
















对于部分膝关节的骨关节炎,单髁置换术(UKA)是一种有效的缓解疼痛和恢复关节功能的外科治疗技术。但是,在UKA中关节线的重要性,尤其是生物力学方面的影响还不曾被研究。本研究以数字化形式针对关节线的变化对于加载在聚乙烯(PE)垫片上、关节软骨上及对侧半月板上的接触应力进行有限元(FE)分析。在FE模型中关节线被设置为从内侧胫骨平台边缘到解剖轴的垂线。在ISO步态负重情况下,关节线的变化从-6到 6mm每间隔2mm为一组,共分析了7组模型并进行了相互比较。观察到作用在PE垫片上、残留的关节软骨上及对侧半月板上的接触应力在参考线(0mm), ±2mm和±4mm高度时没有明显差别,但在到±6mm变化时就出现明显差异了。在 6mm高度时,加载在PE上的接触应力高于加载在关节软骨上的应力,而在-6mm时则刚好相反。本研究证明了在UKA中保留正常的关节线的重要性。

Importance of joint line preservation in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: Finite element analysis

Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is an effective surgical technique for pain relief and functional restoration in patients with localized osteoarthritis of the knee joint. However, the role of the joint line in UKA, especially its biomechanical effect, has not been previously investigated. This study numerically evaluates the effects of the joint line on the contact stresses in polyethylene (PE) inserts, articular cartilage, and lateral meniscus using the finite element (FE) analysis. The FE model for joint line was modeled as the orthogonal projection line from the medial tibial plateau to the anatomical axis. The joint line was varied from -6 to 6 mm in 2 mm intervals, and the seven FE models were analyzed and compared under ISO gait loading conditions. The contact stresses in the PE insert, articular cartilage, and lateral meniscus matched those of the reference joint line (0 mm) in the ±2 and ±4 mm joint line cases but significantly differed from the reference in the ±6 mm joint line cases. On the 6 mm joint line, the contact stress was greater on the PE insert than on the articular cartilage, whereas the reverse occurred on the -6 mm joint line. This study confirms the post-operative significance of joint line preservation in UKA implantation surgery. © 2016 Orthopaedic Research Society.

文献出处:Kwon OR, Kang KT, Son J, Suh DS, Baek C, Koh YG. Importance of joint line preservation in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: Finite element analysis. J Orthop Res. 2017 Feb;35(2):347-352. doi: 10.1002/jor.23279. Epub 2016 May 12.









Can Surgeons Reduce the Risk for Dislocation After Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Performed Using the Posterolateral Approach?

BACKGROUND: Hip dislocation is one of the most common postoperative complications after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Potential contributors include patient- and surgical-related factors. We performed a retrospective cohort study to identify risk factors for postoperative dislocation in patients receiving THA via the posterolateral approach.

METHODS: We assessed 1326 consecutive primary THAs performed between 2010 and 2015. Patient information was documented, and plain radiographic films were used to evaluate cup positioning, hip offset, and hip length change. A multiple logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for dislocation. Follow-up was coordinated by the Danish National Patient Registry.

RESULTS: Age and American Society of Anesthesiologists scores were higher in dislocating THA compared with those in the nondislocating THA. Cup anteversion was less in dislocating THA compared with that in nondislocating THA. Independent risk factors for cup dislocation were increased age, body mass index <25 and >30 kg/m2, and leg shortening of >5 mm.

CONCLUSION: Surgeons should aim for a shortening of leg length <5 mm to reduce the risk of postoperative dislocation in primary THA. Although anteversion was reduced for dislocating THA, there is likely no universal safe zone for cup positioning. Hip stability is multifactorial, and optimal cup positioning may vary from patient to patient.

文献出处:Seagrave KG, Troelsen A, Madsen BG, Husted H, Kallemose T, Gromov K. Can Surgeons Reduce the Risk for Dislocation After Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Performed Using the Posterolateral Approach? J Arthroplasty. 2017 Oct;32(10):3141-3146. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2017.04.047. Epub 2017 May 4.






