



第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35)

第一节 单项选择(15小题;每小题1分,满分15)


21. It’s not ________ good idea to do your homework all the evening without ________ break.

A. a ; a                            B. the ; a                      C. the ; the                   D. a ; the

22. AIDS control and prevention is ________to China as well as the whole world.

A. surprising             B. challenging               C. disappointing            D. tiring

23. Humans are polluting the earth day by day, ________, of course, will cause punishment sooner or later.

A. that                      B. it                             C. which                      D. what

24. ________ the witness will come in time tomorrow is unknown to the lawyer.

A. That                     B. What                        C. Whether                   D. Where

25. —Why didn’t you discuss it with her since you were free?

   —I had no ________.

A. time                            B. ideas                        C. opportunity              D. money

26. I’ll take my share of money; the ________ yours.

A. other are              B. other is               C. rest are                    D. rest is

27. E-mail, as well as telephones, ________ an important part in daily communication.

A. is playing              B. have played               C. are playing                D. play

28. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot ________ easy reach. 

  A. near                     B. upon                       C. within                      D. around

29.—I’m sure your brother Andrew will win the first prize in the English contest.

  —I think so. He ________ for it for two months.

A. is preparing                                              B. was preparing          

C. had been preparing                                    D. has been preparing

30.—I hear that your son is in charge of your company.

—Yes, he is. Two years of business school has really ________.

A. paid off                B. paid for                    C. paid back                 D. paid out

31. She’ll never forget her stay there ________ she found her son had the talent of drawing.

  A. that                      B. which                    C. where                 D. when

32. Mary has had her article printed in a famous magazine, ________ she is very proud.

A. for which             B. in which              C. of which            D. from which

33.—I will come to see you play football at four tomorrow afternoon.

—I am sorry, but by then the match will be over and I ________an English song.

A. will learn                                                 B. will be learning       

C. would learn                                             D. would be learning

34. Many of them will try their best to finish the project as soon as possible, _______ they know it to be difficult.

A. as though              B. now that                  C. even though         D. so that

35.—Could you turn the TV down a little bit?

—________. Is it disturbing you?

A. Take it easy.         B. I’m sorry.                C. Not a bit                  D. It depends


第二节 完形填空 (20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered a small hotel in Philadelphia. Trying to get out of the   36  , the couple went to the front desk hoping to  37 for the night.

“Could you   38   give us a room here?” the husband asked.

The clerk, a   39   man with a winning smile, looked at the couple and   40   that there were three conventions(大会) in town.

“All of our   41   are taken,” the clerk said. “But I can’t send a   42   couple like you 43   into the rain at 1 o’clock in the morning. Would you please be   44   to sleep in my room? It’s not exactly a suite(套房), but it will be good enough to make you   45   for the night.”

The couple said no politely.

“Don’t   46   me. It is just fine with me,” the clerk told them.

As he paid his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, “You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel. Maybe someday I’ll build   47   for you.” The three of them had a good   48  .

Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten it   49   he received a letter from the old man. It recalled that stormy night and put in a round-trip   50   to New York, asking the young man to pay them a visit. The old man met him in New York, and   51  him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.

He then pointed to a great new   52   there,  a palace of reddish stone. “That,” said the older man, “is the hotel I have just built for you to   53  .”

“You must be   54  ,” the young man said.

“I am sure I am not,” said the old man, the name of   55  was William Waldorf Astor, and the magnificent structure was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The young clerk, George C. Boldt became its first manager.

