunity for substantial appreciation. The left tail of the negatively skewed distribution of outcomes hurts bond investors in dramatic fashion.  国内公司债券的流动性不及国债,因为需支付溢价。长期投资者可以获得差流动性带来的更高收益。 带有回购条款的公司债券使投资处于“必输”境地(heads you win, tails I lose)。因为,市场利率下降时,公司可以回购债券,使投资者无法享受债券原来较高的利率,市场利率上升时,投资者只能忍受债券原来较低的利率。 对投资者来说,公司债券的收益具有“不利的偏态分布”(negatively skewed distribution of outcomes),即最有利的情形是获得本金+利息,最不利的情形是亏损掉本金。 2、高收益债券(垃圾债券)。与国内投资级别的公司债券相比,高收益债券的信用风险更大,流动性更差,回购条款(对公司)价值更大。 投资高收益债不如购买公司的股票,因为,当基本面改善时,股票涨得更多,当基本面恶化时,债券的境况不比股票好。 3、免税债券(主要是市政债券)。除了信用风险、回购条款、交易成本等问题以外,它还有如下问题:二级市场透明度较差,被华尔街操纵的可能性大;税率变化;研究表明,它的收益和公司债的税后收益相比并无明显优势。 值得注意的是,期限较短的免税货币市场基金值得投资。Short-term tax-exempt money-market funds deserve serious consideration. 4、资产支持证券(ABS)。它最大的问题是太复杂。 Wall Street’s version of rocket scientists employ complicated computer models in a quest to determine the fair value of the mortgaged-backed securities. Sometimes the models work, sometimes not. If financial engineers face challenges in getting the option pricing right, what chance do individual investors have? 5、外国债券。问题和国内公司债券一样。 作者认为,外汇本身并不产生收益。Foreign currencies, in and of themselves, provide no expected return. 6、对冲基金。尽管对冲基金“乱花渐欲迷人眼”,也时有暴富神话在市场流传,但更多的是“存活者偏差”(survivorship bias)。它最大的问题是:基金经理决定胜败,因此,选择技艺高超的基经经济至关重要。而作者认为,高超的投资技巧是一种稀有东西。Consistent, superior active management constitutes a rare commodity. 如果要投资对冲基金,基金经理跟投是解决利益冲突的良方。A meaningful side-by-side commitment of investment manager capital substantially reduces the misalignment of manager and investor interests. 7、杠杆收购。杠杆收购基金的主要问题是:收费过高,通常收取1.5-2.5%的管理费,20%的业绩提成(profit interest),以及其他transaction and monitoring fees。除非真正具备高超的选择基金的技巧,否则投资者应远离私人股权基金。In the absence of truly superior fund selection skills (or extremely luck), investors should stay far, far away from private equit investments. 8、风险投资基金。尽管表面看起来很光鲜,但它们并不能提供更高的收益。Venture Economics杂志在《2001 investment benchmarks reports》中提供的数据显示,在截止2000年底的20年间,它的950个样本风险投资基金的收益为19.6% per year。这虽然看上去不错,但同期标普500是20.2%。 风险投资基金分化比较大,最上层是“特权公司”(franchise firms),在市场地位、谈判能力、协助上市方面具有优势,是众多初创公司梦寐以求的资金提供者。但这些公司较少接纳新的投资者。
第二部分 择时(marketing timing)在设定投资目标以及达成此目标的投资组合后,由于市场的波动,组合也会不时波动,因此,投资者要“因时而变”。一种策略是趋势投资,即追涨杀跌,作者叫它追高(chasing performance),一种是再平衡,即追跌杀涨,是一种逆向投资的思路。作者在前文中说过,他所倡导的“恰当多元化、股票为主、被动管理”的投资策略其实很简单,其知易而行难者,就在于投资者对这种策略没有信心。因此,作者在接下来的两部分中重点论述为什么这种策略是行得通、有益的,而其他策略是行不通、有害的。我在学生时代常读后来获得诺贝尔经济学奖的保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)的作品,他被称为“揭谎者”(debunker),是因为他揭穿了许多贸易政策的无效性、无理性和阴谋。在本书中,Swensen对共同基金大加鞭笞,揭穿了它们自私自利、欺骗投资者的面目。我最早了解国内共同基金是通过张志雄先生所著的《基金黑幕》,因此,一直对共同基金抱持怀疑,除了指数基金,几乎不买主动管理的股票基金。Swensen对美国共同基金的揭批,更令人触目惊心,避之唯恐不及。 择时也就是高抛低吸,是对明确设定的长期资产配置目标的短期背离。Market timing represents a short-term bet against well-articulated long-term asset-allocation targets.择时是十分困难的事,需要对资产估值等一系列复杂、本质上不可预测的问题做出预测。择时通常以失败告终,严肃的投资人不应陷入择时的泥淖。Active market timers usually fail. Market timing requires taking relatively few, generally undiversifiable positions. Timing decisions involve the large questions of asset-class valuation, forcing short-term asset allocators to develop views on an impossibly broad range of factors. Even if the market timer overcomes the odds by making a correct call, notoriously fickle markets may fail to resolve valuation discrepancies in the short run. Serious investors avoid entering the market-timing morass.