





dad[dAd] n.(口语)爸爸,爹爹:Where is Dad? 爸爸在哪里?

daily[5deIlI] adj.& adv.每天的(),日常的() n.[C]日报:That’s our daily work. 这是我们的日常工作。/ He wrote to her almost daily. 他几乎每天给她写信。/ I like to read the People’s Daily. 我喜欢看《人民日报》。

damage[5dAmIdV] n.[U]损失,损害,损坏;(用复数)赔偿费 vt.损害,损坏:The accident did very little damage to the car. 车祸对车造成的损坏极小。/ The buildings around were badly damaged. 附近的建筑物受到严重损坏。

damp[dAmp] adj.潮湿的 n.[U]潮湿 vt.使潮湿:It’s damp and cold. 天气又湿又冷。/ There’s still damp in these clothes. 这些衣服还有点潮。

dance[dB:ns] v.& n.跳舞,舞会:Would you like to dance with me? 请你同我跳曲舞好吗? / I love to dance to fast music. 我喜欢跟着节奏快的音乐跳舞。

danger[5deIndVE] n. [U]危险 [C]危害,威胁:He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this. 他再这样下去会丢掉工作的。

【短语】in danger 有危险 / out of danger 脱离危险

【用法】其后可接 of doing sth 作定语,但不接不定式:He didn’t realize the danger of living here. 他没有意识到住在这里的危险。

dangerous[5deIndVrEs] adj.危险的:It is dangerous to drive after drinking. 酒后开车危险。/ This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。

dare[dZE] v.(用作情态动词或实义动词)敢:I daren’t ask him. 我不敢问他。/ No one dared speak of it. 没人敢谈及此事。/ How dare she do such a thing? 她怎么敢做这样的事? / She dared to walk the tightrope. 她敢走钢丝。

【用法】1.用作情态动词,主要用于否定句、疑问句、条件从句及由连接副词或 whether等引起的从句中(一般不用于肯定句中)2.尽管有过去式,但通常用现在式表示过去或后接完成式:I daren’t have done it yesterday, but I think I dare now. 昨天我没敢这样做,但现在我想我敢。3.用作实义动词,其后通常接带to不定式,但这个to有时可以省略(尤其在否定句或疑问句中)We don’t dare (to) say anything. 我们什么也不敢说。4. I dare say 为习语,其意为“我想”、“很可能”:I dare say he will come. 我想他会来的。

dark[dB:k] adj.黑暗的,(头发、皮肤等)黑色的,深色的n. [U]黑暗,暗处,傍晚,黑夜:at (after, before) dark 在天黑时(后,前) / Soon it got dark. 很快天黑了。/ The darkest hour is before the dawn. 最黑暗的时刻过了就是黎明。

【短语】in the dark 在黑暗中 / (be) in the dark (about) 对…一无所知,被蒙在鼓里

date[deIt] n. [C]日期,年月日;约会,会晤 v.写日期;回溯:What is the date today? 今天是几号?/ The date’s not fixed yet. 日期尚未确定。/ Don’t forget to date your letters. 别忘了在你的信上写明日期。

【短语】be out of date 过时的,不再用的 / to date 到目前为止 / up to date 新式的,适合目前的,载有最新资料的 / date a letter 在信上写明日期 / date back to=date from 从回溯至,从…开始

【用法】表示回溯到过去某时,用date back todate from均可,尽管其后接的是过去时间,但用作谓语的date却通常要用一般现在时(且用主动语态),而不用一般过去时,除非所谈论的主体现在已不复存在:The church, which dated back to the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago. 那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了。

daughter[5dR:tE] n. [C]女儿:daughters of China 中华女儿

dawn[dR:n] n.[C,U]拂晓,黎明:We must get up at dawn. 我们必须天一亮就起来。/ We work from dawn to dark. 我们起早摸黑地工作。

day[deI] n. [C]日,一天 [U,C]白天,昼;(特定)日子,节日:What day is today? 今天星期几? / We work an 8-hour day. 我们一天工作8小时。