36. A. rain                        B. anger                    C. snow                    D. hunger

37. A. put out                   B. put off                  C. put up                  D. put down

38. A. surely                     B. possibly                C. really                    D. freely

39. A. lazy                        B. bored                    C. nervous                D. friendly

40. A. shouted                  B. explained               C. believed                D. agreed

41. A. hotels                     B. desks                    C. streets                  D. rooms

42. A. nice                       B. famous                 C. rich                      D. common

43. A. beyond                   B. off                       C. out                       D. under

44. A. kind                       B. willing                  C. good                    D. generous

45. A. enjoyable                B. helpful                  C. grateful                 D. comfortable

46. A. worry about            B. take care of           C. make use of          D. come up with

47. A. one                        B. it                          C. them                    D. those

48. A. sleep                      B. meal                     C. laugh                    D. talk

49. A. after                       B. before                   C. while                    D. when

50. A. ticket                     B. bill                        C. check                   D. questionnaire

51. A. invited                    B. told                      C. treated                  D. led

52. A. building                  B. car                       C. bedroom               D. place

53. A. live                        B. sell                       C. manage                 D. rent

54. A. lying                      B. joking                   C. dreaming              D. cheating

55. A. whose                    B. which                   C. whom                  D. who


第三部分 阅读理解(15小题;每小题2分,满分30)



Adventure in Africa
by Connie Lee Berry

Ages 7-9  85 pages  Kid's Fun Press  December 2007

Adventure in Africa is written for children aged between 7 and 9 and may just be my favorite book in the Incredible Journey Series. In this book the two main characters Max and Sam are taken to an African Safari camp. Even with all the care taken by the staff to ensure the safety and comfort of the camp, things do go wrong and the two brothers find themselves rescuing an elephant and their tour guide, while braving the native wildlife and habitat of Africa.

Adventure in Africa is one of four books in this series of fluent readers’ paperback travel adventure books by Connie Lee Berry. The font(字体) is quite large and there are roughly a dozen maps, images and illustrations (插图) in the book, which will attract younger readers. As an extra bonus特别补助, the back of the book lists some activities for children to do.

The animal photos were exciting, especially when the boys were able to ride an elephant! The pictures on the cover look like regular photos of family vacations. A large, interactive (互动的) companion website (www.ijbooks.com) allows readers to join in activities, contests and a club.

The price of the book is only 3.95$ (US). Adventure in Africa is a bargain.

56. The book Adventure in Africa is written for _________.

A. all the readers        B. young parents           C. young kids        D. high school students

57. From the first paragraph we get to know _________ of the book.

A. the general idea      B. the design                C. the author          D. the price

58. The last word in the passage ‘bargain’ probably means ‘something _________.

A. cheap                   B. expensive                 C. useful               D. priceless

59. The purpose of the writer is _________.

A. to attract young readers                             B. to promote the book

C. to introduce the book                                D. to ask readers to join in contests


There is no believable evidence for the existence of Bigfoot or to put it another way, there's really quite a lot of evidence, but unfortunately it's of very poor quality. That's a problem for Bigfoot-believers, because if the creature really does exist, then it must exist in fairly big numbers. Otherwise, it would long ago have died out.

   “Not a single dead body has been found,” said Joe Nickell. “While we can't prove Bigfoot doesn't exist, it's fair to point out that we can't prove that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. We can't prove that there are no leprechauns(小妖精).”

    The Bigfoot myth is fueled by human hopes and fears. In that manner it is similar to other myths.

   “We are hopeful that we are not alone in the universe, so we believe in extraterrestrials (外星人),” Joe Nickell said. “We are fearful of the unknown, so we imagine monsters (妖怪).”

    Woolheater, of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center, agreed that there are “a whole lot of questions and not many answers”.

   “What we're trying to do is get some answers and gather hard evidence. I think we're dealing with an animal that is fairly rare,” Woolheater added. “So you're talking about something that is probably a hundred times rarer than a black bear, and certainly a lot more rare than a mountain lion, and those animals aren't seen all that often.”

    Meanwhile, the Institute of Texan Cultures is taking a democratic(民主的) approach. The final part of the exhibition gives visitors a chance to vote on whether or not they believe the evidence. On the first day, “yes” outweighed “no” by 178 to 53.

60. According to Joe Nickell, __________.

A. Bigfoot's dead bodies are taken away by extraterrestrials    

B. Bigfoot is the result of people's hopes and fears

C. leprechauns don't exist

D. people are polite to Bigfoot

61. According to the text, Woolheater ________.

A. thinks there are no questions about Bigfoot

B. gets his answers from exhibitions

C. believes the strength of voting

D. seems to think Bigfoot exists

62. From the last paragraph we can know __________.

A. the Institute of Texan Cultures thinks there exists Bigfoot

B. most people believe in the Institute of Texan Cultures

C. most people think there exists Bigfoot according to the vote

D. the Institute of Texan Cultures is a democratic organization

63. What is a problem for Bigfoot-believers?

A. There is no evidence for the existence of Bigfoot.

B. The evidence for the existence of Bigfoot is not convincing.

C. Bigfoot died out in large numbers long ago.

D. The Texas Bigfoot Research Center provided untrue evidence.


Jewelweeds, or Impatiens, are pretty flowers that grow in wet, shady(多荫的) places all over the Northern Hemisphere. According to a recent experiment, they seem to know their own flower family.

