




quality[5kwClItI] n.[U]质量 [C]性质,品质:The goods are of bad (poor) quality. 这批货质量很差。/ They differ much in quality. 他们在质量方面有很大差别。

quantity[5kwCntItI] n.[C,U]数量,量:He lost a great quantity of blood. 他大量失血。/ Quantities of books were on the desk. 在桌上有很多书。

【说明】a quantity of / quantities of 可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。

quarrel[5kwRrEl] v.& n. [C]争吵:They had a quarrel about [over] the division of the money. 他们为了分钱的事吵了起来。

quarter[5kwR:tE] n.[C]四分之一,一刻钟:three quarters 四分之三 / She cut the cake into quarters. 她把蛋糕切成四份。

queen[kwi:n] n.[C]女王,王后:The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. 英国女王住在白金汉宫。

question[5kwestFEn] n.[C]问题 vt.质疑,对…提出质疑:It is not a question of money. 这不是钱的问题。/ There’s no question about his success. 毫无疑问他会成功。

【比较】out of the questionout of question:前者表示“不可能”、“不值得考虑的”;后者表示“毫无疑问”。

quick[kwIk] adj.& adv.快,迅速的()He’s quick at learning foreign languages. 他外语学得快。/ He is quick to learn. 他学得很快(即一学即会)

quiet[5kwaIEt] adj.安静的,平静的:The house was quiet. 房子里很安静。

quite[kwaIt] adv.完全,十分,很:That’s quite impossible. 那完全不可能。

【用法】1.不用于修饰副词too()2.通常不用于修饰比较级,惟一的例外是 quite better(身体好)I’m quite better now. 我现在好多了。





race[reIs] n.[C,U]种族,民族;(动植物的)种,属 v.(与…)赛跑,比赛;(使)疾走,赶快 n.[C]赛跑,竞赛:In the story a rabbit raced with a tortoise. 在这个故事里一只兔子与一只乌龟赛跑。/ I had a race with him. 我曾与他赛跑过。


radio[5reIdIEJ] n.[C]收音机 [U]无线电:He sent a message by radio. 他拍发了无线电报。/ He decided to speak on the radio. 他决定发表广播讲话。

railway[5reIlweI] n.[C]铁路,铁道:He likes travelling by railway. 他喜欢乘火车旅行。/ Go over this bridge to the railway station. 过这座桥可到火车站。

rain[reIn] vi.下雨 n. [U,C]雨,雨水:The crops need rain. 庄稼需要雨水。

raincoat[5reInkEJt] n.[C]雨衣:He had no raincoat on when the rain started. 开始下雨时他没穿雨衣。

raise[reIz] vt.举起,抬起;增加,提高;饲养,种植;唤起,唤醒;提出,提起:Her wages were raised. 她涨工资了。/ He raised his voice. 他提高了嗓音。/ He raised the price of the sugar. 他提高了糖价。


rapid[5rApId] adj.快的,迅速的:The improvement was rapid. 改进很快。/ He has made rapid progress. 他进步很快。

rather[5rB:TE] adv.宁可,宁愿,相当:I would rather not tell him. 我宁愿不告诉他。

【短语】would rather...than... 宁愿()…而不愿()/ rather than 而不,不是…(而是),与其…(不如)

【用法】1.可修饰副词too()、比较级、动词等:It’s rather too expensive. 这太贵了。/ She is rather better today. 她今天好多了。2.would rather 后接动词用原形;若谈论过去情况,用动词完成式;若后接从句,从句谓语要用虚拟语气(指现在或将来用过去时,指过去用过去完成时)I’d rather you went tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天去。

ray[reI] n.[C]光线 ,射线;一线光明:There isn’t a ray of hope for us. 我们一线希望也没有了。

reach[ri:tF] v.到达,抵达;伸手 n.伸手可及之距离:He reached out for the book.=He reached out his hand for the book. 他伸手去拿那本书。/ Keep the medicine out of the children’s reach.=Keep the medicine out of reach of the children. 把药放在小孩伸手拿不到的地方。

read[ri:d]v. (read, read)读,朗读,看懂;辨认,标明:I read about it in the paper. 这是我在报上看到的。

reading[5ri:dIN]n. [U]读,阅读,读物:The book is not healthy reading for children. 这本书对小孩来说不属健康读物。

ready[5redI]adj.准备好的,有准备的:Are you ready for the journey? 你为旅行准备好了吗?

