

必修2 Unit1 名师点津
1.China,________the Third World,has made a great contribution to human beings.
A.belongs to          B.to belong to
C.to have belonged to  D.belonging to
解析:选D。belong to意为“属于”,其动词+ing形式作状语表示主动。表示“中国属于第三世界”。
2.(2009年郑州市质量预测)As time went by,the plan they stuck________fairly practical.
A.to proved  B.to proving
C.proved     D.to be proved
解析:选A。本题考查主谓一致。此句主语为the plan,they stuck to为其定语从句,the plan的谓语动词用一般过去时。
3.A troop of carefully selected soldiers set out in search of those who might________the terrible coal mine accident.
A.live   B.rescue
C.exist  D.survive
4.—Are you free after school?
—Sorry.I’ve planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner________for his help.
A.in addition  B.in turn
C.in return    D.in total
解析:选C。考查短语辨析。in return作为(对……的)回报。treat a friend of mine to dinner in return for his help意为“请我的一位朋友吃饭来回报他对我的帮助”。in addition此外;in turn轮流,又(对别人)做同样的事;in total总共。
5.With the development of science and technology,there is no doubt________ Chinese astronauts will land on the moon in the near future.
A.whether  B.that
C.what  D.which
解析:选B。考查固定句型。There is no doubt that...意为“毫无疑问……”,that引导同位语从句,解释说明doubt的具体内容。
6.—David,could I use your car?
—Sorry,there is something wrong with it.I will have it________ this afternoon.
A.repair    B.to repair
C.repairing  D.repaired
解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。it与repair之间为被动关系,故用repair的过去分词形式作宾语it的补足语,构成have sth.done结构。
7.We all know that hard working and plain living are fine________ of our Chinese people.
A.qualities  B.manners
C.deeds    D.acts
8.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things,including used papers and books.You’d better ________some of them.
A.remain   B.resist
C.remove  D.renew
9.—Mum!Alice has broken  my CD player!
—________After all,she couldn’t have done it on purpose.
A.What’s the matter?  B.It doesn’t matter.
C.No trouble at all.     D.How come?
解析:选B。考查交际用语。根据答语中“毕竟她不可能是故意的”,可知答案为选项B。It doesn’t matter.没关系。
10.On the way back home from the ball,she suddenly found her necklace________.
A.missed  B.losing
C.gone    D.be stolen
解析:选C。 find sth.gone/missing/lost发现某物丢失了。
(2010届英语周报第1期A)At eighteen years of age,I flew up to San Francisco to meet a pen pal who I had written to for over a year.The first thing we did when we got home was to bake chocolate chip cookies,and our strong_ties were formed.From laughing at the burnt cookies,to eating the chocolate chips instead of putting them in the dough(生面团),it was fantastic.We became best friends.Twelve years later,we still reflect on that moment,and laugh with silliness and joy.
Fast forward to 2003,I was in my first month of training in radiation oncology(放射肿瘤学),and scared.I was in a new city,alone,and afraid of having to make a new start.One patient that we were treating used to come into the department with freshly baked goods for everyone once a week with a smile on her face.She was treated with a really tough regimen(疗法)for her cancer,yet she still overcame the pain and exhaustion(精疲力竭)to bake for the department.I once asked her why,and she said it gave her purpose and meaning.
This purpose was far greater for me than a simple cookie.I really didn’t know how to bake,and I told her that.She then invited me to her home for lessons.With her as a guide I learned some of the art of baking.While baking we talked about life,regrets,and dreams.We soon became very close friends.
A few weeks later,her husband came to the department and gave me a large box with a handwritten note.I opened the box.Inside was a Kitchen Aid mixer,and the note saying,“Please remember me when you bake,keep at it and you’ll change the world.”He told me that her cancer had spread.She was in her final stages of life.I cried and cried.It was simply the most generous gift that I had ever received.
【解题导语】 友情有时候是“烘烤”而成的,作者的两段友情就都与“烘焙”有关。
1.What do the underlined words“strong ties”in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Cooking skills.          B.Close friendship.
C.First impression.         D.Exercise program.
解析:选B。词义推断题。根据第一段第四句We became best friends可推断,strong ties可能是指“亲密的友谊”。tie此处意为“关系”。
2.Which of the following can be used to describe the patient?
A.Honest and loyal.
B.Clever and active.
C.Warm­hearted and generous.
D.Confident and independent.
3.After receiving the gift,the author probably felt________.
A.very pleased and honored
B.a bit disappointed and confused
C.quite excited and satisfied
D.deeply moved and sad
解析:选D。推理判断题。收到这样一个特殊的礼物,作者一定会非常感动;根据文章倒数第二句I cried and cried可知,作者当时非常难过。故选D。
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Baking can build a friendship
B.A friend is a second self
C.When your friends face difficulty
D.Fine art of making friends
(2009年浙江金丽衢十二校联考)The average American will have three to five careers,10 to 12 jobs,and will hold each one for an average of 3.5 years throughout his or her lifetime,according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Does this sound familiar? Are you still struggling to find the ideal career?
