



1. The next morning she found the man ______ in bed.

A. lying      B. lie      C. lay   D. laying


2. Tell him ______ the window.

A. to shut not     B. not to shut  

 C. to not shut    D. not shut

答:Btellsb. (not) to do sth.

3. Only one of these books is______.

A. worthy to read       B. worth being read

C. worth of reading     D. worth reading

             worth doing

答:D be     worthy to be clone

                worthy of being done

4. Most of the people___________ to the party were famous scientists.

A. invited          B. to invite     

C. being invited     D. inviting


  invited (过去分词)表示过去

  being invited (现在分词的被动式)表示进行

  to be invited (不定式的被动式)表示将来

  having been invited (现在分词完成式的被动式)表示完成

5. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ___.

A. catching       B. to be caught 

C. being caught    D. to catch


6. She didn’t remember ______ him before.

A. having met       B. have met    

 C. to meet         D. to having met


        forget      +doing / to do ....,接动名词表示实际上已做过的事,接不定式表示实际上没傲的事.如:I forgot to lock the door yesterday. 我昨天忘记锁门了(实际上没有镇)

7. They knew her very well. They had seen her _____ up from childhood.

A. grow            B. grew   

C. was growing      D. to grow

答:Asee后接省去to的不定式傲宾语补足语。此类动词主要有感观动词和使役动词see, watch, notice, observe, took at, find, feel, listen to, have, make, let 等。

8. Do you know the boy ___ under the big tree?

A. lay    B. lain    C. laying      D. lying


lie () lay lain

lie (说谎) lied lied    lying

lay () laid laid laying

9. Go on_______the other exercise after you have finished this one.

A. to do         B. doing  

C. with        D. to be doing

                  go on to do...接下来傲另外一件事

答:A.注意区别     go on doing...接着做原来的事

                 (go on with+n.继续做某事

10. There was a terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light.

A. follow        B. following

C. to be followed        D. being followed


The teacher went into the classroom, followed by some students.

Following their teacher, the students went into the classroom.

11. What do you think of the book?

Oh, excellent. It’s worth _____ a second time.

A. to read       B. to be read   

C. reading      D. being read

答:C be worth doing...

12. She pretended _______ me when I passed by.

A.  not to see     B. not seeing

C.  to not see      D. having not seen

答:Apretend to do / not to do / to be doing / to have done...

13. Good morning. Can I help you?

  I’d like to have this package ____, madam.

A. be weighed           B. to be weighed

C. to weigh            D. weighed

答:Dhave sth. done

14.  _______ your coat at once. We must hurry.

A. Wear         B. Wearing    

 C. Put on        D. Putting on


15. ______ more attention, the trees could have grown better.

A. Given        B. To give     

 C. Giving        D. Having given


16. She reached the top of the hill and stopped ________ on a big rock by the side of the path.

A. to have rested   B. resting

C. to rest          D. rest

答:Cstop doing停止做,stop to do停下来去做。

17. Last summer I took a course on________.

A. how to make dresses      

 B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses

D. how dresses to be made

答:A.不定式短语的构成由疑问代词whatwhich或疑问副词whenwherewhyhow等接不定式构成,疑问代词傲不定式的宾语,疑问副词做不定式的状语。如:I don’t know what to do / how to do ito 不定式短语的作用相当于名词性的从句,在句中可做主语,宾语和表语。

18. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _______ behind his back.

A. being tied     B. having tied   

C. to be tied      D. tied

答:Dbeing tied,现在分词的被动式,强调正在进行的被动的动作。to be tied,不定式的被动式表示将来的被动的动作.with his hand stied指状态。

19. The secretary worked late into the night, a _______ long speeeh for the president.

A. to prepare      B. preparing    

C. prepared       D. was preparing


20. I can hardly imagine Peter_______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A. sail           B. to sail   

 C. sailing        D. to have sailed

答;CImagine后接动名词,Petersal隔日相当于Peter sailing相当于Peter’s sailing 是带逻辑主语的动名词结构。

21. The light in the office is still on.

   Oh, I forgot_________.

A. turning it off         B. turn it off

C. to turn it off         D. having turned it off

答:Cfor get to do... 实际上没傲的事,for get doing...忘了实际上做过的事。

22. John was made _______ the truck for a week as a punishment.

A. to wash      B. washing      

C. wash         D. to be washing


23. Little Jim should love _______ to the theatre this evening.

A. to be taken    B. to take      

 C. being taken    D. taking

答:Alike (love, prefer, hate) to do / doing... 接不定式表示特定的,具体的事,接动名词表示经常的,习惯的行为.如:

I like swimming.

I like to swim this afternoon.

24. I usually go there by train.

  Why not _______ by boat for a change?

