


Chapter 1 Price Action



For a trader, the fundamental issue thatconfronts him repeatedly throughout the day is the decision ofwhether the market is trending or not trending. If it is trending,he assumes that the trend will continue, and he will look to enterin the direction of the trend ("With Trend"). If it is nottrending, he will look to enter in the opposite direction of themost recent move ("fade" or "Countertrend"). A trend can be asshort as a single bar (on a smaller time frame, there can be astrong trend contained within that bar) or, on a 5-minute chart, itcan last a day or more. How does he make this decision? By readingthe price action on the chart in front of him.




The most useful definition of price actionfor a trader is also the simplest: it is any change in price on anychart type or time frame. The smallest unit of change is the tick,which has a different value for each market. Incidentally, a tickhas two meanings. It is the smallest unit of change in price that amarket can make, and it is also every trade that takes place (so ifyou buy, your order will appear on the Time and Sales table, andyour fill, no matter how large or small, is one tick). Since priceis changing with every tick (trade) during the day, each pricechange becomes an example of price action. There is no universallyaccepted definition of price action, and since you need to alwaystry to be aware of even the seemingly least significant piece ofinformation that the market is offering, you must have a very broaddefinition. You cannot dismiss anything because very oftensomething that initially appears minor leads to a great trade. Thebroadest definition includes any representation of price movementduring the course of trading. This includes any financialinstrument, on any type of chart, in any time frame.




评:Tick在汉语里很难找到一个对应的词汇,用“点”其实并不准确。我见到有的书直接音译为“滴克”,倒也不失为一种办法。TICK的两种意义,作为最小计量单位,也许可以用“点”来对应;作为一次交易,则是用“笔”来表达才最准确。但把这两种意思结合起来,怎么翻译才合适呢?事实上,一笔交易与另一笔交易之间的距离不一定只是一个点,在快速行情里就会出现跳空,使价格不连续;一个点上成交的也可能不止一笔。在沉闷行情里,可能在同一个价格上要成交好几笔却引不起价格移动一个点。因此,用“点”和“笔”都不能很好的对应Tick的本义。我曾想用“跳”来表达这个概念,事实上,价格的一“跳”也确实可以对应一个TICK,它是一笔交易,成交价与前一成交价可能有差异,也可能无差异。但是,毕竟这是一个少人用的计量方式,以我的地位,尚不足以引入这个新的计量单位吧。这是一个翻译方面的问题,就像前面提到的Setup的翻译问题一样,和Al Brooks无关。就AlBrooks的原著来说,这一段对价格行为的定义还是可以接受的,它就是价格的任何变化。但把金融工具、图表形态、时间框架等因素也引进来,就有点画蛇添足,反而越说越乱了。


The definition alone does not tell youanything about placing a trade because every bar is a potentialsignal both for a short and a long trade. There are traders outthere who will be looking to short the next tick, believing thatthe market won't go one tick higher, and others who will buy itbelieving that the market will likely not go one tick lower. Oneside will be right, and the other will be wrong. If the buyers arewrong and the market goes one tick lower and then another and thenanother, they will begin to entertain the prospect that theirbelief is wrong. At some point, they will have to sell theirposition at a loss, making them new sellers and no longer buyers,and this will drive the market down further. Sellers will continueto enter the market, either as new shorts or as longs forced toliquidate, until some point when more buyers come in. These buyerswill be a combination of new buyers, profit-taking shorts, and newshorts who now have a loss and will have to buy to cover theirpositions. The market will continue up until the process reversesonce again.





Everything is relative, and everything canchange into the exact opposite in an instant, even without anymovement in price. It might be that you suddenly see a trendlineseven ticks above the high of the current bar and instead oflooking to short, you now are looking to buy for a test of thetrendline. Trading through the rearview mirror is a sure way tolose money. You have to keep looking ahead, not worrying about themistakes you just made. They have absolutely no bearing on the nexttick, so you must ignore them and just keep reassessing the priceaction and not your profit and loss (P&L) on theday.