【说明】be ready to do sth 是常用结构,除表示“准备做某事”外,还可表示“简直要做某事”、“就要发生某事”、“太喜欢做某事”、“动辄就做某事”:The girl is ready to cry. 这姑娘似乎要哭了。/ Don’t be so ready to find fault. 不要动不动就找毛病。

real[rIEl] adj.真实的,确实的;现实的,实际的:Is the ring real gold? 这个戒指是真金的吗? / This is a story of real life. 这是现实生活中的故事。

【说明】有时用作副词(=very / really),主要见于非正式的美国英语中:I’m real sorry. 我非常抱歉。

realize / realise[5rIElaIz] v.认识到,了解;实现:He came to realize that he was mistaken. 他明白他错了。

【说明】表示“实现”,其宾语可能是“好”的东西,也可能是“不好”的东西:My worst fears were realized when I saw what the exam questions were. 当我看到考试是些什么题目时,我最害怕发生的事发生了。

really[5rIElI]adv.确实,真正地:I’m really anxious to see him. 我的确急于见他。

reason[5ri:zn] n.[C,U]理由,原因v.推理:There are many reasons against it. 有很多反对的理由。/These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的理由。

receive[rI5si:v] vt.收到,接到,接待;接受;受到:It was a great honour to receive the award. 得到这个奖是很荣幸的事。

recent[5ri:snt] adj.新近的,最近的:His recent behavior puzzles me. 他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。/ He has made a lot of money in recent years. 近几年他赚了不少钱。

recognize[5rekEgnaIz]v.认识,认出,承认:He recognized her in the photo. 他在这张照片上认出了她。/ He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake. 他不承认他犯了个大错误。/ I recognized her as [to be] a cheat. 我认出她是个骗子。

record[rI5kR:d]v.记录,记载;录音() n.[5rekR:d] [C]记录,记载,唱片:This was a record set by a Chinese girl. 这是一个中国姑娘创造的记录。

recover[rI5kQvE] v.恢复,找回,重新获得:I was the first to recover. 我是第一个恢复过来的人。/ I recovered the money I had lost. 我找回了丢失的钱。

red[red] adj.红色的 n.[U]红色:the Red Sea 红海 / red flowers 红花

reduce[rI5dju:s]vt.缩减,减少:He is trying to reduce expenses. 他正试图减少开支。/ We reduced the price by 10 percent. 我们把价格降低了百分之十。

【注意】reduce sth (sb) to (把某物减少到,使某人陷入某种状态,使某人变成)中的to是介词,不是不定式符号:Hunger reduced them to stealing. 饥饿使他们沦落为盗贼。

refer[rI5fE:]vi. (referred, referring)提到,涉及,有关:I don’t know what he refers to. 我不知他指的是什么。/ He referred his wealth to hard work. 他说他是勤劳致富。

refuse[rI5fju:z]v.拒绝:He refused her nothing. 她要什么他就给什么。/ She refused to tell her age. 她不愿说出她的年龄。

regard[rI5gB:d]vt.看待,当作:He regarded the situation as (being) serious. 他认为形势严重。/ Mother sends his regards to you. 母亲向你问好。

regret[rI5gret] n.[U]遗憾,抱歉 v.遗憾,后悔:I regret to tell you that he can’t come. 很抱歉他不能来。/ She never regretted doing this. 她从没后悔这样做过。


regular[5regjJlE] adj.有规律的,规则的;经常的;不变的;正规的,职业的;整齐的:He leads a regular life. 他过着有规律的生活。/ It’s a regular verb. 它是规则动词。/ He made a regular visit to his parents. 他定期看望父母亲。

relation[rI5leIFEn] n.[C]家人,亲人 (常用复)关系,交往 [U](有时连用a)关系,联系:Your answer has no relation to the question. 你答非所问。

【用法】若表示客观的关联或关系,通常不可数;若表示人际关系、利害关系等,则通常用复数:the relation between cause and effect 因果关系 / He has [enjoys] friendly relations with his workmates. 他与同事关系友好。

relative[5relEtIv] adj.相对的,比较的;关于…的,有关…的n.[C]亲属,亲戚:Is he a relative [relation] of yours? 他是你的亲属吗? / East is a relative term; for example, Chicago is east of California but west of NewYork. 东是一个相对概念,比如,芝加哥在加利福尼亚的东面但是却在纽约的西面。

remain[rI5meIn] vi.留下,遗留;继续,保持,仍是:She remained in bed for three days. 她在床上躺了3天。/ There remained just thirty pounds. 只剩30英镑了。/ He remained listening. 他一直在听。/ We can remain friends. 我们可以继续做朋友。

remember[rI5membE] v.记得,想起:Remember to lock the door. 记得锁门。/ I remember seening [to have seen] him do it. 我记得曾看见他这样做。/ Please remember me to Mary. 请代我向玛丽问好。


remind[rI5maInd] vt.提醒,使记起:I reminded her of her promise. 我提醒了她答应过的事。

【比较】remind sb to do sth remind sb of doing sth:前者表示“提醒某人去做某事”,后者表示“提醒某人或使某人想起已经做过某事”:He reminded me to see the film. 他提醒我去看这部电影。/ He reminded me of my seeing the film. 他提醒我说,我曾看过这部电影。

remove[rI5mu:v] vt.拿走,移开,去掉;脱掉(衣服等)We must do all we can to remove their doubts. 我们要竭尽全力来消除他们的疑虑。

repair[rI5pZE] vt.& n.[C,U]修理,修补:The road is being repaired. 路正在修整。/ These shoes need repairing. 这双鞋需要补一补。