【短语】by day 日间,在白天 / day and night 日夜不停地,昼夜兼行地 / day after day 日复一日,多日(强调时间长久) / day by day 一天一天地,逐日(强调变化) / one day 有一天(可指过去或将来) / some day 有一天(只指将来) / the other day 几天前,早几天

dead[ded] adj. 死的,无感觉的 n.(连用the)死者 adv.全然地:She shot him dead. 她开枪把他打死。/ I was dead tired. 我累极了。

deal[di:l]n.量,数量 v.对付,应付;买卖,经销;关于,有关;对待;分配,分发:He spent a good deal of money on it. 他对此花了不少钱。/ They see each other a great deal. 他们经常见面。/ The money was dealt out fairly and justly. 钱分配的公平合理。

【短语】a good [great] deal (of) 许多,大量;经常,非常,…得多 / deal in 做…买卖,出售,经营 / deal out 分配,分给,分发 / deal with 处理,对付,对待;论述;做买卖,有商业关系;与…打交道

【用法】a good [great] deal of 后接的名词通常只能是不可数名词。

dear[dIE] adj.亲爱的;昂贵的 interj.哎呀(表焦急,惊奇,伤心等)Dear Madam 亲爱的夫人 / He got rich by buying cheap and selling dear. 他通过贱买贵卖赚钱。

death[deW] n.[U,C]死:She was sentenced to death. 她被判处死刑。/ The accident resulted in ten deaths. 这次事故造成10人死亡。

December[dI5sembE] n.12月:Christmas Day is the 25th of December. 圣诞节是1225

decide[dI5saId] v.下决心,决定:He decided to go abroad.= He decided on going abroad. 他决定出国。

【用法】其后可接不定式或on doing sth,但不直接跟动名词。

decision[dI5sIVEn] n. [C,U]决定,决心:I hope you’ve made [taken] the right decision. 我希望你作出了正确的决定。

【用法】表示做某事的决定,其后接不定式:His decision to become an actor surprised me. 他决定要当演员使我吃了一惊。

declare[dI5klZE] vt. 声明,断言;宣布,宣告:They declared themselves for (against) the plan. 他们宣布赞成(反对)这个计划。

【说明】类似下面句子中to be可以省略,但不能换用asThey declared John (to be) the winner of the game. 他们宣布约翰是比赛的获胜者。

deed[di:d] n. [C]行为,事迹:He always did good deeds. 他总是做好事。

deep[di:p] adj.深的,深刻的,深奥的,深厚的adv.深深地,深厚地:My love for you is deeper than the sea. 我对你的爱比海深。/ He was in a deep sleep. 他睡得很沉。

【辨析】deepdeeply1.修饰具体的动作,两者常可互换:breathe deep [deeply] 做深呼吸 2.修饰静止状态一般用deepHe sat there deep in thought. 他坐在那儿深思。3.修饰形容词或过去分词,以及某些带感情色彩的动词(hate, dislike, love, admire, hurt, regret),通常要用deeplyHe deeply hates fish. 他很不喜欢吃鱼。/ I’m deeply sorry for it. 对此我深表遗憾。4.deep in the night(在深夜)deep into the night(到深夜)为常用短语,通常用deep

defeat[dI5fi:t] vt. 击败;战胜;使落空,使受挫 n.[C,U]失败,击败:They were defeated in the match. 他们在比赛中输了。/ Lack of money defeated their plan. 资金缺乏使他们的计划失败了。

【辨析】defeat, beatwindefeat通常可与beat 互换,只是前者比后者更正式,它们与 win不同:win 之后通常接表示比赛或战斗方面的名词,而defeat / beat 之后则往往接比赛或战斗的对手:They defeated [beat] the enemy. 他们打败了敌人。/ Who won the game? 比赛谁赢了?

defence (defense )[dI5fens] n.[U]防御,保卫 [C]防御工事:The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。

defend[dI5fend] v.防守,保卫;辩护,辩解:Everyone should learn how to defend himself by the lawful means. 每个人都应该学会利用合法的手段保护自己。

degree[dI5gri:] n.[C]度数,学位 [C,U]程度:Water freezes at zero degrees Centigrade. 水在摄氏零度结冰。/ He has a doctor’s degree. 他有博士学位。

