

中脉科技 | 以大胆创新的手法重新定义办公空间


This is a standard office building commercial building. The primary task of the design team is to break the structure of the building and give it the innovative concept of fashion and leisure to separate it from the original architectural framework. Looking at the overall situation, the design focuses on space sharing to dominate the overall situation, because this is the only element that can intervene and transform the structure of the building.


The designer combines the corporate colors of the midrib: orange to define the color division of the space. This design is based on the Morendi gray as the main color tone, adding orange as the color color to attract attention, so that the space will breathe and breathe.


The layout of the central axis of the interior with an open staircase guide is planned. The wooden staircase is not only closely connected to the upper and lower floors, but also a diversified activity center. There are also many shared conference rooms and other auxiliary spaces on this central axis.


Temporary rest areas are scattered on both sides of the stairs, providing visitors and users with informal meeting and negotiating space. A large number of glass windows allow the interior of the office to be filled with bright natural light, allowing the building to obtain a more transparent indoor environment, but also increase the perspective between the layers. Flexible office environment allows users to freely relocate space according to the work needs of various departments. The design places the reception and rest space in the central media of the four-story building, so that employees and visitors have a good space interaction, so that corporate employees inhabit the immersed office environment and corporate culture.


The new space is concise, intuitive and efficient. Customers want to promote the evolution of working methods through design, encourage collaboration and mobility, and promote the health of employees. Optimizing natural lighting, using vibrant colors, and customizing designs to meet demand create a refreshing sharing space.

整个办公空间我们大部分采用敞开式的设计方式,使得整个空间具有连通性和互动性。迎合了当今欧美提倡的轻松办公的理念,让员工在舒适惬意的环境里迸发各种good idea。

For the most part, we use an open-door design to make the entire space connected and interactive. It caters to the concept of easy office advocated in Europe and the United States today, allowing employees to burst out in various good idea in a comfortable and comfortable environment.


Come here for a good cup of coffee during business hours. This is a perfect place to focus on your work, have big dreams, and be inspired at all times! Designers create an environment for the workers to create a large pattern, so that everyone who has visited will leave a deep impression!


Clear glass, brilliant colors, and rich light brighten every area and corner of the room, redefining workplace standards in a bold and innovative way, providing a multi-dimensional dynamic office space.


The straightforward construction of space, with the help of color, produces a sense of power and lightness, so that the entire space is full of visual tension and elegant and dynamic artistic charm.



中国的办公空间面临着巨大的变革。无法预测的团队的组织与大小,新的工作类型,科技的巨大影响,都将强烈地冲击与改变21世纪的办公形式。从“中国制造”到“中国设计” 的转变强迫着企业们重新思考未来工作的内容与方式。办公方式的协作与互动极大地促进了创新,这也将是21世纪办公的核心价值所在。同时,办公媒介也从办公桌变为笔记本电脑,甚至在移动设备上就可完成工作。所有的这些都要求办公环境可以更好地适应不断变更的需求,并在此基础上衍生出新的机会。

The office space in China is facing tremendous changes. The unpredictable organization and size of the team, the new types of work, and the huge influence of technology will all strongly impact and change the form of office in the 21st century. The shift from 'Made in China' to 'Design in China' has forced companies to rethink the content and approach of their future work. The collaboration and interaction of the office style has greatly promoted innovation, which will also be the core value of the office in the 21st century. At the same time, the office media has also changed from a desk to a laptop, and can even do work on mobile devices. All of this requires that the office environment be better adapted to changing needs and, on that basis, new opportunities arise.


设计 / 冠品团队

面积 / 2700㎡

地址 / 浦口区,南京,中国

编辑 / 瞿麦

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