【短语】in need of repair 需要修理 / under repair 在修理中 / in (good) repair 修好 / in bad repair 失修 / out of repair 失修 / during repairs 修理期间 / for repairs 为了修理

repeat[rI5pi:t] v.重复,重说,重做:Please repeat what you’ve just said. 请把你刚才说的话再说一遍。/ Repeat the text after me. 跟我读课文。

reply[rI5plaI] v.&n.回答,答复:Please reply to my question at once. 请马上回答我的问题。/ I asked him if I could help, but he made no reply. 我问他我是否能帮忙,他没有回答。

【短语】in reply to 作为对…的回答(答复)

【用法】其后虽然可接that引导的宾语从句,但不能接普通的名词或代词,遇此情况需用reply to

report[rI5pR:t] v.& n.报告,汇报,报道:We must report to the teacher at once. 我们必须马上向老师报告。/ They reported seeing [having seen] UFOs. 他们报告说他们看见了飞碟。/ It’s reported that he was seriously injured. 据说他受了重伤。

republic[rI5pQblIk] n.[C]共和国:the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国

request[rI5kwest] n.& vt.请求:Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 参观人士请勿触摸展品。/ Such books are in great request. 那样的书非常需要。

require[rI5kwaIE] vt.需要,要求:They required her to keep silent. 他们要求她保持沉默。

【说明】1.其后可接动名词(主动表被动)或不定式(被动表被动)These children require looking after [to be looked after]. 这些孩子需要照看。2.后接that从句通常用虚拟语气:He required that everyone (should) attend the meeting. 他要求人人参加会议。

research[rI5sE:tF] n.[U]调查,研究:He’s doing research(es) into the causes of cancer.=He’s doing research(es) on cancer. 他在研究癌症的病因。


respect[rIs5pekt] vt.尊敬,尊重n.[U]尊敬,尊重;关心,注意;(用复数)敬意,问候 [C]方面:If you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? 自己不自重,又怎能受到别人的尊重呢?

rest[rest] n.& v.休息;其余的:Let’s stop and take a rest. 我们停下来歇会儿吧。

restaurant[5restErEnt] n.[C]饭馆,饭店:a restaurant car 餐车

result[rI5zQlt] n.[C]结果,效果 vi.由…而造成;结果,导致:What was the result of the game? 比赛结果如何? / Love results in marriage, naturally. 恋爱终归于婚姻(有情人终成眷属)/ His failure resulted from his carelessness. 他的失败是由他的粗心造成的。

【短语】as a result 结果,因此 / as a [the] result of 由于…的结果

return[rI5tE:n] v.回来;归还;回答 n.(用单数)归来,返回;归还;回报:He didn’t return me the money.=He didn’t return the money to me. 他没有还书给我。

【短语】in return for 作为…的报答或交换

review[rI5vju:] v.复习;重新调查,审查;回顾 n.[C,U]复习;复查,回顾;评论:We were reviewing our lessons last night. 昨天晚上我们在复习功课。

revolution[7revE5lu:FEn] n.[U,C]革命;旋转:One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year. 地球绕太阳运行1周需1年时间。

rice[raIs] n.[U]水稻,米饭:Rice is an important food crop. 稻是重要的粮食作物。/ Most of the Asians live on rice. 大多数亚洲人以大米为主食。

rich[rItF] adj.富裕的,有钱的:Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 桔子含有丰富的维生素C/ The rich should help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。

ride[raId]v.(rode, ridden)骑马,骑自行车,乘车旅行 n.(乘车船)旅行:He likes to ride (on) a camel. 他喜欢骑骆驼。

right[raIt] adj.右,右边的;正确的,对的n.右,右边;正确,对 adv.正好;正确:Small children do not know right from wrong. 小孩子不懂是非。/ I read right to the end of the book. 我一口气把这本书看完了。/ You answered right. 你答对了。/ He was right in selling [to sell] the farm. 他把农庄卖掉是对的。

ring[rIN] n.[C]环,戒指v. (rang, rung) (钟,铃等)响;打电话:Call in, or ring us up. It’s up to you. 你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话来,由你定。

ripe[raIp] adj.()熟的:Is it ripe enough for us to eat? 它熟到我们能吃吗?

