

unit4 Section A
------Designed by Lu yanli
School: __________________
Class: ___________________
Name: __________________
Teaching Aims:
1.Learning aims:
Key phrases: have a great time, stay at home,be late,study for the test, half the class, let sb in.
Key sentences:⑴—I think I’ll ride my bike.
—If you do, you’ll be late.
⑵—What will happen if I touch it?
—If you touch it, it’ll be happy.
2.Ability aims: 通过学习句型If…, you’ll…,学会对未来事情的结果提出自己的观点和看法。
3.Emotion aims: 通过学会对未来事情的结果提出自己的观点和看法,展望未来,努力学习。
Teaching key point & difficult point:
1.      if引导的条件状语从句 2.Listening,speaking skills
2.      Teaching strategies:
Teaching by illumination
Teaching by asking questions
Teaching by pair work and group work
Blackboard design:
Unit 5 If you go to the party,you will have a great time.
Section A(I)
1.  have a great time         ⑴—I think I’ll ride my bike.
=have a good time          —If you do, you’ll be late.
have fun               ⑵—What will happen if I touch it?
enjoy oneself             —If you touch it, it’ll be happy.
Part 1 Task 1:
Activities before class
My dream
Maybe I will become a reporter in the future.If I become a reporter , I will meet some interesting people. If I meet some interesting people, I will know many interesting things. If I  know many interesting
things, I will write some good reports. If I write some good reports, I will become famous.  If I become famous, I will get a lot of money. If I get a lot of money, I will buy
a big house for my parents. If  I  buy a big house, I won’t write reports again. If I don’t do that, I will get poor.
Part 2 Task 1:
Activities in class
Activity 1 On duty
Say something about unit 4
Listen to me  carefully!
What did she say?
She said I was hard-working.
Activity 2 presentation
1.     If I’m happy,I will let you do less homework.
2.        What will I do if I’m happy.
If you are happy,you will let us do less homework,
Activity 3 Dill
1. A: If you have a robot, what will you do?
B: If I have a robot, I will let it
You only have one chance, please take it.
babysit my daughter.
wake me up in the morning
•        What will you do if you have so much money?
•        If I have so much money, I will …...
•        大胆想一想
buy a big house for my parents,
give some to the poor,
travel around the world,
Activity 4 Have a competition
not rain ,    go hiking ,this afternoon
----If it doesn’t rain, I will go hiking this afternoon.
Activity 5 listening practice
1.     Listen and lill in blanks
1. I think I’m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.
If you do, _______________________
2. I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.
If you do, ___________________________
3. I think I’m going to take  the bus to the party.
If you do,_____________
4. I think I’m going to stay at home.
If you do, ____________________
2.work in pair.
Activity 6 Presentation
1.     Take an active part in the acyivity.
Have a guessing game
What will happen if I touch(触摸) it?
If you touch(触,碰) it, it will  ______
2.     Have a competition.
What will happen if…?
If I don’t finish my homework well,
If it’s too cold,
If my parents don’t cook for me,
If I watch too much TV
If we make the earth dirty,
3.     Listening practice
Listen and choose the right answers.
1.What will happen if they have the party today?
2.What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?
3.What will happen if they watch a video at the party?
4.What is Mark going to organize?
5.What is Andrea going to do?
4. Work in pairs
Activity 7 Chain story
Chain story (接龙)
A: If I’m free tomorrow, I’ll go shopping.
B: If I go shopping, I’ll buy a lot of food.
C: If I buy a lot of food, I’ll eat it.
D: If I …, …will/won’t…
E: …
Activity 8 Topic
If I only have three days to live, I will …
Activity 9 Sum up
if 引导的条件状语从句
例句 如果明天下雨,我将不出去散步.
If it rains tomorrow,
I won’t go out for a walk.
Activity 10 Homework
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