评:你搞清这几句话之间的关系了吗?弄懂Al Brooks想说什么了吗?酒真不是一个好东西!


Each tick changes the price action ofevery time frame chart from a tick chart or I-minute chart througha monthly chart, and on all charts, whether the chart is based ontime, volume, the number of ticks, point and figure, or anythingelse. Obviously, a single tick move is usually meaningless on amonthly chart (unless, for example, it is a one tick breakout ofsome chart point that immediately reverses), but it becomesincreasingly more useful on smaller time frame charts. This isobviously true because if the average bar today on a I-minute Eminichart is three ticks tall, then a one tick move is 33 percent ofthe size of the average bar, and that can represent a significantmove.





The most useful aspect of price action is watchingwhat happens after the market moves beyond (breaks out beyond)prior bars or trendlines on the chart. For example, if the marketgoes above a significant prior high and each subsequent bar forms alow that is above the prior bar's low and a high that is above theprior bar's high, then this price action indicates that the marketwill likely be higher on some subsequent bar, even if it pulls backfor a few bars near term. On the other hand, if the market breaksout to the upside, and then the next bar is a small inside bar (itshigh is not higher than that of the large breakout bar), and thenthe following bar has a low that is below this small bar, the oddsof a failed breakout and a reversal back down increaseconsiderably.


价格在突破之后如何行动,是价格行为最值得观测之处。这里说的突破,就是价格在图表中移动到了前面一根K线或者趋势线之上。例如,如果市价攀升到之前的一个明显的高点之上,而且随后的每一根K线的低点都比前一根的低点更高,它的高点也比前一根的高点更高,那么,这个价格行为就表示市场在之后的K线上十有八九会继续向上走,那怕过程中会向下回撤几个K线的空间。另一种情况,如果市场向上突破,但接下来的一根K线却是一个包蕴线(Inside Bar,它的高点比之前形成突破的那根K线的高点低),紧随其后的K线的低点位于这根小包蕴线下方,那么,突破失败的机会就大增,反转向下就可想而见了。


Over time, fundamentals controlthe price of a stock, and that price is set by institutionaltraders (like mutual funds, banks, brokerage houses, insurancecompanies, pension funds, hedge funds, and so on), who are by farthe biggest volume players. Price action is the movement that takesplace along the way as institutions probe for value. When they feelthat the price is too high, they will exit or even short, and whenthey feel it is too low (a good value), they will go long or takeprofits on their shorts. Although conspiracy theorists will neverbelieve it, institutions do not havesecret meetings to vote on whatthe price should be in an attempt to steal money from unsuspecting,well-intentioned individual traders. Their voting is essentiallyindependent and secret, and comes in the form of their buying andselling, but the results are displayed on price charts. In theshort run, an institution can manipulate the price of a stock,especially if it is thinly

traded. However, they wouldmake relatively much less money doing that compared to what theycould make in other forms of trading, making the concern ofmanipulation of negligible importance, especially in stocks andmarkets where huge volume is traded, like the Eminis, major stocks,debt instruments, and currencies.




Why does price move up onetick? It is because there is more volume being bid at the currentprice than being offered, and a number of those buyers are willingto pay even more than the current price if necessary. This issometimes described as the market having more buyers than sellers,or as the buyers being in control, or as buying pressure. Once allof those buy orders that can possibly be filled are filled at thecurrent price (the last price traded), the remaining buyers willhave to decide whether they are willing to buy at one tick higher.If they are, they will continue to bid at the higher price. Thishigher price will make all market participants reevaluate theirperspective on the market. If there continues to be more volumebeing bid than offered, price will continue to move up since thereare an insufficient number of contracts being offered by sellers atthe last price to fill the requests to buy by buyers. At somepoint, buyers will start offering some of their contracts as theytake partial profits. Also, sellers will perceive the current priceas a good value for a short and offer to sell more than buyers wantto buy. Once there are more contracts being offered by sellers(either buyers who are looking to cover some or all of their longcontracts or by new sellers who are attempting to short), all ofthe buy orders will be filled at the current price, but somesellers will be unable to find enough buyers. The bid will movedown a tick. If there are sellers willing to sell at this lowerprice, this will become the new last price.




