

900句 课堂笔记 7

2.12018 900句课堂笔记 7

开场白:Before we start, I’d like to let you know thattomorrow is Friday, and tomorrow night we are going to have two shows together.First of all, from 8:00 to 9:00, we are going to have the Qingclass’ FM. Andthen tomorrow night, 9 o’clock we are going to have IELTS speaking. And thenSaturday afternoon, in Hangzhou, we are going to have a off-line meeting. Soyou can just be there if you can manage the cover of distance. Don’t forget,there will be Kevin as well.

Alright, so that’s Saturday afternoon. And so far, we’ve got dozensof people promise to come that day, so you can be there too. And there would besurprises. And if you can be there, there will be some surprises. It’s allfree, just be there.

Unit 19 Asking About The Address 询问地址

271. Hi,Jack, where do you live now? 你好,杰克,你现在住哪儿?

Live& stay的区别:live at home, stay in hotel

A:Where are you staying tonight? 如果问出差的人,通常会用stay呆在哪儿~

B:I’m staying in the hotel.

A:Where do you live now? 你住在哪儿?你家在哪里?

272. Ilive at No. 203 Curzon Street. 我住在可胜街203号。


273. CurzonStreet? Isn't Mary living there? 可胜街?玛丽不是也住那儿吗?

Isn’tMary living in the same place? Are you and Mary neighbors?


Myneighborhood is really good. 我家附近环境挺好的

It’sreally a bad neighborhood. 我家附近环境很糟

274. Yes,she lives just across thestreet. 是的,她就住在街对面

=opposite to/of the street 对面

=onthe other side of the street 另外一边

Rightacross 就在正对面

Ourhouses are face to face/against each other.面对面

275. Howlong have you stayed there? 你在那儿住多久了?


I’vestayed in Beijing for 10 years. 我在北京已经了十多年了。

I’vesettled down in Beijing. 我在北京定居。

A:When are you going to settle down and get married? 你们两个打算什么时候安定下来结婚呢?

B:I don’t want to settle down. I want to keep my options/choices open. Christine

Whendid you moved there? 你什么时候搬过去的?

Timeis like a rocket, you never see but it’s gone. 十年弹指一挥间  

276. Just a few months. 才几个月。

Justa couple of months. 注意发音要连贯

Imoved here a few months ago. 我几个月之前才搬过来。

A:Are you a resident in Beijing?

B:No, I’m not a resident. I’m just a passby. I don’t belong here.



277. Howabout Mary? How long has she lived there? 玛丽怎么样?她在那儿住多久了?

Whyyou always care about Mary?

/Whatdoes Mary have to do withthis? /What does Mary have to do with this? 1句替换

Sowhat about Mary? / And for Mary? 1句替换

A:What do you want to eat?

B:I want pizza.

A:And for you?

278. She'sbeen living there since her birth. 她生下来就住那儿。

It’sher birth place. 出生地

关于土著人:通常指没有开化的人aborigines 澳大利亚原住民 nativeAmerica/Indians 美国土著

Bornand raised/local 本地人

I’mfrom Hangzhou, born and raised. /I was born and raised in Hangzhou.

279. Willyou stay there for long? 你会在那儿待很长时间吗?


Youknow what? I think hometown is a place where keep deep inside your heart, butyou don’t have to physically be there for all your life, you should set youreyes/vision around the world /have a global vision.

280. No,I'll move to Hollywood next month. 不,我下个月搬到好莱坞去。

I’mgoing to pack up and go/shift next month. 打包行李走/有个转变(搬家)

281. Oh,really? I'm moving there too. 真的?我也会搬到那儿去。

Oh, really? Me too! What a coincidence! 真巧! Coincidental 巧合的

Acoincide with B 两件事情同时发生

SpringFestival coincides with Valentine’s Day. 今年除夕正好赶上情人节。

282. Great.Then we can drink beer together. 棒极了,我们可以一起喝啤酒了。客气地随便一说~

Well,that’s a good idea. It’s adeal. 就这么说定了哦! 回答~

283. Yes, and you may stay there longer. 对,而且你也许会在那儿住久一些

Staythere longer=stay there for a long while 很长一段时间

I’mgoing to be there for as long as I can see. 在我能预见的未来应该会住很久吧~

Well,I guess, you know, in the future for as long as I can see I will still be ateacher.


284. Ihope so. 希望如此。不一定很可能或是谦虚~

I’llkeep my fingers crossed. 我为你祈祷/祝你好运。

285. I'msure we'll have a good time. 我相信我们会很开心的。没话讲的时候最后一板都会说这句~

Everythingis gonna be alright. /It’s gonna be okay, alright? /Don’t worry.