避免牛市买股和熊市卖股是实施理性投资计划的第一步。Avoiding bull market purchases and forsaking bear market sales constitutes a first step in sensible implementation of reasonable investment program. 第五章 追高(chasing performance)chasing performance可以直译为“追寻绩效优异者”,由于绩效优异者通常是事后才知道的,当市场知道基金/股票的绩效十分优异时,它的价格通常已经高高在上了。从书中来看,作者用这个词来描述追涨杀跌,它和趋势投资(trend following)、动量投资(momentum investment)基本是相的含义,故译为“追高”。作者在本章描述的是共同基金、投资者在世纪之交(1997-2003年)的互联网泡沫中的表现,对共同基金追涨杀跌的表现进行挞伐。作者挞伐的对象/现象包括:1、1997-1999年表现最好的10只共同基金互联网泡沫是稚嫩的投资者和见利忘义的华尔街银行家共同推动的价格冲动。The internet bubble had everything to do with price momentum fueled by na?ve market participants and cynical Wall Street bankers.这些基金中有些寂寂无名,有些则名声在外。1997-1999年间,其几何平均收益率达78.2%,但在2000-2003年则为-41.9%。6年的复合收益率仅为1.5%。在互联网泡沫中,在股市上涨最多的年份,投资者投入最多的资金到股市中,在股市由涨转跌的第1年中,抄底(buy the dips)的资金最多。一个名不见经传的基金Kinetics Internet Fund,1997年初管理的资产仅有10万美元,当年回报率为13%。1998年收益率达到196%,资产规模扩张至2200万美元。1999年收益率达到216%,年底管理的资产规模达到了12亿美元。作者说,追高的行为将最多的资产暴露在最大的风险之中。Performance-chasing behavior exposed the maximum amount of assets to the maximum level of risk.在共同基金的世界,昨日的胜者通常是明日的败者。追随昨日之星、回避今日落选者,投资者损失了大量金钱,高买低卖是投资成功可怜的方程式。In the mutual-fund world, yesterday’s winners tend to transmute into tomorrow’s losers. While a superficial examination of time-linked returns of technology fund performance indicates that the collapse of the bubble simply reversed earlier gains, a close look at investor cash flows shows a far different outcome. From start to finish, by chasing yesterday’s hot prospect and shunning today’s also-ran, investors lost billions of dollars in technology mutual funds. Buying high and selling low provides a poor formula for investment success. 2、美林公司的互联网战略基金(Merrill Lynch Internet Strategies Fund)美林公司最初是一个死硬的价值投资者(diehard value investor),但管理层经不起经纪部门的一再游说,雇佣了一个高调的互联网分析师Henry Blodget,发行了互联网战略基金(Merrill lynch internet strategies fund)。Henry Blodget因预测amazon.com股价突破400美元而成名。同时,美林的首席互联网分析师Jonathan Cohen预测为50美元。1999年,Cohen辞职,1个月后,Henry Blodget上位。Henry Blodget的名言是:别过份关注估值,闭上你的眼睛,说“我看到了这些股票的大未来”。Sometimes it’s helpful not to look at valuations too closely. Just blur your eyes and say “I see a big picture for these stocks”.该基金自20000322开始运作, 到20011005,Merrill Lynch Internet Strategies Fund中止,并入美林自己的Global Technology Fund。到20011005时,投资者已经亏损81%,但美林收取了4500万美元管理费。自并入日到2002年底,投资者在Global Technology Fund上再亏损32%。 3、共同基金广告牛市力量大。牛市中,各种媒体狂轰乱炸,股神层出不穷,理性观点若非用来作为牛市草料,则被视而不见。怀疑论则直面斥责。Investors face a barrage of forces pushing the flavor of the month. During bull markets, television and radio pundits fill the airwaves with soundbites extolling the virtues of equity investing. Newspaper stories profile the heroes of the rapidly rising stock market. Measured views receive little notice, except as occasional fodder for the favored, bullish commentators. Skeptics face outright scorn.作者分析了Wall Street Journal’s Mutual Funds Quarterly Review的情况,该杂志的页数随牛熊变化而增减,宣传共同基金的内容也有同样的变化。