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Despite the high percentage of patients who are satisfied completely with the results of total knee arthroplasty, there is a small group who remain disabled because of persistent neuroma pain. Recently, a better understanding of the innervation of the skin and capsule around the human knee joint has provided a theoretical basis for denervation in this group of patients. Fifteen patients were identified who had persistent or worse knee pain for > 6 months after total knee arthroplasty. In each patient, component loosening, malalignment, knee instability, and infection had been excluded systematically as a source of pain. Pain was evaluated preoperatively with the Knee Society Functional Score Questionnaire and a visual analog scale. To be selected for surgery, each patient must have had a reduction by 5 points on the visual analogue scale for pain after undergoing selective nerve blocks. Postoperative assessment was done by a team that did not include the surgeon who did the denervation. The technique for selective knee denervation is described in detail. All 15 patients had at least 1 of the nerves to the knee selectively denervated (45 nerves in 15 patients). All patients reported subjective improvement in the immediate postoperative period. This improvement was maintained at a mean followup of 12 months (range, 6-16 months). Selective knee denervation is indicated in the management of intractable knee pain of neuroma origin after total knee arthroplasty.

文献出处:Dellon AL, Mont MA, Krackow KA, Hungerford DS. Partial denervation for persistent neuroma pain after total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1995 Jul;(316):145-50.










National trends in total hip arthroplasty for traumatic hip fractures: An analysis of a nationwide all-payer database

BACKGROUND: Hemiarthroplasty (HA) has traditionally been the treatment of choice for elderly patients with displaced femoral neck fractures. Ideal treatment for younger, ambulatory patients is not as clear. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been increasingly utilized in this population however the factors associated with undergoing HA or THA have not been fully elucidated.

AIM: To examine what patient characteristics are associated with undergoing THA or HA. To determine if outcomes differ between the groups.

METHODS: We queried the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) for patients that underwent HA or THA for a femoral neck fracture between 2005 and 2014. The NIS comprises a large representative sample of inpatient hospitalizations in the United States. International Classifications of Disease, Ninth Edition (ICD-9) codes were used to identify patients in our sample. Demographic variables, hospital characteristics, payer status, medical comorbidities and mortality rates were compared between the two procedures. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was then performed to identify independent risk factors of treatment utilized.

RESULTS: Of the total 502060 patients who were treated for femoral neck fracture, 51568 (10.3%) underwent THA and the incidence of THA rose from 8.3% to 13.7%. Private insurance accounted for a higher percentage of THA than hemiarthroplasty. THA increased most in urban teaching hospitals relative to urban non-teaching hospitals. Mean length of stay (LOS) was longer for HA. The mean charges were less for HA, however charges decreased steadily for both groups. HA had a higher mortality rate, however, after adjusting for age and comorbidities HA was not an independent risk factor for mortality. Interestingly, private insurance was an independent predictor for treatment with THA.

CONLUSION: There has been an increase in the use of THA for the treatment of femoral neck fractures in the United States, most notably in urban hospitals. HA and THA are decreasing in total charges and LOS.

文献出处:Boniello AJ, Lieber AM, Denehy K, Cavanaugh P, Kerbel YE, Star A. National trends in total hip arthroplasty for traumatic hip fractures: An analysis of a nationwide all-payer database. World J Orthop. 2020 Jan 18;11(1):18-26. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v11.i1.18. eCollection 2020 Jan 18.






Ceramic-Ceramic Bearing Decreases Osteolysis:A 20-year Study versus Ceramic-Polyethylene on the Contralateral Hip

Although ceramic implants have been in use for many years and they are intended to minimize wear debris it is unknown whether alumina-on-alumina or alumina-on-polyethylene produce less wear and osteolysis. We therefore investigated wear and osteolysis on 28 bilateral arthroplasties (one ceramic-ceramic and the contralateral ceramic-polyethylene) of patients who had survived 20 years without revision and without loosening of either hip. Osteolysis was identified on anteroposterior pelvic radiographs and 3-D volume from CT scans. The number of osteolytic lesions detected with CT scan was higher than with radiographs. The number of lesions was higher on the side with the alumina-PE couple. With a similar length of follow-up on each side, the surface and the volume of osteolysis were consistently higher on the side with the alumina-PE couple. We found no correlation between the volume of osteolysis and the volume of estimated wear in each couple of friction. Hips with osteolysis had a lower Harris score.