Maybeyou don’t see it, trust me, okay?

You’regonna be alright. 战胜疾病和病魔是对病人的美好祝愿(请脑补一段电影情节)

Thereis a dark side to it that most people don’t see. 台上一分钟台下十年功。

Iwish you good luck. 我希望一切好运哦!当别人要去做什么事儿的时候可以这么说~

/Enjoyyourself. 好好享受哦!/Have a good time. 玩儿得开心哦!

Allthe best (to you). 写信/说话的开头都可以用,表示希望你一切都好~

Hi,Lucy. I hope everything is alright with you. 见信安好~写信的开头~




Unit 20 Asking Questions 提问题

286. Whereare you going? 你去哪儿?

疑问句的开头方式:what/who/where/how/which/why 5W1H

Wheredo you think youare going? 加强语气~你知道你自己要去哪里?(前面是悬崖你要自杀吗?)

Whereare you headed? 你要去哪里?

287. Wheredid you go for dinner yesterday? 你们昨天去哪儿吃的饭?


bysomething to me 买来给我

bysomething for me 买来送我(表目的)

288. Whenwill he come to see you? 他什么时候来看你?言外之意:你觉得他什么时候会来看你?

Whendo you expect tosee him? 期待/预见他什么时候会来看你?


Howoften does he come to see you?

Tomorrownight, we are going to talk about love.

Iuse to have a girl friend who stays in another country. I would visit mygirlfriend once every month, you know, by plane, to fly six-hour flight, flewto that country to meet her, and we stayed for a week, and then I came back toChina.

It’scalled long-distancerelationship. 异地恋 所爱隔山海,山海皆可平

Youalways expect/counting on someone 总是期待着见到一个人

counton someone=looking forward to see him 巴望着见面,掰着手指头数着

289. Whendid you buy the car? 你什么时候买的车?

Whendid you get the car? 听课时发挥点儿想象力,试着替换场景来编对话,你会怎么说?

290. Whotold you? 谁告诉你的?言外之意:没有这回事儿

Wheredid you get the information? /What’s the source? 进而反问/你的信息来源可不可靠?

I’vegot some very reliable inner source. 我有些非常可靠的内部资源

Howdid you know? 你怎么知道的?很诧异~ 表意相同,但讲话重点不同~

291. Whowill accompany youto the airport? 谁将陪你去机场?很正式,口语当中不常用~

Whowill escort you tothe airport? 护送

Thepolice will escort you. 警察会护送你 military escort  军队押送

Escortgirl 在社交场合陪你出席活动的漂亮女伴儿

Escortservice 陪伴/护送服务 空军一号旁边定有战斗机护送~

Picksomebody upsee somebody off

292. Whydon't you agree? 你为什么不同意?

Comeon, tell me why you say no. Give me a good reason that you should say no. 加强语气~

A:Hey, I want you to give me a good excuse for being late today, okay?

B:I was abducted byaliens. 我路上被外星人绑架了。

A:Oh, really? Can you describe it to me? 说不下去再教育他,不要上来就打骂~


293. Why not go out for awalk? 为什么不出去散步?

Why don’t you go out fora walk? 注意why don’t you的调调,don’t调调降

Howabout going out for a walk?



294. Howdid you spend your holiday? 你假期怎么过的?

Howare you doing these days? 这些天你过得好吗?

Anythingfun during your holiday? /Tell me about your holiday experience. 常用词


Wehave quite a fluent userexperience. 用户体验

backupphone 备用手机

295. Howare you doing these days? 这些日子你怎么样?

A:How are you getting along these days? 你这些天怎么过来的?

B:I’m getting along pretty well/not bad.  

gettingby 凑合,将将过

A:Hey, how is your life?

B:Well, it’s just getting by, nothing bad, nothing too good. Just like that,everyday, you know, get up, eat, work, go back home, sleep and then get upagain and work again and sleep again and eat again. That’s my life.

296. Whatdid he say in the letter? 他在信里说什么了?



297. Whatare you going to do with the books? 你打算拿这些书怎么办?

Whatare you going to deal with the books?

298. Whatwere you doing when I called? 我打电话给你时你在干吗?像不像老婆经常问的?

A:What were you doing when I called?

B:I was answering your phone. 接你电话啊~

A:What were you doing before I called? 之前呢?

B:Well, that’s easy. I was waiting for your call. 等着接你的电话啊~


299. I was about to leave. 我正要出门。 当时正打算干什么

Soalways keep your hope up. 人生有希望就会觉得活下去有意义

300. Canyou guess what I was doing this morning? 你能猜到今天上午我在做什么吗?

A:Can you guess what I was doing this morning?