【短语】by degrees 一点一点地,逐渐地 / to a degree 有点

【说明】表示“零度”时,说 zero degreeszero degree均可,但以复数为多见。

delay[dI5leI] n. [C,U]拖延,延误,耽搁 v.拖延,延误,耽搁:Nobody knew the reason for the delay. 没有人知道延误的原因。

【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,通常用动名词,很少用不定式:Why have they delayed answering our letter? 他们为什么迟迟不回我们的信? 2.用作名词时,其后可接“in+动名词”,但一般不能接“of+动名词”或不定式:Excuse me for my delay in answering your letter. 迟复为歉。

delicious[dI5lIFEs] adj.美味的;有趣的:The meat tastes delicious. 这肉味道真好。/ What a delicious joke! 这个笑话真有趣!

delight[dI5laIt] n.[U]快乐 [C]乐事 v.(使)高兴,(使)快乐:To our great delight the day turned out fine. 使我们感到十分高兴的是,天气转晴了。/ Now many people take delight in watching TV. 现在许多人都喜欢看电视。

【说明】1.用作名词时,表示抽象的“快乐”,不可数;表示具体的“快乐的事”,则可数。2. delight in doing sthbe delighted to do sth不同,前者表示“喜欢做某事”(指习惯倾向,delight不及物),后者表示“做某事感到很高兴”(多指一时的行为)He delights in listening to music. 他喜欢听音乐。/ I’m really delighted to see you. 见到你我真高兴。

deliver[dI5lIvE] vt. 投递,递送,传送:Has the mail been delivered yet? 邮件已经投递了吗? / The boss told me to deliver it to a customer. 老板要我把东西送去给顾客。

【说明】习惯上不接双宾语,即不说deliver sb sth,可改为deliver sth to sb

demand [dI5mB:nd] vt. 要求,需要n.[C,U]要求,请求;需要,需求:They are demanding higher wages. 他们要求增加工钱。/ It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。

【短语】in demand 有需求 / on demand 在要求时, 一经请求

【用法】1.用作动词时,及物,要表示“需求某物”,说 demand sth即可,不说 demand for sth。但是用作名词时,其后可接forThe workers’ demand for higher wages seems reasonable. 工人增加工资的要求是合理的。2.后接that从句时,从句谓语多用“should+动词原形”:I demand that John (should) go there at once. 我要求约翰马上去那儿。3.一般不接不定式的复合结构,即不用于demand sb to do sth,遇此情况可改用从句或在sb之前加介词ofHe demanded of us to tell him everything.=He demanded that we (should) tell him everything. 他要求我们把一切都告诉他。

department[dI5pB:tmEnt] n.[C](政府机构的)部,司,局,科;(企业等机构的)部,司,局,科;(校或学术机构等的)系,室,所:the State Department 国务院 / the business department 营业科 / department store 百货商场,百货公司 / English department 英语系 / the Lost and Found Department 失物招领处

depend[dI5pend] vi.依靠,依赖,指望,取决于:It (all) depends.=That depends. 那要看情况。/ We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。

【用法】1.不及物,后接宾语时需借助介词onupon,但在It (all) depends (up)on+从句中,介词(up)on有时可省略:It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。2.要表示“依赖某人做某事”,英语不用depend sb to do sth(因为depend不及物),可用depend (up)on sb to do [doing] sthWe all depend on you to come tomorrow.=We all depend on you [your] coming tomorrow. 我们都指望你明天来。

depth[depW] n. [U,C]深,深度,深奥:What is the depth of the lake? 那湖有多深?/ Nobody knew the depth of her love for him. 谁也不知道她对他的爱有多深。

describe[dI5skraIb] vt.描写,描述;作图,画;叫做,称做:He described going downstairs and finding his mother lying on the floor. 他讲述了他走下楼发现他母亲躺在地板上的情景。/ He described himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。

【用法】不能接双宾语,若语义需要,要用介词tofor来引出间接宾语:Could you describe what you saw to [for] me? 请你将你所见到的情况描述给我听听好吗?