rise[raIz] v.(rose, risen)上升,升起;起床,起立:The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。/ He rises very early. 他起床很早。

river[5rIvE] n.[C]江,河:There is a bridge across [=over] the river. 河上有座桥。

【用法】1.用于专有名词时,英国英语通常将River加在名称之前;而美国英语则通常将River加在名称之后,但不管是英国英语还是美国英语,在含有River的专有名词前,一般用定冠词:the River Thames 泰晤士河 / the Mississippi River 密西西比河 2.a city on the river,其意通常不是指“河上的城市”,而是指“河畔的城市”。

road[rEJd] n.[C]路,道路,街道:It takes three hours by train and four by road. 乘火车要3小时,乘汽车要4小时。/ the road to wealth 致富之路

【用法】其前可用介词in ()on ()I live in [on] Marston Road. 我住在马斯顿路。

rock[rRk] n.[C,U]大石头:The house is as solid as a rock. 这房子坚如磐石。

role[rEJl] n.[C]角色,作用,职责,任务:He will play [take] the leading role. 他将出演主角。/ The U.N. plays an important role in international relations. 联合国在国际关系中扮演重要角色。

roll[rEJl] v.打滚,滚动:Children like to roll on the grass. 小孩子喜欢在草地上打滚。/ He rolled over in bed. 他在床上翻了个身。

roof[ru:f] (pl. roofs)n.[C]屋顶,顶部:We share the same roof. 我们住在一起。

room[ru:m] n.[C]房间 [U]空间;余地:Move along and make room for me. 往前挪一下,让出点空位给我。/ There is much room for improvement. 大有改进的余地。

root[ru:t] n.[C]根,根茎;(比喻)根源:This is the root cause of poverty. 这是贫穷的根本原因。

rose[rEJz] n.[C]玫瑰:No rose without a thorn.=There’s no rose without a thorn.=Every rose has its thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰(没有十全十美的幸福等)

rough[rQf] adj.粗糙的;粗野的,粗暴的;狂暴的,汹涌的;粗略的,大概的;倒霉的,难熬的;不舒服的:The cloth feels rough. 这布摸起来很粗糙。/ He has a rough tough. 他说话很粗野。/ A rough wind was blowing. 大风刮起来了。

round[raJnd]adj.圆的,球形的adv. 到处;转过来;循环地,围绕地prep. 环绕,围绕;绕过,转过;四处,在…的附近;大约n. [C] 一轮v.变圆,绕行:The earth goes round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。/ The children stood round the teacher. 孩子们围着老师站着。/ Come round and see us this evening. 今晚请过来看我们。

row[rEJ] n.[C]()排,()行;划船 v.划船:They rowed across the lake. 他们划船过湖。/ What about going for a row? 一起去划船好吗?

rubber[5rQbE] n.[U]橡胶,合成橡胶 [C]橡皮擦:Tires are made of rubber. 轮胎是用橡胶做成的。

rubbish[5rQbIF] n.[U]垃圾,废物:Don’t talk rubbish. 别胡说八道。

rude[ru:d] adj.粗鲁的,无礼的:It’s rude to point your fingers at people. 用手指指人是很不礼貌的。

ruin[5ru:In] vt.(使)毁坏,(使)毁灭 n.[U]毁灭 [C](用复数)废墟,遗迹:The heavy rain ruined our holiday. 大雨把我们的假期彻底搞糟了。

rule[ru:l] n.[C]规则,规定;习惯 v.统治:Students must obey [observe, follow, keep] the rules of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。

【短语】as a rule通常 / by rule 按规定,循规蹈矩

ruler[5ru:lE] n.[C]统治者;尺:He was a wise ruler. 他是位明智的统治者。

run[rQn] v.跑,奔跑;(车船等)行驶,(溪河等)流动,(机器等)运转,(钟表等)走动;(颜色)褪色;经营 n.奔,跑;短途旅行:Don’t drink running water. 别喝自来水。/ The well has run dry. 水井已干涸了。/ The engine runs well. 发动机运转良好。

【短语】in the long run 终究,到最后 / in the short run 在短期内,当前 / on the run 忙忙碌碌的(),匆匆忙忙的() / run away 逃走,逃脱 / run out of 用完

rush[rQF]v.冲,奔跑;匆忙;催促n. [C]繁忙,抢购,冲,奔:rush hour 交通高峰时刻,上下班交通最拥挤的时候 / She rushed into the room to tell us the news. 她冲进房间告诉我们这个消息。

Russia[5rQFE] n.俄国,俄罗斯:Tolstoy was one of Russia’s most famous writers. 托尔斯泰是俄国最著名作家之一。

Russian[5rQFEn] adj.俄国的 n.[U]俄语 [C]俄国人:Russian is a difficult language to master. 俄语是一种难掌握的语言。



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