文献出处:Hernigou P, Zilber S, Filippini P, Poignard A. Ceramic-ceramic bearing decreases osteolysis: a 20-year study versus ceramic-polyethylene on the contralateral hip. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2009 Sep;467(9):2274-80. doi: 10.1007/s11999-009-0773-2. Epub 2009 Mar 13.







方法:对连续就诊的准备接受保髋手术的一队患者进行研究,在磁共振影像上测量cLCEA。用于测量的磁共振序列选择T1相或质子密度相。测量方法为:选择一条过股骨头中心且与双侧泪滴连线垂直的线,另一条线选择股骨头中心与髋臼盂唇的外缘间的连线,两条线之间的夹角为cLCEA。根据髋臼骨覆盖程度将患者分为4组,分别为发育不两组(LCEA < 20°)、临界发育不良组(LCEA 20°-24.9°)、正常覆盖组(LCEA 25°-39.9°)、过度覆盖组(LCEA40°),统计各组间LCEA与cLCEA之间的平均差异。

结果:本研究共纳入341名患者(386髋)。正常覆盖组与发育不良组(P=0.10)及临界发育不良组间(P=0.46)的cLCEA均无明显差异。尽管LCEA在发育不良组(14.8° ± 3.9°)与过度覆盖组(43.1° ± 2.8°)之间存在巨大差异,但两组的平均cLCEA仅存在较小的差别(44.7° ± 4.9° vs 52.7° ± 4.5°)。发育不良患者的LCEA与cLCEA间差异最大(delta = 29.9° ± 4.7°),而过度覆盖组这连个指标间的差异最小(9.6° ± 5.2°)。


A 在发育正常人的骨盆正位片上测量LCEA;B 磁共振影像上测量正常人cLCEA;C 在发育不良患者的骨盆正位片上测量LCEA;B 磁共振影像上测量发育不良患者的cLCEA

Combined Lateral Osseolabral Coverage Is Normal in Hips With Acetabular Dysplasia

PURPOSE: To compare the lateral osseolabral coverage between groups of patients with different degrees of acetabular bony coverage using a magnetic resonance imaging parameter known as the combined lateral center-edge angle (cLCEA).

METHODS: The cLCEA was measured among a consecutive series of patients presenting to a dedicated hip preservation surgeon with a magnetic resonance imaging scan. The cLCEA was measured using a coronal T1 or proton density image and was defined as the angle subtended by (1) a line through the center of the femoral head and orthogonal to the transverse line passing through the teardrops of both hips and (2) an oblique line drawn from the center of the femoral head to the free edge of the lateral acetabular labrum. The average difference between the lateral center-edge angle (LCEA) and the cLCEA was calculated and compared between groups based on acetabular bony coverage: dysplasia (LCEA <20°), borderline dysplasia (LCEA 20°-24.9°), normal coverage (LCEA 25°-39.9°), and overcoverage (LCEA ≥40°).

RESULTS: In total, 341 patients (386 hips) were included. There were no significant differences in cLCEA between hips with normal acetabular coverage and dysplasia (P = .10) or borderline dysplasia (P = .46). Despite the large difference in mean LCEA between dysplasia (14.8° ± 3.9°) and acetabular overcoverage (43.1° ± 2.8°), the mean cLCEA values exhibited only a modest difference (44.7° ± 4.9° vs 52.7° ± 4.5°, respectively). Concordantly, hips with dysplasia exhibited the largest difference between mean LCEA and cLCEA (delta = 29.9° ± 4.7°) and hips with acetabular overcoverage had the smallest difference between measures (9.6° ± 5.2°).

CONCLUSIONS: With decreasing acetabular bony coverage, there is increasing labral size such that the total osseolabral coverage, measured by the combined LCEA, remains equivalent between hips with normal acetabular coverage versus dysplasia.

文献出处:Kraeutler MJ, Goodrich JA, Ashwell ZR, Garabekyan T, Jesse MK, Mei-Dan O. Combined Lateral Osseolabral Coverage Is Normal in Hips With Acetabular Dysplasia. Arthroscopy. 2019 Mar;35(3):800-806. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2018.10.133. Epub 2019 Feb 4.