Finding_your_dream_job_may_be_as_simple_as_opening_that_bag_of_potato_chips_in_your_kitchen_cupboard. A study conducted by Alan Hirsch,neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation,Chicago,found that job satisfaction is correlated to your favorite snack. “A person’s job selection reflects his essential essence and his personality,”he maintains. “Food choices — like selections of clothing,movies,and spouses — can provide insight in personality and character structure. Thus,the typical personality traits associated with snack preferences can be used to help predict occupational choices,because a person’s job selection also reflects his essential essence and his personality.”
People who choose potato chips to satisfy their snacking urges have high expectations not only for themselves,but for those around them. Competitive. They usually come out on top in business,sports,and social situations.  (Lawyer,tennis player,police officer,CEO)
Formal,always proper,conscientious,and principled. People who crave cheese curls have a well­developed sense of integrity and maintain the moral high ground with their family,coworkers,and romantic partners. They plan ahead for any possible catastrophe. With band­aids and batteries,the cheese curl lover’ s house is always stocked and ready. ( Real estate agent,psychiatrist(精神病医师),producer)
Self­assured and confident,those who prefer popcorn are best described as take­charge sort of people. They will not hesitate to assume extra work on the job or take on chores at social gatherings. Even though they are self­confident,popcorn lovers are modest and humble,and would never be considered showoffs.Popcorn buffs are hidden successes.(Teacher,artist,truck driver,nurse,judge,neurosurgeon)
【解题导语】 本文是一篇科普阅读。一项研究发现,一个人的零食偏好往往能够反映出他未来的择业倾向。
5.What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. Snack preference may reflect one’s personality and character structure.
B. Snack preference may predict one’s career choice.
C. People in different careers may prefer different snacks.
D. Food choices are just like one’s selection of clothing,movies,and spouses.
6.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph implies that________.
A. a snack lover is more likely to find his dream job
B. it is becoming much easier to find your dream job than before
C. job hunting nowadays is as easy as finding your favorite snack
D. we can tell one’s occupational choice by his favorite snack
7.A person who likes cheese curls is most likely to be a________.
A. police officer              B. judge
C. producer                  D. truck driver
8.The favorite snack of a CEO is probably________.
A. potato chips    B. popcorn
C. cheese curls    D. nuts
解析:选A。细节理解题。从第三段可知,CEO喜欢的食物是potato chips。
(2009年安徽一模)Like dogs,birds breathe in air and get oxygen to supply body tissues,while fish breathing depends on getting oxygen from water through parts of its body.
However,bird respiration(呼吸)is different from dogs and is much more efficient than that of other animals. The lungs take up just 2 percent of a bird’s body volume,yet the bird quickly takes in large amounts of oxygen and quickly removes waste and excess heat.
There are actually two respiration systems,internal and external.
The external respiration system uses the lungs and a series of air sacs(袋囊)distributed throughout the body so that the oxygen supply is in direct communication with body parts. Oxygen is taken in and exchanged for carbon dioxide waste in the blood;then the carbon dioxide is moved out. So far,much like dogs.
However,in an important difference,the air flow in a bird is one way,through a series of tubes and cells,rather than two ways,in and out of the lungs,as it is in dogs. A constant stream of air goes through lungs and then is channeled through the complex system of air sacs,which also help remove excess heat,as well as through hollow bones. The gases are then channeled forward through the lungs again,then through more air sacs,finally ending up in the windpipe,and are expelled from the body.
The air sac system is bigger than the lungs and takes up 15 percent of the chest and belly area.
Meanwhile,the bird’s great oxygen needs are also handled by the internal breathing system. The oxygen,stored primarily in body fat tissue,is burned through the process of cell respiration. This process produces both muscular energy and heat.
How does a bird breathe?
Ways to get oxygen
For birds and dogs,by breathing in air For fish,from 1.________through its body
Two 2.______systems
Internal and external
External respiration system
Using the lungs and a series of air sacs To communicate with body parts 3.________
4.____sac system
Bigger than the lungs
Taking up a 5.______part of the chest and belly area
6.______of bird breathing
A stream of air
▲going through lungs without 7.______
▲being channeled through the complex system of air sacs and through 8.________bones
▲being  9.______forward through the lungs again,then through more air sacs
▲ 10.______in the windpipe and are expelled from the body
答案:1.water 2.respiration 3.directly/straight 4.Air 5.small 6.Process 7.stopping/stop 8.hollow 9.channeled 10.completing/finishing/ stopping
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