description[dI5skrIpFEn] n. [C,U]描述,描写,形容:He gave a description of what he had seen.他对看到的情况作了描述。

desert1[5dezEt] n. [C,U]沙漠:the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠

desert2[dI5zE:t] vt.舍弃,遗弃:She was deserted by her husband. 她被丈夫抛弃了。/ They deserted the farm for the city. 他们离开农场迁往城市。

design[dI5zaIn] v.设计,绘制;计划,策划 [C,U]设计,图样;谋划,企图:The dictionary is designed for foreign students. 这本词典是供外国学生用的。/ The book is designed to improve the students’ spoken English. 编写这本书的目的是为提高学生的英语口语。

【短语】by design 故意地,蓄意地

desire[dI5zaIE] vt.期望,要求,请求 n.[U,C]意欲,愿望,要求:He desires to live in the country. 他希望住在乡下。/ He desires her to marry him. 他希望她能嫁给他。/ He has a strong desire for success [to succeed]. 他渴望成功。

【用法】后接that从句时,谓语通常用should+动词原形:He desires you to come at once.=He desires that you (should) come at once. 他要你马上来。

desk[desk] n.[C]书桌;服务台:Ask at the information desk. 到问讯处询问。

destroy[dIs5trRI] vt.毁坏,毁灭:The town was destroyed by the earthquake. 整座城镇被地震毁灭了。/ The heavy rain destroyed all hope of a picnic. 大雨打破了野餐的一切希望。

determine[dI5tE:mIn] v.决定,决心:She determined to work harder. 她决定更加努力工作。/ We determined on an early start. 我们决定早点出发。

【用法】其后可接不定式或on doing sth,但不直接跟动名词:He determined on living [to live] alone. 他决定一个人生活。

develop[dI5velEp] v.发展,成长;培养,发扬;开发;养成;患();冲洗(照片)Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达。/ I developed an interest in the machine. 我对这机器发生了兴趣。


devote[dI5vEJt] vt.把…奉献(),致力于;把…专用于:He devoted himself to writing.他专心写作。/ She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她献身于帮助穷人。

【用法】devote oneself to(献身于,致力于)be devoted to(献身于,专用于)等结构中,to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词。

dialog(ue)[5daIlCg] n.[U,C]对话;意见交换:be written in dialogue用对话写 / have (a) reasonable dialogue between the two governments两国政府进行理性地对话

diamond[5daIEmEnd] n.[U,C]钻石,金刚石:diamond necklace 钻石项链

diary[5daIErI] n.[C]日记,记事簿:keep a diary 记日记

dictation[dIk5teIF?n] n. [C,U]听写:We’ll have dictation today. 我们今天要听写了。/ Hand in your dictations, please. 请把你们的听写交来。


dictionary[5dIkFEnErI] n.[C]词典,字典:an English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典 / He is a walking dictionary. 他是一个活字典。

【说明】汉语说“查字典”,英语一般用look up a word in the dictionary

die[daI] v.死;渴望:He died from a heart attack. 他死于心脏病发作。/ Her grandfather died of cancer. 他祖父死于癌症。

【短语】die from 死于,因…而死 / die of 死于,因…而死 / die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱 / die down (慢慢)熄灭,平静下来

【辨析】die from die of:有人认为若死因存在于人体之上或之内,一般用介词 of;若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,则一般用介词 from。但在现代英语中两者常可混用。

difference[5dIfErEns] n.[C,U]不同,差别:What’s the difference between the two words? 这两个词有什么不同? / It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. 他去不去对我没影响。

different[5dIfrEnt] adj.不同的,差异的:American cars are different from [to,than] ours. 美国造的汽车和我们的不一样。

【说明】表示“与…不同”,在英国英语中通常用 to,在美国英语中通常用than,但两者均不如用 from 普遍。

difficult[5dIfIkElt] adj.困难的,艰难的:It’s difficult to please everybody. 很难使每个人满意。/ Please don’t be so difficult. 别那么别扭。

【用法】表示做某事有困难,通常用It is difficult to do sth,这类句型的主语通常是it,不能是具体的人或事物,除非这个人或物与其后的不定式有动宾关系(且这个不定式必须用主动式表示被动意义)English is difficult to learn. 英语难学。/ He is difficult to work with. 他不好共事。但不能说He is difficult to learn English.

