



Yesterday, I just got a priority mail fromFedEx. 昨天收到了联邦快递寄来的优先快件。

International Driving Permit (IDP) 国际驾照


Unit40 About Mail


586.  原句:I havereceived a letter from my cousin.

扩展句:I got a letter from my cousin. Get 可能表示是我自己去拿的,receive强调我收到的

Precise 用词要精确


587.  原句:I haven’theard from him for a long time.

扩展句:never heard of him 表示没有人提起他

Come on. Don’t mention that heartbreaker.别提那个负心汉了

For ages 好几年了


588.  原句:Send apostcard to me when you arrive in Shanghai.

扩展句:I think everything needs to be covered. 小麦老师不喜欢寄明信片,没有隐私

Don’t forget to send me a postcard. 你务必要给我寄明信片。

The first thing you have to do when you arrive inShanghai is to send me a postcard. First thing first.重要的是先做


589.  原句:I put somephotographs in the envelope.



590.  原句:He hasn’tanswered my letter yet.

扩展句:hasn’t answer连读可以吧na连在一起。

He hasn’t reply to my letter yet. 他还没给我回信

Answer the phone call 接电话

Answer the door 开门

Automatic answering machine 自动答录机

Voice mail 语音信箱


591.  原句:My mothermailed me a parcel.



Check your parcel 认领快递


592.  原句:We havebeen keeping in touch with each other by Email since he left China.

扩展句:Now we have entered the Internetage/Information Era. 互联网时代/信息时代

Bandwidth 带宽

BitTorrent (BT), Emule, Flashget, FTTP 以前用过的下载软件

Megabytes (MB) 兆字节


593.  原句:Don’tforget to put stamps on your letter.

扩展句:stamp collection 集邮


594.  原句:How longdoes it take for a letter to get to America from Beijing?

扩展句:pen pal 笔友

Writing letters on a real piece of paper, I think thatwas a very effective way to practice your handwriting.

Atlas 地图集

At that time, I was quite cool, because I know a lotabout the western world. I know a lot about the other country. I can speakEnglish. And I always show them a lot of cool stuff that they don’t have.

Video Cassette Recorder, VCR 录像机


595.  原句:You’ve gotan express mail.

扩展句:Postage 邮费


596.  原句:To make itfast, you can send a fax.

扩展句:snapshot 快照


597.  原句:My motherhas sent me a registered letter, I guess she has something important to tell.

扩展句:register letter 挂号信;telegram 电报


598.  原句:I found myname on the blackboard. I must have got a remittance.

扩展句:remittance 汇款;internet transfer 网络转账


599.  原句:Do youwant to airmail it or not?

扩展句:It’s all about test. 应试教育

Regular 平信

Airmail 航空信


600.  原句:I drop theletter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office.

扩展句:What if it rains, will the raindrop kind of just trickle down intothe slot. 雨水会不会从邮箱的口漏雨把信打湿。

First of all, we started from picking the paper. Pickingthe paper is really important. It has kind of aroma on the paper. The ball penuses some kind of scented refill. Those are the good old days. I don’t knowwhat they are doing right now, but I really miss them. We lost contact.

Anonymous letter 匿名信

Patterns of flowers 花纹

Aroma 香味



Unit 41 Talking About Feelings

601.  原句:You lookradiant tonight.

扩展句:radiant 有种辐射的感觉,光彩夺目


602.  原句:It was a terribleexperience.

扩展句:It was a terrible shopping/learning/travel experience.


603.  原句:I am on topof the world.



604.  原句:The dinnerwas wonderful.

扩展句:The dinner was yummy/amazing/savory.

It’s a feast! 大餐啊


605.  原句:TheChristmas tree is gorgeous.

扩展句:The Christmas tree is charming. It’s really gorgeous! 华丽丽

Flashy 浮夸

I don’t want to catch so much attention. 不想太浮夸

I wanna stay low. 我想要低调


606.  原句:What aboring movie it is!

扩展句:Come on, this movie is so tedious/blend.无聊/乏味

I think film is that kind of film that you justimmediately forget after you finish seeing it. This is a movie that you mightnot be able to remember anything of it next morning when you wake up. It’s justanother popcorn film that you just enjoy the scenes, the fighting, but nothingmuch, nothing too inspiring and motivating.