Wall Street Journal’s Mutual Funds Quarterly Review的所有方面都将投资者推向错误的方向。Every aspect of the Wall Street Journal’s Mutual Funds Quarterly Review pushes the investing public in the wrong direction. The weight of the message increases as the attractiveness of the opportunity decreases. The focus on stock peaks as stock prices peak. When bonds might prove most useful to investor portfolios, nary an advertisement mentions fixed income. The perversity of the mutual-fund industry’s advertising rates a perfect ten. 4、嘉信理财公司(Charles Schwab)在牛市中的投资建议。嘉信理财公司在牛市中推荐涨幅最大的基金,在熊市中推荐债券基金。完全是追高的典型。更要命的是,它在牛市中推荐的基金表面看起来有一定的多样性,事实上,许多的重仓股是一样的,导致在市场转熊市给投资者带来巨大损失。 5、共同基金陈述业绩的方式具有很大的欺骗性共同基金且来掩饰可怜业绩的方式有:(1)将表现不好的基金合并。Merging poorly performing funds out of existence。就像美林公司的互联网战略基金那样。(2)报喜不报忧。如果旗下有多只基金,只说表现好的基金,不说表现差的基金。(3)选择有利的时间段大吹特吹,表现不好的时间段用“小字体”。选择性展示误示共同基金的吸引力,给经验不足的投资者虚幻的印象。Selective presentation of data enhances the superficial appeal of mutual fund offerings, providing an unrealistic picture to the unsophisticated investor.作者举的例子是Janus公司,它一方面用扣除费前回报(returns gross of fees)来夸大投资能力,二是只挑选最有利的时间段来进行宣传。为了维持正收益的形象,它最初的宣传材料中用三年滚动回报,当三年滚动回报均为负数时,它又改为五年滚动回报。Recognizing that investors tend to chase good performance and flee poor performance, Janus faced a quandary regarding presentation of unimpressive bear market numbers. By moving from an emphasis on three-year numbers to five-year numbers, the firm substitute positive numbers for negative and good relative results for poor. But, by selling five-year performance, Janus obfuscated rather than illuminated. 6、晨星公司的评级。说实话,Swensen对晨星公司大加挞伐多少有些出乎意料。我对晨星公司的印象来自于它的股票研究主管帕特·多尔西所著的《股市真规则》(Truth of the Stock Tape: A Study of the Stock and Commodity Markets with Charts and Rules for Successful Trading and Investing),爱书及公司,因此,我一直认为晨星公司是很优秀的。在我的“重读经典”计划中,《股市真规则》就是其中。不幸的是,晨星公司不能给投资者提供帮助,因为它的评级体系非常幼稚。它用历史表现来衡量风险,并以此给予评级。它们最初对风险的定义是“表现差于90天国债”,“如果基金的表现每月均超过此基准,则被认为无风险”。2002年7月,晨星修改了它对风险的定义,即“基金绩效的变化,尤其是向差的变化”,但将其视为公司的“私产”,未公布详情。       The highly touted Morningstar rating system reinforced the investing public’s unfortunate tendency to focus on past performance. Purely statistical, backward-looking calculations provide no help in identifying superior managers. Yet Morningstar’s four-star and five-star ratings do much to attract investor money to the anointed funds. Starry ratings poured fuel on the fire of the stock market inferno of the late 1990s and fail to insulate investors from the chill of the subsequent decline. Sensible investors avoid Morningstar’s useless rating scheme.        作者最后总结说:理性的投资者应避开时髦,采取自律、独立的投资方式。自律始于仔细、清楚地设定合理的组合目标,并严格遵守既定的组合。坚守资产组合目标要求时常购入遭遗弃者,出售受欢迎者,这要求投资采取非主流、逆向的行动。       Sensible investors avoid fads, behaving in a disciplined, independent fashion. Discipline starts with carefully articulation of reasonable portfolio targets and follows with close adherence to the chosen portfolio. Fidelity to assets-allocation targets requires regular purchase of the out-of-favor and sale of the in-favor, demanding that investors exhibit out-of-the-mainstream, contrarian behavior.