方法:本研究为回顾性的病例对照研究。入组18例动力对线全膝关节置换术病例,经性别、年龄、术者和假体类型匹配后,再入组18例机械对线全膝关节置换术病例。应用一台光电膝关节分析仪(Knee KG),我们对所有动力对线TKA组、机械对线TKA组和健康对照组的病人进行了术后膝关节三维动力学分析。另外,我们还比较了影像学结果和临床评分。

结果:动力对线组参数与健康对照组相比,在矢状面活动度、最大屈曲角度、内收-外展曲线或胫骨外旋角度方面,没有显著性差异。相反的,机械对线组的动力学参数有几项明显弱于健康对照组:矢状面活动度更小(49.1° vs. 54.0°, p = 0.020),最大屈曲角度更小(52.3° vs. 57.5°, p = 0.002),内收角度更大(2.0–7.5° vs. − 2.8–3.0°, p < 0.05),胫骨外旋角度更大(平均大2.3 ± 0.7°, p < 0.001)。与机械对线组相比,动力对线组的术后KOOS评分显著更高(74.2 vs. 60.7, p = 0.034)。


Kinematic alignment in total knee arthroplasty better reproduces normal gait than mechanical alignment

Purpose: Kinematic alignment technique for TKA aims to restore the individual knee anatomy and ligament tension, to restore native knee kinematics. The aim of this study was to compare parameters of kinematics during gait (knee flexion–extension, adduction–abduction, internal–external tibial rotation and walking speed) of TKA patients operated by either kinematic alignment or mechanical alignment technique with a group of healthy controls. The hypothesis was that the kinematic parameters of kinematically aligned TKAs would more closely resemble that of healthy controls than mechanically aligned TKAs.

Methods: This was a retrospective case–control study. Eighteen kinematically aligned TKAs were matched by gender, age, operating surgeon and prosthesis to 18 mechanically aligned TKAs. Post-operative 3D knee kinematics analysis, performed with an optoelectronic knee assessment device (Knee KG®), was compared between mechanical alignment TKA patients, kinematic alignment TKA patients and healthy controls. Radiographic measures and clinical scores were also compared between the two TKA groups.

Results: The kinematic alignment group showed no significant knee kinematic differences compared to healthy knees in sagittal plane range of motion, maximum flexion, abduction–adduction curves or knee external tibial rotation. Conversely, the mechanical alignment group displayed several significant knee kinematic differences to the healthy group: less sagittal plane range of motion (49.1° vs. 54.0°, p = 0.020), decreased maximum flexion (52.3° vs. 57.5°, p = 0.002), increased adduction angle (2.0–7.5° vs. − 2.8–3.0°, p < 0.05), and increased external tibial rotation (by a mean of 2.3 ± 0.7°, p < 0.001). The post-operative KOOS score was significantly higher in the kinematic alignment group compared to the mechanical alignment group (74.2 vs. 60.7, p = 0.034).

Conclusions: The knee kinematics of patients with kinematically aligned TKAs more closely resembled that of normal healthy controls than that of patients with mechanically aligned TKAs. This may be the result of a better restoration of the individual’s knee anatomy and ligament tension. A return to normal gait parameters post-TKA will lead to improved clinical outcomes and greater patient satisfaction.

文献出处:Blakeney W, Clément J, Desmeules F, Hagemeister N, Rivière C, Vendittoli PA. Kinematic alignment in total knee arthroplasty better reproduces normal gait than mechanical alignment. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 May;27(5):1410-1417. doi: 10.1007/s00167-018-5174-1. Epub 2018 Oct 1.












Sacroiliac Pain:Structural Causes of Pain Referring to the SI Joint Region

Background: The currently reported incidence of primary sacroiliac joint (SIj) pathology ranges from 15% to 30%. The differential diagnosis of SIj region pain includes pain generated from the lumbar spine, the SIj, and the hip joint. The origins of SIj dysfunctions are controversial and pain generation from this joint has been questioned.

