



一.替代词it, that, (the) one(s), those的用法辨析

1. The award on the left is more beautiful than _______ on the right.

   A the one       B one       C it     D this

2. Few pleasures can equal ________of a cool drink on a hot day.

A. some      B. any    C. that        D. those

3. The hunter’s younger sister is taller than the elder ___. 

 A the one       B one       C that      D this

4. I need the plastic bags, not the paper______ .    

A the one       B ones       C that      D this

5. The TV sets made in China are much better than ________ in Japan.
that      Bthose         Cthem               DIt

6. Listen to________! We will have three days off.  

 A the one       B ones       C that      D this

7. “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Who said_________?

 A the one     B ones     C that    D this

8. I bought a dictionary three years ago and I am still using______ now.

   A one       B ones       C it      D this

9. I bought a dictionary three years ago but I am going to buy a new _______soon.

   A one       B ones       C it      D this

10. I was disappointed with the film. I had expected____ to be much better.

A.that        B. this       C. one      D .it

11 Equipped with modern facilities, today's libraries differ greatly from______.

A. those of the past       B. the past       C. which of the past    D. these past

12.My most famous relative of all, ___who really left his mark on America,wasReb Sussel,my great-grandfather.

A. one        B. the one         C. he      D. someone

13. He has one blue pen and two red ________.

 A. one       B. those        C. one's      D. ones

14. Cars do cause us some health problems —in fact far more serious than_____ mobile phones do.   

A. one         B. ones       C. it        D. those

15. Cook was a strict but good captain, ______ who took good care of the sailors on his ship.

   A. that           B. one           C. it            D. what

16. Mr Zhang gave the text books to all the pupils except____who had already taken them.

  A.these    B.ones      C.the ones      D.the others 

17. —— I'm looking for a flat.    —— Would you like  ____ with ____ garden?
it; the    Bit; a     Cone; a    Done; the
18.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ___I will always treasure.

  A.that     B.one       C.it        D.what

19. The style of the building is similar to _________of a temple.

   A.that     B.one       C.it        D.what

20. The computers in our school are connected to the Internet while___in their school aren’t.

   A.that     B.one       C.it        D.those

21.Our food and service are better than ________ used to be.

Ait         Bthat         Cthey         Dthose

22.I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _____ in the city.            

A. ones          B. one       C. that           D. those

23.We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found _____we like yet.

    A. one       B. ones      C. it       D. them

24.I prefer a flat in Inveneas to _____in Perth, because I want to live near my Mom’s

    A. one      B. that    C. it       D. this

25.We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _____ from some wood we had.

A. it               B. one       C. himself        D. another


1._____ is well know to us all that the earth is round.

____ is well known to us all, the earth is round.   

A.That      B.As     C.It    D.Which

2. It was some time later __we realized the trick.

  .It was some time  __we realized the trick.  

A.until  B.before  C. that  D. since

3. ___ no wonder that he has passed the exam.  

___ no need for you to wait here.

A.That is          B.What is      C.It is          D.There is

4. Was it the house ____ Abraham Lincoln was born?

   Was it in the house ____ Abraham Lincoln was born?

      A.that          B.where    C.in which         D.both B and C

5. It’s very good ____ you to help us.

It’s very good _____ you to take exercises regularly.

           A.for     B.of      C.to       Dwith  .

6. It is no good ____ such a thing.

It’s of no importance _____ such a thing. 

    A.do      B.to do      C.doing      D.done

7.It's time that we ____ to school.  

 It is the second time that we _____ to Beijing.

    A.go     B.went      C.have been    D.had been

8.It's tomorrow ____ he is going to Beijing.  

 It was 8 o'clock _____ he went to school.

    A.that       B.when       C.before      D.since

9.It is 3 years ____ he joined the army.  

 It will be 3 years ____ he joins the army.

   A.before      B.after      C.since      D.when

10. _____ being fine, we decided to walk to the park.

   ______ being no bus, we decided to walk home.
A. This    B. It   C. There  D.  That


1 It was last night ___ I saw the film.
 the time B. when  C. that  D. which

2.Was it on October 1,1949 ___the PRC was founded?

A. when  B that  C which  D who

3 It was not until midnight____he came to .

A. that  B before  C when  Dsince

4.It was two in the morning __my son got up .

A. when  B that  C which  D who

5____was 1996 ___I graduated from the university.

A. That, that   B It ;that C That ;when  D It; when

6.It is more than twenty years____China began to carry out the open-door policy.