difficulty[5dIfIkEltI]n.[U,C]困难,费力;难事,难题:Tell me in case you get into difficulty. 遇到困难请告诉我。/ This question is full of difficulties. 这个问题困难很多。

【用法】表示做某事有困难,其后通常接in doing sth,不接to do sthHe has [finds] little difficulty learning English. 他觉得学习英语没什么困难。

dig[dIg](dug, dug) v.挖,掘:He is digging in his garden. 他正在花园里挖地。

dinner[5dInE] n.[C,U]正餐,宴会:We’ll have fish for dinner. 我们晚餐吃鱼。/ Dinner will be ready soon. 晚饭马上就好了。

dining-room[5daInINrJm] n.[C]食堂,餐室

direct[dI5rekt] adj. 直接的,直达的;直截了当的adv.径直地,直接地vt.指挥,指导;指挥(演奏),导演(电影);指点,指方向:You can take the most direct road. 你可以走最近的路。/ We shall fly direct to Paris. 我们将径直飞往巴黎。/ Can you direct me to the post office? 请你告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?

direction[dI5rekF?n] n.[C,U]方向,方位 [U]指导,指挥 (用复数)说明书,指引:We’re going in the direction of the east (the park). 我们将朝东(公园这个方向)走。/ We did the work under his direction. 我们在他的指导下工作。/ Full directions inside. 内附详细说明书。


director[dI5rektE] n. [C]管理者,处长,局长,主任;董事;导演:I hate troubling the director. 我不想去麻烦局长。

dirt[dE:t] n.[U]污物,灰尘:There is some dirt on the desk. 桌上有灰尘。

dirty[5dE:tI] adj.脏的,下流的 v.弄脏:She has a mountain of dirty clothes to wash. 她有一大堆脏衣服要洗。

disappoint[7dIsE5pCInt] vt.使失望:I was disappointed at [with, in] the result. 我对那结果感到失望。/ I was disappointed at not finding her at home. 我发现她不在家,感到很失望。/ I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我未被选中,感到很失望。

discover[dI5skQvE] vt. 发现Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。/ I discovered him kissing my wife. 我撞见他在吻我的妻子。

discovery[dI5skQvErI] n.[C,U]发现;被发现的事物:Columbus’ discovery of America occurred in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现美洲。

discuss[dIs5kQs] v.讨论,商议:I want to discuss your work with you. 我想和你一起讨论你的工作。/ They discussed selling the house. 他们商量过卖房子的事。

【用法】1.及物动词,后接宾语时不要按汉语意思在其后误加介词about2.后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式(除非其前有疑问词)We discussed how to do it. 我们讨论了该如何做此事。3.其后可接whether引导的宾语从句,不用if引导的宾语从句:We discussed whether we should close the shop. 我们讨论了是否应该把店关掉。

discussion[dIs5kQFEn] n.[C,U]讨论,议论:class discussion 课堂讨论 / The incident caused much discussion among the public. 这件事在公众中议论纷纷。

disease[dI5zi:z] n. [C,U]病,疾病:Disease is an enemy of mankind. 疾病是人类的敌人。/ Some skin diseases are difficult to treat. 有些皮肤病很难治。

dish[dIF] n. [C]盘,碟,盘形物;一道菜:He cleared away the dishes. 他收拾了餐具。/ There are only two meat dishes on the menu. 菜单上只有两类肉类菜。

distance[5dIstEns] n.[C,U]距离,远处:Considering the distance, he arrived very quickly. 考虑到路程,他到达是很快的。

【短语】at a (some) distance 在一定距离的地方,隔开一些距离,有些距离 / at [from] a distance of 在…的地方 / from a distance 从远处() / in the distance 在远处,在远方

distant[5dIstEnt] adj. 远的,遥远的:The moon is distant from the earth. 月亮离地球很远。

【辨析】distantfardistant 可以与数字连用,但far不能。另外,在没有数字的情况下,除非指相当远的距离,否则一般不用distant 而用far

district[5dIstrIkt] n. [C]区,地区,区域:She doesn’t live in this district. 她不住在这个区。/ a shopping district 商业区

