



Notestaken by Claire


Unit37 Appointments

I have a dinner date with someone. Date不总是表示浪漫约会,也表示一个普通的约会

Love date romanticdate 才真正表示跟情人约会

I’m sorry. I need to re-schedule. 重新安排

I’m all booked up. It has been bookedup. 我的时间都预订完了


541.  原句:I'd liketo make an appointment with Mrs. Green.

扩展句:make an appointment 注意连读。


542.  原句:She's freeon Friday and Saturday.

扩展句:She will be available on Friday and Saturday.

She will be convenient this Friday and Saturday.

She’s OK this Friday and Saturday.


543.  原句:Sorry, canI see her before Friday?

扩展句:Sorry, can I see her a few/couple of days earlier? It’s kind ofurgent.


544.  原句:Let mesee. She has 30 minutes Tuesday afternoon.

扩展句:Let’s see what we can do for you. She has 30 minutes inbetween.

You seem to be like a good person. Let’s see what we cando for you. 或者说Let me arrange it for you. I can arrange it for you.


545.  原句:At whattime?

扩展句:When is the exact time? 确切时间


546.  原句:From 4 to4:30.

扩展句:Between 4 and 4:30.

Well, you know, Mrs. Green can’t be there after 4:30. 或者Mrs. Greencan only be there before 4:30. 或者Mrs. Green has to come back by 4:30.


547.  原句:All right.表示不是特别满意,比较凑合而已。

扩展句:Fine, I’ll take it.


548.  原句:So you'llcome then. Please phone in if you can't make it.

扩展句:If you stand me up nexttime. We’ll gonna be dead. 放某人鸽子

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. My boyfriend stood me up for an hour. I just dumpedhim right away.


549.  原句:I have aninterview this afternoon.

扩展句:She was due to celebratethe Chinese Lunar New Year. But she didn’t show up and didn’treply to messages. 本应该


550.  原句:I can comeanytime except Sunday.



551.  原句:You can reach me at 6609823. 联系到我

扩展句:I can’t reach him recently. 我联系不到他了


552.  原句:He phonedto cancel the meeting.

扩展句:He just called to cancel the meeting.


553.  原句:Pleasecall me before you come.

扩展句:Confirm if you wanna come. You have to confirm before you come.

Before you come, please double check. 再次确定


554.  原句:Pleasemake an appointment with my secretary.

扩展句:arrangement administration 会务,guest reception 礼宾部

Fix a time 定时间


555.  原句:I have tochange my appointment from Monday to Thursday.





Unit 38 Seeing A Doctor

556.  原句:What'syour trouble?

扩展句:What's your problem? 不是特别礼貌

What seems to be the problem? 这种表达方式更礼貌一些

Is there anything wrong with you?

Tell me how do you feel right now.

Anything I can do?


557.  原句:How longhave you had it?

扩展句:Since when? Since yesterday.


558.  原句:I shouldsay you've caught a cold.

扩展句:caught = got

Blood test 验血


559.  原句:You needan injection. 注射

扩展句:You have to take the IV. 打点滴(美国人用法)

She’s been on adrip for 3 days. 打点滴(英国人用法)


560.  原句:Is itserious?

扩展句:Is it a big problem? How am I doing? How bad is it?

What am I supposed to do? 我现在应该怎么办?

It gonna take a while. 可能需要花一点时间治疗

Come on, it’s a piece of cake. Don’t worry. 小问题,没必要太紧张

Don’t blow it out of proportion. 不要小题大做

He needs immediate treatment. 他需要抢救

Emergency 急诊


561.  原句:Do I needto be hospitalized? 住院

扩展句:paralyzed 瘫痪了,残疾了

You are gonna stay in ward for some time. 病房

Hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘,忙碌

ICU: Intensive Care Unit 重症加强护理病房

CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复舒




562.  原句:Have youseen the doctor?



563.  原句:What didthe doctor say?

扩展句:What’s the doctor’s diagnosis?诊断

I was diagnosed with …


564.  原句:Jack is upand about now. 好了,又活蹦乱跳了


I wish a quick recovery. 我祝你早日康复


565.  原句:The doctorsays that I should take quinine.

扩展句:malaria 疟疾


566.  原句:What sortof medicine do you take?

扩展句:capsule 胶囊,pill 药丸,tablet 药片,syrup 糖浆,course 疗程,dose 剂量

He died of overdose. 过量服药

3-month course 3个月疗程


567.  原句:The doctorsays that I should not eat anything oily.

扩展句:Eat something blend. 吃清淡点


568.  原句:I had ashot of penicillin.

扩展句:For parents, it’s really necessary to learn something about thosemedical science.


569.  原句:You haveto be operated on.



570.  原句:He gave mea chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.

扩展句:take my temperature, take my pressure 测量体温和血压


Unit 39 Making A Phone call

571.  原句:Hello. MayI speak to Mr. Green?



572.  原句:Just amoment.



573.  原句:Hold on.



574.  原句:He's notin. May I take a message for him?

扩展句:He’s out. Do you wanna leave a message for him?


575.  原句:Yes,please.


题外话:美国人很喜欢看书,在餐厅在地铁上坐下来都是看书而不是玩手机。My daughter is over 3 years old now, she never gets to touch that(手机和ipad.

It’s really impressive to write it down. EMF手抄一遍印象更深。

They are gonna miss a lot of things.

Calligraphy 书法


576.  原句:Would youanswer the phone please?

扩展句:I’ll getthe phone. 我来接电话


577.  原句:I want tomake a long distance call.



578.  原句:This isMary Speaking.

扩展句:This isMary. Who’s that?


579.  原句:Would youtell Mr. Green that I called?



580.  原句:I musthave dialed a wrong number.

扩展句:wrongnumber 说这两个单词就足够了

Unsolicited call, Cold calling 骚扰电话

Cold visiting 上门推销

You can install a phone call filter app. 来电过滤软件

Unexpected visitor 不速之客

Personal property, No trespass 私人领地,非请入内

Trespasser 非法入侵的人


581.  原句:I couldn'tget through.

扩展句:I couldn’t reach him.


582.  原句:I have tohang up now.

扩展句:hang up the phone 挂电话

How dare you hang up on me! 你居然挂我电话!

So what! I’ll do it again!

You do that one more time!

Just like you said!


583.  原句:Would youcall back tomorrow?

扩展句:Would you give me a call back?


584.  原句:There'ssomething wrong with the phone.

扩展句:Is there something wrong with your mind? 你脑子有病啊?


585.  原句:I tried tocall you, but the line was busy.

扩展句:Sorry, the subscriber you are dialing is busing now. Please dial againlater.

Subscriber 用户

Out of service 电话不在服务区

Power off 关机了

I’ll put the call on hold. I’ll pick up another call. When I finish,I will call you later.

Conference call 电话会议

Have the phone call simultaneously 实时通话


When you speak, it’s not searchingfor the words you need but building with the words you have.





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