A. that   B before  C since D  which

7 It won’t be long ___your mother comes back from work.

A since  B after  C.before  D that

8 It was only with the help of the local guide __.

A.  was the mountain climber rescued  B.  that the mountain climber was rescued

C.  when the mountain climber was rescued   D.  then the mountain climber was rescued

9 Why!I have nothing to confess .__you want me to say?

A What is it that  B What it is that C How is it that  D How it is that

10 It was in this room___I once lived___we had a meeting.

A where, that  B which ,that  C where ,where  D that .where

11.It was in Indonesia, the UN officials believe,___the tsunani caused the greatest damage.

A. where  B. which  C. when  D.that

12.It was in the factory __produced TV sets ___ our friend was murdered.

A. which, which  B. that, which  C. that, that  D. where, that

13.It was last year __you taught me how to drive .

A.when   B.that  C.where  D.which 

14.It was for this reason__her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.

A.which  B.why  C.that  D.how

15.I can’t quite remember__he began teaching in our school.

A. that, it was when  B.when it was that  C.when was it that  D.that was it when

16.It is __who __wrong.

A we, am  B. me, is  C. I , am  D.I , is

17.It is __he often fails in exams __ makes his parents worried about him.

A. that, what  B.because, that  C. what, what  D. that, that 

18. It is you , rather than he ,that ___for the accident.

 A.is to blame  B.are to blame  C.is to be blamed  D. are to be blamed

19.---Where did you meet him?    ---It was in the park ____ his wife and he first met.

A. that     B. where    C. on which   D. when

20.---He was nearly drown once.  ---When was _____
---______ was in 1998 when he was in middle school.
A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This

21._____ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.
A. What is required  B. What requires  C. It is required  D. It requires

22.—— Were all three people in the car injured in the accident
   —— No, ___ only the two passengers ___ got hurt

they were; that   Bthere was;who     Cit was; who      Dthere are; who

23.It was ________ that I visited the Great Wall

.A. many years         B. years ago         C. for many times      D.years before

24.It is________ since I visited the Great Wall

.A. many years         B. years ago         C. for many times      D.years before

25. I hate ______ when people ask me for money.

Ait          Bthat          Cthese          Dthem

26. ---Do you still remember ___ you lost your wallet?  ---Yeah. It was at the crossing ___ I got lost.

Awhere was it/ that  B. where it was that/that  C. The place where/that   D. where it was that/where

27.I don‘t like working late into the night but I cant help _____.

A. so     B. that     C. it     D. them

28.We'll really catch ______ from our teacher if we're late for class again.

A. it    B. that     C. so    D. them


It 用法答案:

一.1—5 ACBBB 6—10  DCCAD  11—15 ABDBB  16—20 CCBAD  21—25 CCAAB

二.C/B  C/B  C/D  D/A  B/A  C/B  B/C  A/B  C/A  B/C

三.1—5 CBAAD  6—10 CCBAA  11—15 DCBCB 16—20  CDBBA  21—25 CCBAA  26—28 DCA




(1) 替代刚提到过的同一事物

This is our new car. I bought it yesterday. 这是我们的新车。我昨天买的。

(2) 指动物或不考虑性别的婴儿

Where is the cat? It’s under the bed. 猫在哪?它在床下面。

The baby cried when it was hungry. 这婴儿饿时就哭。

(3) 在情景中确认某人或事物

Who is it? It’s me. 是谁?(问敲门人) 是我呀。

Who’s it over there? It’s the milkman. 那边那人是谁?那是送牛奶的

What’s this? It’s a map. 这是什么?这是张地图。

(4) 指代前句或后句所述的情况

He smokes in bed and I don’t like it. 他在床上抽烟,我不喜欢他这样。

When the factory closes, it will mean 500 workers will be out of work. 工厂一旦关闭, 那就意味着要有500工人失业。

It would be ideal if you could join us. 如果你能和我们合作,则太好了。

(5) 指时间、距离、天气或环境等

What time is it? It’s seven o’clock. 几点了?7点。

It’s time for supper. =It’s time to have supper. 是该吃晚饭的时候了。

It’s about 50 kilometers from here to my home. 从这儿到我家约有五十公里。

It is snowing. 正在下雪

It was very quiet in the garden. 公园里很寂静。

(6) 用于笼统地谈论某种情况

I cannot help it. 我也没办法。

(7) 指最好的或最渴望得到事物

He thinks he’s it. 他一直以为自己是最佳人选。

That steak was really it! 那牛排真是不错!

We’ve been looking for a house for months and I think this is it. 我们找房子已经找了好几个月了, 我看这所就是我们要找的。


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