第五章 再平衡       与我们通常的认识不同的是,再平衡并不是简单的高抛低吸,尽管它在具体的操作上的确如此。其目的是为了与既定的投资目标保持一致。       Rebalancing involves taking action to ensure that the current portfolio characteristics match as closely as is practicable the target portfolio allocations.       再平衡本质上是逆向操作。其困难之处不仅在于要逆势而动,更难在持之以恒。在牛市中能保持清醒头脑,坚持再平衡操作,是非常难的。如果不能持之以恒,再平衡经常功亏一匮。       Establishing a contrarian position constitutes only half of the battle. Failure awaits the contrarian investor who loses verve. Suppose an investor initially avoids the flavor of the month. Months become quarters and quarters become years. Ultimately, the weak-kneed contrarian capitulates, buying into the new-era reasoning. Of course, the buy-in comes just as the mania peaks, causing the realization of pain with the offset of gain. Taking a contrarian tack in the absence of the ability to persevere leads to poor results.       与高买低卖不同,投资者经常犯的一个错误是持股不动,任由市场波动左右组合的风险-收益特征。Allowing portfolio risk characteristics to drift with the waxing and waning of markets makes no sense.(P196)       再平衡的最重要的目的是获得期望的组合特征。Obtaining the desired portfolio characteristics represents the most important consequence of rebalancing.       尽管再平衡的目的并不是收益最大化(正如莫布森在《实力、运气与成功》中所说的那样,在运气主导的事情中,不要追求最优化,而要留有余地。相反,要更重视流程,或者遵守既定的目标),再平衡经常带来“控风险、增收益”的结果。The risk-control benefits and incremental-return-generating ability of rebalancing activity. (p193)       Yet, regardless of the frequency of rebalancing, fidelity to asset-allocation targets proves important as a means of risk control and valuable as a tool for return enhancement.       尽管再平衡有时增加短期成本,但坚守资产组合的目标,投资使自己承担的风险水平保持在合意范围内,也为长期的成功奠定基础。       Even though rebalancing sometimes appears costly in the short run, by maintaining asset-allocation targets, investors expose themselves to the desired risk level and position themselves for long-run success.       至于再平衡的频率,作者并没有建议,而是说要考虑交易成本、税收等因素。他所管理的耶鲁大学捐赠基金由于免税,因此,再平衡的频率貌似较高(real-time rebalancing)。
第三部分 择股      择股是非常难的一件事。在本部分中,作者重点是主动型基金为例,说明择股之难。其逻辑是,专注投资、资源丰富的共同基金尚难战胜市场,遑论业余、仅凭一己之力的个人投资者。       Individuals who attempt to compete with resource-rich money management organizations simply provide fodder for large institutional cannon.       作者在本章引用的是Robert D. Arnott, Andrew L. Berkin, and Jia Ye的文章“How Well Have Taxable Investors Been Served In the 1980s and 1990s”,发表于Journal of Portfolio Management 26, no. 4 (Summer 2000)。该文章认为,在如上10-20年间,保守地讲,以税前收益计,78-95%的共同基金跑输大盘(以先锋500指数基金(Vanguard 500 Index Fund)为标准),以税后收益计,86-96%的共同基金跑输大盘。        第七章 共同基金差强人意的业绩       随着美国的养老体系从defined-benefit转变为defined-contribution,越来越多的美国人开始自行负责投资事宜,导致共同基金在个人的资产中的占比越来越高。但是,共同基金显然辜负了众托,主动管理的基金存在业绩赤字(performance deficit)。       作者引用的Robert D. Arnott, Andrew L. Berkin, and Jia Ye的文章表明,在过去的20年间,共同基金的平均业绩较Vanguard 500 Index Fund差2.1个百分点,过去15年差4.2个百分点,过去10年差3.5个百分点。      从结构上来看,共同基金存在“小胜大输”的特征(few winners win next to nothing, lots of losers lose a bundle,p217),即在战胜大盘的基金中,跑赢的幅度仅有不足2个百分点,而在跑输大盘的基金中,跑输的幅度却达4个百分点左右。(P215)。如果考虑到税收因素,共同基金的业绩赤字更加显著。从原理上来讲,主动管理的基金作为一个整体是输给市场的(因为这是一个零和游戏),其比例应等于交易成本和各种费用。       Active managers as a group must underperform the market by a margin equal to the cost of trading (market impact and commissions) and the burden of fees.      