disturb[dI5stE:b] vt.打扰;弄乱:I won’t disturb you again unless I have to. 除非必要我不会再打扰你了。/ Wind disturbed the water. 风吹皱水面。

dive[daIv] vi.& n.跳水,潜水,俯冲:He dived into the river to save a drowning child. 他跳入河中救一个快溺死的小孩。

divide[dI5vaId] vt.分,划分,分裂,(数学上)除:Let’s divide ourselves into several groups. 我们分成几个小组吧。/ Eight divided by four is two. 8除以4等于2

do1[du:,dE](did, done) v.做,干,办,为;有益,产生效果;尽();处理,收拾,洗刷,整理;()适合,行,可以:What do you do? 你做什么工作?/ When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。/ Any book will do. 什么书都可以。/ Will you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?

do2[du:,dE](用于构成主要动词的否定式或疑问式、代替重复出现的主要动词或谓语部分、构成倒装句等)Do you know why he was late? 你知道他为什么迟到吗?/ He likes French, and so do I. 他喜欢法语,我也喜欢。

doctor[5dRktE] n.[C]医生,博士:He’s seeing the doctor now. 他现在在看医生。

dog[dRg] n.[C]狗:keep a dog 养狗 / a lucky dog 幸运儿

dollar[5dRlE] n. [C](美、加等国的货币单位,符号为$)Hong Kong dollar 港币

door[dC:] n. [C]门,()家:Tom took ages to answer the door. 汤姆耽搁了很久才开门。/ He sells his products (from) door to door. 他挨家挨户推销他的产品。

double[5dQbl] adj.双的,两个的;双人的;双重的,两用的 adv.双倍地;两人一道地 n.[U]两倍(的数或量),加倍;两倍之物,酷似的人或物;(用复数)双打v.(使)加倍,(使)翻番:We need a double bed. 我们需要一张双人床。/ We cannot pay double this amount. 我们不能付双倍的数目。/ Eight is the double of four. 84的两倍。/ Be double careful when you cross the street. 过街时要加倍小心。/ Sales doubled this year. 今年销售额增加了一倍。

doubt[daJt] n. [C,U]怀疑 v.怀疑,疑惑:There’s no doubt that he will come. 他肯定会来。We have no doubt about [of] his honesty. 我们相信他是诚实的。/ I doubt whether [if] it’s true. 我怀疑此事是否真实。/ I don’t doubt that he will win. 我不怀疑他会赢。

【用法】在肯定句中,后接whetherif引导的从句;在否定句中,后接that引导的从句。有时肯定式也用that引导宾语从句,此时that含有类似whetherif的意思:I doubt that [=if / whether] he’s coming. 我怀疑他是否会来。

down[daJn] prep. ()…的下方,沿着…往下(往远处) adv.向下;减少,减缓:The sun is down. 太阳落山了。/ He fell down the stairs. 他从楼梯上摔下来。

downstairs[daJn5stZEz] adv.()楼下 adj.楼下的:Is anyone downstairs yet? 已经有人下楼来了吗?

【用法】用作形容词时,只用于名词前作定语;用作副词时,可用于名词后作定语:the downstairs rooms=the rooms downstairs 楼下的房间

downtown[daJn5taJn] adj. 城市商业区的,闹市区的 adv.()城市的商业区(或闹市区) n.城市的商业区,闹市区:Let’s go downtown. 我们去市商业区吧。

dozen[5dQzEn] n.[C]一打(十二个)I’ve been there dozens of times. 我去那儿去过几十次了。/ The eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋按打出售。/ Pack them in dozens. 按打装袋吧。

【用法】1.与具体数字连用时,复数不加词尾-s,后接名词时通常也不用介词of(除非其后的名词带有限定词)three dozen eggs 三打鸡蛋 / three dozen of these eggs 三打这种鸡蛋 2.a few, several, many等数目不很具体的词连用时,其复数带不带复数词尾-s均可,但是注意:若不带复数词-s,其后的介词of可以省略;若带复数词尾-s,则其后介词of不宜省略:several dozen (of) pencils= several dozens of pencils 几打铅笔

draw[drR:] v.(drew, drawn)画,绘制;拖,拉,牵,抽出:We must draw a line between right and wrong. 我们必须分清是非。/ The accident drew a large crowd. 事故引来了一群人。

drawer[drC:r] n.[C]抽屉:Please shut the drawer. 请关上抽屉。

drawing[5drC:IN] n. [C,U]图画,素描();绘画,制图:He has great skill in drawing. 他画画很有技巧。

dream[dri:m] n.[C]梦;梦想 v. (dreamt, dreamt / -ed, -ed )做梦,梦见;梦想:Her dream came true. 她的梦想实现了。/ She dreamed that she could fly. 她梦见她会飞。