Since most markets are drivenby institutional orders, it is reasonable to wonder whether theinstitutions are basing their entries on price action, or whethertheir actions are causing the price action. The reality is thatinstitutions are not all watching AAPL or SPY tick by tick and thenstarting a buy program when they see a two-legged pullback on aI-minute chart. They have a huge number of orders to be filledduring the day and are working to fill them at the best price.Price action is just one of many considerations, and some firmswill rely more on it, and others will rely on it less or not atall. Many firms have mathematical models and programs thatdetermine when and how much to buy and sell, and all firms continueto receive new orders from clients all day long.







The price action that traderssee during the day is the result of institutional activity and muchless the cause of the activity. When a profitable setup unfolds,there will be a confluence of unknowable influences taking placeduring the trade that results in the trade being profitable or aloser. The setup is the actual first phase of a move that isalready underway and a price action entry lets a trader just jumponto the wave early on. As more price action unfolds, more traderswill enter in the direction of the move, generating momentum on thecharts, causing additional traders to enter. Traders, includinginstitutions, place their bids and offers for every imaginablereason, and the reasons are largely irrelevant. However, one reasonthat is relevant, because it is evident to smart price actiontraders, is to benefit from trapped traders. If you know thatprotective stops are located at one tick below a bar and willresult in losses to traders who just bought, then you should getshort on a stop at that same price to make a profit off the trappedtraders as they are forced out.




Since institutional activity controls the move andtheir volume is so huge and they place most of their trades withthe intention of holding them for hours to months, most will not belooking to scalp and instead they will defend their original entry.If Vanguard or Fidelity have to buy stock for one of their mutualfunds, their clients will want the fund to own stock at the end ofthe day. Clients do not buy mutual funds with the expectation thatthe funds will day trade and end up in all cash by the close. Thefunds have to own stock, which means they have to buy and hold, notbuy and scalp. For example, after their initial buy, they willlikely have much more to buy and will use any small pullback to addon. If there is none, they will continue to buy as the marketrises.

Some beginner traders wonder who is buying as themarket is going straight up and also wonder why anyone would buy atthe market instead of waiting for a pullback. The answer is simple.It is institutions working to fill all of their orders at the bestpossible price, and they will buy in many pieces as the marketcontinues up. A lot of this trading is being done by institutionalcomputer programs, and it will end after the programs are complete.If a trade fails, it is far more likely the result of the tradermisreading the price action than it is of an institution changingits mind or taking a couple ticks of profit within minutes ofinitiating a program.






The only importance of realizing that institutionsare responsible for price action is that it makes placing tradesbased on price action more reliable. Most institutions are notgoing to be day trading in and out, making the market reverse afterevery one of your entries. Your price action entry is just apiggyback trade on their activity, but, unlike them, you arescalping all or part of your trade.





There are some firms that day trade substantialvolume. However, for their trades to be profitable the market hasto move many ticks in their direction, and a price action traderwill see the earliest parts of the move, allowing her to get inearly and be confident that the odds of a successful scalp arehigh. That firm cannot have the market go 15 ticks against them ifthey are trying to scalp 4 or 8 ticks. As such, they will enteronly when they feel that the risk of an adverse move is small. Ifyou read their activity on the charts, you should likewise beconfident in your trade, but always have a stop in the market incase your read is wrong.




Also, since often the entry bar extreme is testedto the tick and the stops are not run, there must be institutionalsize volume protecting the stops, and they are doing so based onprice action. In the 5-minute Emini, there are certain price actionevents that change the perspective of smart traders. For example,if a High 2 long pullback fails, smart traders will assume that themarket will likely have two more legs down. If you are aninstitutional trader and you bought that High 2, you do not want itto fail, and you will buy more all the way down to one tick abovethat key protective stop price. That institution is using priceaction to support their long.