作者的建议是:低成本、低换手的被动的指数基金。       Well-informed tax-deferred investors reach an obvious conclusion: look no further than low-cost, passively managed index funds.Sensible taxable investors reach and obvious conclusion: invest in low-turnover, passively managed index funds.        第八章 共同基金失败的显而易见的原因       本章是本书第二长的章节,计有50页,仅次于“非核心资产”一章,可见作者对共同基金之深恶痛决。本章和第九章中,作者分析了导致共同基金出现“业绩赤字”的原因,我仿佛看到了一个老愤青。如果他知道“天下熙熙攘攘,皆为利来利来”和“羊毛出在羊身上”的道理,就不致如此少见多怪了。       共同基金失败源于利益冲突:基金公司作为受托人追求利润最大化,导致投资者利益受损。       对投资人利益造成损失的显而易见的原因包括:投资者支付的各种费用+市场交易(换手)。       一、费用       投资者购买基金支出的费用包括:申购费(sales loads,或sales charge)、管理费、营销费(12b-1费)、激励费用、中介费用。      1、申购费(sales loads,或sales charge)。在引入12b-1营销费(按年征收)之前的1979年,申购费的中位费是8.5%,1999年,前端收费的中位数是4.75%。中国的开放式基金的申购费(包括赎回费)通常约为1.2%左右。美国的基金通常还收“或有赎回费”(contingent deferred sale charges),比较而言,尽管中国的基金也收“或有赎回费”,但赎回费归入基金资产。       2、管理费。作者引用的资料表明,2003年,股票型基金为0.91%,货币型基金为0.60%,全球投资的股票型基金为1.15%。普遍比中国的贵。比较而言,指数基金的管理费便宜得多,约为主动管理基金的1/3-1/4。      3、营销费(12b-1费)。1980年,美国SEC允许基金管理公司从基金资产中收取营销费,用于扩大资产规模。其中的逻辑是扩大的规模可产生规模收益,使得基金管理公司可以降低各种费用。事实是,许多公司在收取12b-1费时毫不手软,但管理费率并不随基金规模的扩大而减低。如果基金管理公司将管理之责外包,它通常与外包公司签订管理费随规模递减的合同。       12b-1费使投资收益受到双重打击,一个打击来自费用本身,另一个打击来自规模增大导致的业绩下滑(tradeoff between assets size and investment performance.)。       The unfortunate shareholders subject to 12b-1 fees face a double-barreled diminution of returns, brought on by the direct impact of the fees and the indirect effect of increasing portfolio.      4、激励费用。管理费是基于资产的费用(asset-based fees),这导致管理人只顾追求资产规模,忽视投资业绩,而规模是业绩的天敌。因此,一些公司又收取激励费用,即基于业绩的费用(performance-based fees)。这种想法是不错的,但通往地狱之路是由良好的愿望铺成的,实践中,基金管理公司通过操纵业绩比较基准,使自己可以轻易达成绩效目标,赚取激励费用,损害投资人利益。如果合同中没有约定激励费用回拨(clawback)条款或制定高标准,设定一个公平的业绩基准就显得至关重要。       The use of fair benchmark assumes heightened importance when incentive fee arrangements fail to incorporate investor-friendly characteristics such as clawbcks and high-water marks. A clawback forces managers to disgorge past incentive fees when subsequent performance falls short of the benchmark. In the absence of a clawback, investors face the ugly prospect of paying fees for performance that came and went. A high-water mark requires managers to fill performance deficits produced after having received incentive fees, prior to earning more incentive fees. In the absence of a high-water mark, investors face the unattractive possibility of paying fees on past gains without getting an offset for subsequent losses.       5、中介费用。理性的投资者应避开中介业者,选择低成本、自服务的方式。       Sensible investors avoid the brokerage community, opting for the lower-cost, self-service alternative.       二、换手      万恶乱换手为首。       In an industry characterized by a long litany of shockingly dysfunctional behaviors, the frenetic churning of mutual-fund portfolios stand near the top of the list.       2002年,股票型基金的平均换手率为67%,也就是说,一个股票的持有时间约为1.5年。作者说,这种情况“令人瞠目结舌”(staggering),在我印象,中国基金的换手率更高。       换手的坏处在于它会带来交易成本(包括交易佣金和市场影响)、增加税负(包括资本利得税和印花税)。       1、交易成本。       