Purpose: Retrospectively analyze the relative incidence of lumbar spine, SIj, and hip joint etiologies in patients complaining of ≥ 50% SIj region pain.

Study Design: This is a retrospective cohort case series.

Methods: Inclusion criteria: chief complaint SIj pain ( ≥ 50% of overall complaint). In total, 124 patients charts were reviewed from a single spine surgeon’s clinic. All patients were evaluated by the same 2 practitioners and all cases were reviewed for clinical examination findings, diagnostic tests performed, final diagnosis, treatment, and clinical follow-up.

Results: After complete diagnostic workup, 112 (90%) had lumbar spine pain, 5 (4%) had hip pain, 4 (3%) had primary SIj pain, and 3 (3%) had an undetermined source of pain upon initial diagnosis. SIj pain generation was confirmed via fluoroscopy-guided diagnostic injections. Following designated treatment, 11 (9%) patients returned to clinic at an average of 2.4 years complaining of continued/recurrent SIj region pain. Further investigation revealed 6 patients had confirmed pain generation from the lumbar spine, 3 patients had confirmed pain generation from the SIj, and 2 patients had undetermined sources of pain.

Conclusions: The SIj is a rare pain generator (3%–6%) in patients complaining of ≥ 50% SIj region pain and is a common site of referral pain from the lumbar spine (88%–90%). Clinicians ought to quantify areas of pain (via percent of overall complaint) when interviewing their patients complaining of low back pain to distinguish potential pain generators. Recommended breakdown of areas of interest include axial low back, SIj region, buttock/leg, groin/anterior thigh.

文献出处:Dephillipo N N , Corenman D S , Strauch E L , et al. Sacroiliac Pain[J]. Clinical Spine Surgery, 2018.





The influence of femoral internal and external rotation on cartilage stresses within the patellofemoral joint

Internal and external rotation of the femur plays an important role in defining the orientation of the patellofemoral joint, influencing contact areas, pressures, and cartilage stress distributions. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of femoral internal and external rotation on stresses in the patellofemoral cartilage. We constructed finite element models of the patellofemoral joint using magnetic resonance (MR) images from 16 volunteers (8 male and 8 female). Subjects performed an upright weight-bearing squat with the knee at 60 degrees of flexion inside an open-MR scanner and in a gait laboratory. Quadriceps muscle forces were estimated for each subject using an electromyographic-driven model and input to a finite element analysis. Hydrostatic and octahedral shear stresses within the cartilage were modeled with the tibiofemoral joint in a 'neutral' position and also with the femur rotated internally or externally by 5 degrees increments to /-15 degrees . Cartilage stresses were more sensitive to external rotation of the femur, compared with internal rotation, with large variation across subjects. Peak patellar shear stresses increased more than 10% with 15 degrees of external rotation in 75% of the subjects. Shear stresses were higher in the patellar cartilage compared to the femoral cartilage and patellar cartilage stresses were more sensitive to femoral rotation compared with femoral cartilage stress. Large variation in the cartilage stress response between individuals reflects the complex nature of the extensor mechanism and has clinical relevance when considering treatment strategies designed to reduce cartilage stresses by altering femoral internal and external rotation.

文献出处:Besier TF, Gold GE, Delp SL, Fredericson M, Beaupré GS. The influence of femoral internal and external rotation on cartilage stresses within the patellofemoral joint. J Orthop Res. 2008 Dec;26(12):1627-35. 