【用法】表示梦想做某事,其后不接不定式,而接of doing sth。注意此用法的否定式:Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也没想到会这样成功。

dress[dres] n. [C]女服,(统指)衣服,(尤指外衣)童装 v.给…穿衣;穿衣,穿着:She is dressed very well. 她穿得很漂亮。/ She was dressed in green. 她穿着绿衣服。

drill[drIl] n. [C]钻头 [C,U](反复的)训练,演习v.(),在…上钻孔;(反复)训练:He drilled a hole in the wall. 他在墙上钻了个洞。

drink[drINk] v.(drank, drunk)喝饮() n. [U,C]饮料;喝酒;酒:Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?/ Bring me two drinks. 给我来两杯饮料。

drive[draIv]v.(drove, driven)驾驶,开();驱赶,迫使:It’s the first time she has driven a car. 这是她第一次开车。/ It is a short drive to the village. 开车到那个村庄只要很短时间。/ The pain nearly drove him mad. 疼痛几乎使他发疯了。

drop[drCp] n. [C]滴,一滴v.丢下,掉下;投递,放弃;变低,变少:Please drop me off here. 请让我在这里下车。

【用法】drop in 意为“探望”、“拜访”,若指拜访某人,则用 drop in on sb;若指到某地拜访,则用drop in at a place

【辨析】drop fall:表示从高处往下掉或降,两者有时可互换:An apple dropped [fell] from the tree. 从树上掉下一个苹果。但是,fall 表示“落下”,多指无意识的行为,有自然坠落之意,且通常是不及物动词;drop 既可指无意的行为,即表示“落下”(不及物),也可指有意的行为,即表示“投下”(及物),如下例就不宜用fallHe dropped the letter into the mail-box. 他把信投入信箱。

drown[draJn] v.淹死,溺死;沉溺于,埋头于:He was nearly drowned in the river. 他差点在河里被淹死。/ He drowned himself in work. 他埋头工作。


drug[drQg] n.[C,U]药,药物;毒品:I need some pain-killing drugs. 我需要一些止痛药。/ Drug taking is against the law. 吸毒是违法的。

dry[draI] v.擦干,弄干,变干 adj. 干的,干燥的;干涸的:Keep it dry. 把它保持干燥。/ You don’t have to dry-clean it. 你不必干洗它。

duck[dQk] n.[C]鸭子 [U]鸭肉:It’s a wild duck. 那是只野鸭。

due[dju:] adj.到期的,应付()的,到期应付的;预定的,约定的;适当的,合适的,应得的:Respect is due to older people. 年长者应受到尊重。/ I’m due for an increase in pay soon. 我不久就要加薪了。/ We are due to leave tomorrow. 我们定于明天动身。

【说明】due to 意为“由于”,按传统语法,它只用于引出表语,但在现代英语中引出状语的情况也比较普遍:His illness is due to bad food. 他生病是由于吃了不好的食物。/ He arrived late due to the storm. 他因风暴而迟到。

dull[dQl] adj.阴暗的;单调无味;呆笨的;(刀等)钝的:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. ()只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

during[5djJErIN] prep.在…期间,在…时候:Don’t speak during the meal. 吃饭时别说话。/ Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour. 高峰时间交通十分繁忙。


dust[dQst] n. [U]灰尘,尘土v.打扫灰尘;擦拭灰土:His clothes were covered with dust. 他衣服上全是灰尘。

dusty[5dQstI] adj.尘土一般的,灰尘弥漫的:a dusty road 一条满是尘土的路

duty[5dju:tI] n. [U,C]责任,义务;职责,工作:Do not forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘记对父母应尽的责任。


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