B:What do I care? I don’t care, okay? I don’t give a shit. 我为什么要在乎?我一点儿都不在乎~

A:Come on! Don’t be mind, just kidding. /you willlove what I’m going to say.

B:Oh, really? Come on, tell me.

A:You know, I just met your ex-girlfriend today on subway.

B:How does she look like?

A:She looks prettier than before.分手之后过得比原来更好才能让你的前任后悔~你要过得更好~

Becauseyou are going to have something/someone better waiting for you.

Thebest weapon to your enemy is your biggest smile. 最好的对待敌人的工具就是你大大的微笑。

Sowhen people are say something bad about you, you just smile.

(OS:You keep on saying, I don’t give a shit.)

可是真的很在乎怎么办?Well, it’s like this. You never care about those people who don’tcare about you. You should care about the people who are worth your care andlove.

真的是在乎吗?You just don’t wanna go. You think that you lose something. 不甘心?


Youcry because you lose something. 离开你我会变得更好(现在还一个人的童鞋要自信!)

Unit21 Measuring AndComparing 形容物品、度量、比较

301. What'sthe height of the building? 这座楼有多高?

Howtall are the building?


302. Howmuch does the elephant weigh? 这个大象有多重?

Theelephant weighs 2 tons. 大象重2吨。


303. What'sthe color of your new dress? 你的新衣服是什么颜色的?

Whatthe color is your new dress?

304. What'sthe size of your shoes? 你的鞋多大尺寸?

Howbig are your shoes? /What’s your size?

305. Mybrother is twice as tall as your sister. 我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。

Twice as big 两倍大 twice as fast 两倍快 多少倍+as+adj.

Mybrother is double the height of your sister.

iphoneis double the price of Xiaomi.

306. Mygrandma is 40 years older than me. 我祖母比我大40岁。

Mygrandma is 2 score years older than me.

Score二十 没有复数形式,本身就是复数含义

307. Thisriver is one third as long as that river. 这条河只有那条河的三分之一长。

Onethird 三分之一 two thirds 三分之二 threefourths/three quarters 四分之三

threefifths 五分之三 当基数词大于一时,序数词要加s

308. What'sthe shape of your balloon? 你的气球是什么形状?

It’sdifferent from each other. /Each balloon has its owe shape. 每个气球的形状都不一样

Everybodyhas their own likes and dislikes. 每个人都有自己的喜好

309. Howwide is this bridge? 这座桥有多宽?

What’sthe width of the bridge?  

310. Howthick is the ice here? 这儿的冰有多厚?

What’sthe thickness of the ice?

Thickand juicy 肥厚多汁(形容牛排)

Indulgeyourself 放纵一下自己

CongeeAll kinds of congee 年年有余 粥粥复始

Idon’t really care about those stuff. 对吃不感兴趣~

Youreally have to experience it. 偶尔可以带孩子盛装出席西餐厅感受一下西方餐桌礼仪~

推荐:台塑牛排 —— TASTY 西堤厚牛排

Eatwhile teach the child how to use knife and fork.

Medium五分熟 medium well 比五分熟高一点儿medium rare比五分熟高一点儿








311. Thismetal is harder than that one. 这种金属比那种硬。

Stiff硬 ,形容词 stiffness 硬,名词

312. Hecan run as fast as Jim他跑的和吉一样快。

Hecan run with the same speed as Jim.

313. Kateis smarter than I. 特比我聪明。

Kateis more clever/intelligent than I (am).

IQ=intelligencequotient 智商

EQ=emotionalquotient 情商

IP=intelligenceproperty 知识产权

314. Howlong do you watch TV every day? 你每天看多长时间电视?

What’sthe duration of theTV watching持续时间~

Thesong has 2 minutes’ duration. 这首歌时长2分钟

‘apostrophe 单引号


__underscore 下划线


315. Howoften do you go swimming? 多久去游一次泳?

Howfrequent do you goswimming? /What’s your frequencyof swimming? 频率~

2-3times a week frequency 健身频率


Taking turns and changing roles

Taking with yourself

Is a great way to practice speaking.




                                           ——Michael 小麦老师



A:Hey, where are you going?

B:I’m going to the supermarket.

A:Why do you go to the supermarket?

B:I’m going to buy some fruits.

A:What’s your favorite fruits?

B:As long as it’s fruit. Why you asking so many questions? Are you going to payfor this?

A:Oh no, I’m just asking.

B:If you are not gonna pay, shut up and go out.




美剧之前的提示:Viewer’s discretion is advised. 类似于如有雷同纯属巧合,本片中还有部分暴力镜头,请在家长陪同下观看


Heck— hell, shoot — shit, darn — damn 带入情感,加强语气,并非纯不文明用语


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