图1 髋关节超声截面图

图2 髋关节超声对应的解剖关系,1:骨性边缘 2:软骨性边缘 3:盂唇 4:关节囊 5:滑膜

图3  α角和β角示意图

图4 超声检查对应的解剖结构,FH:股骨头,T:Y形软骨,IL:髂骨,IS:坐骨,G1:臀小肌,G2:臀中肌,G3:臀大肌。

图5 标准层面显示正常、半脱位和脱位。正常的髋关节在一个非常圆的髋臼内,成角锐利,半脱位时髋臼变的陡峭,股骨头部分外移,关节囊拉伸,盂唇部分反转,脱位时髋臼畸形,变浅,股骨头外移明显,盂唇反转到髋臼内,影响股骨头复位

图6 高脱位,可见盂唇反转到髋臼内,股骨头骨骺外移使关节囊牵拉增厚,臀肌受到牵拉

表1 髋关节超声筛查方案

Sonography of Hip Dysplasia

Early diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is important to institute appropriate treatment and reduce the incidence of long-term complications. Risk factors for DDH include genetic, developmental, mechanical, and physiologic factors. Physical examination using Ortolani and Barlow maneuvers is standard for early detection. Plain film radiography is limited for the diagnosis of DDH even when applying several classic landmarks, lines, and measurements, due to the lack of visualization of the cartilaginous components of the infant's hip. Ultrasound arose as a tool for evaluation of the cartilaginous structures of the hip in the early 1980s. Graf's method of examination by ultrasound stresses morphology, whereas dynamic examination uses physical maneuvers to elicit laxity of the hip. The Pavlik harness is the mainstay of treatment of DDH in the young infant, and ultrasound examination in the harness is useful to monitor progress. Closed or open surgical reduction is reserved for unresponsive or advanced cases. Universal ultrasound screening of newborns is not deemed cost effective by most North American authors, although in Europe non-selective screening has been more widely used.

文献出处:Smergel E, Losik SB, Rosenberg HK. Sonography of Hip Dysplasia. Ultrasound Q. 2004 Dec;20(4):201-16.








Finite Element Prediction of Cartilage Contact Stresses in Normal Human Hips

Our objectives were to determine cartilage contact stress during walking, stair climbing, and descending stairs in a well-defined group of normal volunteers and to assess variations in contact stress and area among subjects and across loading scenarios. Ten volunteers without history of hip pain or disease with normal lateral center-edge angle and acetabular index were selected. Computed tomography imaging with contrast was performed on one hip. Bone and cartilage surfaces were segmented from volumetric image data, and subject-specific finite element models were constructed and analyzed using a validated protocol. Acetabular contact stress and area were determined for seven activities. Peak stress ranged from 7.52±2.11 MPa for heel-strike during walking (233% BW) to 8.66±3.01 MPa for heel-strike during descending stairs (261% BW). Average contact area across all activities was 34% of the surface area of the acetabular cartilage. The distribution of contact stress was highly non-uniform, and more variability occurred among subjects for a given activity than among activities for a single subject. The magnitude and area of contact stress were consistent between activities, although inter-activity shifts in contact pattern were found as the direction of loading changed. Relatively small incongruencies between the femoral and acetabular cartilage had a large effect on the contact stresses. These effects tended to persist across all simulated activities. These results demonstrate the diversity and trends in cartilage contact stress in healthy hips during activities of daily living and provide a basis for future comparisons between normal and pathologic hips.

文献出处:Michael D Harris, Andrew E Anderson, et al. Finite element prediction of cartilage contact stresses in normal human hips.J Orthop Res IF(2018):3.043 2012;30(7):1133-9 doi:10.1002/jor.22040








结果:与正常髋关节相比,轻度SCFE髋关节的平均骨骺结节高度(0.9%±0.9%相比对照组的4.4%±0.4%;p = 0.006)和长度(32.3%±1.8%相比对照组的43.7%±0.8%;p<0.001)。与正常髋关节相比,中度髋关节(0.6%±0.9%;p = 0.004)和重度SCFE(0.3%±0.8%;p <0.001)的臀关节平均骨骺结节高度也较小。SCFE亚组之间的骨骺结节高度和长度的测量结果未见明显差异。总体上,与正常髋关节相比,轻度(16.3%±1.0%;p <0.001)、中度(16.4%±1.1%;p <0.001)和重度SCFE(18.9%±0.9%;p <0.001)的髋关节平均外周覆盖面积在所有区域进行单独评估均较大(10.6%±0.5%)。