Cost of buying and selling securities include commissions paid to brokers for completing trades and the market impact created by executing trades. Commission appears as a separate line item charge. Market impact consists of spreads earned by market makers and price movements required to accommodate transactions.             市场影响很难观察和量化。       成长型基金的交易成本>高于价值型基金>指数基金       尽管指数基金总体上交易成本较低,但也良莠不齐。构造良好的指数,例如标普500和Wilshire 5000,可以为度量市场收益提供很好的标尺,也是被动投资者适意的工具。构造不良的指数,例如罗素2000,则是扭曲的市场映射,引致不必要的交易成本,增加了迟付税单。严谨的投资者认真检查指数基金的换手情况。       Well-constructed indices, such as the S&P 500 and Wilshire 5000, provide reasonable measures of market returns and sensible vehicles for passive investors. Poorly constructed indices, such as the Russell 2000, paint a warped picture of the market, cause unnecessary trading costs, and accelerate deferrable tax bills. Serious investors examine closely the turnover in index fund benchmarks.       2、换手的税收成本       在中国,由于没有资本利得税,只有印花税(单边征收,1‰),因此,高换手率之弊尚不明显,在美国市场,资本利得税约为35%,高换手率的税务负担就相当可观了。       在一个屡屡损害投资者利益的行业,忽视交易的税收结果是最令人伤心的。       In an industry guilty of many crimes against investors, ignoring the tax consequences of portfolio transactions ranks among the most grievous.       无论从投资还是税收的角度来看,高换手都是没有道理的。通常来讲,投资市场显示出相当的定价有效性,利用那些少得可怜的异常情形需要长久的耐心。负有纳税义务的投资者总喜欢延迟收益,将不可避免的税负尽量推延。低换手除了可以带来投资、税负方面的益处外,细致的资产管理策略还能避免滥用“软美元”和“指定经纪”之弊的额外好处。无论是更高的税负还是更低的换手率,过度交易都给共同基金的投资者带来伤害。       High turnover makes no sense from either an investment perspective or a tax perspective. As a general rule, investment markets exhibit sufficiently efficient pricing such that exploiting those few anomalies that exist requires the patience of a long-term horizon. Taxable investors always prefer deferral of gains, postponing the inevitability of paying the tax man. Aside from the merits of the investment-related and tax-related arguments for lower turnover, deliberate portfolio management strategies enjoy the added benefit of limiting the mischief of soft dollars and directed brokerage. Whether expressed in the form of higher taxes or lower turnover, excessive trading harms mutual-fund investors.        第九章 被隐藏的共同基金失败的原因       本章中,作者揭露共同基金管理公司和经纪商、销售商之间不可告人的作法。这些作法损害了投资人的利益,是被隐藏的导致共同基金失败的原因,而监管机构SEC说得多、做得少,助长了这些损招。The SEC engaged in an elaborately choreographed charade that produced a public impression of regulatory improvement, yet left a private reality of business as usual.       改变得越多,不变得就越多。       The more things change, the more they stay the same.       一种作法是pay to play,即基金公司在经纪商(证券公司)处下单买卖股票,经纪商则优先销售该基金公司的产品。       When mutual-fund investors buy shares from brokerage firms, hidden incentives often cause brokers to push particular families of funds. In a flagrantly(臭名远扬地) investor-unfriendly practice, the brokerage community charge outside families of mutual funds for the privilege of being a preferred provider, producing an underhanded means of extracting yet another level of fees from sales of mutual funds. In exchange for payments to brokerage firms, the mutual-fund families obtain special access to the broker’s sales force, creating incentives for brokers to push the preferred funds and tainting the advice that clients receive from the brokers. In polite financial circles, the contemptible practice goes by the euphemism of “revenue sharing”; more direct observers use “pay to play”. (P272)       二是定价游戏(pricing game)。