The experiment suggests that these flowers can know each other—or at least, know whether or not they came from the same mother plant. Together with other experiments, these results show that if the plants are able to know their siblings (兄弟姐妹), it’s not through their leaves, it’s through the roots.

Guillermo P. Murphy and Susan Dudley are a pair of botanists, or scientists who study plants, from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. In this experiment, they planted jewelweeds in pots () with either siblings or strangers. Sibling plants were grown from seeds that came from the same mother plant. Stranger plants were grown from seeds from different plants.

If people were plants, then this experiment would be like showing that a person behaves differently if he grows up next to his brother than if he grows up next to a stranger.

When jewelweeds were planted in pots with strangers, the plants started to grow more leaves than if they had been planted alone. This response(反应)suggests that plants are competing with strangers for sunlight, since a plant with more leaves can receive more light—and make more food. Impatiens normally grow in the shade, where there is not enough sunlight.

When jewelweed seedlings were planted with siblings, they grew a few more branches than they normally would if they were alone — but they did not start growing lots of extra leaves. This behavior suggests the plants are more likely to share resources(资源), rather than compete.

The plants only responded this way when they shared soil. If stranger seedlings were planted in different pots and placed next to each other, for example, they did not grow more leaves. This difference shows that the plants must use their roots to notice sibling plants in the same soil.     

64. What is the main idea of the article? 

A. Jewelweeds seem to know their own family.             B. Jewelweeds love their siblings.

C. Jewelweeds share resources with others                 D. Jewelweeds grow in wet shady places

65. A plant with more leaves __________.

A. are likely to share more resources                     B. receive more competition

C. are likely to make more food                     D. hardly receive enough sunlight

66. From the passage, we learn that __________.

A. the flowers grow extra leaves when planted alone

B. the flowers know their siblings through their roots

C. the flowers can make friends with stranger plants

D. the flowers grow more branches when planted with strangers



I never got along well with Dad. But when he was dying, I set off for Nebraska to be with him and my family. I stopped for the night at a hotel with a pool, hoping a swim would relax.

The pool area was empty as I walked into the still water. A man in a bathing suit appeared. He sat on the edge of the pool with his legs moving up and down in the water. He had dark hair and deep brown eyes and smiled. ‘Where are you going?’ he asked. When I told him about my father, he asked how we got along. I tried to change the subject, but then for some reason, I told him everything.

Finally the man said, ‘Even with all the trouble, remember, your father still loves you.’ All at once, warm and clear childhood memories came flooding back: Dad running alongside my wobbling (摇摆的) bicycle, the proud hug he gave me at my high school graduation, his laugh when I caught him off guard with a tickle(挠痒). ‘Yes, I know he does,’ I heard myself say. And for the first time in years I believed it. The man left, leaving me alone with my comforting thoughts.

Back in my room, as I went to bed, I decided it was time to forgive(原谅) my father. Then I wished he’d forgiven me too. The phone bell woke me up at 3 am. My sister’s voice sent a silver (寒战) through me: Dad had just died. I had wanted to see him and make peace. But as my sadness grew, I remembered that the man by the pool had already brought Dad and me together.