The big legs are essentially unstoppable, but thesmall price action is fine-tuned by some institutional traders whoare watching every tick. Sometimes when there is a 5-tick longfailure setting up and the price just keeps hitting 5 ticks but not6 where you can scalp 4 ticks out of your long, there will suddenlybe a trade of 250 Emini contracts, and the price does not tickdown. In general, anything over 100 contracts should be consideredinstitutional in today's Emini market. Even if it is just a largeindividual trader, he likely has the insight of an institution, andsince he is trading institutional volume, he is indistinguishablefrom an institution. Since the price is still hanging at 5 ticks,almost certainly that 250 lot order was an institutional buy. Thisis because if institutions were selling in a market filled withnervous longs, the market would fall quickly. When the institutionsstart buying when the market is up 5 ticks, they expect it to gomore than just 1 tick higher and usually within a minute or so theprice will surge through 6 ticks and swing up for at least manymore. The institutions were buying at the high, which means that they thinkthe market will go higher and they will likely buy more as it goesup. Also, since 4-tick scalps work so often, it is likely thatthere is institutional scalping that exerts a great influence overmost scalps during the day.





Traders pay close attention to the seconds beforekey time frames close, especially 3-, 5-, 15-, and 60-minute bars.This is also true on key volumes for volume bar charts. Forexample, if many traders follow the 10,000 shares per bar chart forthe Ten Year Note futures contract, then when the bar is about toclose (it closes on the first trade of any size that results in atleast 10,000 shares traded since the start of the bar, so the baris rarely ever exactly 10,000 shares), there may be a flurry ofactivity to influence the final appearance of the bar. One sidemight want to demonstrate a willingness to make the bar appear morebullish or bearish. In simplest terms, a strong bull trend barmeans that the bulls owned the bar. It is very common in strongtrends for a reversal bar to totally reverse its appearance in thefinal few seconds before a 5-minute bar closes. For example, in astrong bear, there might be a High 2 long setting up with a verystrong bull reversal bar. Then, with 5 seconds remaining before thebar closes, the price plummets, and the bar closes on its low,trapping lots of front running longs who expected a bull trendreversal bar. When trading Countertrend against a strong trend, itis imperative to wait for the signal bar to close before you placeyour order, and then only enter on a stop at 1 tick beyond the barin the direction of your trade (if you are buying, buy at 1 tickabove the high of the prior bar on a stop).




但是,在这之前,Al Brooks又强调过A close is close,意思是说等到收盘黄瓜菜都凉了。这两者不是很矛盾吗?再深入想一下,才会明白Al Brooks是在说两个东西。要等到收盘,是对信号的态度,收了盘的K线才构成信号;不要等收盘,是指信号出现之后应如何反应,见信号就要冲进去,不要拖沓错过了进场的机会。类似这样的地方,需要读者自己琢磨,别指望这个大舌头给你讲明白。


What is the best way to learn how to read priceaction? It is to print out charts and then look for everyprofitable trade. If you are a scalper looking for 50 cents in AAPLor $2 in GOOG on the 5-minute chart, then find every move duringthe day where that amount of profit was possible. After severalweeks, you will begin to see a few patterns that would allow you tomake those trades while risking about the same amount. If the riskis the same as the reward, you have to win much more than 50percent of the time to make the trade worthwhile. However, lots ofpatterns have a 70 percent or better success rate, and many tradesallow you to move up your stop from below the signal bar extreme tobelow the entry bar extreme while waiting for your profit target tobe reached, reducing your risk. Also, you should be trying to entertrades that have a good chance of running well past your profittarget, and you should therefore only take partial profits. Infact, initially you should only focus on those entries. Move yourstop to breakeven and then let the remainder run. You will likelyhave at least a couple of trades each week that run to four or moretimes your initial target before setting up a reverse entrypattern.