在基金业发展的早期,分销商是做市商,每日报bid prices和ask prices,其间的差价就被其蚕食了。后来出现了按前日收盘价成交的作法(stale pricing mechanism, backward pricing),现在则普遍采取按当日收盘价成交的作法(forward pricing),ETF更是采取实时价格,分销商做手脚的空间大大减少。       三是软美元(soft dollars)。1975年5月1日前,基金公司向经纪商支付固定的佣金,其数量远超完成交易所需。为避开固定佣金,经纪商以软美元的形式向基金公司提供折扣。软美元,本质上是经纪商给基金公司的回扣,用于资助投资相关或无关的东西和服务。       Prior to May 1, 1975, Wall Street operated under a system of fixed commissions that set rates far above the costs for executing trades. Competitive forces caused brokerage firms to circumvent the fixed prices, by providing rebates to favored customers in the form of soft dollars. Soft dollars, in essence a kickback from broker to trader, funded both investment-related and non-investment related goods and services.(P290)       1975年5月1日后,美国SEC取消了固定佣金制,但软美元仍然流行。
第十章 赢得主动管理的游戏      如果投资者想投资于主动管理的共同基金,管理者的特质至关重要。投资者最重要的考察两点:      一是管理者沉迷于投资,不为金钱而管理资金。Great investment managers pursue the business with a passion bordering on obsession. The most successful practitioners sometimes marvel (in private moments) that they are paid to practice such an intellectual stimulating profession.      二是管理者和投资人的利益一致,通常通过共同投资(side-by-side investment, co-investment)绑定双方的利益。      当然,最好的办法还是自我激励,即找到具有非同寻常人格魅力的管理者。The shareholders’ best bet for alignment of interests lies in identifying managers with an unusual set of personal aspiration。      作者认为Southeastern Asset Management公司符合优秀主动管理者的特质,包括:主人翁意识 Principal orientation战略清晰 Clear strategy追求长期目标 Long-term focus集中持股 Portfolio concentration客户基础稳固 Stable client base收费合理 Fair fee arrangements管理人投入金额较大 Substantial co-investment限制资产规模 Limits on asset under management与股东良好的沟通 Shareholder communication       如果没有坚定的持股耐性,即使选到优秀的基金也枉然。      Identifying a winning fund proves helpful only if the investor demonstrates sufficient staying power to reach the finish line.        第十一章 另一种选择:交易所交易基金(ETF)      交易所交易基金(ETF)诞生于1993年,是个人投资者比较理想的投资工具,它具有以下几个特征:      1、被动投资,可以避免主动投资的诸多问题。      2、其诞生之初是为机构投资者服务,目前仍然以机构投资者为主,因此,具有费用较低、市场效率较高等优点。      个人投资者可以搭机构投资者的便车。Retail investors benefit from riding institutional investor coattails.      3、市场深度足够,主流的ETF流动性很好。      4、存在套利机制,使市价和公允价格基本上保持一致。      经纪商损客户肥私的手段包括:收取高额交易费用、对低频交易者提供较差的执行服务、收取账户管理费、鼓励过度交易。      Charging high fees for trades, providing poor execution for infrequent traders, imposing assessments for account maintenance, and encouraging excessive trading represent four means that brokers employ to line their pockets as their clients’ expense.      然而,随着时间的流逝,ETF市场也出现了一些对投资者不利的情形,包括:出现了越来越多主动管理的ETF,以及越来越多非核心资产的ETF,它们越来越像传统的共同基金,具备作者在第八、九章中鞭挞的缺陷。      Unfortunately, the ETF market appears to be moving down the same investor-hostile path previously trod by the mutual-fund industry. The class acts of the ETF industry cheapen their image by introducing superfluous products for which they impose unjustifiable charges. The bit performers confirm their mediocrity by offering second-rate products for which they assess ludicrous fees. As the ETF market matures, investors face an increasingly unappealing set of alternatives. (P337)      后记     第十二章 赢利性基金的失败      赢利性基金失败的根源:      一是利益冲突,基金管理人在追求自身利益的过程中,难免要以投资者损失为代价。      