67. From the passage we learn that the author __________.

A. didn’t know his father was seriously ill            B. always thought highly of his father

C. lived in Nebraska far away from his family       D. was going to see his father

68. When the author was in the swimming pool, __________.

   A. many other people were there, too

   B. he talked a lot with the man by the pool

   C. he greeted the man by the pool first

   D. the man by the pool told him everything about his family

69. What made the author change his original(原始的)idea about his father?

   A. That he was made to think of the fact that his father loved him.

   B. That the man by the pool mentioned his interesting childhood.

   C. That he remembered his father had taught him to ride a bike.

   D. That he knew his father would leave him forever.

70. In the last paragraph, the author was sad that he __________.

   A. hadn’t accepted the kind stranger’s advice

   B. had no chance to make peace with his father

   C. hadn’t respected his father when he was young

   D. hadn’t stayed with his father before. 


第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Many people find good friends but they fail to continue with their friendship, because they do not know their role as a friend. Let us see some important points that we should take care of if we wish to be a good friend for someone.

Be a secret admirer(崇拜者) of your friend: If your friend is good at something, then do not praise him just in front of him. Praising a person for what he is good at does not improve his qualities. It surely will do harm to your friend. A good friend should never miss an opportunity to praise his friend in front of others when he is not around.

Pull your friend away from making mistakes: If your friend is doing something wrong, it is your duty to let him know it at earliest. Keep in mind a best friend has to play a role of critic(批评家) if he wants his friend to stop doing wrong things. But keep in mind not to show your friend’s mistakes in front of other people. It will spoil (损害) your friend’s image in others’ view. And besides your friendship will be in danger. Sometimes it is important to understand your friend’s intentions(意图) behind his actions and try to analyze (分析) situation, then only you should give your opinion.

Try to understand your friend: It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problems he is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to calm him. It is obvious (明显的) that if people have some problems, they will not speak up their problems to their brothers or sisters, they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up, just listen to him and be with him until your friend feels better.

Try to teach good things: If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him how to fish. This will give your friend food for lifetime. A good friend will never wish his friend to be dependent on someone.

Do not interfere(妨碍): The most important point that one should take care of is that your friend has his own life and you should not interfere in his life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish.

Hope this will help you out solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.

Tips for    71    Good Relationship

Key points

Know your   72   as a friend

Be a secret admirer of your friend

Don’t think highly of your friend when he is around, which surely will be   73   to him.

Point out your friends’ mistake as   74   as possible.

When finding your friend is doing something wrong, you’d better let him know it but    75   not to do that in front of others.

Try to   76   your friend

When your friend has something to worry about or has problems, let him speak up and listen to him. Try to keep him   77  .

Try to teach something good

Teach your friend the    78   to solve problems. Try not to let him   79  on others.

Let your friend have his own life

80  all, don’t interfere in your friend’s life, for he has his own life.



第五部分 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


81. —Tom has worked very hard this term.

—No wonder he has made great p__________ in every subject.

82. Susan, our school newspaper reporter, __________ (采访) our mayor yesterday.

83. Now I have understood the sentence with your __________(解释).

84. The necklace he bought for his girl friend costs 20,000 dollars. It’s really v__________.

85. The student doesn’t study so well and he is under great p__________, both from teachers and his parents.

86. The house is s__________ by thick trees, so you cannot see it from far away.

87. In __________(古代) Egyptian tombs, gold, jewels and the preserved dead bodies of former kings have been found.

88. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend i__________.”

89. P__________ speaking, a teacher who is warm-hearted and helpful will be popular among students.

90. To stay healthy, you have to exercise more and have enough sleep. And I think the __________ (后者) is more important to us students.

第六部分 句子翻译根据提示,翻译下列句子(满分15分,1-62分,第73分)

91. 相对于其他疾病而言,死于H1N1的几率很小。(compared to


92. 一旦她发现真相,她会很生气。(once


93. 警察已经排除了Tom被谋杀的可能性。(rule out


94. 由于大雾,机场不得不关闭了。(due to


95. 不管发生什么,你都要保持自信。(whatever


96. 日出后不久,探险家就开始启航去非洲。(shortly after


97. 请记下我的电话号码。万一有什么重要的事情,可以打电话给我。(in case)





















第一部分  听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1—5  CBCAA  6—10  ACCCB   11—15  AAACB    16—20  AABCB

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35)