1 月状面的仰视图,可见中心对称。


2 失代偿的发育不良髋


Labrumläsion bei der Restdysplasie des Hüftgelenks Biomechanische Überlegungen zur Pathogenese und Behandlung

The capsular-labrum-complex consists of the triangular fibrocartilaginous labrum, which is fixed at the bony acetabular ring and supported by the ligamentum transversum actetabuli in the caudal part. In a normally developed and correctly orientated acetabulum, the femoral head is symmetrically covered by the contact area of the lunate surface. The vertical component of the resultant hip joint force concentrically meets the horizontal weight bearing surface: Evenly distributed compressive forces are transmitted; the capsular-labrum-complex does not have to compensate excessive shear or tension. In contrast, in a ªdysplasticº acetabulum the femoral head is poorly covered by the pathologically orientated lunate surface: The lunate surface is sloping in an anterolateral direction, leading to tension and shear on the superolateral capsular-labrum-complex, which becomes a secondary stabilizer (ªguide railº) against the decentering femoral head. The vertical component of the resultant hip force eccentrically meets the oblique weight bearing surface, causing extra stress in the labrum: The capsular-labrumcomplex is trying to compensate this biomechanical stress with hypertrophy (Type IB). Progressive mechanical decompensation of the capsular-labral-complex might lead to tears (Type IIB) or complete avulsions (Type IIIB) of the labrum. In conclusion labral lesions result from pathobiomechanics caused by residual hip dysplasia (RHD). Logically, the basic therapeutic principle can only be corrective osteotomy.

文献出处:Tschauner C, Hofmann S. [Labrum lesions in residual dysplasia of the hip joint. Biomechanical considerations on pathogenesis and treatment]. Orthopade. 1998 Nov;27(11):725-32.







患者和方法:17名患者(中位年龄28岁,范围22-40岁)在指导下进行了为期8周(20次)的渐进性抗阻训练。记录了患者训练依从性、中途退出训练情况和不良事件的发生率。记录疼痛VAS评分。患者完成髋关节和腹股沟结果评分(Hip andGroin Outcome Score),进行2次跳跃测试,并通过等速测力法评估髋部峰值扭矩。

结果:患者训练依从性为90.3±9%。不良事件发生很少且轻微,一名患者中途退出,在训练期间患者报告了可接受的疼痛水平。6个患者自我评分量表中有4个得分改善(p<0.05),站立跳跃距离提高了12.2%(95%置信区间[1.3,23.0]),反向运动跳跃提高了25.1%(95%置信区间 [1.3,48.8])。患侧等速髋关节屈曲峰值扭矩改善16.5%(95%置信区间[4.6,28.6]),健侧等长髋关节屈曲改善10.9%(95%置信区间 [0.3,21.6])。


Progressive resistance training in patients with hip dysplasia: A feasibility study

OBJECTIVES: To examine whether progressive resistance training is feasible in patients with symptomatic hip dysplasia scheduled for periacetabular osteotomy. A secondary objective was to investigate patient-reported outcomes, functional performance and hip muscle strength.

DESIGN: Feasibility study.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventeen patients (median age 28 years, range 22-40 years) performed 8 weeks (20 sessions) of supervised sessions of progressive resistance training. Training-adherence, number of dropouts and adverse events, and visual analogue scale scores on pain were registered. Patients completed the Hip and Groin Outcome Score, performed 2 hop-tests, and hip peak torque was assessed by isokinetic dynamometry.

RESULTS: Training-adherence was 90.3±9%. Few and minor adverse events were observed, one patient dropped out and acceptable pain levels were reported during the intervention. Scores on 4 out of 6 subscales on patient-reported outcome improved (p<0.05), as did standing distance jump (12.2%, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.3, 23.0]), countermovement jump (25.1%, 95% CI [1.3, 48.8]). Isokinetic concentric hipflexion peak torque showed significant improvements (16.6%, 95% CI [4.6, 28.6]) on the affected side while isometric hip flexion (10.9%, 95% CI [0.3, 21.6]) improved on the non-affected side.

CONCLUSION: Supervised progressive resistance training is feasible in patients with hip dysplasia. The intervention may improve pain levels, patient-reported outcomes, functional performance and hip flexion muscle strength.

文献出处:Mortensen L, Schultz J, Elsner A, Jakobsen SS, Søballe K, Jacobsen JS, Kierkegaard S, Dalgas U, Mechlenburg I. Progressive resistance training in patients with hip dysplasia: A feasibility study. J Rehabil Med. 2018 Aug 22;50(8):751-758. doi: 10.2340/16501977-2371.