非赢利性基金并不多见,其中比较著名的是先锋(Vanguard)和教师保险年金协会(TIAA,Teachers Insurance Annuity Association)设立的大学退休教师股权基金(CREF,College Retirement Equity Fund)。      如果基金管理公司从属于一个金融集团,那就存在利益输送的可能性。作者举的例子是德意志银行,它下属的德意志资产管理公司本来对HP合并康柏的计划投了否决票,但在HP的管理层向德意银行的投资银行部提出要求后,德意志资产管理公司又同意了该合并计划。美国SEC最终处罚了德意银行75万美元,但理由不是德意志资产管理公司违反了信托义务,而是它没有披露该交易中存在的利益冲突。      二是个人投资者在能力、信息方面明显处于劣势。      当一个精明的金融服务提供者与一个天真的消费者角力时,其结果就像一个重量 级冠军与一个98镑的文弱人士格斗一样显而易见。个人投资者未战已败。      When a sophisticated provider of financial services stands toe to toe with a na?ve consumer, the all-too-predictable conclusion resembles the results of a fight between a  heavyweight champion and a nighty-eight pound weakling. The individual investor loses in a first-round knockout.       三是监管者和立法者无所作为,甚至为虎作伥。      对投资者不幸的是,监管改革鲜有效果。在大多数情形下,监管避重就轻,对复杂、深层次问题退避三舍,只处理一些最基本、众所周知的问题。监管当局通常是在出现丑闻后才做出反应。当监管机构禁止了一项诡计,共同基金总会变出新花样,从而抵消监管机构的管控不良行为的努力。最后,监管机构有时会制定出一些造孽的规定,为共同基金管理公司提供新的机制或安全港,使他们借此可以满足公司淘金的欲望。      Unfortunately for investors, regulatory reform rarely proves effective. In most cases, regulators miss a host of complex, off-the-radar-screen problems, and address only the most basic, well-publicized issues. Invariably, authorities react after the fact of the scandal. When regulators confront mutual-fund chicanery, the mutual-fund consistently identifies variations on a prohibited-profit-producing scheme, neutering regulatory efforts to control bad behavior. Finally, the oversight process occasionally produces perverse rules and regulations that provide new mechanisms or safe harbors for mutual-fund management companies to employ in their quest to fill the corporate coffers.       在投资共同基金时,要奉行“少即是多”的原则。The rigid calculus of index-fund investing dominates the ornate complexity of active fund management.
花了整整3个月的时间看完了大卫·F·斯文森(David F. Swensen)的Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal Investment (中译为《不落俗套的成功:最好的个人投资方法》),摘抄了一些观点,陆续放在雪球网上。掩卷沉思,颇觉获益匪浅。
作者引用的Roger G. Ibbotson and Paul D. Kaplan的研究( “Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, 100 Percent of Performance?”, Financial Analysts Journal 56, No.1 (2000):32)表明,在收益的来源中,资产配置贡献近乎100%,择股、择时几无用处。对机构投资者的研究表明,它们作为一个整体,并不能战胜指数,它们的业绩赤字与其收取的各类费用之和相当。也就是说,追求超额收益是一个零和游戏。

在配置资产时,股票应占较大的比重,作者引用了Roger Ibbotson(时间跨度为1926-2003)和Jeremy Siegel(时间跨度为1802-2001)的研究表明,股票提供的收益超过债券、房地产、现金等。作者推荐的投资组合中,股票、房地产、债券的比例为50:20:30,可以充分满足“股票为主、充分多元化”的要求。具体如下:
资产类别                            目标比例
本国股票(指美国)            30%
其他发达国家股票               15%
新兴市场股票                       5%
房地产                                 20%
美国债券                             15%
美国盯住通胀债券              15%

在国内的投资者中,格尔顿投资管理公司的张伟@sosme 提出了动态再平衡的概念,“动态”的意义是在市场上涨的时候适当提高股票的目标比例,以尽可能地享受上涨(泡沫)的收益,在下跌时候适当提高债券+现金的目标比例,以尽可能地规避下跌的损害。我的理解是,动态再平衡既要逆势而为,亦要顺势而为,是在机械的再平衡中添加了人为的因素。这种策略的成功需要2个基本条件:一是投资者具有很高的投资技艺,对@sosme 这等投资高手,当不在话下。二是市场矫枉过正(overshooting)的时间、程度相当严重,就中国当下的市场而言,这个条件似乎也具备。

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