I think the plot is too predictable. 电影的梗太老套


607.  原句:How can hegive us such a tedious lecture!



608.  原句:Howfragrant the flowers are!

扩展句:InternationalFlavors & Fragrances IFF 国际香料公司


609.  原句:The partyis making too much noise.

扩展句:The party is way too noisy. The party is really loud. It’s reallydeafening.

I’m way better than you are. 我比你牛多了

It’s way too much. 实在是太多了


610.  原句:You lookelegant in that dress.

扩展句:This dress makes you look elegant.


611.  原句:The coatdoesn’t suit you.

扩展句:You are suited to each other. 天生一对


612.  原句:Hisflattery makes me sick.

扩展句:You are so sick. 你太恶心了


613.  原句:We had agood time.

扩展句:We had such a wonderful experience.


614.  原句:We enjoyedourselves very much.

扩展句:I really enjoyed myself. 我很享受


615.  原句:I am boredto death.

扩展句:I’m thirsty/tired to death. 表示程度

I would rather die than to go back to work. 宁可死都不愿意去上班


Unit 42 Looking For A House

616.  原句:This houseis for rent.

扩展句:It’s really a big issue for people who are working outside of theirhometown. I think that having a nice place to live it’s really importantespecially for girls. A lot of girls choose to share an apartment with some ofthe roommates. But you have to be very careful about choosing the roommate.Otherwise you might be stolen, or you even be killed. So stay outside, staysafe.

Public bathroom 公用厕所

For sale 卖房子


617.  原句:It’sreally a bargain.

扩展句:It’s a real bargain.

Coupons 代金券


618.  原句:I want torent a furnished house.

扩展句:drop and live 拎包入住


619.  原句:That houseis for sale. It has central heating.

扩展句:cooling system 空调

Floor/ground heating 地暖

Pipe 管道


620.  原句:What kindof furniture do you like?

扩展句:real wood 实木

Cozy style 居家温馨的风格


621.  原句:This israther old house. It needs painting.

扩展句: It needsto be painted.

I need changing.


622.  原句:I want anapartment with two bedrooms and a kitchen.



623.  原句:The housesdowntown are very expensive.

扩展句:The rentis really high.


624.  原句:How muchis the rent for a month?



625.  原句:I feel athome living here. The landlady is very kind to me.

扩展句:Makeyourself at home. 请随意

Home stay 寄宿家庭(指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿)

They might be really mean. They might ask for a raise in the rent, otherwise they may kick you out. 涨房租

Do’s and don’ts 该做和不该做的规矩

Lease 比较正式的说法,表示租约

Rent 表示一个动作,租


626.  原句:We have afew kitchen things and a dining room set.

扩展句:kitchen ware 处方用具; course ware 课件


627.  原句:There’s nogas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove.

扩展句:gas range 一套煤气灶;electric stove 电磁炉


628.  原句:There is ashower in the bathroom.

扩展句:The shower head is broken. 花洒头坏了


629.  原句:I have adog, but it’s very quiet.

扩展句:I think if you share a room with somebody else, you have to put upwith a lot of things, you have to make compromise, and you have to make a lotof sacrifices. 跟别人合租你需要做出很多让步

So I can have my own apartment without sharing the roomwith somebody else.


630.  原句:The roomhas a big closet. You can put your baggage in it.

扩展句:come out of the closet 同性恋出柜

Luggage 英国人常用法

Baggage 美国人常用法


Chalk 粉笔

Internet just kind of rips thatpleasure off from people. 网络把那种快乐剥夺了

I think it’s really important forpeople to go back to the old time, and using pens to write something, you know,to keep a diary. You can keep down some random thoughts on a really exquisitenotebook. Girls are the same. They like to buy exquisite notebook. I like thatkind of girls. I like girls that like reading, like writing, like all thosekinds of small thing, bling bling, you know, and a little bit shy, and may notbe telling everything but prefer writing.


Everything comes in at least three forms: noun, verb, and adjective.


I really want to dig a hole anddisappear. 动词的表达方式

It’s a big shame. 名词的表达方式

Embarrass 形容词


Reminiscence 怀旧

No matter how old you are, you’realways that little girl. Never let that girl inside of you die. Always have agirl heart, because you will never get old. Happy girl’s Day!

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