Leg Length Discrepancy: The Natural History (And What Do We Really Know)

BACKGROUND: The long-term effects of small limb length discrepancies have been poorly documented in the literature. References to low back pain, hip pathology, knee pathology, and foot problems abound in the popular literature. Health care providers frequently recommend the use of lifts for structural and functional limb length discrepancies, yet the natural history of limb length inequality as well as the effectiveness of treatments that may be recommended are obscure. The purpose of this paper is to document and evaluate the literature associated with small limb length discrepancies.

METHODS: A search of the English literature was carried out using PubMed to identify papers dealing with the effects of limb lengthdiscrepancies. Papers reporting only expert opinion or case reports were excluded.

RESULTS: Papers dealing with the natural history of limb length discrepancy as well as studies in which gait analysis was performed in patients with limb length discrepancy were identified. Only 10% of the population has exactly equal lower limb lengths. Approximately 90% of the population has a limb length discrepancy <1.0cm. Hip and knee pathology is present in an increased number of patients with limb lengthdiscrepancies over 5mm. Hip pathology is more often present in the long leg, knee pathology has been reported in various studies to be more common in either the long or short leg. Low back problems seem to be more common on the short side in patients with limb lengthdiscrepancies. A number of different compensatory mechanisms for limb length discrepancy have been identified during gait analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: There seems to be a consensus that limb length discrepancies >2.0cm are frequently a problem. There is some evidence that limb length discrepancies as little as 5mm can lead to long-term pathology.

文献出处:Gordon JEDavis LE.Leg Length Discrepancy: The Natural History (And What Do We Really Know). J Pediatr Orthop. 2019 Jul;39(Issue 6, Supplement 1 Suppl 1):S10-S13. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001396.







结果:AWI的观察者内和观察者间ICCs分别为0.94和0.99,PWI分别为0.81和0.97。对于计算机模型的验证,Pearson r值分别为0.837(AWI与TAC)和0.895(PWI与TPC)。发育不良髋组的平均AWI和PWI分别为0.28和0.81,正常髋的平均AWI和PWI分别为0.41和0.91,髋臼较深髋的平均AWI和PWI分别为0.61和1.15。


圆圈代表股骨头,r为股骨头的半径,沿股骨颈轴线画一条由圆圈内侧通过前壁(a)和后壁(p)的线,AWI 和PWI 分别为a/r 和p/r

A)正常髋关节AWI 为1.1 cm/2.7 cm = 0.41. (B)发育不良的髋关节AWI 为0.8 cm/2.4 cm = 0.33. (C)髋臼较深的髋关节AWI 为 2.7 cm/2.9 cm = 0.93.

The Acetabular Wall Index for Assessing Anteroposterior Femoral Head Coverage in Symptomatic Patients

Background Understanding acetabular pathomorphology is necessary to correctly treat patients with hip complaints. Existing radiographic parameters classify acetabular coverage as deficient, normal, or excessive but fail to quantify contributions of anterior and posterior wall coverage. A simple, reproducible, and valid measurement of anterior and posterior wall coverage in patients with hip pain would be a clinically useful tool.

Questions/Purposes We (1) introduce the anterior wall index (AWI) and posterior wall index (PWI), (2) report the intra- and interobserver reliability of these measurements, and (3) validate these measurements against an established computer model.

Methods We retrospectively reviewed 87 hips (63 patients) with symptomatic hip disease. A validated computer model was used to determine total anterior and posterior acetabular coverage (TAC and TPC) on an AP pelvis radiograph. Two independent observers measured the AWI and PWI on each film, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated. Pearson correlation was used to determine the strength of linear dependence between our measurements and the computer model.

Results Intra- and interobserver ICCs were 0.94 and 0.99 for the AWI and 0.81 and 0.97 for the PWI. For validation against the computer model, Pearson r values were 0.837 (AWI versus TAC) and 0.895 (PWI versus TPC). Mean AWI and PWI were 0.28 and 0.81 for dysplastic hips, 0.41 and 0.91 for normal hips, 0.61 and 1.15 for hips with a deep acetabulum.

Conclusions Our data suggest these measures will be helpful in evaluating anterior and posterior coverage before and after surgery but need to be evaluated in asymptomatic individuals without hip abnormalities to establish normal ranges.

文献出处:Siebenrock K A , Kistler L , Schwab J M , et al. The Acetabular Wall Index for Assessing Anteroposterior Femoral Head Coverage in Symptomatic Patients[J]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®, 2012, 470(12):3355-3360.


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膝关节置换:张轶超 13261817537

髋关节置换:马云青 13811705624

保髋疗法:罗殿中 18911358880

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