Fibonacci retracements and extensions are a partof price action, but since most are just approximations and mostfail, do not use them for trading. If one is good, it will beassociated with a chart pattern that is reliable and tradable onits own, independent of the Fibonacci measurement or anyindicators. Elliott Wave Theory is also a type of price actionanalysis, but for most traders it is not tradable. The waves areusually not clear until many, many bars after the ideal entrypoint, and with so many opposite interpretations at every instant,it requires far too much thought and uncertainty for mostactive day traders.




Should you be concerned that making theinformation in this book available will create lots of great priceaction traders, all doing the same thing at the same time, therebyremoving the late entrants needed to drive the market to your pricetarget? No, because the institutions control the market, and theyalready have the smartest traders in the world, and those tradersalready know everything in this book, at least intuitively. Thereason that the patterns that we all see unfold as they do isbecause that is the appearance that occurs in an efficient marketwith countless traders placing orders for thousands of differentreasons, but with the controlling volume being traded based onsound logic. That is just what it looks like, and it has forever.The same patterns unfold on all time frames in all markets aroundthe world and it would simply be impossible for all of it to bemanipulated instantaneously on so many different levels.




这里也有一个逻辑上的问题。在此之前,他认为机构交易的行为才是价格行为的基础,很多机构会按照价格行为的原则进行交易,使得阅读价格行为成为有效的交易决策方式。在这里,他似乎又想说价格行为交易主要是由散户来介入的,这中间显然有不协调的地方。但这不是个问题,因为这无关对价格行为的理解,只是Al Brooks的一次低水准的吹牛罢了。


If everyone suddenly became a price actionscalper, the smaller patterns might change a little for a while,but over time, the efficient market will win out, and the votes byall traders will get distilled into standard price action patternsbecause that is the inescapable result of countless people behavinglogically. Also, the reality is that it is very difficult to trade,and although basing trades on price action is a sound approach, itis still very difficult to do real time. There just won't be enoughtraders doing it well enough, all at the same time, to have anysignificant influence over time on the patterns. Just look atEdwards and Magee. The best traders in the world have been usingthose ideas for decades and they continue to work, again for thesame reason . . . charts look they way they do because that is theunchangeable fingerprint of an efficient market filled with a hugenumber of smart people using a huge number of approaches and timeframes, all trying to make the most money that they can.






课后总结:这一部分是第一章的第一部分,相当于第一章的总论,AlBrooks谈了他对价格行为的定义和认识。很显然,进行这种理论性归纳总结不是他的长项,以至于很多地方谈得似是而非。但也要承认,他的一些观点也是可取的,只是他不善于也不应该在这种偏理论化的地方多着墨,直接讲他的技术发现的东西,才是比较合适的。而且,这里讲到的知识,大部分都是老手都知道新手将来总会知道的,在这种地方扯那么多,何必呢?而且,Al Brooks一旦谈起理论性的东西来,就是越扯越乱而不是越说越清楚,这也算是比较好玩的地方吧。


一点技术上的说明:翻译涉及到“Bar”这个词汇的地方越来越多,如何最恰当翻译它,成了一个不可回避的问题。为了翻译方便,也为了读得清楚,我决定不管K线本是专指蜡烛图这个词源问题了,否则,有些地方就很难翻。比如,Trend Bar,翻成“趋势K线”就好懂,表示与趋势一致并可揭示趋势方向的柱状图,如果翻成“趋势柱形图”就很别扭,翻成“趋势线”,又与Trendline冲突,翻成趋势条也别扭。同样的还有Reversal Bar,翻成“反转K线”就很好懂,Entry Bar,翻成“进场K线”也很明白。所以,以后就这么定了,全翻成K线,需要特指柱形图或蜡烛图时再使用“柱形图”和“蜡烛图”这样的字眼。之前的译文,我已经统一修改,以使前后一致。


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