第一节 单项选择(15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


第二节  完形填空20


第三部分 阅读理解30


第四部分 任务型阅读10

71. Continuing/Keeping  72. role  73. harmful 74. early   75. remember

76. understand   77. calm   78. way(s)          79. depend  80. Above

第五部分 单词拼写

81. progress   82. interviewed   83. explanation   84. valuable     85. pressure 

86. surrounded 87. ancient       88. indeed       89. Personally    90. latter


1. The chances of being killed by H1N1/dying of H1N1 are very small compared to other diseases/illnesses.

2. Once she finds out the truth, she will get very angry.

3. The police have ruled out the possibility that Tom was murdered.

4. The airport had to be closed due to the heavy fog.

5. Whatever happens, you should be/stay confident/ keep your confidence.

6. Shortly after the sunrise/the sun went up, the explorers began to set sail for Africa.

7. Please take down my telephone number. You may telephone me in case there is something important.


Text 1

WShall, we go at a quarter past three?

MNo, let’s go at a quarter to.

Text 2

WYou are going to Beijing, aren’t you?

MYes. My father wanted me to fly there, but I think taking the train is much cheaper that driving or flying.

Text 3

MI hope I don’t oversleep. I’ve simply got to catch the first flight out.

WIf I were you, I’d request a wake – up call from the front desk.

Text 4

WTable for three, please.

MDo you want the table near the window?

WYes, Please.

MI’ll get you a menu right away.

Text 5

MHi, Betty, this is for you. Happy birthday!

WThank you. You couldn’t have chosen a better gift for me.

Text 6

WHow you like the college, Tom?

MI doubt if I’d like where it is and its size. It looks very small. And there are only about one thousand students.

WWhat kinds of students come here?

MThat’s a difficult question to answer. I suppose it’s an impossible question to answer. There are all kinds. They’re difficult to describe.

WWhat do they do in their spare time?

MAll kinds of things. There are a lot of different kinds of clubs to join. Some students meet their friends at the Union. Some go to the library to study.

WDo they have to go to the library to study?

MNo, they can study where they want.

WDo you know what sports they play?

MOh, yes, there are teams for all kinds of sports.

WIt sounds as if going to college is fun.

Text 7

WHello, 577618.

MHello! Could I speak to Tom?

WI’m sorry he’s out. He’s at the cinema at the moment.

MIs that Mrs. Brown?

WYes, this is Tom’s mother. Do you have anything important to tell Tom? Can I take a message for him?

MSure. This is Bill. We’re going to have a picnic next Sunday. Please ask him to bring some delicious food.

WOk. I’ll leave the message on his desk.

MThanks a lot. Bye!


Text 8

WWhat was the party like last night, Jack?

MNot bad at all, thanks. Why didn’t you come?

WWell, I couldn’t get away from work early. And when I got home, I had a headache, so I had to go straight to bed, but I was overtired because I wasn’t able to get to sleep for hours.

MWhy didn’t you take some medicine?

WI don’t like to. I used to take medicine when I had to work overtime you know.

MDo you still drink coffee at night?

WNo. But now, I like to drink tea.

MThat’s bad. You must stop it.

Text 9

WHow’s your new office?

MOh. It’s great! I really like it.

WIs there enough space for everyone?

MYes ,there’s plenty of space. We aren’t crowded at all now.

WDo you have a large office?

MI have two offices.

WTwo offices! Why do you need two offices?

MThere’s one for the mail and another for the supplies.

WIs there any place to eat in the building?

MThere’s a café on the second floor.

WIs it expensive?

MNo, it isn’t expensive. The prices are very low.

WIs there a bank in the building?

MYes, there’s a bank on the ground floor.

WWhat about parking?

MThere’s a garage in the basement, but I’m going to take the subway to work now. The subway station is very convenient.

Text 10

Now I still remember what happened to me one day when I was seven years old. The day I was playing with my younger brother Philip beside the well near our house in the country. Suddenly I fell into the well. Luckily the water was not deep. I was frightened standing in the water, and so was Philip. He was only five. Our parents were not at home. They were working in the cotton field.

Then Philip looked down at me and told me to wait. He ran away and after a while came back with a long rope. What could he do? He was small and not strong enough to pull me up out of the well. He tied one end of the rope to a tree nearby and threw the other end to me. Then I climbed up the rope and got out of the well. I thanked Philip, It was Philip, my young brother of five , who saved my life. I will never forget that.
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