图1-A至1-D. 对股骨近端进行3-D分割和重建的过程。股骨头骨骺和股骨近端的其余部分被分割为2个独立的部分。图1-A在轴位图上进行了分割,然后根据需要进行了修改。图1-B在冠状位的分割。图1-C在矢状位的分割。然后,图1-D分段独立地将每个部位重建后的3-D模型。

图2-A,2-B和2-C. 显示了股骨骨骺的3-D模型。图2-A使用最合适的球体建立骨骺中心(黑色圆圈)。图2-B建立骨骺的上参考点(白色箭头所示的白色圆圈)作为股骨颈中平面与骨骺上的最上点的交点。图2-C定义在上点(白色圆圈)以骨骺局部坐标系作为参考。

图3-A至3-D. 显示了骨骺结节和骨骺覆盖的多平面测量。图3-A骨骺结节的高度和宽度的测量。图3-B骨骺结节高度和长度的测量。图3-C骨骺上下覆盖的测量。图3-D测量骨骺的前后覆盖。

图4. 正常髋关节和轻度、中度和重度SCFE髋关节的股骨头骨骺的典型3-D模型。骨骺结节用黑色箭头指示。

Smaller Epiphyseal Tubercle and Larger Peripheral Cupping in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Compared with Healthy Hips: A 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography Study

BACKGROUND: The inner surface of the capital femoral epiphysis is important for growth plate stability. However, abnormalities of epiphyseal morphology associated with the pathogenesis of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) remain poorly understood. This study compares the 3-dimensional anatomy of the epiphyseal tubercle and peripheral cupping in hips with SCFE and normal hips.

METHODS: We created 3-dimensional models of the capital femoral epiphysis with use of computed tomography (CT) imaging from 51 patients with SCFE and 80 subjects without hip symptoms who underwent CT because of abdominal pain. The height, width, and length of the epiphyseal tubercle and the peripheral cupping were measured and normalized by the epiphyseal diameter and presented as a percentage. We used analysis of variance for the comparison of the measurements between SCFE and control hips after adjusting for age and sex.

RESULTS: Compared with normal hips, hips with mild SCFE had smaller mean epiphyseal tubercle height (0.9% ± 0.9% compared with 4.4% ± 0.4%; p = 0.006) and length (32.3% ± 1.8% compared with 43.7% ± 0.8%; p < 0.001). The mean epiphyseal tubercle height was also smaller in hips with moderate (0.6% ± 0.9%; p = 0.004) and severe SCFE (0.3% ± 0.8%; p < 0.001) compared with normal hips. No differences were observed for measurements of epiphyseal tubercle height and length between SCFE subgroups. The mean peripheral cupping was larger in hips with mild (16.3% ± 1.0%; p < 0.001), moderate (16.4% ± 1.1%; p < 0.001), and severe SCFE (18.9% ± 0.9%; p < 0.001) overall and when assessed individually in all regions compared with normal hips (10.6% ± 0.5%).

CONCLUSIONS: Hips with SCFE have a smaller epiphyseal tubercle and larger peripheral cupping compared with healthy hips. A smaller epiphyseal tubercle may be a predisposing morphologic factor or a consequence of the increased shearing stress across the physis secondary to the slip. Increased peripheral growth may be an adaptive response to instability as other stabilizers (i.e., epiphyseal tubercle and anterior periosteum) become compromised with slip progression. Future studies are necessary to determine the biomechanical basis of our morphologic findings.

文献出处:Novais EN, Maranho DA, Vairagade A, Kim YJ, Kiapour A. Smaller Epiphyseal Tubercle and Larger Peripheral Cupping in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Compared with Healthy Hips: A 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography Study. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2019 Oct 9. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.19.00291. 

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