A. to try going       B. trying ,to go

C. to try and go       D. try going

答:D。不定式在why的问句中省去to.如:Why go (not go) there? try doing 试着做try to do 试图做。

25. I would appreciate___________ back this afternoon.

A. you to call       B. you call      

C. your calling      D. you’re calling

答:C appreciate欣赏,感激,后接 doing ....

26. There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind_______to buy.

A. what   B. which    C. how   D. where

答:Bwhich to buyy该买哪一个,其他与句童不符.

27. _______ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving        B. Receiving not

C. Not having received  D. Having not received


28. “Can’t you read?” Mary said___________ to the notice.

A. angrily pointing    B. and point angrily

C. angrily pointed     D. and angrily pointing

答:A。修饰动词sadi应用副词angrily, pomnng为分词做伴随状语。

29. How about the two of us ______ a walk down the garden?

A. to take        B. take

C. taking        D. to be taking


30. The computer center, ___________ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open           B. opening

C. having opened    D. opened

答:Dopened为过去分词做定语,相当于非限制性的定语从句which was opened last year, ....

31. Charles Babbage is generally considered ________ the first computer.

A.  to invent           B. inventing

C. to have invented      D. having invented

答:C.不定式的完成式表示不定式本身的动作发生在谓语动词之前。如:We seem to have met each other before.我们似乎以前见过面。

32. I must apologize for______ ahead of time.

   That’s all right.

A. letting you not know   

B. not letting you know

C. letting you know not 

D.  letting not you know


33. The missing boys were last seen ________ near the river.

A. playing       B. to be playing 

C. play          D. to play


34. The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, __________ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added          B. to add

C. adding               D. added


35. The first textbooks _________ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written      B. to be written

C. being written       D. written


36. We agreed___________ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A. having met     B. meeting

C. to meet        D. to have met

答:Cagree to do...同意做……

37.  The patient was warned ___________ oily food after the operation.

A. to eat not        B. eating not

C. not to eat         D. not eating

答:C warn sb. not to do / against doing  警告某人不要做某事

38. ___________ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing        B. Having lost  

C. Lost          D. To lose

答:Cbe lost in thought 在沉思。 lost in thought=as he was lost in thought.

39. I would love ___________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go         B. to have gone 

C. going         D. having gone

答:B would love (like) to do.宁愿做某事;would love (like) to havedone.宁愿以前(早就)做某事。不定式的完成式表示不定式本身的动作发生在谓语动词之前。如:

I’d rather have gone there yesterday. 我宁愿昨天去那。

You’d better have gone there with us.你最好当时和我们一起去那。

40. The Olympic Games, _______ in 776 13. C. , did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playing      B. to be first played

C. first played       D. to be first playing

答:Cfirst played为非限制性定语,相当于which was first played.

41. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______it more difficult.

A. not make        B. not to make

C. not making       D. do not make

答:B。相当于The purpose...is not to make..., 不定式做表语。

42. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door ___________ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.”

A. read          B. reads 

 C. to read        D. reading


43. ________his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.

A. Not knowing      B. Knowing not

C. Not having known   D. Having not known


44. He used to ______ his teaching when he was young.

A. devote to       B. be devoted to

C. devoting to       D. being devoted to

答:B used to do 过去经常; be used to doing 习惯; be devoted to 忠诚于,投身到,献身于。

45. He has always insisted on his _______ Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.

A. been called      B. called

C. having called    D. being called

答:D.“insist on+动名词”做宾语。

46. He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch _________.

A. to repair      B. repaired      

C. repairing      D. repair

答:Bhave sth. done 让别人做某事

47. As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers ______ by her mother.

A. buying         B. being bought

C. were bought     D. bought


48. Do you mind _______  alone at home?

A. Jane leaving          B. Jane having left

C. Jane’s being left       D. Jane to be left


49. Seeing the sun _______ above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.

A. to rise        B. to raise

C. rising         D. raising

答:C riser vi. 升起,raise vt. 举起。

.50. If you go to Xl’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than com-monly________.

A. supposing      B. supposed

C. to suppose      D. suppose

答: B... than commonly supposed 相当于... than it was supposed.

51. She looks forward every spring to _______ the flower-lined garden.

A. visit          B. paying a visit  

C. walk in       D. walking in

答: Dpay a visit to...

52. Once your business becomes international, ________ constantly will be part of your life.

A. you fly       B. your flight   

C. flight         D. flying


53. The little time we have together we try ______ wisely.

A. spending it        B. to spend it

C. to spend         D. spending that

答:C.此句相当于 we try to spend the little time we have together wisely.

54. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _______ into buying something they don’t really need.

A. to persuade        B. persuading

C. being persuaded      D. be persuaded

答:Ccan’t help doing 为固定用法。

55. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person _______.

A. to send         B. for sending it

C. to send it to      D. for sending it to


56. She can’t help_________ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A. to clean      B. cleaning      

C. cleaned       D. being deaned

答:A。此处can’t help不能理解为“不禁做某事”,从语境判断应理解为“不能帮助做某事”。

57. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to______.

A. be put up       B. give in    

C. be turned on    D. go out

答:Dgo out 熄灭, happened to 碰巧。

58. European football is played in 80 countries, ___________ it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making    B. makes 

C. made     D. to make


More and more people moved into cities, making them very crowded.


She went to the station, only to find the train gone.


The fish in the river can eat a person within two minutes, leaving only the bones.


I went to see her, only to find her out. 我去看她,(结果)发现她已出去了。

59. While working in the garden, ___________

A. his head was hit by a stone          

B. a stone hit him on his head

C. a stone hit him on the head         

D. he was hit by a stone on the head


60. _________, her mother scolded her.

A. She coming back home too late      

B. Her coming hack home too late

C. She came back home too late        

D. Coming back home too late


61. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _____ by the hour.

A. pay   B. paying   C. paid     D. to pay

答:Cget+pp. 是一种被动式。

62. A computer does only what thinking people ____.

A. have it do         B. have it done

C. have done it       D. having it done

答:Awhat引导宾语从句,故排除D项.如选B项“计算机只做人们使它被傲”,不符逻辑.故选have it do。该句意为“计算机只做人们让它傲的事.”have为使役动词,后接省去to的不定式做宾补。

63. ______ some of this juice and perhaps you’ll like it.

A. Trying       B. Try    

C. To try        D. Having tried


64.  I’ve worked with children hefore, so ] know what ________ in my new job.

A. expected      B. to expect

C. to be expecting     D. expect

答:B。此题考查同一个动词谓语与非谓语,主动与被动之间的区别,AD项明显不对,C项若改为to be expected也对。

65. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _______ the next year.

A. carry out        B. carrying out 

C. carried out       D. to carry out

答:C.此题考查在定语从句中过去分词傲宾补的用法。thatplansee的宾语。earned out为宾补。

66. They’re not very good, but we like ______.

A. anyway to play basketball with them

B. to play basketball with them anyway

C. to play with them basketball anyway

D. with them to play basketball anyway

答:B。不定式傲宾语.like to do sth.喜欢做……。play basketball不能分开用,故将C项排除。

67.  He sent me an e-mail, __________ to get further information.

A. hoped      B. hoping  

C. to hope     D. hope


68. _______in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

A. Being founded       B. It was founded

C. Founded            D. Founding


69. ________ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm,

A. To sleep      B. Sleeping     

C. Sleep         D. Having slept

答:A。不定式做目的状语,该句意为 Bob turned off the alarm to sleep late in the morning, sleep late 睡懒觉。

70. One learns a language by making mistakes and ______ them.

A. correct         B. correcting    

C. corrects         D. to correct

答:D eorrecting making并列

71 As we joined the big crowd I got ______      from my friends.

A. separated      B. spared       

C. lost           D. missed


72. ________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A. Having suffered     B. Suffering

C. To suffer         D. Suffered


73. Prices of daily goods _______ through a computer can be lower than store prices.

A. are bought      B. bought      

C. been bought     D. buying


74. Why are you looking so sad, Tom?

  The football game_____ for tomorrow will not be held.

A. planned         B. planning

C. to plan        D. to be planned


75. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, soshestood ________to her mother.

A. close     B. closely  

C. closed    D. closing


76. How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

  The key___________ the problem is to meet the demand ___________ by the customers.

A. to solving, making    B. to solving, made

C. to solve, making      D. to solve, made

答:Bkey to...to。为介词,后接动名词做宾语,“顾客提出的要求”应用被动式。

77. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows_________.

A. it what to do with   B. what to do it with

C. what to do with it   D. to do what with it


78. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ______ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see        B. to be seen   

C. seeing        D. seen

答:B。老夫妻俩是否喜欢去国外旅游还有待于去弄清楚。再如:Much remains to be discovered, 还有很多东西有待于人们去发现。

79. What happened to the priceless works of art?


A. They were destroyed in the earthquake

B. The earthquake was destroying them

C. They destroyed in the earthquake

D. The earthquake destroyed them

答:A。主要问及艺术晶的情况,回答时应予以说明.A项中theyworks of art

80. Though_______money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked        B. lacking of    

C. lacking        D. lacked in


81. ______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

A. Exposed           B.  Having exposed

C. Being exposed      D. After being exposed

答:C be exposed to暴露在,动名词做主语。

82. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run com-panies are striving _______ their products more competitive.

A. to make          B. making

C. to have made       D. having made


83. I feel it is your husband who __________ for the spoiled child.

A. is to blame         B. is going to blame

C. is to be blamed       D. should blame

答:Abe to blame 某人应受到责备,常用不定式的主动表被动。


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